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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'
Maya Angelou
26/Nov/13 12:26 PM
Magnolia, KY
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As I was leaving for the Lions Club meeting, it started to snow.
It's gotten heavier by the minute. Everything is now white and getting deeper and deeper.
They're now saying it's supposed to snow for the next 2 days! I have no idea what driving conditions will be like tomorrow, but I'm gonna have to brave the roads. I'll just have to go slowly.
26/Nov/13 12:32 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good evening friends. Today I went to pool, water a bit cool, as happens on Mondays when the outside temp dropped over weekend. But it was enjoyable and I did a lot of pool walking. Tired when I came home, so after a big lunch (ham, cornbread, oven fried okra, potato salad, field peas and sliced tomatoes) I had a 4 hour nap! Pain has been better today, I am happy to say.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving lunch here. I am looking forward to it. I hope they have cornbread sage dressing, like Mom used to make. I could (and have in the past) make a meal of dressing and cranberry sauce. I think I shall take a small dish of CB sauce with me, that little cube of sauce served in a tiny paper cup is never enough for me hehehe.
The flowers outside survived the freeze, even though I did not cover them. I was going to, honest, friends here shamed me into it, telling me how much they enjoyed the flowers and hated to see them die. But you see, I had misplaced my blankets I use to cover them. I knew I had brought them in after last freeze, because I had washed and put away the sheet I also used. I was too tired and hurting to spend any more time looking for them, I had looked all the logical places they could be, and left the flowers to chance. Happy they survived and happy to say I found my blankets/throws this morning, while I was doing other chores. They were in an illogical place hehehe.
We are having cold rain, and about 2-4 inches of rain forecast for next 24-36 hours. Maybe some sprinkles of snow tomorrow night or the wee hours of Wednesday morning, but unless you get up to watch for it, will miss it, as they say it will be gone, melted by daybreak. If it does snow, I am sure others will supply plenty of photos to the local TV weather show, I can see it there
My eyeglasses are ready for pick up. I must go down tomorrow and arrange a ride to pick them up. Wednesday would be first available bus time for medical appointments. Hope there is a time slot open, mine would fit in any time since I do not need appointment.
I did not get to grocery yesterday or today to pick up ingredients to make a dessert to take for lunch tomorrow. I wanted to make a lemon meringue pie, have a great easy recipe, but need a couple of things. Then I looked at a new recipe for a magic cocoanut pie, sounds easy and good, makes it on crust as it bakes, but not the best idea to make a new recipe without making one to taste test first. I also needed ingredients for that one. Today at the pool, Nolena offered an Oreo cookie pie crust she had in her pantry, I could make a chocolate cream pie, but I never phoned her to go get it, remember I slept all afternoon. So I shall look again in pantry and see what I can come up with. I think I have a white cake mix, there should be something I could do with that.
Hugs to each of you, with extras. I did read, congrats Rolanda on having son home for weekend, but I have forgotten most of what i read. so hugs for everyone, w
26/Nov/13 1:50 PM
Alabama, USA
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OH Heidi, do be careful tomorrow on your trip to Pain Clinic. I hate that you have to be out in the snow, but you do need your medicine!
26/Nov/13 1:52 PM
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Good Evening, Everyone! I'm headed to bed, and the alarm is set for 5:30. I'll be donating platelets at 7 a.m. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and
for everyone!
26/Nov/13 4:55 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Exciting morning. Just after dawn, IH and I got a call from a friend that he needed help with a cow that had a dead calf sticking half out. He believed the cow was already paralyzed. So we gathered up our equipment and rushed over there. It was a small heifer, under 2 years old, with a dead calf, all right. But the cow was not paralyzed, just exhausted. The calf had it's head and it's right front leg out completely, but the other front leg was twisted back. We got a chain on the one leg, and tried to see if 2 people pulling could budge it. Not an inch. We decided that if we used our mechanical calf puller with that leg back, we would paralyze the cow and doom her. So we got the friend to call around until he could find a Vet who could get there sometime this morning. A Vet has the ability to either get that other leg forward so the calf could be safely pulled out, or to saw that leg off, with the same results. We could not get that dead calf out without dooming the cow. A Vet could save the cow. At least we gave the owner some help by assessing the situation completely.
The temperature has risen to just above freezing, so it's a bit wet and slushy out, but there's no ice on the roads. So I'll be leaving in about an hour to run my errands.
27/Nov/13 1:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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27/Nov/13 7:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back with my pain meds and all of the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner.
I am tired, and once I put everything away, I'm gonna nap. I got some acorn squash and pork chops for supper tonight, as well.
27/Nov/13 7:22 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Happy happy Birthday, Julie - I hope you have a wonderful day!!
27/Nov/13 9:31 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I haven't said anything so far in case I failed but I have been on a diet for 14 weeks now. Today I passed the 10kg mark at my weigh-in. I have now lost 10.7kgs, that's over 23 lbs. I started getting food delivered from Lite n Easy but didn't really like what they offered so decided to go it alone by counting calories and eating healthy - and checking to my Nutritionist daughter. I still buy the LnE dinners occasionally for convenience. I have at least another 10-15 kgs to go to where I'll feel happiest but I'm so happy with my progress so far.
27/Nov/13 12:02 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Make that 'checking with'!
27/Nov/13 12:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Congrats, CynB!!!
27/Nov/13 12:04 PM
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You are doing well Cyn
BTW while we are talking about diets and losing weight..
Although I have not lost as much as Ms CynB, I have lost more than 6kg since June last year.
(3 1/2kg since mid Aug when I started on the Lite n Easy)
I would like to lose another 6Kgs.
27/Nov/13 12:18 PM
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Well done CynB and Rolanda. You both will be feeling good for the summer. Heidi - how is the poor cow? Like the quote. Julie - good on you - without people like you donating I wouldn't be here. Beautiful day here (about 26 celsiuis) and sunny, but rain for the coming weekend - isn't it always the way? Have the cravan to clean this weekend inprep for the beach - it has only been sitting there waiting for the past 6 months. Left it to the last minute as usual. Hubby and son come back from China tomorrow - just as well - son has had a couple of hypo episodes sowill be glad to get home. Today they are at Stanley market. House looks like a bomb has hit it so I have that to try and fix up tonight so am leaving work by 6. Truman doing well after his surgery - none the wiser only he looks like a baboon. Poor cat will be relegated to outside again once hubby is home - she has enjoyed lying on his side of the bed at night! Take care everyone
27/Nov/13 5:01 PM
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Suzy - I feel for your friend - what a dilemma! It is good she can confide in you so long as it doesn't affect you too much. Look after yourself..
27/Nov/13 5:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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*** Grossness Warning***
We asked our friend this evening about the cow. The Vet showed up when he said he would. He couldn't reposition the leg on the dead calf, so he had to saw it in pieces inside the cow to remove it. Then he removed the pieces and treated the cow for toxicity and infection. She hasn't walked yet, but she's eating and drinking while regaining her strength. The Vet believes she'll be OK, and should have more calves in the future.
27/Nov/13 5:28 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Heidi, what a way to start the day! Too bad about the calf, but good news for the cow. Did IH actually attempt to help? It must have been so frustrating for all involved in trying to ease the calf out. No wonder you were exhausted! I'm glad yoyo were able to get your pain meds! It would be awful to deal with the holiday and long weekend without your meds!
Thanks to Heidi and Cyn for the birthday wishes here! We went to dinner tonight with a friend. His wife was on her way home and was supposed to join us, but was delayed. (We didn't mention that tomorrow is my birthday.)
Congratulations to Cyn and Rolanda on successful dieting! Well done to both of you!
MIdge, I suspect you'll be happy to have hubby and son home, Wish there were someone to help you with cleaning the caravan and house! Good news that Truman is doing well after surgery! Must your cat be outside, or is there somewhere besides your bed where she could sleep at night?
I'm fading fast, so it must be time for bed. Positive thoughts, prayers,
, healing vibes and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all!
27/Nov/13 6:16 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh, I hope the cow comes good, after all of that - poor thing she must be exhausted.
27/Nov/13 6:37 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Got my car back all fixed up and at no cost, thank goodness that we still had a few weeks of warranty left on it.
Phew, it's good to know I'll have wheels again. But at least I know the ins and outs of our local bus timetable!
27/Nov/13 6:39 PM
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Happy Birthday Julie!! I bet you have a busy day planned and not a spoil yourself kind of day. I hope you manage to at least have a sleep in.
27/Nov/13 7:48 PM
qld, australia
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Julie, hope you have more time to relax and spend time with friends that care about you.
27/Nov/13 8:10 PM
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Heidi, I'm glad they were able to save the cow. And I'm glad you got your pain pills.
Cyn, yay! That is great news!
Midge, we have the same forecast. I bet you can't wait to see hubby and son again! You sound like me with procrastination...
Congrats to Rolanda and Cyn on your weight loss. I have only lost 2.5 kg, and half of that was the stomach bug (cheating) so it feels like I've lost nothing at all. I'd like to lose another 20kg, which still puts me at 10kg above the weight I was before and after Dana. You should both be patting yourselves on the back. I thought about light and easy, but the food looked very bland to me and I knew I'd substitute so gave it a miss.
Poor Alie... hubby watched a video online and is trying to give her some temporary relief. Scary stuff.
27/Nov/13 8:13 PM
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Happy birthday Julie, I do hope that you are having a relaxing day.
Cyn and Rolanda, congratulations on the weight loss. I hope I can follow your lead.
Heidi, sorry about the neighbours calf. Hope the cow is OK. Pleased that you now have your Meds.
Tricia, hope your pain keeps away. Same for you Midge.
It will be nice when Mamacita is well enough to come here and post.
I bumped into a friend when shopping yesterday and we had a cup of coffee, hence I am still awake!
Ken got a prise in the raffle and brought home 1/2 kilo of lovely big prawns. We had them as an entrée for dinner, followed by a nice piece of rump steak!
28/Nov/13 2:17 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Happy Birthday Julie ...hope I still made your birthday date on time.
Rolanda & Cyn... WELL DONE. It takes a mighty effort to lose weight and you should be very proud.
Heidi..good news, that the cow should recover after the delivery of the dead calf.Vets are special people to do what we find so gross. Snow would be welcome here but never likely.
June..dinner would have been delicious with prawns and steak.
I have missed so much here and comments are out of date.
28/Nov/13 5:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I was exhausted and slept until 1pm. I got up to a white world. At least the snow is done, but it won't melt until tomorrow. It won't hit the freezing line today. I only have one errand to run... go to the bank and deposit the money from out Lions Club gumball machine. Otherwise, just a few farm chores and starting to get the house and table ready for tomorrow.
28/Nov/13 5:53 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Boy it really irks me when I loose a long post.
Always busy here. Have a charity group coming today to pick up the last of Judys things. Redone all the gardens, had 2 Real Estate quotes and decided to sell. Rental has increased since the flood but sale value has decreased. Carpets have been shampooed,windows etc cleaned and in the high heat and humidity we have felt our age.Redone screen door mesh and the list goes on. The glass's fog up, eyes start stinging and I want to go home.
Will make short posts so not to lose.
28/Nov/13 5:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I will give IH credit. He did most of the work with the friend's dead calf yesterday. (He likes to impress his friends with his knowledge.) There was still enough hard work for 2. Our friend (not a neighbor... he lives 6 miles away) was afraid that the heifer would attack him, so wouldn't get close. We got a rope and halter on her, took a dally around a barn post, and had him hold the ends of the rope from 10 ft away. Then we did what we could. Which was basically to assess the situation. We left the rope and halter on her to make it easier for the Vet.
28/Nov/13 6:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I think selling is a good decision, Nola. Despite the lower values. This way you won't have to worry about damages to the property, payments, insurance and taxes if you rent it out.
28/Nov/13 6:07 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Today, a bobcat will load the last of garden refuse and spoiled items of Pauls, from the investment property that were not covered by insurance.
The only thing left to do there is the gardens front and back.
Greg managed to mow our lawn the other day, which was dead one week, and grown out of hand after a huge storm, the next.We only have 1 acre, but it is becoming too much to manage with all that is going on.
Hope you are all OK.
Love reading your posts.
28/Nov/13 6:09 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Heidi...thats what we think too. People come and go when renting and you still have the rates and expenses without income.
The Body Corporate fees are worse than the rates.
There is no pool or locked gates to warrant such high fees either.
28/Nov/13 6:14 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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To sell, according to the Real Estate Agent, I needed a copy of the 'Body Corporate Disclosure'.
This will cost $190.00 for the standard letter.
What an absolute rip off and disgrace.
This is why the value is down I think. The Body Corporate fees are horrendous.
28/Nov/13 6:20 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Sonny, my Jack Russell, has caught 2 mice inside the house. I think they got in, when we would leave the back screen door open, before we got the doggie door installed. What a good boy!
Sonny, also had his vaccinations for Heart worm and Parvo virus etc last week and has developed a huge lump at the injection site on the back of his neck. It doesn't seem to worry him as he is still eating and playing so maybe it is allergy or normal. Have you ever seen this Heidi?
28/Nov/13 6:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yeah, I have seen it. It could be many things, including an injection site abscess, allergic reaction, or fluid leaking into the injection site. Sometimes the injected fluids just don't disburse like they should, and while the antibodies disburse to the correct sites, the diluent (yes, I said diluent. That's the fluid they use to carry the antibodies) just sits there. If it's just accumulated fluid, massaging in will help disburse it into the surrounding tissues. Otherwise, you may want the Vet to look at it, and possibly drain it, before it turns into an ugly lump of scar tissue. But try gentle massage and maybe hear packs, to break it up first. If that does no good, you can see the Vet. But it doesn't hurt him, and never will. It just looks ugly.
28/Nov/13 7:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Ops. Heat packs, not hear packs.
28/Nov/13 7:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oops. I meant oops, not ops.
28/Nov/13 7:24 AM
Alabama, USA
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Good one Heidi, an ooops to correct an oops hehehe.
busy day here. I had to make a trip this morning to urgent care. Tuesday morning I found a rash under arm. I started treating it for fungal infection,. Today it was much worse, so off to doc I go. I was correct in diagnosis but I guess it did not like the medicine I used. I got the anti-fungal pills, and a new cream, and the swish and swallow cause mouth was burning and had ulcers. Of course they did not have the cream she ordered at pharmacy, and it will be Friday before I get that.
got home in time to have a fast lunch then up to play scrabble. I had missed the last 2 weeks, was afraid they would fire me if I did not make it today
. We had a good game, our last game was 2 points difference in first 3 scores, yep a tie for second, and fourth was only 5 points off to0p score. I think it was a very evenly matched game.
We saw medics arrive for someone while we were playing. did not see if they transported anyone or not. I hope not, no one should be in hospital over Thanksgiving, cause they let everyone they can have the holiday off, and will be short staffed. After our game, I had to water some plants I had put inside, in elevator lobby for our building, they looked very thirsty. As I was leaving for doc, Louise, one of our deaf residents, came and with a couple words and signs let me know those flowers looked droopy. I had actually forgotten how long they had been inside, so glad for the reminder. I got those watered and then went outside to cover plants for the night. forecast low of 24, with wind chill even lower. they missed it last night, but do not think it will stay above freezing tonight. Temps have dropped all day today, and the wind is terrible! None of Heidi's snow, thankfully. Hope the summer flowers survive the night once again.
Heidi, I was sorry to hear of the calf who died, but do hope the cow will be OK. I think the whole area knows who to call when they have a problem. You do so much for the people in your neighborhood.
NOLA, good on sonny for catching those mice. NOT what you want inside. I hope the swelled area on his neck improves without another trip to the vet. Let us know how he is doing, please.
Have I missed Julie's birthday, or just almost? Either way, hope you had a great day, with presents and cake.
June, don't you hate when just one cup of coffee keeps you awake? For that reason, I drink only de caf coffee. Lots of friends say WHY BOTHER hehehe, but I do like the warmth and the taste, never was hooked on the energy boost it gives some. How nice to get the prawns for your dinner. One of my favorite things from the sea, love my shrimp! I think I need a trip out to a seafood restaurant soon to enjoy some.
CynB and Rolanda, congrats on the weight loss. I hope each of you can reach your goal sooner than later, but I feel sure you both will reach it.
Suzy, I hope Alie is doing better. Is the referral to a surgeon to remove tonsi
28/Nov/13 11:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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Here is part 2:
Suzy, I hope Alie is doing better. Is the referral to a surgeon to remove tonsils? I understand your being concerned about how it will affect her voice. Has her voice teacher ever had that problem, or had a student who has, and might recommend the doc they used? Do keep us informed, and tell her GET WELL SOON, please.
I am out of here, time to hold down that recliner a bit before making a simple dinner. Not sure what it will be, but as cold as it is (I got chilled out with flowers, it is NOT cold inside) soup would be good. There might be some home made soup in freezer. If not always some tinned in the pantry.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
28/Nov/13 11:07 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Heidi..thanks for the info, It doesn't seem to worry
Sonny, but after reading your post, I contacted the vet and they said it does happen occasionally. I will massage it as you suggested, and the vet said to come back, if the lump kept getting bigger.
28/Nov/13 11:15 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have been going thru Judys paper work this morning, to find when she actually bought the unit for tax and resale info.
I found letters that she had kept,one being from a nephew when he was about 6 yrs, from 1979. Bitter sweet memories but also a laugh.
He said, that his sister at about 3 yrs, had just got glass's and a brother of about 2 yrs, kept pinching them. I send the letters to him as he may enjoy seeing his writing and letter from so long ago.
Better get back to the job now.
28/Nov/13 11:45 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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MisT...I commented but lost the post,
which had you included. Hope the rash has improved. Usually these things occur in hot weather but obviously not always.
Take care of those plants and flowers!!!!
28/Nov/13 11:48 AM
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