Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gecko and Jugs to Everyone!

Heidi, I am so sorry you had to make that decision for Sugar. Obviously, it was the right decision, though difficult. I imagine she was thrilled to cross the Rainbow Bridge and see many of her old friends! I also imagine it must be a relief to her to no longer be burdened by the accidents. {{{HUGS}}} to you! I'm glad Spike and Bear are home and doing well after their surgeries.

Victoria, we'll be thinking of you and your family on Sunday! Sending strength to those conducting any part of the service and especially to Kevin and family members.

MizT, I'm glad you're feeling better, but sad that the pansies have suffered from the cold. Fingers crossed that they will be able to send up some new shoots when the weather warms.

Broni, I'm also wondering about the rooftop tent, but haven't yet had a chance to consult Mr. Google.

CynB, congrats on your successful dieting! You are an inspiration!

Theresa, I hope all is well and the temperatures are moderating.

June, somehow I had envisioned three players per side, but incorrectly assumed it was 3 women playing against 3 men.

I'm falling asleep at the computer, so it's time to wish all of you lots of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
10/Jan/14 7:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry, I didn't check the number. Here's a thought for today.

“Someone once told me that fear and courage are like lightning and thunder. They both start out at the same time, but the fear travels faster and arrives sooner. If we just wait a moment, the requisite courage will be along shortly.” unknown author
10/Jan/14 7:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've seen pictures of those rooftop tents. They're kinds cool, but they're not for someone heavy like me. I could collapse the roof of the car! They'd be perfect for Broni. One advantage to them is that wildlife can't visit you in your sleeping bag at night! No snakes , skunks or other unwanted visitors! Plus, if it rains, you're less likely to get flooded out.
11/Jan/14 1:06 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Vicky and Heidi...keeping you both in prayerful thoughts. When the animals see Heidi coming near the Rainbow bridge, it may well collapse with the sheer joy of those waiting to kiss and thank her for all of the love she has given them. Great image to have. I'm suppose to go to the surgeon today, but the roads are ice covered from freezing rain that is expected to change over soon...but I'm a little leary about driving the needed distance that will take 1/2 hour travel time on icy streets. I just may have to reschedule....but it seems so silly when it will change....decisions, decisions!
All seems to be well here and my heart continues to be warmed by all of you. Sending Maddy belated congrats upon reaching those glorious teen years.
Take care and know that I care. Peace.
11/Jan/14 1:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Not feeling well today.... headachy and nauseous. Back to bed in a few minutes.
11/Jan/14 2:25 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, feel better quickly. About the roof top tent, I thought the same thing. Not only could I not get UP to rooftop, it would not be strong enough to hold my weight.

I did the back to bed thing earlier. Would have stayed longer but had set alarm to give me time to dress and eat before my appointment for hair cut. I just got a phone call. Leaky pipe in beauty shop area had closed that area for use until repaired. Some appointments had to be rescheduled, and since I was last one to schedule, first canceled. So,another week of this hair, unless I find one of the walk-ins welcome chain beauty shops nearby.

Mama, you are wise to stay off the icy roads. This is not an emergency appointment, and could be postponed. I would stay home if there were any chance the roads would not be clear in time.

Vicki, continued thoughts and prayers for you and all your extended family. Tears are often a good cleansing for emotions. There needs to be some outlet, so just take along extra tissues and hand them out as needed. Give that person a gentle hug, or just hold a hand. And remember that we would all be there holding your hand if we could so just picture us giving comfort as you comfort your hubby and in-laws. Come home and come here to vent, we got your back!

June, thanks for the explanation. My mental picture had all 5 you mentioned on one team, now that would have been a lot of wait time for your turn, wouldn't it. Just shows how uninformed I am about lawn bowls.

Another emergency vehicle with siren just stopped at our building. I can tell by the sound. There have been an unusual number of those this week. January is a bad time for elderly, with pneumonia and flu and any other illness. More hospitalizations and even deaths in January than any other month.

Cannot remember anything else from previous page, and would loose this if I went back. So I will sign off for now, and consider making a grocery list for items needed next week for the soup plus the few things I need today. It is cloudy and yuck looking outside, but dry. Tomorrow and Sunday it shall rain. Better to go today I think.

Hugs to each of you with extras for those who could use them. Vicki and Heidi, take as many as you need, and anyone else I have forgotten. Till later.
11/Jan/14 4:30 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko and Jugs my friends.
Well I will be the proud owner of my rooftop tent etc by next Friday.
MizT and Julie, you have a roof rack fitted to the car then the bed it fitted to the rack with a tent structure over the bed, this folds in half for travelling. When unfolded you have zip in walls that looks like a normal tent beside the car, I also purchase a roll out awing for the other side of the car which has full netting around it to keep out the bugs. This will be very handy when I get my caravan and want to travel to remote places that the caravan cannot go.
Vicki, thinking of you and family. Make sure you check the PP presentation works on the church equipment.
11/Jan/14 8:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH has offered to take me out to dinner tonight! I really didn't feel like cooking, so it's a good thing.
11/Jan/14 10:14 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I'm back, but I'm also hurting. The roads cleared up in time for me to get to the doctor today and I almost wish I hadn't. Since the tube had been in so long (just shy of a year) it was taking far to long to close. That left me open to infections so he had to cut out a part and close it up manually. I was given 6 needles to numb the area first. They hurt like blue blazes. I didn't feel the rest of it thankfully, but now the pain has come to a head and he didn't give me anything for pain...tylenol is going to be the best thing I can use...sigh. No fun for now. Wish I could go back to bed, but Jazz won't let that happen before 10 or luck. Talk to you all later. Hugs, jugs and peace.
11/Jan/14 11:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One good thing, Mama.....the area will just hurt tonight, then feel better. I wish they had given you one or two real pain pills for tonight, though.

We went out to the one nice local restaurant, both had a good meal, then IH discovered that he's left his credit card at the gas station when he'd filled up his truck earlier today. Between us, we had just enough cash for the meal and tip, fortunately.
11/Jan/14 12:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow we sort out 20 to 25 calves to sell, and weigh them. On Sunday I take the 5 biggest to the graded sale. The rest we sell a week or 2 later. Monday I let IH use my truck again to take another load of Holstein calves to Tennessee. Tuesday is the County Cattlemen's meeting. So there's something going on during the next few days, but not a whole lot of stuff.
11/Jan/14 3:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, All! Thinking of all of you and hoping all are well and safe in this crazy weather - too hot, too cold, too icy, too rainy, etc.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing vibes for each of you and those you love!
11/Jan/14 6:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Time to have brekkie, then get to work. I believe we're gonna start with the cattle in an hour. The weather is cooperating! It's a near-balmy 51ºF / 10.5ºC !!!!
12/Jan/14 2:12 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. I am up and moving after a 12 hour nap! Came home from errands yesterday, had a bite to eat, and fell into bed at 5 pm. I slept till 9. figured I would be up half the night, but by midnight, I was back to sleep.

MAMA, I hope you are feeling better today. I cannot imagine doctor doing that procedure and not giving a few pain pills! It is the government's fault, they are checking on every doc, every prescription now, they think people in pain are addicted to pain pills! Some few who are out hunting pain pills are addicted. People who really have high levels of pain seldom get addicted, unless they have short term pain and long term pain medication. OK, off the soap box for now hehehe.

HEIDI, good luck with sorting the calves. I hope they are all fat and healthy and bring the best price. Take care of your back during the sorting, please.

Broni, congrats on ordering your roof top tent. I hope you get to use it often and see some great places in your travels.

I was really hurting when I came home yesterday, on my feet to long. I went looking for a loveseat for my living room. I had a list of features I wanted: slim arms, fitted back pillows, none of that attached pillow on the arms, no waterfall back. It could be red, navy blue or beige. and it had to be 60 inches long or less. Well, it was red! A bit deep but a pillow behind my back and it sat comfy. Easy enough to get up from, too. Only thing that upset me was, this chain store is advertising on TV that it is going out of business. Prices are half off, some are half of half off. NOPE, not what I found, prices are about what they have been. I have checked this store online several times since I moved here, looking for just the loveseat I wanted. Everything in the store is MARKED UP, then marked down from that. This loveseat had on it's tag something over $1000 dollars, marked down to $499. There has never been any loveseat online that was over $1,000. I tried to haggle for a better price, nope, 'Prices are firm'.

Well, $500 was about what I had budgeted for loveseat, and is what it would have been priced before the 'sale', so not out of price range. Do I let it go by just because I do not like their business practices, or just go ahead and get it cause it is just what I wanted, and the only one I have found in a year that was?? Leaning toward go get it at the moment.

I was so lucky coming in from my shopping. I was wishing for a good parking place in the lot, just too tired and hurting to deal with anything else. Lot was full as I puled in, but I saw my next door neighbor headed to her auto. Since no one was behind me coming into lot. I just waited and yes, she quickly got into auto and drove away! YEAH, good parking place!

I managed to break the handles on yet another shopping bag, those coarsely woven cloth ones you can buy. I had my chair loaded with purchases. this bag hanging from the back. Turning around in elevator, this large bag caught on
12/Jan/14 2:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Page 2

Turning around in elevator, this large bag caught on something, and ripped the handles off, dumping my bag into the floor. No way to hang it on the chair rest of the way home, so a heavy bag of groceries in my lap. I already had a second bag sitting on my foot rest, leaving tiny space for my feet, so I was loaded getting home. I should have made two trips, but all I wanted was to get home!! Made it though, put away only cold things, ate and fell into bed.

We had a big rain overnight. From looks of the weather map the front that is south and east of us now, we had quite a rain! Maybe even some thunder and wind. Way down in south east corner of state, they have tornado watch now. I slept right on through all of that, never heard a sound.

OK, I have a long list of things to do today, need to get started. Thanks for being here for me so I had company as I ate my breakfast, read the posts and wrote this.

Hugs to each of you, with extras for Mama and anyone else who needs them.
12/Jan/14 2:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, MizT. You get the loveseat that you want, simply because it IS the one you want, but you tell them that you don't like their business practices, and will NOT recommend them to anybody. Then you write a letter to the editor of the Birmingham newspaper stating exactly what they did with that ''sale''. Public pressure and embarrassment will teach them not to pull a blatant fraud like that again. But the loveseat isn't to blame for them being losers.
12/Jan/14 4:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... next time I visit you, I'll give you one of my heavy duty shopping bags made from strong tarp, with straps that go completely under the bag and are guaranteed NOT to rip off. They're not the prettiest things you've ever seen, but they're not garish and they're very practical.
12/Jan/14 4:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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NOT off to work the cattle. IH has been dawdling as usual.
12/Jan/14 4:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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He's still dawdling, but I caught the one calf that hadn't come through with the herd last night, and got it back with it's mother. Temporarily. But the cattle are all together now. The next step is to get the herd out of the pasture they're in and into the holding pens. We have 3 helpers available, so as long as everybody follows my directions instead of IH's, everything should go smoothly.
12/Jan/14 4:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The calves are all sorted out now, but it took a LOT longer than expected. Why, you ask? Because unbeknownst to anyone, IH had opened the back gate to the holding pen, and left it open, so once we got the cows up into the holding pen to sort them, the entire herd went out the back gate and out into another pasture. So we had to go catch them again. That gate is NEVER to be left open. Ever. And IH knows that. It's like he intentionally tries to sabotage every job we do on the farm.
12/Jan/14 8:08 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Just dropping by....The pain has eased but is not gone yet....still lots of draining going on Tricia...I agree with your soap box stance and I agree with Heidi that you get the love seat you want and embarrass them with the letter to the editor and cc the company too. Heidi...I think you know your husband time you get ready to sort the cattle, check all of the gates first..he could use a little of the embarrassment action too...might help if done in front of the helpers. Broni...hope you enjoy your tent and get lots of use out of it. Have a great are overdue for one. sure have pegged this crazy weather...our snow and cold have gone...we now have mild,windy.rainy and foggy weather...some thunderstorms have been reported but I haven't heard them in my area. So it or stay warm, stay dry and out of the sun know what's needed where you are and keep covered with hugs and good vibes as needed...Take care all...peace.
12/Jan/14 2:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All of the helpers today know what a screw-up IH is. They've all seen him at his dumbest and cheapest. John, in particular, is really good at telling Gil stories to the rest of the neighborhood.

We'll be loading up the 5 biggest calves at 12:30 so I can take them to the sale. There should be long lines tomorrow, so I want to go early. I'll bring a book to read while sitting in line.
12/Jan/14 4:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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HI, Everyone!

Mama, I wish more of the pain had disappeared by now! Maybe tomorrow will be better!

MizT, your long nap was just what you needed. I agree with the others. Get the love seat because it is what you wanted. Make sure others know about the business practices of the retailer!

Heidi, there is so little that IH does that surprises us. What an I he is. I'm glad you were able to sort out the 5 biggest calves. I hope all goes well on your trip to the sale barn, and hope you get an excellent price! Enjoy your book while waiting!

Thinking of everyone and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and JUGS, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and ! I hope to see everyone tomorrow!
12/Jan/14 5:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'll come back tomorrow on my proper computer but wanted to drop in tonight to say I've been thinking about Vicki all day. Big hugs
12/Jan/14 10:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wish I knew where Rolanda lives. The fires are bad over there
12/Jan/14 11:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thoughts and prayers for Vicki and family, now that funeral is over. I hope they all can get a good night's rest tonight.

OH NO, thoughts and prayers for those in the way of the bad fires in West Australia. I hope Rolanda and her home are safe.

Up today to sunshine and warmer weather. I think today will be a beautiful day.

Julie, good to see you drop in. What is keeping you busy today? SUZY, good to see you also.

MAMA, I do hope your incision stops hurting today. Of course it is weekend so you cannot phone your doc for pain meds. If pain is not gone tomorrow perhaps you can call for something??

Heidi, I think Mama had a good suggestion. check everything, if Gil is involved in any chore, and then check again, just as you would if there were a 10 year old involved. Some ten year olds are more responsible than he is!! MAMA, I do not think it is possible to embarrass Gi., He does not take responsibility for anything, it is not his fault, so he cannot be embarrassed over it. Right Heidi?

HUGS to each of you with extras for Mama, Vicki and family and hoping Rolanda does not need them!!

13/Jan/14 1:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Just read that the fire in Perth has been contained, I hope that is accurate and no more homes are in danger. there were 27 homes lost, but no loss of life reported.
13/Jan/14 1:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You really got IH pegged, MizT. Unfortunately, I can't check everything he does because I can't be in 2 places at once. I was on foot almost a half mile away, first catching the lone calf, then moving the cows in the direction of the pens, while he was messing up, THEN joining me to help move the cows. The one helper I really trust, John, didn't see him open the gate in back, either.

I need to go out in 10 minutes and hook up the livestock trailer. Then off to load up the 5 biggest calves. My trailer isn't very big, and won't hold many cattle. I got it primarily to haul horses, and a few head of cattle if needed. If I need to haul a larger number... like the other 27 calves that got weaned yesterday... I'll hire someone with a BIG trailer. The original plan was that we'd sell the remaining calves next weekend, but IH wants to feed then for about a month before selling them to get more weight on them. If he does the feeding, I'll agree to it. My back can no longer do that kind of work.
13/Jan/14 4:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My fingers are crossed that everything is OK with Rolanda.
13/Jan/14 4:09 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Will the weight they gain bring enough more $$$ to pay for the feed they eat gaining the weight and increase the profit? Just wondering.
13/Jan/14 6:07 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Today the weather remembered it is winter and it's cold, windy and gray least it's dry. I'm feeling much better today, just a bit of ouch if I move too quickly or the wrong way.
Many of you may have forgotten that I have a great grandson since I don't talk about him too often and didn't have any pictures to post....well I finally got a great picture of him and was able to post it to Facebook, but don't know how to bring it over here...perhaps someone can give me some directions and I'll try to share it on these pages....He's a cutie now and turned two in November. His name is Ezra and he lives in North Carolina with his Mom. I wouldn't
get hear him being told to stop or get down from stuff more than anything
Hoping things are calming down a bit for Vicky and family now that the funeral is over. Perhaps the family can now have bonding time and can share their memories...wishing them peace.
Heidi and two have convinced me that there is little or no hope for Gil ever really improving his infuriating ways of disruption instead of really helping...Glad I'm not married to him because these things would have driven me batty a long time ago and I'd be in an institution by now. Heidi...I guess your long association with animals of all types have helped you understand his actions a bit better than I....and of course the good things that he possesses and first attracted you to him also.
Daughter is here so I'm going to visit awhile..take care all. Peace.
13/Jan/14 6:12 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I wouldn't = I often....makes a tad more sense eh?
13/Jan/14 6:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, if Gil opened the back gate after you started herding the cattle into holding pen, then he most definitely was sabotaging the job. I do not understand what he gets from doing things like that, but most people continue a behavior only if they gain something from it.

Mama, if I were married to Gil, I would not be batty, I would have either left him or sent him packing, many years ago. Heidi's sense of honor, her keeping her word, keeps her from doing that.
13/Jan/14 7:40 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I have time to read, and even some energy...

Mamacita, I'm trying to imagine letting the dog out at 4 in the morning in the kind of weather I'm hearing about, and can't. Gasp. I'm sorry to hear about your pain. I hope you are feeling better by the time I get to the end of this. I'm glad you got home okay before the bad pain hit.

Cyn, I haven't heard any more about the Stradbroke fire. I hope that's because it's out and not because the one near Perth is worse and pushing it out of the news.. Teenagers... I thought I had Alie back, she spent a couple of days not being horrible. Then she had a bad night for sleep and the horrible teenager was back!

Julie, the weather for your day 'out' sounds a lot better than the temps I've been hearing about, but still way too cold for me! I was going to say 'be safe' when you drive, but I'm so far behind in my reading that you've probably been and gone several times already.

Broni, I can't believe it's been almost a year too. I really enjoyed our time sitting and chatting. We have a nicer seat to sit on now.. hint hint.

MizT, you reminded me of the time pain meds did that to Dana and nobody had told her. She thought she was dying! I hope I read that your problem is fixed by the time I catch up. Yay! All gone. There's a lesson for you. If you are sleepy, go to sleep, night time chores will still be there in the morning... I had read that about pain pills MizT, you don't get addicted if you are actually in pain. That kind of mark up/mark down thing happens all the time. I think it's actually illegal here (vague memory of hearing something one time) but what they do is bring in stock just for the 'sale'. They then don't mark up old stock, just new stock.

Rolanda, I hope I see more posts from you, I've been watching the fires on the news and, even if you aren't close to them, the smoke would be horrendous. I read an article about them and the citizen they interviewed was called Peter. A common name I know, but...

Oh Heidi, I'm sorry about Sugar. Big hugs!!

Cyn, congrats on your weight loss! That's a lot!
13/Jan/14 8:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, bowls sounded like fun. Is Laura coming back to see you after Belinda's?

13/Jan/14 8:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Trying to catch up from so far behind, I know I've forgotten to say something I thought of as I was reading... oh well, please know I thought of you.

Things have been hectic here. After my day with Tahli I put away all of the Xmas stuff, we've had an impromptu visit to the circus, and I've joined a gym. I have to do something to improve my strength - and hopefully prevent another stroke. Alie joined too so we should motivate each other. They were wonderfully supportive and helpful so this should be a good experience. I kind of held back a bit when we were going through the exercises because I was scared. After having Tahli I needed hubby's help to walk down the hall! That was my hip though and I don't think anything to do with the stroke. I'm hoping building up some muscles again will fix that.
13/Jan/14 8:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from taking the calves to the sale barn, then grocery shopping. IH told me he would meet me at the holding pens/load out chute at 12:30. I had the trailer hooked up and in position by 12:30, but no IH in sight. By the time he showed up at 12:50, I had loaded the cattle by myself. I lucked out once I got to Glasgow... there was only one trailer ahead of me!!! Wally World is only a half mile from the sale barn, on my way home, so I stopped there for groceries. The drive home was infuriating, though. The whole way home, except the final 3 1/2 miles, I was behind this idiot driver who insisted on going 20 MPH under the speed zone.... his brake lights didn't work... and he repeatedly would stop suddenly for no reason, then start driving again. It's 40 miles of very winding road, with no place to pass safely if you're hauling a trailer. I came close to rear ending him several times. It was not a fun drive.
13/Jan/14 9:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, MizT... feeding the calves will more than pay for itself. Especially this year with high cattle prices and low feed prices.
13/Jan/14 9:06 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, that sounds like someone with an insurance wish...
13/Jan/14 9:53 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, the fires on Stradbroke are still not out but under control. We could see the smoke from them in the hills on the island as we went down into Victoria Point yesterday but it was nothing like the pall of smoke from last week.
Rolanda and Peter are in Albany until Friday. I just looked at a map and it seems that their house is 10-15kms from the fires, towards Perth. Hopefully all will be well. I've no doubt they are keeping an eye on it all and are in contact with neighbours and family to check the situation.
13/Jan/14 10:07 AM
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