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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Lizzy G
Gosford, Aus
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Rolands reply to my text message is posted at the top of page 3 on easy today. Very similar to what Cyn B had to say....
13/Jan/14 11:25 AM
Lizzy G
Gosford, Aus
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on the previous page!!! (gee I wish I could type or at least learn to read over what I type before I send ! Rolanda does have an A on the end.
13/Jan/14 11:27 AM
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Hi everone.
I am safe in Albany 400ks south, we head home on Friday.
The Fires are in the Darling Ranges (the hills). East of the city.
One of my friends brother and his wife live nearby the fires, they have been evacuated.
My brother and wife live a few suburbs west of the fires, as far as I know they are still safe.
Where I live is SW of the Fires in the foothills (bottom of the Darling Range), quite safe (for the moment)
Thanks for your concern.
Thanks for passing the message on Lizzie xx
13/Jan/14 11:38 AM
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and while I am on this page (not to be said on FB yet please).
Come mid July,I will be an Oma. Son #1 and his partner are 12 weeks Pg. All is well.
Peter and I are very excited and happy to becoming Grandparents.
13/Jan/14 11:42 AM
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Thank you Cyn, I thought she was away, but I'm not sure what side of Perth they live on since they moved..
Theresa, I just realised that I haven't mentioned you, does that mean you haven't posted or that I'm hopeless? I hope things are going a little better with you FIL and your grandie.
13/Jan/14 12:00 PM
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Hi Rolanda!! Good to hear!
13/Jan/14 12:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What a relief! And congrats, Oma-to-be!!!
13/Jan/14 12:16 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Such exciting news, Rolanda!!
Being a grandparent is one of the greatest joys in life!!
13/Jan/14 12:24 PM
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Suzy, I live in the Eastern Suburbs.
13/Jan/14 12:54 PM
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Needless to say Peter and I have been floating on Cloud 9 of Happiness since Friday Evening
13/Jan/14 12:56 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone!
Thank you for all your best wishes and support yesterday. The funeral was lovely (my nieces and SIL have wonderful singing voices), the service was led by one niece's husband, another niece's husband played the piano and a third niece's husband read the eulogy. Another niece and my son Shaun did readings and a Great niece read another poem. Still another niece (I have 6 of them) spoke about her Grandmother and I also spoke about my MIL.
We all moved to the hall for afternoon tea and mingled and caught up on all the latest family gossip. Along with hubby's siblings we had 14 of the 15 nieces and nephews and 8 of the 20 great nieces and nephews, so it was quite a crowd.
Lots of photos were taken and memories shared. All in all we feel like we honoured MIL and she would have been happy if she had been there. The roses from the arrangement on the coffin were shared out for all to take some home as a momento (for drying or pressing).
Broni I checked all the powerpoints and music and it all worked beautifully on the day to my relief.
Last night was another of reminiscing as well toasted MIL and said farewell to family. We only have 2 more visitors until Wednesday and then we are on our own again.
13/Jan/14 1:08 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Rolanda, congratulations to you and Peter as the grandparents to be. Congrats especially to #1 son and his partner. What wonderful news for your family.
13/Jan/14 1:21 PM
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Greetings to All! So many visited and posted today. Unfortunately, I'm to even going to try to respond to everyone. I can barely keep my eyes open. Last night was not a good one for sleep. SIL and grand puppy came yesterday and stayed overnight. He returned home this afternoon, and puppy (Jeet) will stay with us all week.
This has been a busy week for practicing (2 new pieces for Quartet Strings plus regular lesson stuff). Also have begun sorting through bills paid to begin getting ready for tax preparation. On top of that, some extra cleaning and laundry in preparation for SIL's stay. Tomorrow we need to get membership cards printed for woodturning club (about 195 cards). We actually got to see a movie on Friday (Frozen) and would like to see Saving Mr. Banks.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all who posted or read without posting! Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and
{heart] for everyone! (I hope i remembered correctly what it looks like when you click the heart! I can't get the smilies opened tonight.
13/Jan/14 6:41 PM
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Sure, now they're working!
13/Jan/14 6:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Taking my mid-sleep break.
IH is borrowing my truck again later today to take another load of Holstein calves to Tennessee. He's delivering them as they are being born, which is why he can't take all 30 at once. This trip he's taking 9 of them. They're only using bull calves since the dairy wants to keep the heifer calves, so they can't predict how many will be available how soon.
If I HAVE to go anywhere, I can take the RV.
13/Jan/14 8:32 PM
Magnolia, KY
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He's gone with my truck, and will be back tonight. Since it's raining, I really don't want to go out anyways.
14/Jan/14 6:02 AM
Small Town Canada
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Broni, enjoy your time away ... remember, relax, relax, relax.
MIL's care facility has banned visitors for now due to a flu and respiratory outbreak. I have heard that 3 or 4 people there have died because of respiratory problems, including the woman across the hall from MIL. MIL is upset and we can't visit her right now ... not a pleasant situation and my heart goes out to her.
14/Jan/14 6:05 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
I haven't read anything for ages but am on a day off and hope to catch up.
Days ago, my post diss appeared so I logged off.
Hope to catch up soon
All good with me.
14/Jan/14 8:32 AM
Alabama, USA
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OH Theresa, I know your MIL is very upset and probably afraid also. Can you speak with her via phone? maybe phone calls would help with her anxiety. I am very sorry to hear of the flu outbreak there. I hope it is resolved with no more deaths.
Heidi, same here, rain and a cold one at that and I do not want to go anywhere. I do need to go to wal mart, but cannot make it today. I cannot walk very far at all today, back is not good. Standing makes it hurt bad enough I get nauseated and break out in a sweat, not that is hurty! So I am taking rests in bed, not really naps, but down with a heating pad for 30 minutes or so, either waiting for time to repeat pain medication or waiting for that medication to work.
Julie, hope the puppy is doing OK this visit. Good luck practicing the new pieces, sounds like you really have a busy week. Happy for you that you did get to the movie. Did you enjoy Frozen the movie? I saw it was nominated last night on Golden Globes Awards, but cannot remember for what or if it won.
Congrats Rolanda, I know you are excited about the new grand. where are son and his partner living now? Is that close enough for easy cisits once the baby gets here? Looking forward for photos already hehehe.
Vicki, so glad that your music and power point worked day of funeral. It sounds as if you sent MIL off in style. I am sure she would have been pleased if she could have been there. Hugs to you and all of the family as you start your life without her.
LizzyG good to see you drop in, come again when you can, have been missing you.
I have a couple other chores, cleaning off tables, hanging up clothing, before my cleaning lady comes tomorrow afternoon. I am so fortunate to have her clean for me. I keep the place neater knowing she is coming, she cannot dust a table if she cannot see it under all the books, papers, catalogs and such.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
14/Jan/14 8:46 AM
Alabama, USA
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HI NOLA, bye Nola, good to see you drop in and good to know all is well with you.
14/Jan/14 8:47 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Victoria...Condolences for your much loved MILs passing.
Suzy..loved your post on the shopping trip with Tahli.
Heidi..sad to hear of Sugars passing.
I hope Ann is OK and continues to improve.
CONGRATULATIONS Rolanda...very excit. Stay safe with the fire and awful hot temps.
14/Jan/14 8:51 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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We had the 1st open house with Judys unit and have had an offer.
$14,000 less than listed but I am so tempted to take it.
20 yrs ago, we hung out for a better price and the gamble didn't pay off. Just a little bit more and I will be happy to get rid of the expenses the unit incurs.
14/Jan/14 8:58 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I caught a cold, been on Abs for sinus infection and 3 weeks later still coughing but OK.
I hate taking Abs as it gives me thrush, but was alright this time.
The extreme heat here, has not been as bad as the extreme cold up north.
The a/c has been working overtime but I am so pleased to have it dispirited the cost.
Take care all.
14/Jan/14 9:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tomorrow will be busier than I thought it would be. I have to do to the sale barn to pick up my check at 7 am, because I have a Doctor's appointment at 10 am in the opposite direction. This is for a full physical, which I haven't had in many years.
14/Jan/14 10:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just waiting for IH to get home so I can make supper. We're having chuck eye steaks. I love 'em... they're so tender.
14/Jan/14 12:09 PM
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Lizzy, I've been hearing a lot about the extra tourist traffic giving wildlife carers a lot more work. Hope you've been getting some sleep!!
Vicki, that sounds like an amazing service!!
Julie, I hope the weather is better than it has been for your puppysitting week!
Theresa, how horrible for your MIL. Just when you need family and friends the most! I understand why they've done it, but do they understand the impact of what they have done?
MizT, I hope you wake up in the morning with much more manageable pain levels... gentle hugs
Rolanda, you have no idea how envious I am right now. I feel cheated. I never got to be happy that my grandchildren were arriving. I am enjoying Tahli now, but that's different. Enjoy every moment! Spoil your grandchild rotten, give them good memories of you!
14/Jan/14 2:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Wise words to Rolanda, Suzy. Grandparenthood seems to be good for you.
14/Jan/14 2:26 PM
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Forgot to mention - I bought a little stroller to lock Alie in when she and I go shopping together....
It will stay at our house so I don't have to count on mum providing one.
14/Jan/14 3:46 PM
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Shoot, I obviously meant Tahli
14/Jan/14 3:46 PM
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Rolanda, wonderful news! I can understand you and Peter being so excited.
Victoria,I am so pleased everything went so well on Sunday. When things go well and so many family there to say goodbye it does help so much with the grieving process.
There was also good news on Easy this morning that Ian's Anne is home from hospital. They are such a lovely couple.
The ladies start back at bowls today. It is going to be rather warm today. I always wonder why we play when we have to be out in the hot sun for three hours! (We do have shade to sit under when you are not actually putting down your bowl)
My good news is that my son is in Sydney for work this week and will be staying here for the next couple of days. Originally he was going to bring the boys with him but unfortunately the plans changed.
Laura and Belinda will be here tomorrow and we will all go to 'the Lobster shop' (as Laura calls it) for lunch.
I must have been distracted. I typed this about 8-9 hours ago and just came in and saw it sitting on the computer.
14/Jan/14 3:59 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Vicki - glad everything went well on Sunday and that there was plenty of family there! My thoughts are still with you both.
Nola - nice to see you around. Maybe you could bring that offer on Judy's unit up a few thou??
Suzy - the stroller will help heaps with taking Tahli shopping.
I just took Em and Chloe shopping and they had a big fight over nothing in Coles. I'm standing in the baked beans aisle with my phone in my hand threatening to phone their father. These 2 do clash a bit. I wasn't happy about having them together for 4 days. Wish me luck!!
14/Jan/14 4:17 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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June, pleased to hear that Ian's Anne is home.
Enjoy your visit from your son!
14/Jan/14 4:19 PM
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Greetings to all! I have read comments, but too tired to comment! Just know that I care about all of you and what is going on in your lives!
, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healthy vibes for each of you!
14/Jan/14 5:34 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the sale barn. The cattle brought a really good price! We're both very happy with it. Now I'm off to see my doctor for a complete physical.
15/Jan/14 1:17 AM
Small Town Canada
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Happy Birthday, June! Hope it's a super day.
15/Jan/14 1:27 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, we do speak by phone with MIL. Suzy, the banning of visitors is for the sake of the residents. They are trying to get this incident cleared up without new germs being brought into the facility. It is so hard on the residents, but hopefully it keeps them a bit safer. I just hate hearing MIL sound so down. FIL now has a care worker come in every day.
15/Jan/14 1:30 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Happy happy Birthday, June!
Enjoy your 'Lobster shop' lunch with the family - best way to spend a birthday!
15/Jan/14 9:31 AM
Small Town Canada
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Cyn, my two grandies constantly bicker and fight. Yesterday before I took them to the bus they quibbled for an hour and a half about EVERYTHING. I finally told them not to look at each other, not to talk to each other, not to touch each other. Of course that didn't work. If I had them for 4 days straight I would be pulling my hair out!
15/Jan/14 9:42 AM
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June! Hugs and love for a special day.
15/Jan/14 9:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Dear June!!!
15/Jan/14 9:48 AM
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