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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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''There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.''
~ French Proverb
18/Jan/14 2:30 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, so glad you turned around and went back home! Stay warm and dry today. I hope there are no chores that cannot wait till later.
18/Jan/14 2:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I knew that it was gonna be ugly today, so got all important chores done yesterday. IH wanted to do some big projects today (which meant him watching while I did 'em), but I convinced him to go to the State Cattlemen's Convention today. He and some other local cattlemen left at 6 am before the weather got really bad. And they were driving east to Lexington, away from the storm. By tonight, they'll have the roads in better shape.
18/Jan/14 2:52 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello Everyone,
Heidi, I hope we don't get any of that snow, but I did hear something about it in our forcast. Glad you you said, not worth your life. Tricia, good to know that you were able to sleep and felt better. Lunch is over by now and I'm like Suzy...waiting to hear how the soup was enjoyed. It did sound yummy. I just finished making some potato salad to go with my dinner tonight. First I've made since Sully died...but I just had a taste for it since I'm having fried chicken and steamed broccoli. Guess you can see that I'm celebrating my visit to the cardiologist the other day. Yesterday I was celebrating memories since it was Sully's birthday...My news was good, as I thought it would heart is blockages,mummers or anything else that would explain why it stopped during the surgery attempt. My thought is that I was just not meant to have this darn gallbladder I'll just deal with it. Having the tube and bag removed is good...When it finally completely heals, I may still have an occasional attack if I keep eating like I am I won'
BTW the topps!!!
June, I never changed a tire in my life, and I applaud you and others for having done so...but I'm glad you now use roadservice to do that for you. Cyn, hope you are still enjoying the family time and birthday celebration feelings...It's so nice to remember the good times we share, but sadly, we spend more time worrying about things we really can't change. has been said...good to see you hear...hope to see you again in the nearer future.
Julie, we need more folks like you who keep the blood supply up for the many who are in need especially during bad weather. My hat is off to you. are you feeling now...I've not heard much since you were last wearing yourself out chasing Talia around the store...meant to tell you thanks for the laugh..your description was spot on and we could all imagine or remember similar incidents. A good move getting the stroller and keeping it in your house...things will be much easier next time you two shop.
Okay folks....I'm off to play games and do jigsaws...see you later. Peace.
18/Jan/14 8:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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Mama and Suzy, the soup was enjoyed by many, both containers I sent down were scraped clean of every drop, and I was asked for the recipe. Lots of comments about it. I think that means it was a hit. I did not make the third batch this morning, just too achey to do it. My crock pot was full and there was more in another container, more than some brought. We had 9 different soups, and several cornbread types, plus a table of deserts. I was good to my blood sugar, ate only the broccoli cheese soup, and brought my own Diet rite cola. No aspartame no caffeine, no sugar. One of those 'why bother' kind of drinks hehehe.
Someone came up with a cart and took the soup down. With the bridge between buildings still off limits today, no way I could have taken soup and delt with that heavy door. The able bodied lady who came for the soup said she had trouble getting the grocery cart/trolly in the door even.
I was very lucky every time I needed to get back in that door today, someone was on hand to open it and hold it for me. I was able to bring empty containers back in the 'trunk' of my chair, but had to make two trips. Not a big problem, just sit and guide the joy stick, except for that door.
OH, was downstairs when the veggie man was, I had been looking for grape tomatoes all week, and he had some today. He had only 2 pint containers left, said that he saw a couple with bad spots, so he gave me both of them for $1. I shall have little tomatoes all weekend, eat to my hearts content. I got home after the lunch and since it was not yet time for meds, decided to lie down with heating pad for that 30 minuets. I woke up an hour and a half later
I am still enjoyi8ng the string of clear lights in my plants at the window. Just a bit of light sparkle and cheer on these dull gray early evenings. Time to go turn those on, dusk is early with the clouds today.
Now I need to go cook again. I need veggies for dinner tonight. I shall steam a cauliflower and try making fake mashed potatoes with it. The recipe sounds good, we will see. Trying to limit carbs for a while, my numbers have been creeping up while I have had such a rough patch with pain here lately. I know some illnesses can raise blood sugar numbers, but have never heard of pain doing it, have you?
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
18/Jan/14 9:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It kinda makes sense. You have to take pain meds with food, or on a full stomach, and that could do something to blood sugar levels. Maybe.
18/Jan/14 9:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just got back in from breaking ice on water tanks for cattle and horses. It's COLD out there!!!
18/Jan/14 10:16 AM
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MizT, I'm glad it wasn't a fever! I'm not surprised your soup was well received. It sounds delicious!
Mamacita, yay yip yip yay! (That was for your heart test results)
18/Jan/14 10:22 AM
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Julie, I think you had the puppy this week. I hope you didn't get too cold.
It has been hot here, not as bad as Melbourne or South Australia, but with no air conditioning, not great. I have joined a gym! I refuse to be like those people (young friend). She posts about holding a boxing class and making them work so hard someone puked - yay! (???) I am working my way up gradually. I've already seen a change on the scales, which seems weird since I've only been 3 times so I'm not sure I trust it.
18/Jan/14 10:29 AM
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A few weeks ago a car stopped at the front of our house with 2 flat tyres on his trailer. Hubby lent him one and so did another guy a couple of doors down. We waited and waited to get it back. I did the b thing and told hubby he should go find the guy. 'What do you want me to do, go knock on doors?' Yes. Just as well he did, we were never getting it back. He went to 3 houses, each one directing him to another. When he got to the 4th house he knocked, no answer. Turned to leave and saw our tyre stacked under several others in a rubbish tip of a yard. (Broken windows and stuff too). He's going to tell the other guy where to look for his tyre now.
18/Jan/14 1:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What a loser, Suzy. Your Hubby and the neighbor did a nice thing, and their kindness was treated like trash. Times like this, I wish karma was instant.
18/Jan/14 2:25 PM
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Warm''HUGS' for everyone as I pop in for a quick visit. As I have read and reread (well, I've tried to read) a couple of posts, I think I should admit that I'm too tired to be here.
Prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and
for each and every one of you!
18/Jan/14 6:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Try to get some quality sleep, Julie. I believe that you're not getting enough hours between the sheets.
19/Jan/14 1:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Another cold day here.
I was just putting my boots on to go outside, and IH said to me...''Why are you putting on your boots? You don't have to go outside.'' I told him that I did have to, unfortunately, to go get a few necessities.
19/Jan/14 1:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from running errands. I got some wheel chocks for trailers and the creep feeder, I got a new, and better, space heater for the bird room, and I stocked up on bird food and dog food. And got 2 new toys for the dogs.
19/Jan/14 6:22 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I do not have to have food with my pain meds, so eating more is not it. We are not talking huge number increases here, and many with diabeties would be most happy with the numbers I have, but I think might be easier to worry about them when it is only a little increase. My fasting numbers are up maybe 10 or 15 points, at most, sometimes they are ok, at 99, but sometimes up to 115. Same for the two hour, needs to be between 70 and 100, mine are running just over 100 most of the time. Hope by next week to see them back where I want them. AND I did read that any kind of stress, including pain, can increase blood glucose levels. As one author ut it, when stressed, historically we either ran or fought, and we needed added energy for either, so blood sugars went up. makes scense to me.
Boy it is windy outside, for first time ever, I am hearing wind whistling around the windows. Errie sound, heard a lot back in the mobile home days, but has been absent here.
At Aldis today I found Sweet Italian sausage made from turkey meat, lots less fat, and boy is it yummy. I sauteed it in pan with no added fat, browned it nicely, not in the links but split the casings and cooked it in thin patties, cooked faster. Added a can of drained and rinsed green beanns and a can of diced tomatoes. A bit more basin, garlic and onion powder (too hungry to peel and chop and cook an onion, boy was it good. I have enough from just 2 of the sausqges to have a couple more times.
I bought the loveseat today! I am having it delivered on Tuesday, to give Shannon time to get the recliner I have donated moved to the resident who wants it. Joy will come Monday, a holiday here, to pick up the bookcase she wants. Then I will have room for my new loveseat, yeah.
Well, I found the cause of the whistling window, silly me. I had bedroom window open this morning, I woke to find it hot here in the apartment. Sun was well up, as it should be at 10 am, and had heated the apartment, so I opened window. It seems I did not get it completely closed, just far enough from seating well into frame to let it whistle. Easy fixed.
Heidi, glad you got your chores finished this morning. Chopping through the ice would be a cold job indeed. Errands run also, and too funny Gil telling you that you did not need your boots, silly man.
Julie, glad you gave up and went to sleep. If you were that sleepy you could not read, you needed your bed.
Suzy, what a miserable excuse of a human to toss the loaned wheels away. I am glad you insisted hubby go look for them so he found them before trash man took them away. Yep, I too wish Karma was instant in conditions like this.
Suzy, no need to work so hard you puke in a workout, that is not the way I would go either. slow and steady will do it.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
19/Jan/14 11:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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Easily fixed, or an easy fix DUH!
19/Jan/14 11:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just got back from dinner I treated Gil, Don and Barb to a nice meal at our local restaurant. I'm glad I did. Don had been having a lousy day, and Barb was worried about one of her mini dachshunds, who had major spinal surgery 2 days ago. She's picking her up tomorrow afternoon at the Vet's. The Vet gives her a 90% chance that she'll walk again. She does have feeling in her back toes. They both appreciated not having to pay for the meal.
19/Jan/14 12:29 PM
qld, australia
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Bet they appreciated not having to cook as well Heidi, you are a good woman.
19/Jan/14 1:06 PM
qld, australia
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For those not on TOS I have posted a picture of the Penthouse Atop the Urban Assault Vehicle!
I have scarps,scrapes and bruises from installing it with a lot of help from some good friends.
19/Jan/14 1:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I like it, Broni. This is the first one I've seen with a ground floor.
19/Jan/14 1:55 PM
qld, australia
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So easy Heidi, it just zips into the roof/floor of the penthouse. I also have an awning on the other side that is easy peasy to set up with a midge proof flyscreen that attaches all around it.
This is my first step setting up to get a caravan but have the option to go further off road without the caravan.
Will be perfect for Bella and my trip down south in a couple of weeks, she frets if she cannot be with me. Will probably sleep in the awning for the stop overs there and back, the penthouse tent is easy to set up and close, it is just getting the cover over it to travel that I need more practice, but as it becomes more supple should not be a problem.
19/Jan/14 2:14 PM
qld, australia
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Thanks for the comment on my pic June but she is 31.5kgs on short legs and does not fit on a single car seat, she takes up 3/4 of the width of the car!
19/Jan/14 4:37 PM
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Double Drat! I'm about to pull out my hair. My post has just disappeared. I was hoping to get to bed earlier in the hopes of catching up on some much-needed sleep (even though I haven't been sleeping well lately). Hopefully I can reproduce most of what I had said.
Greetings to Everyone! I hope all of you have had/are having a pleasant day.
I remember that I mentioned that Ian Lewins (Huahinian) has posted on Facebook. He is home from the hospital and awaiting test results.
Last weekend when SIL brought the puppy (Jeet) to our house, he asked hubby to teach him how to turn a pen. He did very well and asked if he could make another this weekend when he came to take Jeet home. He arrived this afternoon, and they headed to the basement after dinner. He made another very nice pen. I think he intends to keep one and give one to our D. Tomorrow afternoon he'll gather up all of Jeet's 'accessories' and take them and her when he goes to meet D at the airport. Then the 3 of them will head home.
Our 18.5 year old cat had a return visit to the vet this morning. Since about August we have been giving her medicine for a hyperactive thyroid (which was also affecting her heart and kidney functioning). Both her thyroid and her kidney results showed improvement to nearly normal levels. We hadn't realized how concerned the vet was with Jordy's kidney functioning, so are very pleased to hear of her improvements.
Heidi, with all you do, I hope you are remembering to take care of you! I'm glad you were able to get out and get food for birds and dogs and the heater for the birds' room, as well as wheel chocks. How thoughtful to take Don, Barb and Gil to dinner! Sending healing vibes for Barb's mini dachshund.
MizT, your sausage-bean-tomato dinner sounds good! I'm glad your windows didn't spring a leak and it was just that the window hadn't been completely closed. (An easy fix!
) I think you're very wise to keep track of al of your numbers! Good for you for buying the loveseat! Were you able to convince the salesperson to take any further reductions on the price?
Suzy, I'm glad you sent hubby in search of the LOANED tire! I can hardly believe that the person had the audacity to not return it.
Broni, the tent atop the vehicle looks amazing! Please let us know how it works out for you and Bella. Seems very versatile with an awning on the other side!
Heading to bed, so time to say 'Good Night!' Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers,
and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} are winging their way to each of you!
19/Jan/14 5:47 PM
qld, australia
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Sleep well Julie, pleasant dreams.
Will let you know how the tent atop works out.
So excited but need to do this alone, is a bit scary but hey 'I am woman'
19/Jan/14 8:24 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Evening all. Miz T like your comment about how you have the plain string of lights about. I never took down some little multi coloured chrissy lights I had put up in the outdoor area. But I love how it looks out there at night when they are on and so I never took them down. lol
19/Jan/14 9:32 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Just waiting for someone who said they were going to email me their Avon order. They were sending it at 9pm they said. I have not got it yet and think I will hit the big button and put all the other orders through. I need to get some sleep. Had only about 4 hours last night.
19/Jan/14 9:33 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Heidi, I see some things never change. i.e..... I.H. lol ehehhehe
19/Jan/14 9:34 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Up earlier than I wanted to be. I got up, half asleep, to use the rest room, and was shocked awake by pools of blood on the carpet! I cleaned up the worst of it (will work on the dried blood spatters later) and went to investigate the source. Fortunately, it's nothing serious. Spike had been castrated a week ago, and his incision opened. The scrotum had been filled with blood. Of course, this is Sunday morning so I'd have to take him to Louisville if I thought it needed to be seen. But with calves, the incision is left open to drain, and I think I'll just leave Spike's open, too. Unless it starts to get infected.
19/Jan/14 11:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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IH does not want me to talk about what birthday is coming up on Wednesday. He wants to celebrate, sure, but he doesn't want to hear the number. (( It's 65 )) Of course, I'm enjoying reminding him that he's no longer in his 30's. Up until a couple of years ago, he kept referring to himself as ''one of the young people in the church.'' My laughing at him put a stop to that. He's never been even young at heart. In fact, he reminds me of Jack Benny's character. Always claiming he was 39, and ridiculously cheap.
20/Jan/14 4:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We're working out plans for our next trip to Wisconsin. It's for his father's 90th birthday celebration. It's gonna be huge. They're expecting every relative he has, back to 3rd cousins. Probably between 150 to 200 people. Of course, we're taking the RV, so we don't have to worry about hotel reservations in a small town. I will be spending one day visiting my aunt who lives 1 1/2 hours away. We're leaving here on May 30'th, and I'm not sure what day we're returning. The 31st will be a large golf tournament, and June 1st will be the party. Gil's niece, Sarah. will be having a baby a day or 2 later, so I'm playing it by ear.
20/Jan/14 5:00 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, sounds like a big event for your FIL's 90th. Gil's family all play golf? I think this is the second gathering I remember where golf was included. Did you ever play? I imagine you do not now because of your back.
I think Julie asked if I got clerks to lower the price on loveseat. NOPE, prices are firm. They are not really sales persons, just order writers, if you understand the difference. But I had said under $500 was what I wanted to spend, and it was, even with taxes, so I am happy. Not very happy to pay the delivery charge, but when you get old and unable to do it yourself, that is what ya do. Shoot, Al and I have brought home all kinds of furniture and building materials in all kinds of vehicles.
One night when we were dating, we were going to a movie, but tickets were sold out. Movie was at a big mall, so we decided to go window shopping. For some reason, we were in my car, not his full size work van, his only vehicle at that time. We enjoyed looking, and when walking through the furniture department of one of the big department stores, I fell in love with this big, square coffee table. Top had 4 sections of glass, rest was fruitwood, so it went with all my other furniture. I had been looking for a coffee table big enough to go in that huge family room, to be in front of both a sofa and loveseat (at 90 degrees to each other) I decided to buy it. Al said he would get his van and come over next day to pick it up for me. NOPE, it will fit in my hatchback, I said. NO WAY he said. Sales person was doubtful, too, even though he had not seen my vehicle. I had measured the clearance, width and height before, when I wanted to move another item, and I had measured the table. It would go with a big half inch clear on the sides hehehe. Table was taken to the back to a loading dock, we got the car, and both guys were laughing as they looked at the car, sure it would not fit. They were very surprised when it went in hehehe. Just do not argue with me when I say I KNOW, I have facts to back up that statement. When I say I THINK it is a different matter, maybe and maybe not and I would not bet money on it hehehe.
All this to say, if my minivan was cleaned of items and second row of seats folded down, that loveseat would have fit in there. But with no one to help, no way I could get it home. So I paid my money and was thankful I had it.
There are so many people living here who run out of money before their monthly check arrives. I am so thankful I pay bills and necessities and have a few dollars left to do something I want. I have not figured if they just do not manage money well, or if they have medical bills that eat into their income, or a bit of both. One of the ladies I know goes out to eat lunch once a week when the bus makes that trip, then complains she does not have money to pick up some little extra at end of the month. One week it was bread she needed. Now a person should be able to go out to eat occasionally, but I woul
20/Jan/14 6:31 AM
Alabama, USA
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Now a person should be able to go out to eat occasionally, but I would stay home at least one week if going out to eat would leave me that short of funds till payday. Perhaps she would rather do without bread a few days to go out to eat with friends. Different strokes.
I have rambled on far too long. My rest break should be over. I am trying to spot clean that recliner I am giving away, and it is hard work. Not getting the results I want either with product I have on hand. Maybe I should make arm covers, it is arms that show the worse. OH well, it is going to a man, so maybe he is more interested in comfort than decor hehehe. I must clean out the hidey-holes in the arms too, and check to see if the heat and massage still work, so I can show him how.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
20/Jan/14 6:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm not a golfer. IH bugged me like crazy to learn, since everybody in his family golfs... even his father still plays an occasional 9 holes!... so I once gave in and joined him in 9 holes of golf. I beat him, even though it was my first time ever holding a golf club (I will admit to a LOT of luck). He's never asked me to play since.
I need to get up off my rear now and empty my stuff out of my truck. I'm letting IH use it again tomorrow to haul the final load of Holstein calves for that research project.
20/Jan/14 7:03 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hey Folks....Just a quick check in to say hello. I've been watching movies....or rather BBC tV and having a blast catching the series Luther. Have any of you watched it? I will now have to include this choice site on my premium selection because of this show. Wonderful scrip writing, and superb acting...If you can, check it out.
Broni...the tent looks as if its a great solution for you...hope next time you won't have to wear yourself out getting it ready. Practice does make perfect.
Heidi...your next adventure sounds large...hope you will have a good trip. Hope Spike is okay...I would have freaked not knowing that this could have are so good to and for animals and I learn a lot simply by your post. glad you got that love seat...I was wondering.Enjoy it to the max.
Thanks for the cheers Suzy...I knew they were for the test results and I joined right in as I read them. need to get a couple of nights good sleep my friend...seems the only way to do so is to schedule the time ahead and plan just for sleep...have a nice dinner perhaps with some wine and a movie and you and hubby just go to bed and let happen whatever comes your you'll feel better and repeat that more often...try might surprise yourselves...take it from the horses mouth...hehe. Hi Viv... hope all is well.Good to see you posting again..Well folks...I'm off...Have a great day/night where you hang your hat! Peace.
20/Jan/14 2:36 PM
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There is a nice light shower of rain. Much needed after all the heat.
We had a Probus lunch today and Ken had to give a talk on Rum. (he worked in a distillery) and I made about 150 rum balls to have at morning tea.
We did not need much to eat tonight so I used the last of the Christmas ham to make a frittata and some couscous. plenty for lunch tomorrow.
20/Jan/14 9:09 PM
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Mamacita, so pleased that you found something you enjoyed watching. Also pleased that you are slowly feeling better.
So pleased you bought the love seat Tricia.
Also loved the sound of your soup.
I froze the ham bones to make soup when the weather gets cooler.
20/Jan/14 9:14 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My dogs enjoy the bones too much for me to save them for soup. I remember the great soups my in-laws used to make with soup bones, though. Truly delicious.
20/Jan/14 11:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Went to start the tractor to feed hay to the calves in the weaning pen, and my tractor wouldn't start.
I'm gonna have to call the mechanic. Maybe he can come out on his lunch hour. I hope.
21/Jan/14 2:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I was wondering why the mail hadn't been delivered yet, and IH reminded me that today is a Federal holiday. Martin Luther King Day. Banks and Post Offices are closed. Drat.
21/Jan/14 2:45 AM
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