Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.''

~ William Safire
21/Jan/14 2:48 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, another cold start to a sunny day. Again, apartment got too warm, heat is off and window is cracked open a bit. I love the fresh crisp air when the humidity is low low. Today will be the warmest day for the next 10, a spring like 60F. I need to get outside and enjoy, cause by weekend it will barely be above freezing. Welcome to Alabama weather. If you do not like it, stick around it will change.

Hopefully Shannon will organize getting the recliner moved today. I have not seen her, sent her an e-mail, but now I cannot access my e-mail, and that is not good!

My sister may come over to rest and visit. she has a 'work me in' doctor appointment today, and her husband has a later appointment at his doc. He has brought her in, she not able to drive herself, and depending how long she is with doc, might need to come here while her hubby is seen for his annual physical. Poor sis, bladder spasms, those can be so miserable. Hoping it can be quickly and easily fixed.

June, your christmas Ham comment reminds me, I bought a ham for a very good price, then another $3 off, Aldis was trying to clear the rest of their Holiday Hams. It was spiral sliced, I just cut apart and packaged for freezer. Sending some home with Joy tonight, and I have a baggie full of fat and skin for sis to take home to Oreo, the dog some of you saw my great nephew with, in photo on FB. Oreo and his family live next door to sis, and so Oreo divides his time between the two. When family is at school or work, he visits sis and BIL for attention.

OK, time for a shower, break time went by quickly today, and on to the next task. Hugs to each of you, with extra.

21/Jan/14 4:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wonder how Tami is doing. She hasn't dropped in here in some time.
21/Jan/14 12:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Friends!

Broni, I'm sure the tent atop your vehicle will work out great! Good for you for taking on a new adventure!

Hi, Viv! It's good to see you! Too bad your Avon customer didn't email her order as promised. Sometimes, you just can't rely on people. Stop in again when you have a chance!

Heidi, I think I would have freaked out about the blood. It seems like nothing fazes you - at least when it comes to your animals. Keep reminding IH of his special birthday. If he questions you, it's for his own good. He needs to enroll for Medicare within 3 months of his birthday. He doesn't need to take benefits, but must be enrolled for the insurance. It's nice that the family is already making plans for his father's 90th birthday. It sounds like it will be an amazing gathering and celebration.

MizT, I understand your distinction between salespersons and order takers! It's a shame you weren't able to get a reduced price, but at least you were able to get your love seat! I also understand about preferring to pick up purchases, rather than paying for delivery! I don't suppose you'll be having many more deliveries, unless to completely refurnish your apartment in a few years. I suspect you don't really need to worry about spot cleaning the recliner. Chances are the recipient will be more interested in whether the heater and massager work!

Hello, Mamacita! It's good to know that you are continuing to feel better! It's good to know that there are some worthwhile programs for viewing on television.

June, what a blessing that you wee getting some rain!

Heidi, so sorry the tractor didn't work. Hopefully the mechanic was able to come for a 'house visit.'

I'm going to post comments so far, rather than run the risk of losing them when I turn the page.
21/Jan/14 5:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, Heidi, and so true!

MizT, hopefully the recliner can be moved promptly - and on time to make room for the loveseat! I hope your sister's doc appointment yields desired results for her!

Heidi, Tami mentioned on Facebook that she has a shortened week this week (partially due to MLK birthday). Her boys are both going to gone this weekend, so it will just be her, her hubby and Harley at home. She's looking forward to it!

And now, it's time for me to call it a night. Good Night to all! Prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and for all of you!
21/Jan/14 5:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie.... IH signed up for Medicare a few months ago.... just a few weeks before the cancer scare.

I need to do a meds pick up today, and I have a 4 pm dentist appointment. This is the same appointment that's been cancelled twice due to winter storms. And guess what? .... we're having a small snow storm now. But the salt trucks just came through, so the roads will be clear by then.
22/Jan/14 2:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off into the near arctic in a little while. I need to get my meds, but I also need to pick up IH's birthday present before my dental appointment. He gave me a request for what he wanted. Wanna bet he gives me the same thing in a few weeks that he gave me last year? NOTHING!
22/Jan/14 4:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back home. I picked up my prescription for pain meds, did the shopping for both groceries and IH's birthday present, and made it to the dentist's with time to spare. (Every errand was in a different town, fairly far apart.) The root of the tooth wasn't fractured, tho' that was their first guess, too. Instead, the post had broken loose. So my dentist pulled out the tooth and post, cleaned everything up, and re-cemented everything. I'm good as new. Except that the temperature outside is plummeting ( 15˚F / -9.4˚C , and falling fast ), and with the high winds, it feels arctic. I only need to make one more trip outside tonight... to bring in some dog food.
22/Jan/14 10:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, sis got good meds. It was a rip roaring infection, so bad there was already blood in the urine. She is feeling much better already, other than very fatigued. Doing anything exhausts her. The terrible spasms and pain almost gone. Her hubby now has instructions to do for her, make sure she is fed and watered and keep her in bed or her recliner. Such a bad infection can make you so tired, then the anties to treat it, you are going to feel rough. Thanks for asking.

The recliner was moved out this morning about 10 minuets before the love seat arrived! Talk about cutting it close. But it worked out fine. It seems the maintenance men were in a meeting first thing this morning, so the 'first thing' move was actually after 11:00 o'clock.

I LOVE IT! You can see a fuzzy, out of focus photo on FB, taken before I got the 'stuff' put back on tables. I was too tired to do immediately , but it got done after lunch. I do get surprised when I am in kitchen and glance toward living room, still not accustomed to seeing it.

I got out some fabric I have here to audition for new pillows. I will just cover the new ones which match the sofa. I also need to purchase something to go on the 6 foot long blank wall at end of sofa. A book case once resided there. Joy managed to get that home by herself (using my vehicle) last night, late of course.

I am wondering if I could get some floating shelves put up there. You know, the ones that have no visible means of support. It is an outside wall, not sure how easily it would accept the special kind of fasteners needed, and who I could get to do it, IF I could find what I want. If such shelves need to hold much weight, they need a cleat across back. Sure miss my handy man hubby, he could build and install just what I want.

Heidi stay in and stay warm. Julie, same for you, I heard Chicago area is very cold with a snow storm. It is cold here, the wind makes it feel even colder. I have not stuck even my nose out today.

I must remember to keep bedroom blinds closed this week. There are workers on the outside of building one, they are having to caulk every seam in building, to keep out water, it was leaking like a sieve. They could be up on the building of a morning before I am out of bed. Might be too much for them to view that early in the AM hehehe.

Headed to bed early, hope to see the rest of you later. Thanks for lovely comments on TOS from those of you who found the photo!

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
22/Jan/14 2:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all fellow Sudokuaholics!

Happy Birthday to Gil! Heidi, what did he ask for for his birthday? Do you give him a list of possible gifts for you? At least that way he wouldn't be able to use the excuse that he didn't know what to get for you.

MizT, I'm so glad to hear that your sister got meds that were helping her. Will her hubby be responsible for enforcing her rest and following doctor's orders?

Heidi, you had a very productive afternoon. I'm glad you were able to get you pain meds - and glad that the tooth could be easily repaired.

MizT, congratulations on the acquisition of your new love seat! The timing of the delivery was perfect! May all your visitors be pleasant!

The temperature this morning was about 4* F, but got up to about 30* (just below the freezing mark). We had only about 4 inches of snow, as the heavier band went south of Chicago and across northern Indiana (lake effect snow). Low temperatures are predicted again for tonight, and only heading to around 20 tomorrow. We will only be going out for my cello lesson and large quartet class.

Sending a large supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes and for everyone!
22/Jan/14 6:14 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning from the Arctic Pa. Outside my window I am looking at the beautiful white snow with the sun shining brightly. The actual temperature is 3 degrees f. Brrr. There is a slight wind, but not as bad as yesterday. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and went early to beat the snow. The doctor saw me so that I was able to get back home before it was too bad. As it was, I had to drive through about 2 inches of snow on my return. When I left home there was no accumulated snow, so it was coming down about 11/2 inches an hour...pretty heavy stuff. I think we got about 8 to 10 inches here, but the city only got 7 inches. Okay...enough of the snow has come here I hope so that we can get another few weeks without more...sigh.
Happy Birthday Gil...Heidi, you are just too much...He would have been put on hold as far as gifts were concerned until the weather wasn't so bitter...but that's me. Glad you didn't have much trouble with the teeth. I'd love to have my teeth fixed and think about it every time you have had work done. I lost half of my teeth during the accident, but since they weren't in front, they were put on hold...then the gallbladder started...and now I am out of the notion of going through say nothing of the expense...I'm not sure I can afford the price since I don't have dental insurance even with the professional discount I'd get from my daughter's employer(She's a Hygienist)and the travel back and forth is another road block....all of that to say that I envy you your dental work Heidi...but not the pain,time or money associated with the end results....LOL. Enjoy and continue to take good care...for both of us. the loveseat...goes well with your rug too.Enjoy, enjoy. The floating wall shelves sound great...I've always wanted something like that. I hope you are able to sort out a solution...but I know you will. Julie..glad the weather gave you folks a bit of a miss so to speak this time...stay warm and safe. To all who have been unnamed in this post, know that I wish you nothing but the best always and look forward to seeing your post and knowing you are well. May you all have the very best of things possible to balance out those things which will happen no matter what, and the courage, strength and fortitude to keep on moving forward. Peace .
23/Jan/14 1:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another cold day here, but not as cold as Mamacita and Julie are suffering through. IH sent one of his employees out with his truck to do deliveries today (I'm still confused as to why he's delivering lamb and goat meat when he no longer has a processing plant) so I'm letting him use my truck all day. I did all my errands yesterday , and am enjoying being stuck at home. I've got the chicken marinading in italian salad dressing, and the angelfood cake is ready to be frosted with whipped cream and strawberries saved from my garden. I'm also serving roast seasoned fingerling blue potatoes and fresh broccoli. After supper, he gets the present he wanted... 4 new pairs of blue jeans. He's too cheap to ever buy anything for himself, so he waits for holidays to get the basics. He was down to only 2 pairs of jeans. Yes, I treat him well. That way, I can make him feel REALLY bad after he's pulled another stunt of cheapness. I recently reminded him of the Jack Benny routine where Jack presented Don Wilson with a pair of shoelaces for Christmas. Don insisted on wearing those shoelaces everywhere to show everybody what a lousy, cheap gift Jack got him. I then picked up the jar of jam Gil gave me for Christmas (that I'd just caught him eating) and informed him that he was competing with Jack Benny for cheapness, and he could stop helping himself to my main present. At least he had the decency to look very embarrassed and ashamed of himself. But I bet he conveniently forgot about it 5 minutes later.
23/Jan/14 6:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today's high was supposed to be 31˚F / -0.6˚C , but it only got up to 20˚F / -6.7˚C. I believe Julie sent me her weather.
23/Jan/14 8:24 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all.

Freezing cold here too ... I am so done with winter. With the wind chill it's currently minus 27C. I had to bring the girls to the bus stop this morning and pick them up this afternoon. It's only a two and a half block walk one way, but it felt like 10.
23/Jan/14 10:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... You win, Theresa. If you call being the coldest winning.
23/Jan/14 11:04 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We're used to colder temps than you are, Heidi, but this is cold even for us. I dress in layers to go out and only parts of my face are exposed. It doesn't take long for frost bite to set in with these temps. When it's this cold, the kids do not have outdoor recess at school.
23/Jan/14 12:16 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Brr Theresa.... Its darn cold here for us, it got up to 12 degrees...but your temps are even worse... I too have had more than enough. Spoke to my son in sunny Florida and they were freezing with 40 degree temps...way cold for they say...everything is relative and when the normal cold temps are off the books, replaced by the current weather...its just too much. Those of us who are currently wintering...stay warm...and for those now in summer...stay cool. Hopefully we'll all get back to more seasonal temps soon. Peace.
23/Jan/14 12:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations to All who post here, even if it has been a while! I did a brief reading, but won't respond individually. O keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers! Hopefully some of the extreme temperatures will moderate and become more bearable!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and for Each of you!
23/Jan/14 6:41 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Afternoon everyone.
I do detest Summer. way too hot for my liking.

Hubby went back to work today after his month's holiday, so I had the day to myself.

sending love and hugs to all and sundry ♥

23/Jan/14 8:29 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Welcome back Rolanda, Sorry Perth is so hot now. Just think of all the heat you missed while you were beside the ocean.
23/Jan/14 8:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rolanda, what is the fire situation in your area? I remember some were nearby while you were away. I hope you are staying cool in your heat wave.
24/Jan/14 2:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll send her some of my ''cool''. Our wind chill is well below zero!
24/Jan/14 2:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Stay warm Heidi! It is a bit warmer here, but too cold for me to want to be out and about. I doneed to go to bank and pharmacy, maybe it will warm some today, but doubtful. Thick clouds keeping out any warming sun today, and this gray weather makes if look colder.

Requesting healing thoughts, prayers and wishes for my niece. This young woman has had one health issue after another last year including a broken wrist that kept her from keeping her home health care worker job that she loved. We were hoping this year would be better for her. During the second week at her new job as a physical therapy assistant, she and her boss both got sick, possibly from germs brought to them by a client. Now my niece has flu, pneumonia and a terrible cough. The cough is causing her BP to shoot up dangerously high, so she is now in hospital for tests, and to get strong meds to suppress the cough and let her sleep. I am really concerned about her. Thanks in advance guys.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
24/Jan/14 3:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm sending her everything I can, Tricia. Nobody needs to go through all that, especially when young.

Now I have to bundle up and go to the pharmacy and grocery.
Tonight may be below zero, and I have to go in for a mammogram at 9 am before it starts to warm up. That's sort of adding insult (cold) to injury (squished).
24/Jan/14 4:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I WAS gonna go to the pharmacy, etc, but as I was heading out the door IH called me. He had to take an animal to the Vet clinic, and he had sent one of his employees out to run errands for him in his truck. Could he borrow mine? I thought about it and decided I could postpone my trip to the pharmacy for a few hours. But I told him that I would be using it myself tomorrow. I'm going from the mammogram up to Louisville to the KY Sport and RV show. At least he knows that there's no danger of me buying an RV any more. That ship has sailed. But I might find something cool for the inside of my RV.
24/Jan/14 6:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OMG.... I just discovered that when I leave for the hospital at 8:30 am, it's gonna be -3˚F / -20˚C !!!!!! That's TOO cold.
24/Jan/14 9:34 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thoughts for your niece Tricia. Hope she is soon OK.
Went and saw Finding Mr banks today. Ken actually came as well (he seldom come to the flicks with me) I also The Railway man the other day. Very different types of movies.
I also bought 10 litres of paint. I might see if I can paint the back bedroom before the American visitors arrive. I need to keep away from the computer if I wan to get all the things that need doing done!
It is about 27*c here but fairly humid. No complaints when I listen to some of the temps. others are suffering.
24/Jan/14 4:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick visit tonight to say Hello!

Hi, Rolanda, and welcome home! Keep cool. (You're welcome to some of ours. The high tomorrow is predicted to be in the minus temperatures.

Hi, June! We're hoping to see Saving Mr. Banks one of these days, though not tomorrow. I hope you enjoy painting! (Of course 10 litres sounds like SO much more than it would in gallons!)

MizT, stay warm; drive safely if you most go out! Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes for your niece! It sounds like she's due for some greatly improved circumstances!

Heidi, drive safely and stay warm! I can't imagine having to go out in the extreme cold for the 'pleasure' of a mammogram! Will you be able to 'squeeze in' (sorry, I had to do it) the pharmacy errand between your mammogram and the Sport and RV show?

Time to head to bed. Sending lots of healing vibes, , positive thoughts, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone and those you love!
24/Jan/14 6:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm leaving for the squishy thing in 20 minutes. I may have changed my mind about the RV show. It's just too bloody cold to be walking through a crowded parking lot outside, maybe for a quarter mile, merely to indulge myself. I could be napping instead. There's always next year.
25/Jan/14 12:03 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Thoughts and prayers for your niece Tricia ♥

Heidi.. RV Show : Caravan and Camping show here in Perth on the 20th - 24th March, will not be too cold to be walking through a crowded parking lot.. if anything twill be quite WARM!! Peter and I are planning on going :)

June.. Peter and I went to the movies on Wednesday Afternoon, and watch Saving Mr Banks.

Tricia.. Fires, it is summer, always a bushfire somewhere, thankfully not bad ones in the last week.

Heidi.. good luck with squishy thing

Bedtime in my neck of the woods
25/Jan/14 12:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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A good Morning to you. Not as cold here as Heidi has, but a chilly 15 F (wind chill 9F) at 8:00 AM, with bright sun. Temp is up from a low of 12, but when it is in the teens, what is a tiny 3 degrees? Another of those arctic vortex wobbles, with a north wind. Wish that vortex would keep to it's usual place. The forecast is for warmer over weekend, with a colder, longer lasting wobble next week. I think I will stay in the building again today. Shoot, I did not get out of my apartment yesterday and enjoyed every minute of my peace and quite. Well except for the achey hours that is.

Thank you for thoughts and prayers for my niece. I have not heard from her this morning, will have to contact her mom later today if she does not update us.

Heidi, I hope all goes well with your trip out in the cold temps you have this morning. Also hope the squishy thing goes well and the report comes back all clear. Do not blame you for changing your mind about the RV show. Not a day to be out in a parking lot. No way they could keep the RVs warm enough to let you defrost while viewing inside, what with the doors being opened so often as people came and left viewing them.

Rolanda, glad that no fires are close to you. I would never rest if I lived where brush fires were the norm. I am terrified of those fires. That and snakes are my two big bugger bears.

June, good luck with the painting, but I know your visitors are coming to visit you, not inspect your house! I am like Julie, 10 liters of paint sounds like a lot, but is really a bit over 2 1/2 gallons if I remember correctly. A quart is almost a liter, 4 quarts to a gallon. Yep, should be about right.

What do you Aussies do for nasal passages suffering from very low humidity? Just not accustomed to the low we have been having, and my nose has dried out and cracked. Been using nasal saline spray, but I need to get some moisture into the air here. Perhaps I need to boil some water on the stove or run the shower for a bit. I do know my hand wash yesterday, 4 tops that needed spots removed, dried hanging in the shower faster than they ever had. Usually takes a while, as I cannot wring all the water out I would like.

Off for some breakfast now. That first cup of coffee was good, time for one more. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

25/Jan/14 1:29 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I would use zinc cream Tricia. Not the prettiest look but better than a sore nose!
Hubby had the radio on and woke me up! I am never sure which button to push to turn it off and of course he is asleep!
I have done the puzzles and the jigsaws so if it is off now I can go back to bed.
25/Jan/14 2:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, keeping your niece in my thoughts.

MizT, I have trouble with my nasal passages in the winter. I actually put Vaseline in my nose (at night) because it dries out so badly and cracks. My doctor suggested Polysporin, but I prefer Vaseline. It's cheaper and it doesn't contain an antibiotic. A small room humidifier in the bedroom also works wonders.
25/Jan/14 9:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It isn't dry enough here to ever have that problem. Thank goodness.

I had a pleasant day. After getting up early and going to be squished (they only had to take each picture once instead of the normal 10-12 times!) I picked up a few things at Wally World, then drove home and napped most of the day. I have a bit of a sinus headache.
25/Jan/14 9:34 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, a good plan to postpone the RV show until next year! It's just too darn cold!

Rolanda, did you and P enjoy Saving Mr. Banks? I'm wondering when we will ever get there - maybe next week? Enjoy your RV show in March (That would be a much better time to have it in Kentucky!) I think the camping, boat, RV show in Chicago was last weekend. Yuck!

MIzT, I can understand avoiding the outdoors unless absolutely necessary right now. I had planned to make a quick errand run today, but chickened out. Then hubby decided to take me after dinner (when it was even colder), but some of the sales prices ended tonight or tomorrow.

Even though humidity can be a problem in our area, it isn't this time of year. All the extreme cold temperatures mean our furnaces are running much of the time, so the indoor air gets very dry. Add the use of a CPAP machine to that, and I have major problems, even with the saline spray. Theresa, like you, I often use vaseline in my nose at night - or even a bit of hand lotion or the chapped lip formula our dentist provides (dedicated tube used for that purpose only).

Heidi, I hope your naps helped and your sinus headache is a thing of the past.

MizT, thinking of your niece and hoping all is well!

Time for bed here. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, , positive thoughts and prayers for Everyone!
25/Jan/14 6:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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WOW! Minutes short of nine hours between Heidi's and my post!
25/Jan/14 6:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I don't post as often now I do most of my surfing on my pad, the stupid autocorrect messes the posts up too much. Plus I have to type one handed and I'm usually a 10 finger typer.

But, I wanted to let MizT know I'm sending out vibes to your niece! She'd be starting to have problems with depression possibly. Sometimes getting up one more time than you fall down is a big ask. Lots of vibes.....

Theresa, I can't even imagine walking to the front gate in that weather let alone a couple of blocks!

The temperatures the topsiders are talking about don't even feel like real numbers! Stay warm!

My cousin sent me a text today showing me thT he had just bought a t-shirt with the same joke as I had shared on tos, and added btw I had a small heart attack last Sunday . ???? He's doing well though.
25/Jan/14 7:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A busy day sewing. Laura needs a new painting smock for school. Looking at the boxes of patterns I have I should really throw some out.....but then you never know when they may be needed. I do not think I will take on any more wedding dresses though!
25/Jan/14 10:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Weather report: the temp actually went UP some over night, I think the wind changed from North to from the South, bringing warm moist air from the Gulf.

June, when my girls were in kindergarten, they had painting smocks made from their father's old button front shirts. I remember we took off the collars, cut the sleeves shorter (if a long sleeve shirt) and they buttoned them down the back. It was an easy fix, I do remember that, but not all the details. I think we sewed on ties at the child's waist to control some of the fullness of the shirt. I had not thought about this in years till you mentioned art smocks. thanks for jogging that memory. I hope you enjoy making the smock for Laura. Can you share a photo when it is finished?

Suzy, sending best wishes for a complete recovery for your cousin after his heart attack. I hope the small heart attack is just the warning he needs to begin a healthier lifestyle.

Suzy, after her last hospitilazation, the one before this one, she was having panic attacks, so yes, that getting up one more time is beginning to get to her. They did a cardiac stress test to see if she had underlying heart problems adding to the high blood pressure, heart is fine, it was just the stress of coughing. they did test to see what flu she had, and she has two flu viruses! She is on Tamiflu for the viruses, and antibiotics for the pneumonia, cough meds and decongestant. Had breathing treatments in the hospital to reopen closed air sacs in lungs. She has been a very sick chick. She is back home now, with instructions to see her doc Monday or Tuesday as a follow up.

Well, I was sitting here typing away when I heard water dripping. Water from the ceiling in bathroom hitting edge of my tub and on to floor. I put down towels, put a bucketbalanced on rim of tub to catch what I could and phoned the weekend answering service. Remember?? this happened once before, caused by a leak in the drain of tub in apartment above me. I tried to phone Susan who lives up there, to ask she not take a shower till the maintenance guys can check it out, but she is not answering now. It seems to have stopped for the present. Things always happen on weekends when they are off! I hope answering service can contact Tim, and let him know.

I should postpone my trip out this morning, since he might phone before coming in to check this out. I have a sneaky suspicion that Susan gets a plunger out to work on a slow running tub drain, and that is when the rubber connection is forced off the drain pipe and the water in the P-trap comes into my apartment. There is a dropped ceiling in bathrooms in this building, to accommodate the drain from tubs above. At least that way in my apartment. I think I shall ask her, and if so, ask her to please attack the drain Monday through Friday mornings only hehehe. I should call this the aqua apartment, I keep getting water from unlikely places

Hope all the DUGs enjoy their long weekend, Australia day Mon
26/Jan/14 3:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I woke up to a world covered in fresh white.... it snowed again last night and gave us about 2 inches of powder. Fortunately, since it's been so cold, there's no ice underneath, so it's safe for driving. Another benefit to this cold weather (which is predicted to run through Valentines day) is that there's no mud to torture the cows with. I'm going to be moving them into the calving pasture later today.
26/Jan/14 3:03 AM
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