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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.
30/Jan/14 11:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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You've got a very strange idea of a ''ME'' day, Suzy. I notice Dana is very good at getting pregnant, but she can't seem to do anything else for herself.
30/Jan/14 11:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm sorry, Suzy. That was very tactless of me.
30/Jan/14 1:24 PM
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That was a very busy day Suzie. a lot of use of Mum's Taxi.
Heidi, there can be slip ups with even the best of preventative methods. I love my darling grand-daughter. Sharon would have been 46 tomorrow.
And we had a big win in the semi final in the pairs championship today. 24/10. It was hot but I had a cold wet cloth under my hat and drank lots of water.
30/Jan/14 5:53 PM
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Just a brief visit to say Hello before heading to bed. Had a meeting tonight and an early morning wake-up call. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
30/Jan/14 6:06 PM
Stevenage UK
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Suze, I think you need to learn a very small word and use it sometime. That word is 'NO'. From what you had already done for Dana she had fresh fruit, veg and other provisions. Unless she or the children needed to get to a doctor then it wasn't essential she bothered you. Though I have to admit that my kids can sometimes do that to me too, not very often as they are all able to drive themselves and don't have children.
June, I agree nothing is 100% and I love my daughter too.
Nineteen day until we are invaded by the Australians..... trying to keep it a secret is hard especially as we have to get car seats for the children and other items. The week they arrive in England is schools half term. As you know two of my daughters work in education (one a teacher the other a teaching assistant). A couple of weeks ago the youngest had been out with some work colleagues and they all decided they wanted to go away for a couple of days. They booked the break and paid for it there and then. She goes away the day her sister arrives. So much for surprises. We haven't told Helen about Emily going away yet.
30/Jan/14 8:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Are they at least gonna be able to say ''Hello'' at the airport?
30/Jan/14 8:33 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Sorry I have been MIA again, have been reading but never enough time.
Well I am off on my big adventure tomorrow with Bella the Basset...where did the time go?
Thought I had finished packing the car an hour ago until I made a list of what I still need to take camping...grrr
Anyway my friends I care and think of you often.
Luv and Jugs.
30/Jan/14 10:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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We're out of the deep freeze and back to normal winter temperatures for a few days. So today is a day for outside chores.
I hope you and Bella have a great time together, Broni!!! I envy you a chance at seclusion with only a good dog for company.
31/Jan/14 2:11 AM
Alabama, USA
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It is still icy here in Alabama. Cars still abandoned on sides of the interstate highways, and blocking roads in some hilly communities. Temps still below freezing, but expected to get above freezing by noon, it is 9:45 here now. At least it is sunny! I am wishing the temps would get warmer today. Would you believe Saturday and Sunday are forecast to be spring like mid 60's? OK, if you don't like Alabama weather, just wait a bit, but this time it is taking longer than usual to change
I am off to do laundry, after checking downstairs to see if somehow the podiatrist managed to get here to see clients. I doubt it.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
31/Jan/14 2:48 AM
Small Town Canada
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Have a great and relaxing trip, Broni!
31/Jan/14 7:31 AM
Stevenage UK
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No Heidi they will not see each other at the airport, mainly because Email is just going to the south coast (Brighton) in this country so she is droving. Heathrow airport is so big that incoming passengers and those flying out never see each.
Broni I hope you and Bella have a fabulous time on your camping adventure. No matter how much you prepare and pack for camping you will nearly always forget something. Well that was what we found when we went camping.
31/Jan/14 8:35 AM
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Hi everyone, brief visit. Had a quick read and glad to see everyone is doing well - maybe tired and grumpy but well. Spent Xmas and the NY in hospital and most of January so haven't been having much fun. PD failed whilst I was onlittle curise with my sister - bummer. Now about to go on home hameo (if I can get the courage to needle myself). Weather is beautiful here - hot and a bit humid - 27 today, 41 tomorrow so cn't complain. Best of wishes to all
31/Jan/14 11:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, no!!! Poor Midge! I wish there was something I could do to help you. Or at least give you a hug, gently of course. (((( HUGS ))))
31/Jan/14 1:30 PM
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Midge, sorry to hear that you had to spend all that time in hospital. Also that you were not able to enjoy the cruise with your sister. It would have been a wonderful break for you. I do hope things improve in the future.
31/Jan/14 4:02 PM
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We had a nice lunch out today. A day to ourselves as Sharon would have been 46 today.
On Sunday we will take Laura up to Belinda's as the dog has had pups again. This will be the last litter as both dogs will be having a visit to the vet. Laura gets to give them all names.
31/Jan/14 4:07 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Great TOPP, Suzy! You certainly have been kept busy by offspring! Good for Alie for making you a cup of coffee!
June, thinking of you and Ken! {{{HUGS}}} I suspect Sharon was with you as you quietly celebrated her birthday. Congrats on your win in the semi-finals! I hope Laura enjoys the puppies - and naming them!
Brenda, sometimes those surprise visits turn into real surprises. What a shame that 2 or your girls will miss each other!
Broni, I hope you and Bella have a wonderful time! We look forward to hearing how the camping was when you get back. In the meantime, please relax and enjoy!
Midge, now we know why we have missed you so much. So sorry your illness cut into your cruise with your sister! Also, so sorry to hear that you have been unwell and in the hospital (not exactly a vacation)! I hope you will find the courage to do what needs to be done, or to find someone who can help you.
MizT, Mama and Heidi, I hope your temperatures are soon much closer to normal!
Mama, I'm so sorry to hear about Jazz and the sock!
Heidi, too bad you won't be able to see your FIL on his way through. Hopefully it will work out on his return trip.
MizT, I'm glad all of your relatives are safe after the storm brought snow on top of the ice. If we had any warmer temperatures here, I would gladly send some your way. Hopefully warmer weather will find its way to you without any further problems!
Nola, I hope all is well, and you don't have any further problems caused by the winds/cyclone!
Sorry, I had hoped to say more, but I am having trouble staying awake. Please feel free to share the positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
coming your way!
31/Jan/14 6:46 PM
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Midge, so sorry to hear your holiday was cut short! That was a lot of time to spend in hospital. I almost hope you were really really sick because that is the only way hospital is even close to bearable. But I think I'd rather you were bored stupid and complaining about the food. Sigh.
31/Jan/14 9:56 PM
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June, long distance thoughts and hugs...
31/Jan/14 10:01 PM
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Brenda, how exciting your visit will be! Shame about your youngest missing the beginning of their visit...
31/Jan/14 10:04 PM
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Broni, you still have my number right? Don't forget!
31/Jan/14 10:05 PM
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Theresa, are you still having to walk in snow and ice? Stay safe, no slips and falls, no frostbite!
June, congrats on another win
31/Jan/14 10:09 PM
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Sorry about all the short posts but after losing the other one I'm careful on the pad now. I had a kind of forced me day today. Last night my back started hurting and I couldn't sleep, pain pills didn't work, so this morning I was too tired to do anything. Then I got old age Achies so decided to be lazy. No gym, no housework, no walk...
I've been on BOM and Susan and Nola have only had about an inch of rain so barring tides or rivers rising I think they should be okay. Wish they'd post though.
31/Jan/14 10:16 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I am up with first cup of coffee this morning, greeted by bright sunshine. Temps were not warm enough to melt all the ice yesterday, but a vast improvement. Only places in the shade or having no traffic or both are still bad. My auto is free of snow, but there is ice where I would have to walk between cars to get to the door. Today forecast to be much warmer, so perhaps the last of it will be gone today. I want to get to Aldi's today, they have primroses in bloom at a very good price. I bought two last year, they bloomed well into summer, a good investment for a spot of color in my indoor flower garden
I got the laundry washed folded and back to my apartment, but that is all. Hanging things still hanging over back of my power chair, the folded sweat suits (tracky daks?) still sitting in the chair. Laundry did my back in, never did get it well enough last afternoon/evening to tackle putting them away. THAT is why I hate doing laundry, it hurts! Hope to get that finished this morning. Laundry should not take two days to complete!!
Did I tell you I may loose my subsidized cleaning lady? I pay only half the cost, EP Foundation pays the other. EP lost one of it's grants that supported this, so we will have to re-qualify. What slots they will be able to keep will go to lowest income first, according to need. I qualify by need, but there are many whose income is less. So I think I will be hunting someone on my own if that happens. One young lady I have met seems very good, saw her doing her client's laundry. She has a longer minimum time requirement than I had with Mary, so I am hoping she can also do MY laundry. Once a month will not take care of all I have, but will drastically reduce what I have to do. I hope this works out and I can juggle my budget to take on this. Keep fingers crossed for me, please. We were to know who kept their subsidy by first of Feb, but with our Service Coordinator and everyone missing 2 and a half days here at the last of January (assuming they get to work today) not sure when we will know.
I can tell how consistently cold it has been January by what I was wearing and what was in laundry. Usually because of our changing weather I am wearing short sleeve light weight clothing while washing the sweat suits, or wearing sweats to wash light weights as the temps change. I had two loads of dark clothing, all of it sweatpants, hoodies and heavy long sleeve shirts with a couple of winter weight long dressier pants, while I was wearing sweats.
Suzie, I am glad you had a ME day, you deserve one, but so sorry to hear it was because pain kept you awake and left you feeling draggy. Hope your day of rest did the trick and back pain is all gone now. Thanks on the report from BOM on weather conditions for Nola and Susan. Wishes, thoughts and prayers they have no flooding.
01/Feb/14 1:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, huge hugs to you and Ken as you quietly reflect on Sharon's birthday. It is so sad when parents loose a child, no matter the age. That is just not the norm. I am sure Laura will enjoy the visit to the puppies. How many are there? Do let us know the names she chooses for them, please.
Midge, so sorry to hear of your problems on your cruise and then the long hospital stay. I hope you are soon able to learn to 'stick' yourself. That is very hard for some people. I had a patient once who was kept in hospital days and days after she should have gone home. She was newly discovered diabetic, she could not go home until she learned to give herself her insulin injections. She had been taught technique, using an orange to get the 'feel' of it, she had that part down perfectly, but just could not stick herself. She would turn this greenish white color and shake when trying. After two days of encouraging her, I offered to let her stick ME first, get over that fear of putting needle through flesh. She was shocked at my offer, but I told her I had watched her stick the orange, her technique was flawless, I knew she could do it. She never did stick me, but did manage to stick herself that day and was surprised how easy it really was. I hope you can gather up your courage and learn how. If I was near, would come and help you learn and let you stick me first if that would help. Good Luck, I know you can do this.
Heidi, did your FIL manage to get to Florida without problems? there were still major delays yesterday on interstates as usually a big rig would hit an icy patch and jackknife, blocking lanes leaving hours long delays behind them. Georgia freeways were much the same. I do hope he got through safely and easily.
Julie, thanks for the offer of warmer temps if you had them. I should be sending warmth to YOU today I imagine.
Heidi, did you get through the deep freeze temps with no broken pipes? any new calves yet? When do you expect them to start arriving? Wishing you cold enough temps to keep the mud frozen for their arrival.
OK, I need to go make something for breakfast, not sure what that will be today. I am really not hungry, but gotta have something. Hugs to each of you with extras, till later.
01/Feb/14 1:32 AM
Stevenage UK
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Well more things have come to try us. My son had a car shunt last night. Nobody hurt, apart from Andrew's foot which seems to be bruised. The car he hit wasn't badly damaged but our 23 yr old car doesn't look to good. The annoying thing is that we needed that car for the visitors from Australia, or should I say we needed that to transport them around. Looks like we will have to buy a new car before they get here.
Midge I am so sorry you haven't been well. Hope that things improve soon.
Suze, I am with you on having a lazy (no housework) day. I have had a bit of running around to do for that darned car. Trying to catch the mechanic (and friend) who recovered it for us. We know the car will be an insurance right off but need him to tell us if it could be fixed up.
June and Ken ((hugs))
01/Feb/14 2:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The temperatures never got below freezing last night, and it's a comparatively balmy 38˚F right now. It's supposed to get to 44˚F today and 55˚F tomorrow!!! We're gonna be getting some mud before the freeze hits again on Sunday.
Calving should start between Feb. 10th and Feb 14th. I'm getting so excited about it. I never tire of watching the miracle of birth.
01/Feb/14 3:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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((((( HUGS ))))) to June and Ken and Laura.
01/Feb/14 3:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Happy tummy. We just finished a yummy supper of inch thick chuck eye steaks, sugar snap peas and apple crumble cobbler.
01/Feb/14 1:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I promised IH and cousin Don a dinner tomorrow of chicken paprika, broccoli with cheese, a fresh salad and pumpkin pie.
01/Feb/14 1:08 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, like the sound of the meals you are preparing. I had take away Chinese today. It has been months since I had an oriental meal. Our activities director organized an order to be delivered. I had shrimp and broccoli, somehow I forgot to get my egg roll, hope someone else enjoyed it. This was to celebrate Chinese New Year, and my meal was HUGE, inexpensive and delish. I will have the remainder tomorrow. I need to find out name of this restaurant , and how many meals must be ordered to get delivery. this would be worth a regular repeat.
The EP van made repeated trips to the local grocery today. No one had been able to get out to shop all week. I am so glad I did my shopping on Monday, it just worked out that way. My tummy stayed happy with all the good things I had on hand. I did go downstairs to visit the veggie man today, bought cabbage to make slaw and summer squash. I need the zucchini to make some more muffins and the yellow squash to make another squash casserole. Which reminds me, I must get some recipes written and turned in. The resident's association is putting together a cook book as a fund raiser. I was asked for the broccoli cheese soup recipe, might add my squash casserole, not sure what else.
Brenda, sorry to hear about the car accident. Not the best time for that to happen, but then, it is never a good day to wreck a vehicle. I am glad no one was severely injured. May Andrews bruised foot heal quickly and be good as new.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
01/Feb/14 1:44 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That cook book sounds like a great idea, MizT. I bet there will be a lot of old family recipes in it. Put me down for one when it comes out.
01/Feb/14 2:07 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Suzy, I like your short posts. Easier for you to type and not lose; easier for us to read.
MizT, it's a good thing you did grocery shopping before the storm arrived. If only there were a way to do laundry painlessly. While it will not be good to lose the subsidy for your cleaning lady, if it works out that you can afford the young woman you saw doing someone's laundry (and she's available), that would be a bonus for you.
Thanks for the update on weather near Nola and Susan! I hope the worst is over!
Midge, I'm sure you can handle the 'sticking' yourself, if necessary! A number of years ago, hubby needed a weekly injection. At first, he asked the nurse at the school where he taught to do it. Then came the time when she was about to retire. We scheduled a couple of times when I could go in to watch/try. I never got completely comfortable doing it, but was able to do it when necessary. It's been a few years since he has needed that. I suspect I'd be a bit shaky at first. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!
Brenda, I'm so sorry about Andrew's accident. Hopefully, he will feel better soon! Are you pretty sure that the car will be considered 'totaled' - requiring the purchase of a car relatively quickly?
Heidi, the meals sound yummy. I also like the sound of the temperatures there. We haven't been above freezing for quite some time; therefore, nothing is thawing. Another six to ten inches is predicted in the next day or so. We're wondering where we can shovel it to.
I suspect I have forgotten some comments that I had intended to make, but I'm too tired to go back and look. Sending lots of
, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and positive thoughts for everyone!
Happy Chinese New Year!
01/Feb/14 5:22 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
Old man winter is not done with us yet. The storm system that Julie is getting will be heading north east to us later today, bringing us more snow. JUST WHAT WE NEEDED.
Hubby is working this morning and then hopes to head down to see his parents. It all depends on the weather.
Sigh .....
01/Feb/14 10:45 PM
Small Town Canada
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Midge, I'm so sorry your health issues prevented you from a relaxing holiday. Hugs are winging their way to you.
02/Feb/14 1:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's already 50˚F / 10˚C today, and it'll get warmer. Tomorrow we're back to having a winter storm.
02/Feb/14 2:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm thinking of canceling the meal tonight. I feel like I'm coming down with a migraine.
02/Feb/14 6:08 AM
Small Town Canada
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I am looking after the grandies while their dad is picking up their mom from work. It is snowing quite heavily, so he asked if I would look after them. He prefers not to be driving in bad weather with them in the car.
Feel better soon, Heidi.
02/Feb/14 6:26 AM
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Greetings, All!
Theresa, I hope the storm treats you the way it treated us - only about 3 or 4 inches of the predicted 6-10 inches of snow predicted. If your hubby drives to see his parents, I hope the weather doesn't worsen and hope he drives safely. Hopefully your grandies are well behaved while your SIL goes to pick up your D from work!
Heidi, does the weather affect your migraines (storm coming)? I hope you feel better, and hope the meal went well, if you decided to go ahead and have it in spite of your migraine.
Time to head to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and
for each of you!
02/Feb/14 5:57 PM
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Brenda, bummer about your car. I hope your friend can fix it, and in time for the visit. Lending cars is a tough call.
02/Feb/14 11:30 PM
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