Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I hope you don't lose your cleaning lady and do gain someone to help with your laundry. Wouldn't it be wonderful to not spend as much time in those uncomfortable chairs?!
02/Feb/14 11:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Don't save anything for special occasions. Being here right now is special enough.
02/Feb/14 11:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I hope you Re enjoying your incredibly busy life!

Theresa, I understand why your sil wouldn't want the kids in the car while driving in the snow. I hope they were good for you. Unfortunately from my experience (limited) with Aspergers, knowing the problem and the triggers only helps sometimes. Hugs.

Lizzy, nola and Midge, I think about you when I come here and hope you are not too busy and are relatively well.
02/Feb/14 11:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi,I hope the migraine didn't come and you had your dinner.

June, still thinking of you.
02/Feb/14 11:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Me, hot and sticky. Busy day tomorrow, taking Alie to op shops to help her get stuff for a mad hatter costume. Pick up some stuff for Super Bowl snacks and dinner. Pick up Dana and the kids. Go to the gym, pick up Alie. I can't pick up Dana, the kids and Alie at the same time anymore. They don't fit!
02/Feb/14 11:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie made sugar/water caramel tonight and burnt her finger. She just walked into the lounge room singing joyful joyful in owes. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow....
03/Feb/14 12:04 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suze, the car can be fixed but getting the parts will take time. We are looking to buy a people carrier (with at least 7 seats). We were not lending the car to the step daughter as neither of them can drive. We would have needed two cars to take them anywhere. If Richard was at work I could have managed with that car as it seats 5, my Volvo is only a 4 seater so isn't any good.
03/Feb/14 12:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I cancelled the dinner.The headache, fortunately, stopped short of a migraine, but is still painful. Even more painful is my back. It feels freshly broken, very fragile and in massive spasm. The pain is radiating down both legs and almost has me in tears. Tomorrow I'm calling Pain Management and gonna schedule another epidural pain block asap. The methadone is even failing me. The cause? It's a long story, but it's IH's fault. At least he has the decency to look ashamed of himself, and looks sorry for me.

Well, back to bed. Even though it doesn't really help, it doesn't cause any additional pain.
03/Feb/14 2:59 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Sorry you are in so much pain Heidi.
03/Feb/14 4:31 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello all...we've been having a heatwave here...temp was almost in the 50's yesterday...but alas, snow is due tonight so the roller-coaster weather ride continues. Well at least the calendar moves closer to spring time...maybe the weather will follow its lead. Hope everyone, anywhere that is dealing with weather woes, either too cold,windy and snowy, too hot,dry and humid, or any other combination will hang in for just a little more until we have a few very beautifully satisfying days that will be coming our way.
Thinking of all of you and hoping for the best...I've read and have been happy to note that most of us are able to go with the flow fairly well and for those who are in pain or discomfort are looking forward to relief...I'm sending prayers and healing thoughts your way hoping to hurry the return of no pain or at least controlled pain. BTW Heidi... Gil's looking ashamed of his part in your pain really isn't of much help, but hopefully gives you a tad of satisfaction. May all know peace and strength in their lives.
03/Feb/14 6:05 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am unexpectedly playing bowls today (again in the heat!). Filling in for someone who cannot play in the Senior State Fours. Hugs to you all.
03/Feb/14 8:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just 24 hours ago, it was 50˚F (high of 60˚F).... at midnight! It's now snowing and everything has turned white. I know the weather in Kentucky is changeable, but this has gotten ridiculous.

The back is still on the warpath. I am not enjoying this.
03/Feb/14 5:29 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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We haven't seen any snow yet this winter, but we have had rain, rain and more rain. If you hadn't heard there is lots of flooding in the south west, especially in Somerset. People have lost their homes due to cliff erosion with the stormy seas in December. The world's weather seems to be strange these days.
03/Feb/14 7:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi,I honestly do not know how you do all you do with the problems you have with your back. I had those spasms at one time and one day I ended up on the floor and could not get up. I now cope most days without pain killers but my heart goes out to you!
Brenda, sorry about your car. Will you be able to get all the family together at all while you have the ones from Australia? I would not mind some of your rain.
In the bowls today we went down by two. It was a good game but now our team is out of the competition. Social bowls for me tomorrow.
03/Feb/14 8:50 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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June we are looking to buy a people carrier in the next week or so. It will not be a new one as they are too much money. Then we will use it as a general run around car which will save putting too many miles on our valve, which we hope will last us for many years to come.
Sorry you lost your bowls today but it was a close game.
03/Feb/14 9:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back is feeling relatively human today, but far from 100%. At least I won't be having to do anything today. The world outside is iced over. I don't know if I can even get into my truck.
04/Feb/14 3:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got into my truck to get bird food and dog food out,but the driveway and roads aren't safe yet. The snowplow just went through on the west-bound side, but the other way is solid ice still. So I'm gonna head back to bed after feeding the birds.
04/Feb/14 4:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Believe it or not, I just caught IH sticking a metal knife into a live toaster to pry out a piece of toast!!!! I didn't know that there was an adult in the civilized world who didn't know about that danger. Jeez!!!! (Yes, I stopped him in time, pushed up the lever on the toaster all the way, and tilted the toaster so the piece of toast flipped out onto his plate.)
04/Feb/14 4:27 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Some people cannot see dangers or easier ways to do things. Hope you have him well insured Heidi.
04/Feb/14 4:55 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone.
After reading about 4 pages, it is too late to comment much. Been thinking of you all.
The recent cyclone further north of us, just gave us some much needed rain, and some relief to the heat. I wouldn't complain, as other places have had such extremes, worse than what we have had.
04/Feb/14 6:59 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Like Suzy, I have to make small posts or they disappear.
I have resigned from my job after 18.9yrs. It became too much for me to cope with. I will take on a casual contract so that I can keep my hand in and also get a bit of money when needed. Still have the 1 day at the Dr surgery.
Looking forward to giving the house a spring clean,the garden in order and having a little time at home.
This will allow me to see more of the grandies etc as I have worked every week-end for so long and miss family get togethers.
Greg and I had our 40th wedding anniversary Feb 2.
Didn't celebrate, maybe go out on wed night.
04/Feb/14 7:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good news, Nola. Mother Nature isn't always cruel. Frequently only when man has been messing with her and upsetting her balances.
04/Feb/14 7:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good news also on the decision to resign your job. You've been through way too much stress lately, and you need to start thinking about YOUR quality of life. I'm proud of you.
04/Feb/14 7:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, Brenda. He does have a decent life insurance policy.
04/Feb/14 7:13 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Settlement on Judys unit is Feb 17, subject to finance. All going as planned so far, and I doubt it will fall thru.
I am so happy to be resigning. Life is too short not to enjoy your work, so it was time that I moved on. Something else will crop up I am sure.
Take care everyone.
04/Feb/14 7:14 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Thanks Heidi.
04/Feb/14 7:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hello everyone. Heidi had snow, we had a cold rain. Temps did not get anywhere near what was predicted, or guessed hehehe.

I knew it would happen sooner or later, but was hoping for much later. I went to get my pain med refilled, and the pharmacy did not have any. they had the expensive kind, but insurance would not cover the difference, or if I understood him, it would not even pay the amount it pays for the cheapest generic toward the more expensive generic. It is a good thing I did not wait until I was out before getting the script refilled. He said I could take it to one of the big chain drug stores, they just take the loss when this happens, but he being a mom and pop type drugstore could not do it. I can understand that. I left the script with him, he was supposed to receive a new supply end of January, he is hoping the weather is what got his suppliers behind. Cross fingers they can get me my meds before I run out.

Now if I were at the pain clinic, I would not even have the option of going to another drug store. You must sign a contract that amoung other things, you get ALL your pain med scripts filled at one drugstore. All this thanks to the government cracking down on pain meds because it is abused by some, sure makes it difficult for us who have legitimate need for it.

OH, at last I do have an appointment for the pain clinic, the one that is just down the block. It will be March 17, about 6 weeks from today. Only took them three weeks to get around to phoning me to give me an appointment, so total of nine weeks. I am glad it was not an emergency need! I will return to see my new PCP before this appointment, so that is really 3 months since I first tried getting to see pain management. AAAAAAAAGAHHHHHHHHHH ! ! ! ! !

Nola, glad you got needed rain and a break in the hot weather, and not the cyclone. I hope you enjoy your time at home now, it seems resigning was the thing to do.

June, sorry you lost at bowls, but it seems it was a close game. Do you get nervous playing in these competitions? enjoy the social bowls more?

Heidi, glad to hear your back and headache are better. I am glad you did not have to get out and about in the ice. Gil looked sorry for something he did? Marginally amazing! I can believe Gil would go digging for his toast with a knife, he would not have made it this far in life without you.

OH, did I tell you about loosing a piece of toast the other week? I was making breakfast, put toast in toaster, and got everything else on my plate. Waited for toast, and it did not pop up. I looked in, no toast there. OK, did I take it out and then lay it down in an unusual place? I looked everywhere, even the fridge where I went for the butter, that toast was not to be seen. I knew it did not take legs and walk, but when I found it, it had taken wings and flown hehehe. Toaster popped it all the way out of toaster, it went up and then down between the microwave and the wall (toaster sits on top of microwa
04/Feb/14 10:56 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Tricia...had a laugh at your mystery with the missing toast. Did it go thru your mind that we are doubting our memory. I know at times that I do!

We are having a visit from the Accreditation agency today. I will be on my best behavior and watching everything I do, as they will be watching us. Dont give insulin or eye drops in the dining room. Infection control to observe blah blah,but it makes you nervous when you are
being watched.
Off to iron a uniform now. I have fed the dog rabbit and fish.
Played with Sonny out the back throwing a ball,so he is now worn out and asleep beside me on the lounge. Must go.
04/Feb/14 11:14 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, enjoy your part retirement. It will be good to have a lot less stress. But do not think you will get all those jobs done. You will find you will have so much less time!! It will be nice to have all Judy's things finally sorted and the unit sold.
We have has some very light rain today. Just enough to disrupt our social bowls. We were winning when we called it quits. I did come home with a small frozen chicken.
Tricia, yesterdays skip was our best bowler and very bossy. She does upset a lot of people and only remembers the bad bowls not the good ones you put down. I have learnt to turn off to her.
I am not really overly competitive, I probably get a bit up tight in competitions but not too bad.
04/Feb/14 2:37 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have some metal tweezers to get toast out of the toaster but when it is turned OFF!
I had a laugh about you toast Tricia. You will know where to look next time.
As it is cooler I should go and do some ironing!
04/Feb/14 2:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Hello everyone, I've been MIA and have no reasonable excuse except that every time I come to SA, something or someone interrupts me and I don't get any further. I have read the last few pages that I have missed.
Midge - sorry your cruise was ruined by your ill-health.
Heidi - sorry about your back pain - and the weather!
June - Sharon's birthday - a sad day for you, hope you found plenty of happy memories to think about.
Nola - enjoy having more free time. Do something for yourself - Art Class or similar, now that you have some free time.
Brenda - sorry about your son's little accident and the inconvenience to your plans. Hope it's all sorted before your visitors arrive.
There was so much more I wanted to comment on but can't remember.
Love and best wishes to all.
04/Feb/14 4:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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In Broni's absence, I have started to try to organise a Brisbane gathering to meet and greet Jane and Kathy when they are here. They will be here from Tues 25th March to Saturday morning 29th March.
Nola - we haven't organised anything definite yet and because a lot of our Brissy people work, it may be one evening. I have asked if any or all of them could get the Friday off. Anyway, if you are interested, I will keep you up to date on our plans.
Vicki - if you come here first, there is a PM on FB concerning this.
04/Feb/14 4:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping in to say Hello and Good Night.

Way too much going on. We have a sick kitty who went a few days with very minimal eating or drinking last week. (She needed 200 ml fluids last week and again tomorrow. Vet thinks WE should be administering them to her at home. She's GOOD and cooperative at vet, but not so much at home. We've been keeping a diary of intake and output.) Hubby has been dealing with intense neck & shoulder pain for 11 days, so to doctor today. Diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy (simlar to sciatica, but emanating from nerves in neck). Medications prescribed, but must be approved by his nephrologist, whose nurse didn't return phone calls, so just trying to deal with over the counter and heat. Physical therapy also prescribed. He started new insurance Feb. 1, so we're trying to sort out what will be approved via multiple phone calls. Still no answer on the PT. Tons to be done at home, but little time to do it, so I'm off to bed and start again tomorrow.

Thinking of everyone dealing with their own issues/problems/pain/etc! Huge {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and lots of positive thoughts, healing vibes, and prayers for everyone!
04/Feb/14 6:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It snowed some more last night. It does look pretty outside with the ground covered in a mantle of white, and the trees covered in a half inch of ice, but it's still kinda dangerous for driving. We had to cancel the Vet appointment for today. I was gonna take 5 steers (that we're sending to an Iowa feedlot on retained ownership) in for shots, but I decided not to risk losing control on the ice. We rescheduled.
05/Feb/14 2:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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For the second day in a row, the weather forecasters were wrong. They said the high yesterday was supposed to be 38˚F, and it only got to 32˚F. Today's high was supposed to be 40˚F, and it reached only 33˚F, not warm enough to melt the ice on trees or ground. Now we're under winter storm warning again. The Weather Channel is starting to call this a ''brutal'' winter.
05/Feb/14 8:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Snowing again! Aaarrrgggghhhhh!!!!!
05/Feb/14 10:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We are expecting another storm starting early in the morning. The snow crews are out now carting snow away in dump trucks ... there's just no room for any more snow at the side of the roads. Seems like a never-ending winter. I believe the storm we are expecting will be hitting Mama's area first.
05/Feb/14 11:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're getting what is called a wintery mix, which means ice accumulation. I'm not enjoying this weather.
05/Feb/14 3:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Good Friends!

I'm so sorry I missed so many of you yesterday! Good thoughts were sent your way!

Heidi, sorry about the 'wintery mix!' It seems nearly everyone is getting tired of this winter. Hopefully there's no mud to deal with!

We're getting more snow as I type this. Hubby has a 7:30 appointment for Physical Therapy evaluation tomorrow, but will first need to shovel so he can leave. I can't convince him to call someone to do it for us. He now has his medications, but says they aren't helping.

Theresa, I understand about the need for dump trucks to take snow away to make room for the new. That has been a strategy here, as well.

Time for bed, so I'll send my usual positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}.
05/Feb/14 6:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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From what I've seen of the weather map, Mama is going to be the hardest hit by this storm. Julie and Theresa probably won't enjoy it, either. MizT is too far south to be hit. And the worst of it is going to miss Kentucky by going north. None of us will be in the middle of it, just on the outskirts. That'll be bad enough.
05/Feb/14 6:56 PM
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