Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''Be careful when speaking. You create the world around you with your words.''

from the Navajo
05/Feb/14 6:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hope to get lots of sleep tonight. Just before I went to bed I was sent a spread sheet of the timeline of Sharon's life so I was awake trying to remember things to be added. It was a nice cool night and I was looking forward to be able to curl under the covers for a good sleep. Hopefully tonight.
Sharon's Ex's wife is putting a book together for Laura with photos etc of Sharon's life. (they were all the best of friends!!!) She will be coming to lunch on Friday to get more photos and information.
05/Feb/14 9:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A friend asked to borrow a book and I emptied several boxes and half a wardrobe before I found it. What a mess. I decided that all the Wilber Smith and some other books I will not read again can go to Vinnies! Most of the books are now put back but stopped when my back had enough.
05/Feb/14 9:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thoughts going to all of you with the storms. it is hard for us to imagine all that snow!
05/Feb/14 9:35 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Maggie fell this morning, so I took the girls to the bus stop. She landed on her left side (the hip replacement side is the right side) and she hit her head. She has a bad migraine and her left shoulder and arm are sore. I will be keeping an eye on her today, and I will be picking up the girls after school. The good thing is that she didn't land on the right side ... it could have been much worse. She fell outside as there was just enough snow already that it was covering the ice underneath.

Snow is piling up here again. I am done with winter, but those of us in snow climates know that February, even though it's the shortest month, can also be the worst month of winter.
06/Feb/14 3:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I will be going for blood tests tomorrow. My doctor says my blood tests no longer have to be fasting ones, so that's a bonus. Then Friday I have a doctor's appointment.

Valentine's Day, I have a ROMANTIC day planned. Hubby is working and I have to go for the squishy test and a bone density scan. How romantic is that??????
06/Feb/14 3:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm looking out the window (I have already spent time outside on that giant skating rink) and everything has a thick coating on it. Branches have been snapping off the trees around the house due to the weight of the ice. I'm glad I'm stocked up on food for the critters and people, so I don't have to risk my truck. If I DID have to go to town for necessities, I'd have to take my 4WD tractor. That ice isn't even safe to walk on!

Sorry about Maggie's fall, Theresa. That's all she needs.... one more problem. I do have what may sound like a silly suggestion, but trust me on this. Go get her a cheap rubber balance bracelet (not the metal ones, they aren't for balance) at your local pharmacy. I have no idea why they should work... in fact, I consider them no better than voodoo or a placebo. BUT THEY WORK. Ever since I started wearing one, I haven't fallen, no matter the provocation. Every fall I've had was when I wasn't wearing it. I was just outside on the ice we laughingly call a driveway, and all the dogs were slipping and sliding and falling everywhere. I didn't once lose my balance!!! I gave one to my friend Debbie, who's as accident prone as I am, and falls daily. She can't believe it. She hasn't even come close to falling since she started wearing one. The dumb things don't cost much, and she's got nothing to lose. But both of you will be amazed at the results. You might want to try one, too. If you can't find any around your area, pm me your address and I'll send you a couple.
06/Feb/14 4:04 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Before I put the books back in the built in wardrobe, I thought it might be an idea to take everything out and clean and paint it. It is a bit patchy as I have only given it one coat with a brush but so much cleaner than the old scuffed paint that has been there since 1975. I will probably feel the effect of my labours a bit later!
06/Feb/14 11:24 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tneresa, I do hope Maggie is OK. I always worry about people hitting their head.
06/Feb/14 11:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, sending thoughts to Maggie. I hope she is okay and you don't have a day trying to get her to emergency and the kids from school. After all that has happened I don't think they'd cope well with that.

June, want to do mine now? I've got a few cupboards that need going through and walls that need painting. We haven't painted our bedroom because we couldn't decide on a colour!

Valentines Day! I'd forgotten. I suppose we should plan something. All I want to do at the moment is sleep and I'm not sure why.

06/Feb/14 11:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, congratulations on your change! It reminded me of this...

06/Feb/14 11:49 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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A quick Hello to everyone!

Heidi, snow is pretty, but treacherous when over ice. Please be very careful!

I also have one of the rubber bracelets you suggested Theresa should get for Maggie. Mine is called a 'Power Balance' bracelet. I don't know how or why (placebo comes to mind), but it seems to help with balance. My cello teacher had a couple of nasty falls within about a month of each other back in September or October. I got her a bracelet, and she hasn't fallen since. She wears it, even though her SIL is an orthopedic surgeon. Whatever works!

Fortunately, we only had snow - about 8 to 10 inches, I think. Enough to keep me from my quartet/orchestra class and my cello lesson. Hubby was able to get to his PT evaluation and first session (only a couple of miles away) today. We found out today that our SIL also has a pinched nerve in his neck. Two medications didn't help, so he'll be seeing a physical therapist tomorrow.

Theresa, I'm sorry about Maggie's fall. I hope she's all right, especially after hitting her head. Take care when you need to be out.

June, I hope you finally get some sleep. That timeline is quite a project to undertake. So is searching for a book and deciding to paint the built-in wardrobe. Please pace yourself and be sure to get the sleep and 'me time' you need.

Suzy, I hope you, your Ds and grandies are all well! I'm guessing there is less need for substitute teachers at the beginning of the term, so perhaps you have time for things you need to do for family and around home!

It's time to send my wishes for each of you: , healing vibes, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
06/Feb/14 6:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's snowing AGAIN. I'm looking out the window, and seeing snapped-off branches everywhere from the weight of the ice on them. My magnificent weeping willow, in the center of the circle in front of the horse barn, has been so devastated that it's less than half it's original size. It's heartbreaking.

IH is off on a business trip until Saturday. Two full days without him!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!!
07/Feb/14 2:21 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning from here...hope is well with everyone. Well my area of the world has certainly b een experiencing a most difficult winter and I have had more than enough. Not too much snow fell in the second storm on Wednesday, but the ice was thick and the winds were very cold. Many have lost power and trees, and large tree limbs are all
over the fun for thousands during this cold. Happily I didn't lose power and have plenty of everything I really need except a way that my poor little Jazz is able to take care of his needs outside without having to bring him in and have him sit in front of the fireplace to recover...but thank goodness for the fireplace.
Well enough about me...good to see Nola posting and enjoying the retirement time in her life. I do hope what with a few pick up jobs to add to the coffers from time to time you find time to indulge in those things you were shortchanged while having to work full out all of those years...It does seem as June suggest that our free time soon is filled and we can no longer find that free time we thought we had. Try not to let too many know of your newfound free time until you've had a chance to enjoy it for awhile. Theresa, as the others have said, please be careful in all of your bad weather taking the kids to their bus stops. I need to take a page out of your book and make appointments for the squishing treatment and bone density test soon....but am waiting until the weather is less threatening. Sending healing vibes to Maggie too and hoping that she doesn't suffer from hitting her head more than the headache...scary stuff.
Julie, glad to see that you didn't share the ice with Heidi and me, snow, while respected can be far better managed than the ice/snow combination or the ice alone. Hope hubby and SIL both have good results of their hurts and the physical therapy helps them regain full use and movement of the affected areas treated. Both you and Heidi mentioned those bracelets helping folks maintain their balance, and I've heard of them, but have never seen them for sale...would love to find one for my sister who has balance problems. Heidi mentioned pharmacies...but none in my area seem to carry them...where did you get yours?
June, still at it my friend...just don't overdue please. Sure wish I had someone nearby with your talent, like Suzy, I too have some things around here that would greatly benefit from some of your tlc.Heidie ...what can I say except enjoy your peaceful reward of having Gil away on a business trip...hopefully the return home is weather delayed by the storm that is expected,but that his return will be a safe one. Suzy...I've been meaning to tell you that I really enjoy the frequent short post you make. It seems both you and Nola have mastered how to be complete and concise in each message...something I have never been able to master...I seem to just ramble on I think I'll just stop. Peace all.
07/Feb/14 3:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama..... I LOVE your rambling, mainly because it's such wise and clever rambling.
07/Feb/14 4:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It is so funny. Birmingham is gun shy! Weather forecast for this late afternoon was for some snow flurries, no accumulation, no road problems for today, but. . . The schools let out early and some even canceled tomorrow's classes. Our staff here left early to go home. Snow came, looked like a blizzard blowing around out there, temp was at 35, nothing stuck even on grass. It snowed for maybe 30 minuets and it is gone! hehehe, After last week, I imagine no school wanted to have to keep any children overnight again. I am sure our staff did not want to again have to spend the night here as 3 of them did last week. Just shows, no one is trusting the forecasters at the moment when the snow word is mentioned.

I also love Mama's posts, do not think them rambling, just filled with good stuff. I always enjoy reading them, Mama.

Heidi, enjoy Gil's absence, I hope you have a nice restful time at home alone with the animals. Sorry about the weep0ing willow, I hope come spring it makes a great recovery. I like a weeping willow. The one I once had would be the first tree to bud out in spring and the last to loose it's leaves in fall. I loved it for that in addition to all of it's other attributes.

Theresa, sorry to hear of your daughter's fall. I was glad it was not her bad hip, first thing I thought of when you said a fall. Hope she recovers well from the bang on the head. Do let us know how that is doing, please.

Julie, Heidi and all, I had never heard of the rubber bracelets for balance. If it works, I would not even try to understand it, just enjoy the better balance.

June, I hope you escape with only minor problems from the painting of the wardrobe. Sounds like it would have to look a lot better than the 25 year old paint job it had. I need to just wash the two white shelf units in my bathroom, they would look a LOT better. Maybe one day soon.

Hugs to everyone, with extras, till later. I am off to look for something for dinner tonight.

07/Feb/14 9:56 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Here I am ... yes, indeed.

Maggie is sore and is still suffering from a bad headache/migraine. I have been taking the kids to the bus and home again since her fall, and I will probably do it for the rest of the winter.

I had never heard about the rubber bracelets either. At first I thought you were talking about the rubber bracelets that say something like 'diabetes' or something like that, or the name of a hockey team, etc. I gather these are not the same. I'm not sure Maggie could wear one because she also has eczema and can't stand any kind of jewelry on her hands or arms ... most times she doesn't even like long sleeves touching her arms.

Thanks for thinking of Maggie ... I love her so much and it is greatly appreciated.
07/Feb/14 10:15 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nola, I quit my last job in 2009 because I just couldn't take the stress any more. I would find myself breaking down and crying at work, and I was starting to 'tell off' the boss. I figured if I didn't leave, they were going to fire me. You are more important and you have to look after yourself.
07/Feb/14 10:17 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Theresa and MizT, those rubber bracelets that say 'diabetes' or 'Live Strong' may be just as beneficial. I actually have a couple that say 'Donate Blood - Save Lives - LifeSource.' The letters are imbedded, so are the same color as the wristband. I would gladly send one to each of you, if you'd like. (I found my 'Power Balance' bracelet on Amazon.

MizT, you can kind of understand how a community can over-react after the experience in the last storm!

Theresa, I hope Maggie's headache/migraine is soon improved! Please be careful whenever you need to be 'out and about.'

Heidi, I hope you don't get as much snow as we did in the last storm (about 14 or 15 inches). Hopefully your weeping willow will recover in the spring! Enjoy the peace and quiet while Gil is away!

Nola, when will your leisure time start? Some good advice here: don't let too many people know you might have a little time on your hands. Gradually ease into retirement and enjoy some leisure time!

Time to head off to bed. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
07/Feb/14 7:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A busy day with the photos. trying to identify when where and who other than Sharon is in the photos. it will probably take over 12 months to complete the book. We had a BBQ at the club tonight so I took a couple of netball photos at about 9-12 years of age. Asked some other 'mothers' from back then so got most of the names.
While there we won the first prize in the raffle which was a fruit and vegetable tray worth about $50.
07/Feb/14 10:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The bracelets I'm talking about have little magnets imbedded in them. The ones with printed messages are just decorative. I got mine at Rite Aid pharmacy, a big chain. Anything they sell, Wallgreens sells, too. Mine says '' Sabona Pro-Magnetic Sport''. They come in all sorts of colors and sizes. I wear the largest size because I hate anything binding on my wrists. The test to see if they work is simple. Stand on one leg with your arms outstretched. Have someone gently push down on one arm. You will lose your balance easily. Then do the same thing while holding a Power Bracelet. You don't even have to be wearing it. You will be amazed when you don't lose your balance! It shocked me the first time I tried it.

Congrats on the win, June. You deserve all the luck imaginable.

No change in the weather. We had more flurries on top of the ice last night. My beloved Magnolia tree got snapped in half by the weight of the ice. I'm going to have to de-ice the doors of my truck today so I can go out and get more dog food. I'm more than ready for Spring.
08/Feb/14 1:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just enjoying the peace and quiet without IH being around. I've been keeping the horses, cattle, birds, cats and dogs well fed and watered. Otherwise, I've been relaxing. Reading (Wodehouse), playing on 'pooter, and napping.
08/Feb/14 1:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in to say Hello and let all of you know I'm thinking of you!

June, what a brilliant idea to take photos with you and let others help you to identify who was pictured! Congratulations on winning the fruit and vegetable tray!

Heidi, my bracelet is a 'Power Balance' - no magnets, but holograms. I had not heard of the Sabona Pro-Magnetic Sport bracelets before, not have I seen them in Walgreens. But then, maybe I just don't know where to look. So sorry about the destruction of your magnolia tree. Will this be the end of it, or is there a chance it may regrow?

Heidi, peace and quiet is GOOD!

Thinking of everyone and hoping the snow, ice, cold, high temperatures, dry air, threat of fires can be moderated! Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
08/Feb/14 5:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... I think I meant imbedded holograms, not magnets. I don't think the brand name is important, though. Just the fact that the dumb things work. Both Debbie and I have noticed that neither of us has slipped or fallen on the ice, though all around us are doing so. And we both have a looooong history of icy prat-falls.

IH should be back in a few short hours. Drat. I was enjoying the peace and quiet. At least he's going out of town again on Tuesday morning... and will be gone at least 1 night, maybe 2 or 3. He was a little vague about it.
09/Feb/14 2:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW,,, It's snowing AGAIN!!! While wee don't get much accumulation, it's hazardous for driving. It hides the ice that's still there. And it's staying COLD outside! This is unusual for Kentucky, where the weather rarely stays the same for more than 3 days at a time.
09/Feb/14 2:11 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Calling in briefly to wish Maggie a speedy recovery.
Thank you Theresa..and all of you really, for your well wishes.
Hope all of you up north are coping with the extreme cold. At the moment, it would be a relief to cuddle up in bed with the doona, but our time will come.
Cyn...I would love to be kept updated with the next Sudoku meeting.
I have 10 more shifts or 2 weeks of work to go.
09/Feb/14 5:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, our weather has changed, much warmer here today. I am sorry the warmer temps have not made it to Kentucky. It is 51 degrees here today, light jacket weather. I am about to go out and enjoy. I want some seafood, so thinking of finding a seafood restaurant I know is somewhere nearby. So happy you are not slipping and falling on the ice. Be careful today when you go out to resupply dog food.

Thinking of all my Aussie friends who are dealing with fire weather, and on or near the anniversary of a past tragic fire. Stay alert, get out if warned, keep yourself and yours safe. things can be replaced, friends cannot.

Julie, it was not me wanting a bracelet, I was just commenting on them. At the moment, I have no balance problems, but if they develop I will be sure to look for one.

June, It will be a project that takes some time, but all the photos of Sharon, in cronological order, will make a treasured book for Laura. I hope looking through the photos bring back some good gentle memories.

OK, I must be off, more I wanted to say, but time's a wasting. I hear an order of shrimp (prawns?) calling my name. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

09/Feb/14 6:13 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Well we went out today and bought a 'new' car... new to us that is. A 12year old Ford Galaxy, 7 seater people carrier.
The first couple we saw were very dodgy. The first one was only supposed to have 44k miles on the clock but looked as if it had 10 times that amount. There were seats missing and some weren't anchored properly. The second looked a little better until we checked out one of the seat belts and it was mouldy, then we unfolded one of the back seats and that was mouldy too... who do these dealers think will buy something like that.
The one we eventually bought is immaculate. I haven't driven it yet but Richard loves it. It even has a built in child seat.
Hope everyone is safe from whatever weather conditions are prevailing in your area. We personally haven't got any flooding but there is lots of problems in the south west, vast areas are flooded. There doesn't seem as if there is going to be any respite from the rain for a while yet.
09/Feb/14 10:05 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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So pleased you have a car you are happy with Brenda. Sorry about all the rain YOU are getting. I would like some of it here. Our front lawn is starting to look very dead. Some good rain and it will revive!
Heidi, is your magnolia deciduous or evergreen? I hope that and the willow will both come good again in the spring.
09/Feb/14 12:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have one of each, June. The evergreen one was by far the larger, and that's the one that snapped in half. It lost the top half. The deciduous one was unharmed.
09/Feb/14 2:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Congrats on the new-for-you car, Brenda. Have you ever read the Roald Dahl book ''Matilda''? Those first 2 cars you looked at sound like the dealer was Matilda's dishonest used-car-dealer father.
09/Feb/14 2:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening/Night from here!

Heidi, your weather seems to be in a cycle like ours. Snow, then much colder (near zero) for a few days, then 'warming' up to around 20 or 25 degrees and (you guessed it) more snow. Apparently we have had a total of about 5 feet (60 inches) of snow so far this winter and likely to still get more this month and in March. (I don't have my phone handy to do the conversion, but we're still under 2 meters so far). Luckily, it compacts a bit and on a good sunny day, some snow will melt, but I know it will be quite some time before we see the grass again.

Thinking of all of our friends who are near the fires - or near where they could develop. I'm hoping for cooler temperatures and no winds for you.

Heidi, I looked at the Sabona Pro-Magnetic Sport bracelets on Amazon. It appeared that some versions had magnets.

Nola, how exciting to hear that you're down to just 10 more shifts! It's wonderful when the end is in sight!

MizT, your 50 degrees sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoyed it and got out and got your shrimp/prawns! I hope you had a fantastic day!

Brenda, congratulations on the 'new to you' car! I'm so glad there was at least one in excellent condition! You would think the car dealers would put a little effort into cleaning up the cars they want to sell! The one you purchased sounds perfect!

June, I wish I could send you the 6 or 7 inches of snow we got today! That would help to 'green up' your front lawn!

Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for each of you!
09/Feb/14 5:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Nola - we haven't made definite plans yet for a gathering when the US ladies are here, but it will probbly be the Friday evening 28th March. I'm waiting until Broni is back to discuss with her before we make definite arrangements. Will keep you posted.
Brenda - your new/old car looked good in the pic on FB.
09/Feb/14 6:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It was supposed to warm up today and melt all the snow. Guess what??? It's snowing again. I was gonna take 5 heifers down to Glasgow (graded sale) but decided it wasn't worth my life. The driveways are just too icy to haul cattle on. Before I could suggest to IH that he take them down there with his 4WD truck, he suggested that we wait a week. Yes, the roads are clear, but there are some very treacherous areas getting to and from the cattle loading area. The worst part is the ice covered hill leading down to the road. There is no was my truck, pulling a fully loaded trailer, could stop and make the turn onto the road without shooting across it and being totaled. It doesn't matter that the brake lines on the trailer need to be replaced. You can't brake on an icy hill with so much weight behind you and not jack-knife and lose control completely.
10/Feb/14 2:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, I am getting ready to go to the February birthday party here. I actually found some real shoes to wear today. Considering I do not have to walk, these would work . I have had them forever, but still comfy.

If yesterday was a good day here, today is GREAT. More sun than yesterday afternoon, and temp is 58 (14.4 C ) degrees. Loving it. I had best get out and enjoy again today after the BD Party, cause it is going to change again. someone in Alabama will get up to 2 inches of snow and ice Monday night/Tuesday morning. ATM they are saying north of us, near the Alabama Tennessee line, but recent weather history shows they can be off that 100 miles that would put it in Birmingham. We are more likely to get the ice and freezing rain, the stuff that snaps power lines. I should check that my lantern has working batteries, and charge my chair, cell phone and tablet to full power. Phone is most important, as I will loose phone service if I loose power. Good thing I have a charger for cell phone in my auto.

OK, time to finish dressing, and get myself down for the party. More later, hugs to each of you till then.

10/Feb/14 6:22 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Feeling blah today. I went to the doctor on Friday and I have to start insulin shots. I guess I'm just having a bit of a pity party ... my bad. All in all life is good and I have been blessed, so why feel sad, huh?

Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
10/Feb/14 7:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You have every right to feel sorry for yourself, Theresa. Starting insulin shots is not a fun thing to do. You have my sympathy... and a big ((((( HUG ))))).
10/Feb/14 8:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish my back would let up. I'm not enjoying all of this pain. Heading off to bed early to get some sleep.
10/Feb/14 1:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Weather guessers have changed their mind. It might snow here in Birmingham. We might have sleet and freezing rain, but again, it could be just a cold rain from Monday night through Tuesday, with a considerable amount of accumilation. How is that for covering all the bases? They are thinking it is gonna be ice for us, bummer. I am wondering if I should go to my sister's or to my daughter's house. Each has at least some alternative to electric heat. Ice brings down trees which bring down power lines, oh no! Here. . . no other heat, it is not allowed to have anything with a flame, not even a candle.

Another update, 'this could be a prolonged winter event, as a second shot of precipitation may come in Wednesday and Thursday. AAAAGGGGH! ! ! !
10/Feb/14 1:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I wish your back pain would let up also. How long till you can schedule another epidural?

Theresa, so sorry you have to start insulin injections, but you can do this. I will be thinking of you and sending wishes this goes easily for you, as you start your new normal way of living.

The birthday party was fun, but they did not serve even one thing I could eat legally. Carbs, carbs, carbs, our plate was finger sandwiches with a taste of pimiento cheese (really good pimiento cheese) or chicken salad, crackers with cream cheese, cookies cookies cookies, and chips of different kinds. THEN there were huge slices of birthday cake passed around. I kept handing mine to others on our table, but servers would be right back with one for me! I caved, ate some of what was offered, and ya know, it made me sick to my tummy. Just not accustomed to high carbs now.

I think we had more birthday celebrants in Feb. than any month. The church sponsoring the party gave little bouquets of flowers to the birthday girls. Of the 5 at our table, 3 were celebrating birthdays. Mary, who I play Scrabble with, gave me her flowers. She has a cat, and said cat would eat the flowers, so I should take them home and enjoy them.

If you could spare a thought for a friend of mine, Lynn, who also plays Scrabble with us, has been in hospital with a blood clot to her lung. LOTS of new meds, and she is just home today. she will have to give herself coumadin injections for a while. I have volunteered to help if she needs it, she has not stuck herself yet, her family has been was doing injections today.

Anyone down under want our precipitation, be it ice, snow or rain? I would be happy to send it down if you send precise directions hehehe

A bit early, but I am thinking of bed time. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
10/Feb/14 2:05 PM
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