Sudokuaholics Anonymous 5

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good night ALL
13/Sep/08 10:42 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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JUNE, here patients are not discharged with antibiotics, I was not. We, the human population, have caused super bugs by over use of antibiotics. Now, go home without, watch temp and only those who actually get an infection get the antibiotics. Too much preventative use of antibiotics in the past are the reason for this now. All the weak, easy to kill bacteria were eliminated, but the stronger, more resistant were left and they thrived with no competition from the weaker ones, and now we have such things as Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus , or MRSA, and only a combination of drugs will fight this serious infection. Cannot over use those now, or we will be left with nothing, back to the days before penecillin, when you fought a simple infection yourself and most people died of it.

I am soo sorry she is having this complication, but maybe knowing why she did not get preventative antibiotics might help relieve your anxiety about the quality of her care.

On the same note, if you are using antibacterial hand soap, surface cleaners and are not a nurse treating infectious people, you are adding to the problem. soap and water is enough to keep germs off your counter and door knobs and trash cans. it is the advertising of these products that make us think, falsly that antibacterial products are good, and they are WRONG.

Off my soap box now, It is in the corner if anyone needs it!
13/Sep/08 10:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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JUNE, seems your " golden staph" is the same staph infection I was talking about Staphylococcus Aureus by name, but I had to do a fast search. Oh I love computers, how much easier my life would have been in nursing school with a computer!! I did not read up to find out if you in Australia have as much MRSA, the resistant kind as we do here.

13/Sep/08 10:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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VICI, Al did not find "Truth & Beauty" by Ann Pachett, but he saw the author's name and picked up something else of hers, forget the name now. Other friends had suggested the Stephanie Plum books, by Janet Evanovich and he got several of those. I THINK I have read some, oh well, if I am desperate, can re read them hehehe.

this is a free weekend for some of the cable movie chanels we do not subscribe, and yesterday I watched about 3 movies. Al picked one, SI FI action adventure, Sylvester Stalone as Judge V----, not my kind of movie, but since AL was inside instead of in his office, watched with him. Will watch more girlie movies today, he has work in the office to do.

Last night, my bottom was most uncomfortable and I could not understand why. I had been good, off my feet, in bed or recliner and only up doing necessities for a bit on way to and fron bathroom. Huumm, what is going on? Well, happened to need one of my softener pills, and happened to look at my "chart" , the note pad where I write down when I last had pain pill (they make me goofy, and I have found I must write down or I have NO IDEA when I took one) It had been over 11 hours with no pain meds, a bit long to go without still. You know, bottom got most comfy again once I took half a pill hehehe.
13/Sep/08 11:17 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Popping in without reading...Maen dear ones!
MzT - just read your last post...I'm pretty impressed with your speedy recovery - so much so that you don't remember to take a pain pill! I think you owe it to being a very good patient!
You'll have to let me know if Ann Pachett's other book is good. I'm really enjoying her writing style in the one I'm reading now.
13/Sep/08 11:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just had a call from Sharon and there is a slight infection in the wound and they were staring to pump in the antibiotics. She sounded brighter knowing she was getting treatmant.
I agree with what you say about antibiotics etc Mizt. and do not use them unless necessary. But Sharon's appendix had ruptured 4 or 5 days before they operated and they only removed the drain the day before she came home. They had also had to operate on her intestine as the appendix had caused it to ulcerate and block. She has a cut about 10 inches long.
Will know more tomorrow and hope they can clear it up quickly.
I thank everyone for their caring thoughts and putting up with me 'rabbiting on' as a way of releaving my tensions.
13/Sep/08 11:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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We have a new home now,

If this link does not work, go to FORUMS, off topic, and find SA6 listed.

I shall ask GATH to close this page and put a link to the new one. Will try to catch anyone who arrives and posts here and send directions.

13/Sep/08 11:50 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
Check out my page
I don't wantta go.
14/Sep/08 6:39 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just came to pick up my chair, the and the .
See you at SA6.

Better not forget the sign!
14/Sep/08 9:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Come on eaa, you can make it over to the next page! We left a trail of bread crumbs for ya to follow.
15/Sep/08 1:49 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
Check out my page
I back to see if there was something was left behind and I have found this. A jacket with a very long arms and buckles on the back.
16/Sep/08 6:39 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
Check out my page
OOPs! I came back [Duh]
16/Sep/08 6:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Eaa, that is part of the search and rescue equiptment we left here, for use on stragglers who continue to posthere and not report in on SA6. Helps when we pull them kicking and screaming over to the new meeting room, hehehehehe.
16/Sep/08 7:54 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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phew glad SA5 isnt closed yet..

I've got my chair..

16/Sep/08 6:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
Check out my page

REPOST for late arrivals:


We have a new home now,

If this link does not work, go to FORUMS, off topic, and find SA6 listed.

I shall ask GATH to close this page and put a link to the new one. Will try to catch anyone who arrives and posts here and send directions.

16/Sep/08 11:23 PM
   eaa  From Tassie
Check out my page
So will all the comments disappear, never to be seen again. All the love and silliness, poof into thin air.
17/Sep/08 6:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor eaa. You've gotten too attached to SA5.
17/Sep/08 6:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
Check out my page
NO Dear eaa, as long as you have a link to the pages, they are still there. I have links all the way back to the last to post pages, well some of the last to post, and that was the precursor of the SA pages.

so if you are ever at a loss for something to read, just let me know and I can send the old links hehehe.
17/Sep/08 7:37 AM
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