Sandra from IN

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Welcome!  Not from LA/NC anymore. Retired to Indiana



 Bob and Murphy in the Gulf of Mexico at Grand Isle, LA

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   Sandra  From LA/NC
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well, no picture. guess i didn't do something right....
01/May/07 10:23 PM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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the date's wrong on the pix...Murphy was born January 21, 2005.
01/May/07 10:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Sandra! May I be the first to you to your new page! Wow - impressive - you have already posted a picture! I see you waste no time in settling in. I hope you enjoy these tulips and a great big box of Frango Mints!
02/May/07 2:31 AM
to Julie  From Sandra
thank you so much. i love tulips (all flowers, really) the mints will be shared with all...
02/May/07 4:36 AM
Sandra  From LA/NC
thanks for stopping by....the drinks are out and the bar's open. let me know your favorite drink and i'll be happy to mix it for's over there....
02/May/07 4:38 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Sandra - thanks for visiting my page. I hope you go the whole way and become an SP. Here's a bottle of our local wine, a Goundry Unwooded Chardonnay for you to open for a house warming toast. Cheers.
03/May/07 10:33 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Sandra - I've just seen your photos in Flickr and they are lovely. You must have travelled a bit. I left a message on one of them.
03/May/07 10:37 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra, Duh, I feel really stupid. Just wrote a comment to you on Tough & have now realized you must live in both Louisiana AND North Carolina, not in LA, NC. Where exactly is Teche where all your beautiful photos were taken? Really enjoyed seeing them. I like lighthouses, too.
04/May/07 8:55 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Yes, Sandra, I was/am a Navy wife; on reflection, it was such an incredibly bondng experience that I now wouldn't trade, but I hated the separatons, the limitations, etc. at the time. Are /were you a Navy wife?
The last time I was at the OB was about 15 years ago (I just realized how long it had been!), and we were there for my mother's 75th b'day; we stayed in a huge house up in Duck. What a great time we had. The motel we used to stay in was the Blue Dolphin. Isn't it amazing what we remember? Where in La and NC do you live? That's an interesting combination.
Glad to meet you; hope to learn more in the future.
05/May/07 2:00 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra,
Love the picture of the lighthouse.
I see the talk of Navy wives, I knew Cyndi was, and Kathy Valrico is also. My husband retired in 1999 after 30+ years.
I have left you a bouquet of Iris on the table.
Come visit my page anytime.

09/May/07 3:17 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra - Wow! Another lighthouse! I love lighthouses. My family is always buying something for me with a lighthouse on it. Dishtowels, salt/pepper shakers, pictures, etc. I found a lighthouse at a dollar store in Virginia a few years ago of a Tawas, Michigan Lighthouse. Go figure.... I had to go to Virginia to find it. Anyway, thanks for sharing your pictures. Oh yes, there is a Bed and Breakfast in the Upper Penninsula that is in an old Lighthouse. It sits on Lake Superior. I want to go spend the night there sometime.

to Sudokuland! I hope you enjoy the plate of chocolate chips cookies I left on your table.
11/May/07 12:01 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi! It is me, again! I just took a look at your Flickr sight and your pictures are just undescribable! Wow! Not only do you have lighthouses, but New Orleans, England, France..... That was fun! It would be so exciting to see Stonehenge in person. Thanks for sharing those with us!
11/May/07 8:14 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi! I'm back! It took me many years before I was able to drive across the Mackinaw Bridge. (I am not fond of bridges.) There are people there whose job is to help people drive across when they freeze half way across! We have crossed the bridge on our motorcycle. You learn to stay in the outside lanes becuase of the grates on the inside. If you have time, there is a picture of the Mackinaw Lighthouse on my Flickr site. Do you live near the outer banks in North Carolina? We have property in VA just up the Mountain from Mount Airy. (I-77) We hope to retire there in the next year or two. Do you live in Louisiana in the Summer?
11/May/07 9:21 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Guess Who? - If you have been down I-77, I am sure you have noticed Fancy Gap, VA. Our property is off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We both love the mountains and fell in love with this property the first time we saw it. We have a creek that runs through the center of our land. We had a dam built about 15 years ago, so we now have a large pond!
11/May/07 11:29 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra - Fancy Gap is our actual mailing address. I get down about once a year. My husband is down there now. He likes to go in the spring and take care of the wild rose bushes. If you go to the Flickr site, you will see the old barn on our property. (I dubbed it the old homestead.) He stays in the barn. I can't do that very long. I don't like snakes, mice or spiders and it has been known to have them all, at different times. The black snake keeps the mice away, but I don't like snakes either. The out-house is up the 'mountain' from the barn. My husband has a solar shower to bathe with. You have to use it at the right time of the day. Not too early, (too hot) or too late (too cold.) It is a real adventure! We were renting a cabin nearby, but it was sold and not avaiable any more. I think we are going to look for a place to rent for a year just to make sure that is what we really want to do before we invest our money in building a new home. I love the music from that area. I am slowly learning how to Fiddle. We go down to Mount Airy on Thursday evening when we are there to the Andy Mayberry Playhouse. On the lower lever they have jam sessions. It is a lot of fun.
12/May/07 4:28 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Yes, we have considered a camper, but we wouldn't want to pull it back and forth. We can't leave it down there because we are afraid someone would break into it. We are about 2 1/2 miles back in off of the parkway and then we have a right-of-way that is about 5/8 of a mile. There have been people in the barn, so we don't lock it. We don't want the windows broken that my husband has been putting in. Yes, I have been to Gatlinburg serveral times. It is a beautiful mountain town.
12/May/07 4:45 AM
BJC  From Ohio
Thanks for the flowers and bubbly. Neither will go to waste in my house.
12/May/07 11:28 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra, I stopped by again to see your latest photo additions on Flickr. Nice shots of many interesting places & flowers! I don't know where Hever Castle is? Have learned more about you from your exchanges with Debby! Saw that you are a former Navy wife - the list keeps growing, seems to be quite a few of us! Have you seen any lighthouses in SOUTH Carolina? There's one at Hunting Island very near to our beach house at Fripp Island.
16/May/07 2:21 AM
Debby  From Mi,USA
I am sending you a web-site that I thought you might be interested in.

T his is one of the biggest Fiddler Conventions in the U.S. yearly. It is in Galax, which is near Fancy Gap. If you are ever through there at that time, you must check it out. They close several streets in town with venders and there is music played on the streets (little jam sessions) everywhere. The main convention takes place in the evenings in the country park. Also, there is a Music Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is also a 'must-see'. It has a museum and an ampitheater of the music in the area. They have concerts all summer long there. (There is a picture of it on my Flickr site. I think.)
16/May/07 10:50 AM
Debby  From Mi,USA
Sandra - What is so exciting is the music center on the parkway is just over the mountain from our property. We were hoping maybe we could hear some of the music?.?.?.?
16/May/07 10:54 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra, thanks for visiting. This is a quick reply as it is late & I am heading away for the weekend early in the morning. I will visit again next week. The singer in my YouTube is Robbie Williams & the song is Angels. He is HUGE in the UK (he is English) & Australia as well. This is one of his more beautiful songs - his music varies a lot but he is a great entertainer. Cheers for now.
18/May/07 10:37 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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SANDRA, Hello and many thanks for visiting my page. I appreciate the bubbly and flowers, flowers are another of my passions. Ahhh, where in NC? That is a long long trip to LA. And where in LA? Along the coast anywhere? My husband was in NC last month, I have never been. He has made one trip down to coastal MS since Katrina, I am wondering if you were affected by that hurricane in LA.

Let me invite you to the Sudokuaholics page, a new one we started after the last to post competition. We carry on some foolishness there, it is fun. Click on Clips (top of any page) and then look for conversations, then sudokuaholics. You are welcome there any time, just fess up to your addiction, and draw up a chair.

Hope to see you again, and I have been checking chat room, but always get a there are no visitors in chat room notice, guess I am not at the correct time.
18/May/07 11:31 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Sandra! What wonderful pictures! I don't know anyone else who has been to Hever Castle. We were there several years ago. Looking at your pics was like traveling back to all those places again! I've been to Dover, Stonehenge, London, Paris, New Orleans (we stayed at a hotel on Bourbon Street)Versailles, Paris, and even the Outer Banks! A great big to Sudukoland!
19/May/07 1:41 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Not a Navy wife, no. I was a Navy brat, my Dad was a Navy pilot (Captain), my brother was a Commander, and my son a Sr. Chief. Lots of Navy tradition in my family! We've been to Italy several times. We did a city stay in Rome. Good public transportation there (metro, bus, cab,train). Much to see, a good tour book will be helpful. One suggestion. Get to the sites early when they open, before the tour buses show up!! We booked two day trips at a place called 'Enjoy Rome' to Pompeii and Florence. Two years ago we rented a villa in Tuscany (with another couple), rented a van and drove all around the countryside. It was an adventure! The roads were mainly dirt and very narrow. The van was stick shift, and, we found, too big to easily maneuver in some areas. The villa was just outside a little town called Greve. It was fun to buy food in the little shops and try our hand at authentic Italian cooking!
20/May/07 1:05 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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BTW, my son and his family were stationed in La. They lived in Slidell. Been there many times. I did try and aviod visiting in the summer, though We also have blue crabs here. Straight from the Chesapeake Bay!
20/May/07 1:13 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra! I just realized I've never visited your page before, so my apologies, for not visiting and for mistaking your photo as one of Ian's. I have to leave my traditional page warming gift for you, a double chocolate fusge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Enjoy! And I checked out your Flickr pictures. Very nice, and I love the dog napping one!
21/May/07 4:06 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Please accept my appologize to not congrate you in time ,I just notice that today only when I decided to visit You back to thank you for Your lovely visit to my page and however I record in my notes that I already done that ,and the fact is not.
I know it is now too late but forgave me this mistake and accept my late Congratulations for your lovely page.
You are to visit me any and every time You wish.
My Dauter's name have been taken from Your name 'SANDY' just may that help to accept my appologize.
Have a nice as my time now to go to bed.Good night SANDRA.
22/May/07 6:26 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Hi Sandra, was it the puzzle avatar you were asking about? If so I made that one. If you want I can make one for you and put it on my flickr site for you. Just tell me what your favourite colour is.
23/May/07 12:08 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Sandra , i miss you too ,i also am visiting the chatroom and it is always empty . In fact the reason for what i wrote today is that we are having some fights in the north of the country ,between our army and some terrorists ,and we are watchig the news for three days now ,i live in Beirut ,which is far from the fight but the whole country is affected ,thanks any way
24/May/07 2:08 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra, thank you for your kind comments about Ebony. I meant to ask you if the cute Westie named Murphy in your Flickr photos is yours? Is he a good travleler? My friend Barbara who went with me to the adoption expo used to have two Westies. I was hoping we would see a similar type dog (not purebred, of course), & then I think she would have adopted it! The plantations you visited are gorgeous. We have never been to LA except passing through. Rob talked about wanting to visit New Orleans, but we never got around to it & then along came Katrina. How does the city look now? Have they restored much of it?
24/May/07 6:58 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Hi Sandra, I made you an avatar, it's on my flickr page. Let me know what you think. I hope you like it.
24/May/07 9:39 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra, you just have to take a picture of Murphy in his doggles & post it on Flickr! He must look adorable in them. And yes, I would love to hear about how he got his name! Our little old Yorkie mix who died in Jan. used to love to sit on my lap like your Mac does. That is until our daughter's bull terrier attacked her as she jumped into my lap one night & almost killed her. I could never get her to get on my lap again. I felt so bad about that.
25/May/07 3:02 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra - How exciting this must have been. I would love to visit an old plantation some day. I really want to go visit Savannah also. Will you be in North Caolina in August? We may be heading to Virginia in August. Maybe we could meet somewhere? Let me know.
25/May/07 7:04 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra - glad your computer is repaired & you are back in touch with the world! Thanks for taking the time to type out the long story of Maggie, Mac, & Murphy. Had to read it several times to digest all the details! Only thing I couldn't quite figure out was how long Mac was missing before the neighbor found him & why you got Murphy when he was only 4 weeks old? Did something happen to his mother? I think you did a good thing for Maggie. Jack Russells love to run & play. It sounds like she'll have a good life at your sister's place. Will look forward to seeing Murphy's picture in his doggles!
02/Jun/07 6:10 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Sandra , i am fine . things are the same , but i think it will not be long now . i watched your photos , they are beautiful . Thank you for your visit and for asking . Aren't you visiting the chatroom ? i don't find anybody these days .
02/Jun/07 2:49 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Our August plans aren't definite, but we are thinking about it. Yes, it would be very exciting to meet you. I will let you know, also, as time gets closer.
03/Jun/07 4:50 AM
tina  From bc
Thanks for your endorsement! I was wondering if a random comment on this site meant anything. I also love Supertramp and America....Bread, and AC/DC! I've been to England and think Kent is a beautiful place. Liked Brighton and Ashton and Camber Sands!
03/Jun/07 5:11 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra, Haven't been to visit in awhile. Are you in LA or NC now? do you spend summers one place and winters the other?
I love your Flickr photos. The plantations are nice, I went to one when we lived in Maryland don't remember the name.
Were in Germany the last half of December, have friends there. Both our children and SIL spent Christmas in Germany with us. After Christmas Harry, Kevin (son) and I traveled to Belgium, London,took the chunnel from Brussels to London and back to Brussels, France, Paris, more of France, Switzerland, Austria, Liechenstein, Luxenbourg and back to Germany. We were gone until 20 January when we put our son on a plane for home. Harry (hubby) and I spent another week in Germany.
Your pictures of London and Paris make me home sick, I had such a good time in both places. Only thing is did not get to go anywhere but London but we had no time to do anything else.
04/Jun/07 5:09 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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For your very interst information .
Have a nice day.
04/Jun/07 8:13 PM
   rob  From utah    Supporting Member
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good day sandra! thanks for visiting my page. nice to see you. you really have some fantastic photos. i personally havnt been to too many places except for michigan and where spectacular to speak of. someday maybe. usually i give for a pagewarming fresh powered utah snow, but since we have very little snow left in our mountains....i give to you some beautiful flowers from my garden and some ice cold coronas with lime. thanks for your help. i will keep trying.
05/Jun/07 5:04 AM
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