Sandra from IN

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Welcome!  Not from LA/NC anymore. Retired to Indiana



 Bob and Murphy in the Gulf of Mexico at Grand Isle, LA

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   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Sandra - Yes, we are in Virginia now. We are really enjoying it. We must be home by September 9th. We thought we would try to stay through Labor Day week-end. Our children seem to be doing okay. At least we haven't heard any bad stories yet........ Thank you for the birthday wishes. I had a great day. We went down to North Carolina on my birthday and saw our first Rodeo. It was a lot of fun.

I hope this finds you and your family all okay.
14/Aug/07 12:48 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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I get my DVD's from my Library - I paid 75 dollars for the year and I can just pick up the DVD for a week - it works out quite well for me - I can put 'hot' DVD on hold and when they come in I just zip in to the library and pick them up. I love movies. One movie that was interesting was 'keeping Mum' It's English humor and I enjoyed it. It has 'Mr. Bean' (not playing Mr. Bean) in it. I also enjoyed - Music and Lyrics - but I think I loved the 80's pop rock song the most. Pride was an interesting movie - about a black inner city swim team - There are alot of this type of movie - I truly believe If an adult has a passion for something - music, sports, etc. and charges her students with 'her' fire -and takes an interest in them - how can children not go forward. This week, for some unknown reason - I picked up Murder, she wrote - talk about blasts from the past - alot of older actor did guest spots on her show - I don't think we see that much anymore. Well, have a good day. I still havn't seen the new movies this summer - pirates or Harry. Well, have a good one. Mary
14/Aug/07 5:08 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra, just wandered through your photo album. Great pictures! I recognized quite a few I've enjoyed as jigsaws! Here's a bunch of pansies from my garden. They've been flowering since last summer. Even survived being frozen a couple of times last month!
29/Aug/07 3:10 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello Sandra. I'd say our temps would be very similar to yours. Sydney is 33*55' South of the equator & it looks like LA is pretty much the same distance north of the equator (between 35* & 30* in my atlas!). Sometimes in summer it goes over the 40 degree mark but not often, February is the worst month because it's the most humid, so even temps of 25* are unbearable! This winter we've a few below zero C days, then earlier this week it was 29*C! That was a record for a winter day in Sydney though! I've forgotten how to change temps from C to F!
30/Aug/07 9:21 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Sandra
for your thoughts and wishes .
06/Sep/07 6:35 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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My bowling session has resumed - so off to bowl before my 1/2 day at work in the afternoon. I have been watching several DVD this past week. I watched "the Number 23" It's quite different and filmed well - suspense - I'm rewatching it - sometimes when I have a DVD at home I'm doing other things while it on - and this movie has alot of little things you need to "catch", In the same mode was: "Fracture" Hopkins is such a nice evil man. Blades of Glory was fun, and Hannibal rising is waiting to be watched. I read the book earlier this year. Alpha Dog was just "Kicked" out of the DVD player - a little to raw and I guess I'm not in mood for raw sex and drugs this early morning - didn't catch my fancy. I watched the Ultimate Gift yesterday - your basic - spoiled rich kid waiting for inheritance but has to prove he is worthy. It was a nice story - "One Night with the King" is from the same film company - this is the story about Ester from the Bible and how she saves her people - I enjoyed this and I do have to say - the King was quite easy on the eye . I did watch "Premonition" it was okay - I did figure out the ending before it happened - I do question it though - I know you watched it - if he upped his insurance just before the accident - I don't know about you - I know he didn't plan to kill himself - but - the guy was in the middle of the road - just "sitting" there - he was an accident waiting to happen - I don't think the insurance company would settle that quickly - oh well, that's me - always picking at things. So, that my movies, I'm reading - or should say - listening on CD to "the Judas Strain" It quite interesting. I do enjoy medical trillers - only problem is - the reader is "Alex Cross" from the Patterson books - so I'm use to his voice as another character. It also has 2 story lines going and they really should have 2 readers for each line to help the listener focus. I am reading the J.D. Robb "death" series - I'm on "Ceremony in Death" I have no idea why I'm reading the series - The stories are in the future - I guess - I have to say - I really like the Roarke character. The books are pretty lusty too. My next books are: Mercy by Jodi Picoult and Water for Elephants will be the Hospital book club read for Oct. DVD in the wings: Year of the Dog and Vacancy. I do have to say - I am getting off my butt too and not just sitting and watching movies all day. I watched Blades of Glory while walking on my Treadmill. Well, have a good day - off to bowling now. Take Care, Mary
06/Sep/07 11:04 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Magnificent orchid, Sandra. Well done. Hope this note finds you and yours all well. Brought you a bunch of daffodils from my garden to brighten your day.
09/Sep/07 5:20 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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SANDRA: Happy Anniversary to you and your lifemate! Enjoy many more in the future!
22/Sep/07 4:23 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Sandra! The Scotland House sells Irish goods as well as Scottish. And if they don't have what you're looking for, they can probably steer you in the right direction.

I understand anniversary wishes are in order! Hope you and your hubby have a wonderful celebration with many more to come. My husband and I observed our 38th this past June (you'll note I said "observed" not "celebrated" - we're trying hard not to face the fact that we're geezers!!!!)
22/Sep/07 6:03 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Happy Anniversaey wishes to both of you.All my best wishes for a very long happy life and years.
22/Sep/07 1:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Congratulations Sandra and Mr. Sandra on the occasion of your 39th anniversary. Have a great trip. See you when you get back.
22/Sep/07 8:24 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Sandra, Happy 39th Anniversary to you and your hubby! I hope the weather holds out and you have a wonderful day!
22/Sep/07 10:55 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra! I haven't been around the site much lately. Too many other things to do. Sorry I missed your anniversary - belated good wishes for many happy years to come.
24/Sep/07 3:54 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi, S A N D R A .
Very pleased to read your post and a part of my photos of my Cruise is now on my photo galary on my own page.Enjoy it.
Have a very nice time.
29/Sep/07 9:29 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Sandra, just got caught up on my reading and noticed that you were looking for sites that sell tartan scarves. I found the following two sites that I thought you might be able to use.
http://www. scotsconnection. com/ye366i71847/Tartan-Gifts-&-Accessories/Tartan-Scarves/c-1-6-102/)
http://www. greatscotshop. com/scarves.htm
You'll need to delete the spaces after the first two periods.

Happy belated Anniversary to you and your hubby. Hope you had a good day.
30/Sep/07 12:24 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Thanks, Sandra, for your kind thoughts. They mean a great deal. I'm leaving you a bunch of to make your day even brighter.
05/Oct/07 7:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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DRATS and double DRATS! Second post to a page i have lost today, just lost my reply to your message about the sunbonet sue quilts. i shall try to reconstruct later, I am cooking dinner as i type and it needs my attention now.
09/Oct/07 8:48 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Sandra, I found a site that has both Irish and Scot tartans. I looked and found your tartan (I think). The site is
Since Gath is allowing us to post URLs, I didn't add any spaces this time.
I'm originally from Holmes Co., but now live in a suburb of Columbus. If you ever decide to visit my old stomping grounds, let me know. There's a few out-of-the-way places that are off the beaten track.
09/Oct/07 2:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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SANDRA, I hope this second attempt to answer your note gets to you! I shall try copying before I send today!

thank you for the kind words about my Sunbonet quilt. that one is special to me, Mom kept it near her from the day I gave it to her. I now have it and remember her whenever I see it.

I like the idea you used of differently "dressed" Sues and Sams for your Mother's quilt. I still want to do some appliqued Sue blocks some day, but my embroidered ones were appropiate for Mom. she taught me to embroider and I remember many dresser scarves, pillow cases and doillies that she had made being about her house.

I do hope you can photograph your Mom's quilt over Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to seeing it. I do love show and tell hehehe

Your orchid in the photo on your page is beautiful! Is it planted outside, or maybe just visiting outside in it's pot?
10/Oct/07 10:45 PM
   stlparrotthead  From missouri
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Thanks for the greating. Yes, we are major parrottheads. Gotta go where it's warm as often as possible.
11/Oct/07 12:44 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Sandra, I'm quite proud of you expanding your mind with the language - I should try a tape - I need to hear it and see it to learn. My son is doing Spanish in High school this year. "Founding Fathers" sounds interesting I may check that out at the library.

I have quite a selection from the library to listen to and read. On CD, Still working my way though the "In Death" series by JD Robb - now it's "Holiday in Death" Santa serial killer killing loney hearts to the 12 days of Christmas theme - and the main Characters are having mindblowing s** everyone 10 pages or so. This is not my typical reading choice - just have gotten hooked on the storyline - yeah right mar

In the wings, I have on CD - James Patterson's "You've been Warned" - He sure is pushing out the books this year - I see "7th Heaven" on the lists - I wonder if that will involve the Women's Murder Club (which I will be watching tonight on TV) I read "the Quickie" earlier this summer. Robin Cook's "Critical" is next - I enjoy medical shows and medical thrillers - however, Grey' s Anatomy's writers made a big error on the show last night - an older man wanting to die - wasn't allowed too and they shocked him back against his wishes - have they not heard of a DNR - do not resuscitate - I don't care for Lizzie - to much drama.

Anyway, I do have Nicholas Sparks "the choice" in book form and also Acorna's Children - but I'm not sure if I have read that already - it's Sci Fi - Anne McCaffrey - I love her.

I had a couple DVD also on loan: "Away from her" It's about a couple married 50 years and the wife is losing her memory - I see this at work almost on a daily basis - should be intersting - I also have: "Gracie" "The Ex" and "Bug" - always crave a horror movie in October.

I have been busy sewing up Christmas stocking to send overseas - I think I have sewn over 100, someone else cut out the fabric - so I have different fabric to work it - I enjoy it - quick and fast.
Well, cooler weather has hit us, I do enjoy walking outside this time of year - I hope you enjoy your weekend. I enjoy exchanging book title with you - ohh, I do have tell you - the hospital had their book club on Thursday - I couldn't go - I just read the book. We read: water for elephants by Sara G? I enjoyed it and read it in 2 days - I enjoyed that the author - who I can't find the last name at this time - lives in IL and used Brookfield Zoo as the character's job after the circus.

Okay - enjoy your weekend - Take Care Mary
13/Oct/07 10:48 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco
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Sandra Greetings
I wish I knew which program Crystal (my eldest daughter) used. I have 'ritzpix e-z print &share, Adobe photoshop album 3.2, Fine Pix Viewer S, Irfan View, and Photoimpression 5, but she may of used Snapfist. My problem with the computer is that I lost both my husband (the engineer and my brother the computer programer)
Oh well........
14/Oct/07 12:19 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco
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Hi Sandra;
Thank you for all the good food. I just took my blood sugar reading and even after eating all that good, I'm still only 135. You can feed me anytime...
14/Oct/07 9:29 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco
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Me again. If I knew wich photo program Crystal(me oldest daughter) used maybe we could get it right. Let's see it was snapfish or ritzpixe-z or maybe adobe phototshop, Maybe fnepic viewer S or photoimpressions 5 or.....I can't remember and she sail she used one for the first picture and something else for the nextones. Oh well....
14/Oct/07 9:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra, more beautiful flowers greeted me when I visited your page today, Lovely roses. Where are they planted?

You did a king sized quilt? OH MY. I have never made one that large before. the biggest I have quilted is a queen comforter (needs a bed skirt, just barely covers the mattress area) and it is a " comfort quilt" given to me after my husband's heart surgery by a quilt group. They sent me the top and backing and I quilted it myself. I did just straignt line machine quilting, it is a 9 patch with snowball blocks, patchwork, scrappy, and I did diagonal straight grid quilting, partly "in the ditch" on it. I bought a iron on batting, THAT took some time getting it all to adhere, but it kept the quilt together till I got it quilted. the diagonal quilting is a lot easier somehow.

I would love to see this pink sunbonet sue, once you get it out again. Two years since you worked on it? It is in it's last days as a work in progress, girl, get it out and do something hehehe.

Now, I know a girl who does nice machine quilting, she just recently bought a large quilting machine, she did one for me on her regular machine and she does lovely work. She is also a professional quilt designer and has been in Magazines, teaches and lectures, works in a quilt shop, is a sales rep for a quilt fabric company, designes some of those free flyers featuring a new line of fabricis for timeless treasures, makes and quilts the samples used in those photos. TOTALLY immersed in quiting and the busiesssiest gal I know, but she gets the work out. If you are interested, I can give you her e-mail address. she is in MN, but UPS goes there daily hehehe.
18/Oct/07 9:07 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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With all my pleasure I stopped by your page to say Hello.
Hope you are very well.
All my best wishes to you.
27/Oct/07 8:32 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra! Way past time for me to stop back for a visit. Oct. has been such a busy month (did you see our Flickr pictures with Jane & Celia?), & looks like Nov. will be just as busy. We're expecting a friend from Switzerland to arrive on Sat. for a 2 week visit, & my middle daughter & her family will drive down to FL from NC for a short vacation from Nov. 5-10. Think I saw a comment one day that you were traveling up north?? I rarely have had time to get on the site lately so I'm way behind on all the Sudoku folks news. Hope you & your hubby & doggies are all well.
01/Nov/07 3:51 AM
   PJH  From NP    Supporting Member
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Lovely flowers!! I brought some spiced popcorn and merlot for you to enjoy!♥ Today/Med. you said they looked like crepe myrtles; we have one (planted early 2002) and it won't bloosom, any suggestions???? It's had plenty water & fert.
10/Nov/07 8:21 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Sandra - You have some very beautiful roses! I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. I have left you a bouquet of Fall flowers on your table.
21/Nov/07 4:24 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA
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Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Sandra!
22/Nov/07 9:04 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Sandra, just stopping by to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
22/Nov/07 4:09 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Looks like you are having problems with your avatar. If you would like some help, let me know.
22/Nov/07 5:01 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family - Enjoy your day, Mary
23/Nov/07 1:06 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Wishing you and your family a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Hope your day reminds you of all of the wonderful things we have for which to be thankful!
23/Nov/07 5:15 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Sandra, wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.
23/Nov/07 9:26 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Sandra, just passing, thought I'd drop in! I haven't been fully reading the posts lately, too busy, but I haven't noticed you around. Forgive me if I am wrong.
We are all well here (touch wood), and I hope this note finds you and yours well too.
Take care,
26/Nov/07 9:04 PM
   Jaspal  From Bangalore
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Hi Sandra, sorry for responding so late but things really got hectic for last couple of months. Got so involved in settling my younger daughter that I was in virtual spin and picture was quite hazy. It seems to be getting clearer now and hopefully she will be settled soon.
In case you need any help or guidance while visiting India do let me know. I am in Bangalore, Karnataka. Check it out on google earth.
will keep in touch from now onwards. bye and take care.
27/Nov/07 5:14 AM
   Rayray  From Yorkshire    Supporting Member
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Dear Sandra:
Thanks for your approval of the lighthouse posting. Your picture really intrigued me for the reason expressed in the poem. The colour scheme is really co-ordinated, so it looks a very smart location - well maintained and so on.
10/Dec/07 11:27 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Have you been away on holidays? Hope you had a great time!
10/Dec/07 11:49 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Welcome back to sudoku & your old home. I hope the rose garden is with you & not back at the other place!
12/Dec/07 8:09 AM
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