Sandra from IN

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Welcome!  Not from LA/NC anymore. Retired to Indiana



 Bob and Murphy in the Gulf of Mexico at Grand Isle, LA

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Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Hi Sandra! Just catching up on my mail and was so glad you dropped by for a visit. Gosh, my Watkins Glen visit was so long ago and we didn't see half the things we should have, preferring instead to loll by the pool and play some tennis. I'm dropping off some Niagara ice wine to commemorate your visit across the border. We enjoy Stratford, too, and manage to get there once or twice a year for dining, shopping, maybe a play. Niagara-on-the-Lake is nice, too, and St. Jacobs/Elora. My husband has always wanted to visit the Outer Banks, so hopefully we'll get down that way soon. His golf muse beckons.
I'm still coming to grips with my home page, avatars, pictures, etc. Not computer savvy so my husband and I need to put our heads together and figure things out one of these days. But thanks again for dropping by! Take care.
07/Jun/07 6:09 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra, First what type of books do you like? I prefer mysteries but do read other books. Once upon a time I would read a book a day. I have times when it is hard to focus so don't read as much now.
We rented a car for our trip. If you rent a car do it here in the states it will be cheaper. Use a credit card (you have to check your bank) ours will pay the extra insurance (they always want you to buy) should something happen.
I use a credit card for most of my purchases everywhere. Again you have to call your credit card company, ours does not charge a conversion fee, this can be up to 5% added on to each purchase. Also if you are using a credit card it is a good idea to call them and let them know where you are going and for how long. This will keep your account from being frozen.
Only rent a car if you are comfortable with driving. Harry got us into and out of Paris with no problems. We have drove all over Spain and Portgual in years past. The only time I have rode a train is from Brussels to London and back. It was easier for us this way. I guess the reason for the car was there were places we wanted to go I am not sure about a train going. there are reasons to get a car and reasons not.
Italy is a country I have never been to we were going to but plans got changed. Actually spent more time in Paris since I had a couple of cousins there when we were, that was fun.
Harry says they drive crazy in Italy, he has been there several times while in the Navy. For me it would depend on where I am going. Larger cities I would take the train if it is more the county then a car would be nice.
Now that I have wrote a book.
If you would like I can send you my email.

07/Jun/07 3:50 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra: I make it at home. Must have that espresso (only we call it Cuban coffee) every morning. I make a 'faux' cafe con leche for Mom - who cannot have caffeine due to Alzheimer, but who loves her c/l - I bring milk to a boil(skim in our home)and use Maxwell instant decaf (two teaspoons) Equal (or sugar) to taste, and voila - faux latte.
07/Jun/07 11:57 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra! Thanks for asking about Ebony. We took her to the vet yesterday for her second puppy shot & she weighed in at 18 pounds - a gain of 6 pounds in 2 weeks!! She's completely better from her cold so we thought all was well. The this morning she squatted on the kitchen tile (very unusual), & I noticed some bloody looking drops. Now what? We called the vet & they said it's probably a UTI. Now I knew human females get those, but never heard of a dog with one. We had to collect a urine specimen which was a trick in itself. Rob has taken it to the vet's office, & we are waiting for the report. Hope we can treat this quickly & clear it up before we leave for the beach house on Sunday. Hope you have a good weekend. Is school out yet?
08/Jun/07 11:43 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Sandra! Thanks for the bubbly! I'll save it for the 28th. Yes, the King and Prince is still going strong. I don't know about the muffins because we have yet to have brunch there. We like to go there in the evening, buy drinks at the bar and bring them out to the pool area overlooking the ocean. It's like a mini vacation without leaving home!
09/Jun/07 3:20 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Sandra! Actually I'm pretty much your basic wino! I prefer reds (cabernet, shiraz, pinot noir - anything but merlot), but when we go to the King and Prince, I order something exotic like a pina colada 'cause it feels like we're on vacation when we go there! By the way, I love your picture of the Currituck lighthouse. For years, we spent the month of September on the Outer Banks. We would have retired there except for the fact that the developers are destroying the place and the cost of living has skyrocketed. So we had to 'settle' for St. Simons Island. Hah! Like we're really roughing it!!!
09/Jun/07 11:27 AM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Sandra, thanks for dropping by, I am so pleased that there are other people who drink carrot juice in the world. I only have one photo so far and that is thanks to a friend's flickr account, I will get organised soon. All my photos vanished when the computer (and house) was struck by lightening. We have just picked some oranges off the tree so I will leave some for you.
09/Jun/07 11:32 AM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra thought I would visit and leave some mandarins off our tree for you, I was going to give you some of our oranges but I see Lynda has already given you some.Cheers
09/Jun/07 1:51 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra, we grow Valencia, Navel and Blood oranges but only for our own use. The climate here is usually the best in the world, nine months Sept to June of sunshine, not humid, sometimes very hot and three months when it should rain. It hasn't rained much this year yet nor last year.We will have severe water restrictions this summer I imagine.
10/Jun/07 10:48 AM
Gator  From Baton Rouge
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for the goodies, point about the winter/heat and summer/AC is that warmth can be obtained by more layers of clothing and just can't take enough OFF to be cool in this danged HEAT!!! lol

I will enjoy dem mudbugs...there's nuttin' better than a crawfish boil!!! Stacks and stacks of crawfish with the corn, potatoes, garlics and plenty of COLD COLD beer!!! AAIIIYEEEE!
11/Jun/07 8:38 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Enjoyed your picture of the lighthouse - would love to get out that way sometime. I made it back from my road trip - but didn't get to the end of my first book. Listening to 'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro. I'm reading it for the book club at the hospital I work at. The book is about friendship and love among a group of children that extends into their adult lives - The book club billed it as a book about clones/organ donations - but that's actually a little unlining story. I'm also reading Greg Iles 'True Evil' I have both the book and tape from the library and thought I would listen to some on tape on my journey. It about how to kill your spouse without anyone knowing - of course there is more to the story but that's the jiff of it. I always have a book somewhere and a tape in the car. - Take care and enjoy your day. Mary
11/Jun/07 12:01 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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SANDRA, yes, the Arlington Antebelum in Birmingham is open to the public. you can goggle it to get information. Be aware, it is in a high gang related crime area, so stick to the main thoroughfares during daytime hours when you visit!
13/Jun/07 5:44 AM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra, CP'er is kind of a joke. I think CP from Canberra kind of started one day when she posted quite a few times in a row and was saying how she was a Cereal (Serial) Poster. So if you post more than 5 times in a row you too can be a Cereal Poster. If you look at some of her Avatars, most of them are boxes of cereal. Hope that helps! Cheers
13/Jun/07 6:14 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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I love your picture - it does remind me of the Harry Potter chess game. I just finished - never let me go - I'm reading it for my book club at work - I enjoyed listening to it on tape - It mainly about growing up in a boarding school and the main person - Kathy - her life after - It doesn't really do into detail about what she actually does - just her remembering. It's got abit of a love story - It quite popular at the library. I only get my books there - so I can read alot of different things. My other book - True Lies, I really didn't care for one of the characters at first - but the book is getting interesting - It not a book that I can't put down. I seem to be plowing through it. I had read another of Greg Iles book and enjoyed that one - blood memory. If you come across any interesting book let me know.
13/Jun/07 11:26 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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I do have to add - several years ago for another book club - we read 'Follow the River' not sure of the author - that book was about a women in the 1700's that was taken from her home by Indians and how she escaped and found her way home by following the Ohio River. She travelled from an area in IL. to the East Coast. I remember it as being very interesting - maybe since is was around my neck of the woods. I do believe it's based on a true story. Take Care, Mary
13/Jun/07 11:31 AM
   Joe  From NJ USA
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Hi Sandra,

Thanks for your welcome and well wishes. I am most interested in picking up on the mudbugs and blue claw crabs. The crabs we can get live in the local bays, but mudbugs are only frozen or pre-cooked here.
16/Jun/07 2:43 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Good afternoon Sandra,

I just finished the book 'True Evil' by Greg ILes, I was listening to it on tape - but the reader is not the best for female voices - I was going back and forth from book to tape. I am interested in the series that you just finished - I have seen that author and have meant to pick up some of her books at the library - but I have to get going on my current books out :) I'm going to start John Sandford 'Invisible Prey' on CD tonight and either JB Robb Innocent in Death or Michaael Crichton 'Next' to read. Have a good one, Mary
16/Jun/07 8:04 AM
Sasha  From Michigan
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Hi Sandra, thanks for stopping by for a visit. So thoughtful of you to bring the flowers and the bubbly.
19/Jun/07 1:21 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Sandra , thank you for asking and for visiting , i am fine with all my family .
heavy fighting has stopped , but the army is still insisting on taking the leaders of the terrorists dead or alive . I pray this will finish soon .
22/Jun/07 3:07 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra! Thanks for stopping by my page! My plans for when Rob is gone are NO PLANS! Seems I am always planning something or somewhere we are going so for these 5 days I think I'll enjoy just going with the flow! Ebony & I had a great night last night. Put her in her crate at 11 PM & she didn't wake me up until 6:30 this AM. Didn't have Rob's snoring next to me so I had the best night's sleep I've had in months!! Have a couple books I'd like to read. Maybe I'll even go out & read in the hammock on the lanai - something I hardly ever get around to doing. Usually I read at bedtime & fall asleep after just a few pages!! Hope all is well with you. Is it hot there? We had a very pleasant spring here in FL, very unusual, but now it is VERY hot & humid, our typical summer weather.
22/Jun/07 11:53 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Sandra. Thanks for dropping in to my place. I have only submitted one photo so far and it was a picture of wattle so definitely suitable for a family site. I kept seeing the same photos being used and thought that you either had to be a supporting member to get your photos picked or their photos were preferred. I had heard he (Garth) gets lots of photos but considering how often they are repeated I had to wonder what the story was.
Anyway I guess I will just have to keep waiting.
I have left you a bunch of flowers to brighten up your day. Thanks.
25/Jun/07 12:56 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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I love your photo. I have only been around since Christmas and joining as a supporting member at this stage is would cost me at least $Au50. Not something my husband would be happy about.
Hopefully one day we will see photos both of us have taken.
25/Jun/07 11:56 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hey I am glad that your photos have been used. Hope for mine yet. If you want to view mine just check them out at flickr. I don't have many there yet but need time to sort through pics and decide what to add.
26/Jun/07 4:29 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Thanks. I have only submitted one so far. Is freezing here today.
27/Jun/07 10:02 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Yes it is winter here. We don't get snow but cold enough for me. Where do you live. Sorry not very good at knowing what LA/NC means. Is LA Los Angeles?
28/Jun/07 11:25 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Wow me again!!! Thanks for that info on LA/NC. Sounds like you can have the best of both worlds. I wouldn't want to live where it snows all the winter. I am right on the coast and although it doesn't snow it sure gets cold enough for my liking.
29/Jun/07 11:26 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra. You've added some photos to your page since I last visited. Very nice, as usual, since you have an eye for detail. Is the Sudoku puzzle an avatar? You may have used it and I missed noticing. Hope all goes well for you. Cheers!
30/Jun/07 5:43 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Sandra - thanks for that and you are so right. My sisters and I always said Brenda Lee was our 'sister' because my maiden name was Lee.
I've been on skype chatting with my two daughters, one in n/w Australia and one in NZ, so we had a three way chat so I haven't seen your message on easy yet.
01/Jul/07 1:17 PM
appy  From india
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hi Sandra what a pleasant surprise!welcome to India/ will be very pleasant in India during Febraury..will get back to you regarding Coimbatore shortly,for i have visited only a couple of times there.the Manchester of India its called..famous for textile industry in south..lots of cool cottons..can get stuffs thats latest in vogue surprisingly!that too for a real cool price..way to go but,another 6 months..will let you know abt it in detail later..
07/Jul/07 7:17 PM
   Jan  From BC
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Hi Sandra

Mac was on the kid's 6x6 he/she a maltese? Sure looks like my girl Toya - she is Maltese and weighs between 5 & 6 lbs.
17/Jul/07 9:13 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Sandra just looked through your travel photos and I'm exhausted. So many places in one evening!
I brought along a bottle of bubbly and a plate of nibblies. My mother taught me never to go visiting without taking a gift.
Pop in to my page sometime, not as glamorous as yours but our own little patch of paradise. If I'm not there when you arrive, come in, make yourself at home and meet the tribe. Enjoy.
24/Jul/07 10:24 PM
Pen  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra!
Thanks for the seafood extravaganza - you picked my 'Achilles heel', I LOVE seafood (except oysters).

I haven't got anything as delicious as that, but I hope you'll enjoy some home-grown oranges- completely organic - just well-mulched soil & water - but they are soooo sweet & juicy (i.e the tree does it all by itself - I just chuck mulch around the base & water only twice per week due to restrictions) and a stem of cymbidium orchids.

Thanks so much for doing Lee's survey! He was beginning to worry that having gone through all the procedures of faculty & Ethics Committee checks & approvals etc,etc,etc he would have an unrepresentative sample group (his 'nerdy' 18-30y.o friends & associates!).

He was enthusiastic when I suggested floating the request on and was really thrilled when he got some 'takers'.Thanks again!!

Don't hold your breath, but hopefully one day I'll get some time to make my page better (it can only go in 1 direction!).
29/Jul/07 11:58 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Hope your day is a great one Sandra enjoy
30/Jul/07 7:46 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well Sandra, the site date says it's your birthday, but I know it is actually tomorrow in our times, so a pre-happy birthday wish and a big wish for your special day tomorrow! Enjoy and have fun!
30/Jul/07 10:17 AM
   Vera  From Alexandria
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Hi, Sandra!
It is my first visit to your page. So, first of all, please accept a basket of fresh ripe mangoes. (It is season for them here right now) (Sorry it is no mango-'smiles')
Thank you for stopping by my virtual place.
In regards to your question: Alexandria, where I'm located now is in Egypt on the North Shore of the Mediterranian Sea.
Looked through your pictures. Those Estates look gorgeous. I've passed through NC in 1998. But from the highway I got different impression about state.
Feel free to visit my page at any time. There you can see Alexandria, Egypt as I do.

Best wishes to you, Vera.
01/Aug/07 1:28 AM
   Vera  From Alexandria, Egypt
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Hi, Sandra!
Yes, it is much more than one Alexandria. I think even that almost all countries has their own Alexandria. At list I know that it is one in Ukraine too. And I think in US even more than one too. Isn't it one in the Virginia? (I'm not very good with geography).
Well, if you (as you said) buffs in history, you will absolutely love it here, All Egypt is full of historical sites. I guess our friend Wagdy get everyone excited about Egypt with his pictures.
So whenever you are ready get yourself a ticket and come to see Pyramids, and another ancient stuff.
Thank you for the seafood, you left for me. If you into it, Alexandria is the right place to visit too.
03/Aug/07 6:09 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Sandra, just making rounds and visiting pages and I thought I would stop by and say Hi! Happy belated Birthday! (I was away on vacation) It must be wonderful to be able to visit all of those places! I dream of travelling someday! Here are some flowers to brighten your day! Have a great one! Visit my page anytime. Take care!
06/Aug/07 7:04 PM
Scrappingmami  From Illinois USA
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Hi Sandra, thank you for visiting my homepage, and a huge thank you for the lovely seafood topped with my very favorite seasoning, louisiana hot sauce! What a nice surprise! I don't know how your weather is today is LA, but here in Il it is very hot and humid, so I am leaving you some pints of Ted Drew's frozen custard in your freezere. It is on the bottom shelf, right next to the blue crab!
09/Aug/07 5:16 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sandra! Haven't been by for a visit lately so thought I'd stop in today. Hope all is well with you, your husband, & your doggies. I noticed your avatar suddenly has become a black square?! Maybe Gath could help fix that? We have just had our two granddaughters here for a five day visit. We had lots of fun, especially the two days we spent at Cypress Gardens. Last night they went back home. Today we are RESTING!!
10/Aug/07 1:30 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sandra, forgot to say I love your new flower photos. That ornamental pepper is loaded! Beautiful orchids & roses, too. Are they in LA or NC? If you travel back & forth who takes care of them while you're gone?
10/Aug/07 1:35 AM
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