Mary from Bibra Lake WA

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   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hope you had a good time today
19/Sep/08 12:22 AM
jeb  From ks
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Were going? Actually been. I've given up. Still keep in touch with a couple of folks. Contacted a couple of others who never responded so they are surely gone for good. Haven't visited the site for a while.
19/Sep/08 11:42 AM
jeb  From ks
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Forgot to ask the obvious question to your post. Who snitched?
19/Sep/08 11:47 AM
jeb  From ks
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Where is it written that a snitch deserves the anonymity of a trusted forensic informer? Snitches are usually less than trustworthy by their very nature, aren't they?
20/Sep/08 12:54 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary - I have put up some old photos of me, just for fun if you want to have a look. Have you had a good day?
22/Sep/08 10:04 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Thank you Mary - The flowers are so much fun these days I don't enjoy having my photo taken.

I am feeling much better - thanks. Just have a bit of a cough in the evening especially but am sleeping well so will be back in top form in no time. I am looking forward to school hols as I get a break. Although it is Keldon's first birthday 8th October - so quick!
22/Sep/08 10:20 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Mary, thanks so much for your concern. I'm grateful for all the emotional support being offered from my friends in Sudokuland.
29/Sep/08 1:04 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear MARY.


I am very pleased to read your very kind post.I missed all of you too much and thanks God that I am back to all of you and can read all your posts and write to all of you.
My best wishes to all of you.
29/Sep/08 5:15 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary - I was just thinking about you - how have you been?
29/Sep/08 8:35 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary,
It is fun to go to the show every few years. I went a couple of years ago and had a great time looking at the art, craft and photos.
Was it very crowded today?
As to plans - I need to finish off a small quilt (been procrastinating again). We will be celebrating Keldon's Birthday too. Sara wanted to go to the show but I couldn't face it with a small child in tow.
29/Sep/08 9:23 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary
I think I am back on line! I haven't been able to send any messages all day yesterday or today - till now! I was forced to wash dishes and wash the car!! I should have done the quilt - but there you go.
01/Oct/08 5:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary - just a quick message to say that it was lovely to finally meet you in Perth on that cold windy day (or was that just me felt it was?). We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to WA - Perth was beautiful, as were the areas as we travelled south through Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River, Denmark etc before we finally made it to Anne's B&B&D&G - lovely lady and lovely place.
01/Oct/08 6:05 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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I have just a couple of things that need ironing so I will do that quickly and then the quilt (maybe- a procrastinator to the end)
01/Oct/08 6:10 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary - thank for that site, I have saved it in favourites and will look at it later after I've made dinner.
01/Oct/08 6:22 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Ok Ok - I won't do any more bad word stuff - just quilt - or at least clear off the sewing machine. It mysteriously gets covered with junk. We suffer from flat surface syndrome (any flat surface gets stuff put on it!)
01/Oct/08 6:33 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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You mean my husband has been lying to me all this time?
01/Oct/08 7:18 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Oh Dear I was just telling my hubby about our conversation and he noted that the top of the fridge is still clear of stuff. I will have to find something to put up there!
01/Oct/08 7:52 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary
Me again - I went for another walk today and have posted some more pics on Flickr if you were interested? I have tried to put names to things that I could find in the wild flower book from the library.
05/Oct/08 10:14 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary
No secret spots - I was telling someone the other day that I have taken more shots because I have a new camera with macro, also because I am older and have slowed down and see much more!
06/Oct/08 2:10 PM
   Linda  From Minnesota
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Mary, a Heath bar is chocolate covered hard toffee, like a tim tam with the caramel center but it is hard, not chewy
07/Oct/08 7:45 AM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Enjoyed your Youtube, Mary. How children in such desperate situations can remain so positive is amazing.
07/Oct/08 12:30 PM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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Hi, Mary. Thanks for your response regarding the 16x16. Today's has taken me several sittings - in between supermarket shopping, meals, meetings, etc. If I had any sense I'd give up on such a day - but I don't have that much sense, I'm afraid.
09/Oct/08 11:38 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Well, come on over then! Let me know when you're coming, and we'll go "whole hog". My hubby does great ribs as well as pulled pork!!!
10/Oct/08 10:53 AM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary, So much for taking the time to post Birthday Wishes on my page, it was much appreciated .... I hope we can meet up again one day in beautiful WA or Vic
10/Oct/08 1:53 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Thanks for the b'day wishes. Steve
14/Oct/08 1:51 PM
   Judy  From Bendigo    Supporting Member
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NOW I find out that Gath's fixed the 16x16, after I've visited the archives and completed one from August! What do I do - tackle the puzzle or fold the washing? Silly question.
14/Oct/08 8:00 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary - long time no hear from - how's it goin'?
21/Oct/08 12:22 AM
   PJay  From HK (exPerth)
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Mary for the birthday wishes...
24/Oct/08 11:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Congratulations Mary! You won second place in the SA6 Melbourne Cup Sweep!

Bet you are surprised! Didn't even know you entered did you? If you're curious, it all starts on page 312 of SA6...
04/Nov/08 3:41 PM
kezza  From Western Australia    Supporting Member
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Dear Mary for welcoming me to Sudokuland! It has been such a pleasure to meet so many wonderful people! Sometimes we get the idea that the world is full of doom and gloom, but it certainly isn't at Sudokuland! I am looking forward to keeping in touch and hope to spend some time decorating and adding to my page.
Thankyou once again for your welcome! (BTW I live in NORTHAM). kezza (Kerin)
19/Nov/08 12:15 PM
   Angie  From Wisconsin    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary,
A) do you hunt any animals other than deer? Not anymore as I have 3 kiddos. I used to hunt small game (grouse, squirrels, rabbits, etc). Bear hunting is getting more popular, but the waiting list is quite long. Personally, I prefer to not even think that there are bears in the same woods as me! My dad also hunts turkeys, duck, and pheasant. We also fish year round (through the ice in winter and from a boat or from shore in summer.
B) how many do you get? 1 license = 1 deer. In my area of the state, you can buy more tags and get more deer. I don't have a lot of luck by me, as we hunt on public land, so I only buy the one tag.
C)Do you butcher them yourself? You bet we do. Field dress in the woods after the shot, hang for a couple days usually, and then dad and I butcher and mom wraps and grinds. Same with all the game we bring home, including fish!
D)how many meals does that equate to? Most deer that we get are about 120 to 175 pounds (sorry, I don't have the conversion) before butchering. We get between 40 to 80 pounds of meat from a deer, but I am totally guessing as I've never weighed the meat! There are several roasts, about 6 to 8 packages of steaks and we grind the rest and mix it with something a bit fattier (like beef or pork). Venison is VERY lean and will burn if you don't mix in some fat!
Hope that helps! anything else you are curious about, let me know!
20/Nov/08 4:01 PM
   Angie  From Wisconsin    Supporting Member
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Your Welcome Mary! I had a million questions about Australia when I came on site in 2006, and many people were fabulous about answering them.
why not small animals now? Small game hunting requires time that I simply don't have. My kids are really too young to go out in the woods with me, out of the fear that I may harm them in some way. In Wisconsin, you must be 12 to legally hunt. My daughter is 10 but my boys are just 5 and 6. And I'm not sure if you know this, but I am raising all 3 on my own. We (meaning my dad and I) have, however, started some short little hikes through the woods, so they can decide if they like it or not. Hunting is deep with traditions in many areas of the country. Usually if you hunt, it's because your father, grandfather, uncles, etc hunted and taught you the sport.
BEARS??????? OMG!!!!! Yes bears. They scare the poo out of me and I'd prefer not to run into any. The good thing, is that I have a gun and they don't. While it would be illegal to shoot one, it IS allowed in self defense.
1 licence-per year? season? One fishing license is good for one year. One hunting license per "season". Like, Turkey hunting season is usually only one week long and you apply for the week you prefer. If you get a different week, that is the week you may hunt. It's done by lottery and there are weeks avail in spring and fall. Bear hunting is a spring or fall hunt also. I know you must apply and the huge majority of people don't get a license. I don't know a lot about it. Deer hunting (gun) in Wisconsin always starts the Sat before Thanksgiving and ends 9 days later. Bow hunting for deer starts in Sept and ends in Dec. I also don't bow hunt because I don't have any of the necessary items to do it and it would cost me a small fortune to start up.
With all your hunting and fishing....roughly how much of your food is store-bought meat/fish? Not much. My beef comes from a neighbor who buys whole cows to be butchered. They know the financial strain I am in, and they "donate" it to me. They also don't cook much, so I send over a pot of chili or a batch of spaghetti sauce once in awhile. That is payment enough. I go through about 8-10 whole chickens, 6-8 beef roasts and maybe a turkey or two every year. I don't buy fish at all (except the occasional eat-out dinner) Otherwise, we eat what we hunt and I get those fabulous donations from my friends and family. As a family, we probably go through around 200-250 pounds of ground meat a year, but some of it goes back out the door to those who donate. I'm a really good cook, so they think they are getting the best deal of all!
21/Nov/08 12:16 AM
Kezza  From Northam West Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary for your note!
Yes...I'm sure we could organise to meet in the "Big Smoke" LOL! (Hard to think of Perth as BIG!) I am heading out for the day, but will send you an email a little later! Enjoy your day!
21/Nov/08 11:30 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Lynne and I will be in Australia from April 7th until May 5th, but we don't yet know where in the country we'll be when. We'll fly into and out of Sydney.
23/Nov/08 5:58 PM
Kezza  From Northam West Aust    Supporting Member
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Dear is always nice to hear from you! for your warm birthday wishes! I am overwhelmed by the friendliness and kindness of my new friends at Sudokuland! Blessings from Northam
26/Nov/08 2:53 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Dear Mary,

Thank you for your words of comfort. I know that my brother is at peace now, and I have many wonderful memories to sustain me. But darn it all, he was much too young!

♥ Jane
02/Dec/08 5:52 AM
   elsie  From strath
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Thankyou for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day.

Just in case I don't pop back in soon - I hope your preparations for Christmas don't spoilt your celebrations. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
05/Dec/08 10:00 AM
headon  From SwanVlyPerthWAustr
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Hi Mary
thanks for your welcome. I think I'll have to change the 'from' section of my profile as i had trouble remembering it when logging on. A bit long I think. I didn't realise I had to recall all that information before logging on. anyway I'm here now and ready to met some new cyberfriends and get a few sudokos done at the same time. I can see the housework is gonna have to wait!
10/Dec/08 5:09 PM
headon  From SwanVlyPerthWAustr
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Oh... sorry I forgot what I said in the last post.. you mean that 'cleaning of the abode' don't you?
10/Dec/08 7:35 PM
headon  From SwanVlyPerthWAustr
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Oh Mary
I can see we are going to get on well.... is there a code word I can use just in case my hubby catches me on the computer... perhaps 'Tidy'? 'Sort' 'arrange'.... getting close???
10/Dec/08 8:02 PM
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