Mary from Bibra Lake WA

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   Amelia  From Salt Ash    Supporting Member
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Thank You Mary for the wonderful Birthday messagge I have spent the day helping our Grandie Geoff moving so exciting don't you think LOL but have had a lovely day after all.
11/Dec/08 5:58 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary,

I have been a bit busy - I made the gingerbread house at home after I went to a class to learn how to make them. We have been doing weeding and stocktaking at work and having meetings to wind up the year. My daughter moved house and we helped her with baby and all. My younger daughter had her ball to attend and wanted Mums help with stuff . All my days off were used in those persuits as well as taking the odd photo (not as many as usual). What have you been up to?
16/Dec/08 11:50 AM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Mary, just popped in to say thank you, rather belatedly, for my birthday wishes.I haven't been on the site for quite a while and have only just got round to thanking everyone. I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
19/Dec/08 2:39 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

19/Dec/08 6:19 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Mary, may the Christmas spirit bless you and your family and the New Year be filled with joy and prosperity! Merry Christmas!
23/Dec/08 12:07 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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23/Dec/08 11:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary,
Just dropping by to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas doing just what you all enjoy doing. I hope the weather is kind to you. Also, have a happy and safe 2009. It was lovely meeting you in September and finding someone with my taste in movies!! Cheers!!

Sorry I think I went overboard with smileys!!
23/Dec/08 2:00 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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On Christmas morning, gather around the with your family and friends, with cups of coffee liberally laced with , and make sure everybody knows you them and wish them joy. May you and yours have the best of holiday seasons.
23/Dec/08 3:14 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas Shosho!!! I've loved getting your e-mails recently and am happy you are having some time off to play.
Stopping in with Holiday greetings for you! Wishing you a Christmas full of love and joy ...and blessings throughout the new year!
24/Dec/08 8:14 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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OH MARY! What an awful faux pax!!! I hate when my weak mind is displayed for all to see!
So sorry for miss-posting my Christmas greeting. I was heading here to wish you a very happy holiday and got ahead of myself! Blessings to you, Mary - this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
24/Dec/08 8:19 AM
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Dear Mary,
Thank you for the b-day wishes !
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family !
25/Dec/08 6:00 PM
   Cazablanka  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the birthday wishes and congrats Mary, I had a great day and won money to boot.
28/Dec/08 8:42 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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Mary and family!
31/Dec/08 10:38 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Mary! Wishing you a great new year!
01/Jan/09 9:24 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary,
Just a wish for a with good health and happiness in 2009.
01/Jan/09 9:53 AM
   Chris  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary, I just checked in and saw you'd left a message. Thanks for your birthday wishes - I had a great one, in part because of the large number of messages I've received from around Australia and the world!
05/Jan/09 10:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thank you Mary for popping in with your condolences about Mum. It really has helped to have the support of my pooter pals.
13/Jan/09 10:47 PM
   Amelia  From Salt Ash    Supporting Member
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Thank you Mary for your kind words of comfort. My Dad was ready to go as he hated knowing that he was losing his memory and felt that he was a burden to us all, at least now he is at peace.
17/Jan/09 6:56 AM
   Susan  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Mary, thank you so much for your very kind birthday wishes. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to me!
18/Jan/09 2:17 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mary for the birthday greetings. I did have a lovely day.
18/Jan/09 8:09 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oh glad to hear Zusak is so nice. What a cutie, too! I'm hoping for another wonderful issue from him, too.
I have been to hear several authors speak in the past and it is fascinating to hear them talk about their craft. They all seem to talk as if the words come to them as if they were a channel. Very cool.
24/Jan/09 5:54 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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...almost forgot...
Happy Australia Day, Mary!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!
24/Jan/09 6:42 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Mary - I actually came to your page to belatedly thank you for your kind birthday wishes but I now thank you for that wonderful YouTube. Is it a new movie or have I missed it? I hope not, it looked fascinating and inspirational. So for the birthday wishes and for alerting me to 'Wardance'.
26/Jan/09 3:22 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Oh Mary - Greek food!!!! I love Greek food...and we don't have a good restaurant for it here in the boonies. We do get a chance to have gyros and tyro-pitas when we go over the pass to Reno.
I have not read the Ladies Detective novels you spoke of, but I have heard a lot of praise about them. I, too, am a huge fan of mysteries. We have not read one in our book club for quite a while. Looks like I'll have to pick one for us the next turn I have!
Have fun at the author talk - it is so interesting to hear their processes of writing.
I also love how the characters become real to them as they write - how they live with the characters throughout the writing of the novel - and sometimes beyond.
28/Jan/09 1:48 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Mary - thanks for the lead about Livia...I'm going to head over to her page and see if I can get a pen name so I can find her work. Sounds perfect for wintertime reading here right now.
03/Feb/09 12:51 AM
   Jill  From Richfield, Ohio
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Hi Mary - I put the recipe for No Bake Cookies on the recipe forum. (Just in case you missed my post on the easy page). I think they taste fantastic and they are quick and easy! Enjoy!
09/Feb/09 2:09 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Just poping in to say Hi and give you some Flowers
10/Feb/09 10:32 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Lots of love to you sweet friend!
14/Feb/09 1:32 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary,

Long time no type - now I am back at work - no time to type! Have a great Valentine's Day. I have just come home from seeing a romantic comedy with my daughter while my husband cleaned gutters here. We have a great relationship - true. Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary and I want to go on the Ferris Wheel in town - just for fun.
Type again later,
Colleen :-)
14/Feb/09 8:33 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Roses are red
Violets blue
sugar is sweet
and so are you
Mary....takes one to know one...LOL...
Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day....have another choccie..
15/Feb/09 12:46 AM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Thanks for the good wishes Mary. The movie was: He's Just Not That Into You, it was better than I imagined it would be and not all the people ended up happy but it was a satisfying ending.
15/Feb/09 12:00 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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one broad beam shall not maketh a fence....

15/Feb/09 3:31 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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LOL ...Mary we should be doing this on the wall on tooing and froing from page to page.... Do you facebook?
I can carry on like a pork chop indefinitely given half a chance....
How does a pork chop go I hear you ask....

VERY WELL with apple sauce!!
Over and out...
nah...I am not nuts...I'm a BEAN!!
15/Feb/09 11:43 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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ps... I have not been drinking...not even over-indulging with liquor choccies....YUM!!
15/Feb/09 11:45 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mary - that's enough from you, young lady! Of course I remember that I must have had a good time on my birthday, I think.
Thank you for dropping by and for your good wishes.
Hope all is going well with you in your "quiet" home.
Anne x
18/Feb/09 3:32 PM
   Colleen  From Kelmscott West Aust
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Hi Mary - I just wanted to tell you about a movie I saw last night at the Kookaburra outdoor cinema in Mundaring. It was called the Garbage Warrior and it is on again on Saturday. I have put a You Tube clip on my page if you were interested in looking at it. It was so good I didn't nod off once! If you are at all interested in sustainable living and have the time then I would highly recommend it!
20/Feb/09 11:15 AM
Livia  From Texas
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Hi Mary, thanks for letting me know you enjoyed A Peach of a Murder. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I've been snowed under with work, thankfully. Not something I can complain about.

Best, Livia
26/Feb/09 12:35 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Mary! Thank you for the birthday greetings - it was great to hear from so many of my Sudoku friends! I had a lovely day and went out for a nice dinner. Will do it all again on Sunday, when my kids will be around! :)
04/Mar/09 5:31 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Dear Mary - Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it.
08/Mar/09 1:58 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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just hopping in to wish you a very Happy Easter and a season full of joy!
10/Apr/09 11:51 PM
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