Wendy from Ocean Grove

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Poppy is now one.

Good news!!! I had my PET scan and they did a whole body scan.  The results are that they could find no trace of cancer anywhere.   I am so thrilled and want to thank all my friends here for all their support and messages of encouragement.   I so appreciate your kind thoughts and believe that it does make a difference.   Thank you all.

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   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi wendy hope everything went ok with the operation, able to post the big smilies by becoming a SM,submiting them to this site for approval, just like avatars, found them by going to google images and searching for smilies
07/Jun/07 1:59 PM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hi Wendy - I had to pop by when I saw your YouTube - Loving Mika. I have the album in the car and have the kids all singing along on the school run. Thanks for posting.
I hope you enjoy the carrot cake I have left.
08/Jun/07 1:45 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Wendy, congrats to your sib. How old is your nephew and what is his name? Quite sunny here this Sun almost afternoon. How is it down your way?
10/Jun/07 11:27 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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PS love your photo of the pink heath. It grows as a wildflower around here, as well as a white and an even darker red type.
10/Jun/07 11:29 AM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy .. Just got home from Ocean Grove...just a flying visit.

Thought of you and thought I'd pop in and make sure some others had found your page.

10/Jun/07 9:21 PM
Sheila  From Malabar Florida
Wendy, I hope you got to see the Canadian GP, was a really exciting race, thank goodness Kubica walked away with so few injuries. I went to the US GP last year, it was my first one and I had a marvelous time. we couldn't go this year but we hope to make it next year.
12/Jun/07 1:14 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Yes I did get to see the race. We recorded it and watched it later in the day. Was a great race and I was so happy that Kubica was ok. I was a bit worried that we were going to experience another fatality.
12/Jun/07 9:51 PM
julie  From arizona
I thought you lived in California; glad I checked your page to discover you are in Australia. I really enjoyed your picture of the kangaroo and koala. It's hard to believe you can see them any old time! Thank you for sharing your photos.
13/Jun/07 3:03 PM
julie  From arizona
Sorry! I forgot to leave a giftie: how about some salsa and tortilla chips with some icy cold beer to wash them down.
13/Jun/07 3:04 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Thanks Julie. Tortilla chips and salsa washed down with a beer ... wonderful. I guess it depends on where you live in Australia as to whether you see koalas and kangaroos very often.
13/Jun/07 3:09 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy, how did your father's operation turn out? hope all's well there. did you find the big smilies on the internet?, if not try waloop.net on the search, that is a good place to find some. good luck
14/Jun/07 3:18 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy, glad your dad's ok. as far as the moving smilies go you can still post them on your page, I did b4 i became a SM, just find a smilie you like, right click it, copy and paste it on your page where you put your comments, after Wendy from Ocean Grove.
16/Jun/07 2:08 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi see you got your gif posted
16/Jun/07 10:28 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Wendy, I was just heading off to bed.
When you downsize your photo and submit it, a sign pops up to let you know if it has been accepted or is too large or too small. Did a sign pop up?
17/Jun/07 12:55 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Hello Wendy; thouhgt it was time I popped in to say hello. Love your flickr photos, some of the flowers are incredible.
Glad to know your dad is doing okay--he's had quite a time, and I'm sure it's got you worn out.
And let me add my congrats on your beautiful nephew.

I'm leaving you a Key lime pie, some SC pecans in various flavors (I love the cinnamon ones), and a bottle of Bailey's Irish cream for your coffee or straight (as I really like Bailey's)).
17/Jun/07 6:32 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy, glad to know you can post smilies on your page, however even if you become an SM, you have to submit your smilies Gath for approval and the need to meet certain criteria, just like avatars or pics to appear on the puzzles, just in case you wanted to know.
17/Jun/07 1:56 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. I took that photo at Miami's Metro-Zoo. It is an 'open' zoo where the animals have open enclosures. A deep moot, too wide for the lions to jump, and a short fence is all that separates them from us. Great for them, short of roaming free, and great to take photos.
18/Jun/07 3:50 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Forgot; we do have black bears and panthers, but in very small numbers. It is quite rare to see either when hiking in Big Cypress, or the Everglades.
I am, relentlessly, looking for both in the wild - as much as my limited time permits. I figure one day, if I persevere, I will find them and take some shots for you all to see and enjoy.
18/Jun/07 3:53 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy, thanks for the beer, just checking out all the members here just for fun, there are only a few that know how to do anything on their page but do pics or youtube, I have found that Angie, Rola, nancy and appy, and you are the only ones that can post animated smilies on their page, hope your dad is ok, well it's about 2:00 pm here better get to bed, talk to you later
19/Jun/07 6:14 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Did the world end in Australia today? If something has happened over there, I'll be happy to take care of both Harry and Ellie! Hope all is well with you and yours.
21/Jun/07 8:38 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi wendy, whew glad to know the world won't end today, that's a load off my mind. If I have offended you by asking it it was a bottle bush or brush, didn't mean to, was not pointing out a typo, was just asking what you called them there, sometimes people in different countries call things diffrent names like in the U.S, where the storage in a car is called a trunk, and in Brittan it is called a boot, a large vehicle for moving things in the U.S. is called a truck and in England is called a lorie., hope all is well with you and your family. have a great day where you are and it's 11:00 pm here in Utah.
21/Jun/07 2:58 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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P.S. was that the came Charles Shultz that created Charlie brown?
21/Jun/07 3:00 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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well glad to hear I did'nt offend, still great pics, wll update some of my own in the next few days. well good night for now.
21/Jun/07 5:07 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Wow very small cat there, still a great pic, hope the cat is bigger now and can chase mice that are hopefully smaller that the cat. LOL

hope all is well with you and you family.
22/Jun/07 4:23 PM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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Hello Wendy, i saw on the posts that you wondered about getting your piccys chosen. i have sumitted several over the last 6 - 8 months and they are just show up sometime. i guess Gath has quite a large number of photos submitted and he checks them to be sure they can go on a family site and uses them as he chooses. i am not a supporting member, but i have wondered if the supporting members are used first and more often. no way to prove/disprove that, just by watching what's used and repeated. looking forward to seeing some of your photos used! they will probably just pop us sometime and surprise you. it will happen
25/Jun/07 3:58 AM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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thanks for the flowers. i love them! between you, me, and the one who monitors our chats, my personal opinion (which doesn't count for anything) is that the pictures are planned ahead and the repeats depend upon the time spent or not spent in planning. i may be way off base, but after over 1 1/2 yrs messing around on this site, that's what i come up with. i'd love to become a supporting member, but i'm not working right now, so that's not an option. i'm very thankful i can play anyway!

is the kitty a hairless?
25/Jun/07 11:23 PM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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i've had a few of my photos show up in the last few days. we were gone over the weekend, so i played catch up and saw a few of mine during those days. the ones recently of versailles have been mine, the Outer Banks, and my pups Mac and Murphy. i've submitted lots more, so hopefully we see them. i try to admit they are mine when i see them, if i catch them on the same day.
let me know which are yours! i look forward to seeing them. I haven't been to Au. so the pictures are wonderful to see.
26/Jun/07 1:56 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy haven't talked to you in a couple of days, hope the weekend went well, saw your post about how to get a pic on the puzzles, well I have submitted only 1 and have yet to see it but anyone can submit a pic as long as it meets the criteria that Gath set on the website, just go to submit your own pic on the front page and submit from there. hope this finds you well, how's you dad doing?
26/Jun/07 1:05 PM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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i checked out your flickr page. your pix are wonderful. i hope you can get them all submitted!
27/Jun/07 12:24 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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thank you for the lovely birthday wishes for my 50th birthday celebrations. I have great memories to keep.
receiving messages from all around the world is very humbling. I love to send the messages to others, but receiving them is something very
we share a lot here on site and I love the feeling of the huge 'sudoku worldwide family'.
water of course
27/Jun/07 7:56 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Wendy - sorry I haven't got back to visit you lately but have still been busy with my house painting and have also ended up with a cold. Had the afternoon off work today and spent it in bed.
Did you manage to submit some photos to the site? I'm sorry I wasn't much help with the advice.
27/Jun/07 10:50 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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I forgot to say I love your whales and the saying to go with them.
27/Jun/07 10:51 PM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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love your photo today. i've submitted probably 50, so that increases my chances of being chosen. LOL.
i forgot, you are in winter now. it's summer here and since we are in the south, it's HOT HOT HOT. it rains a little most days this month and that makes it steamy. so the temp is about 96 deg F and 100% humidity. sticky, sticky. but that means the winters are balmy. i love that. mostly 60 deg. F in the winter months. that sure beats what we are used to at home in Indiana - winters can be brutal - lots of snow and cold to 0 deg F. i'll take the south. lol
28/Jun/07 12:17 AM
   Sandra  From LA/NC
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glad you don't get snow. it's no fun to drive in or on.

LA/NC is Louisiana and North Carolina, USA. we travel between the 2 states, about 1000 miles apart. hubby's job takes us those 2 places. usually we spend several months in each place before making the move back to the other, which is fine with us - we like both areas a lot. we both grew up in Indiana, where the snow is deep and for several months. i much prefer the mild southern winters and salt water. we are about 1 hr from coast in LA and 3 hrs from the Outer Banks in NC. we love it.(Outer Banks is the name for the barrier islands along the eastern seaboard of North Carolina. lots of history and things to see and do. it was the great hangout of pirates back in their hayday and the shipwrecks and 'buried treasure' is quite a tourist attraction. during hurricane season, the outer banks are the ones to get the brunt of the storm. Nags Head is the name of the town that is furthest east and if the hurricane is coming up the east coast, Nags Head will get it. we watch for storms headed to Nags Head and if we are in LA, we watch for New Orleans. If those 2 places are going to be hit, we scramble out of here and head north.

my pic was on yesterday's tough(i think) - the hawk taken north of Stockton, Ca.
29/Jun/07 12:24 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks, Wendy it was great to see you.I macadamia nuts & chocolate coated ones are superb . Here's a jar of cumquat marmalade for you & a bunch of pansies from my garden. I think your photos are great! thanks for sharing them.
29/Jun/07 6:59 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I have made it in the past but my father made that lot! He's not well so he won't be making any this year. I have a friend in the street who makes it as well & I don't have many cumquats on my small tree so I usually give mine to her!
29/Jun/07 12:08 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Wendy. But now I feel guilty because he lives in Dubbo so my sister who lives there has the caring job! He & my mother are still living in their own home and are trying to be as independant as possible, but Maureen & her husband are there to help out when necessary.
29/Jun/07 1:13 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy. Thanks for your support. I'm so sorry about your mother, both my parents are already in their 80's. I was a nurse so I have some experience with these situations but.....I should be happy they've got this far???? Anyway it's too late at night - everything gets a bit morbid about this time! Sorry!
30/Jun/07 10:32 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Great Page Wendy, sorry its been a while since i sent you a reply, but very busy here also, hope all goes well with your dad's op on the 4th, keep me posted and keep up the great work on your page, in answer to your querry, Whales don't care what the eat?
02/Jul/07 2:30 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Wow 2k of photos and a 10 week holliday in France, bet the whale could eat some of those and not even realize it, and bet your getting tired of looking at photo's well talk to you later. getting late here aboot 12:20pm here
02/Jul/07 4:20 PM
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