Wendy from Ocean Grove

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Poppy is now one.

Good news!!! I had my PET scan and they did a whole body scan.  The results are that they could find no trace of cancer anywhere.   I am so thrilled and want to thank all my friends here for all their support and messages of encouragement.   I so appreciate your kind thoughts and believe that it does make a difference.   Thank you all.

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   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Dust off that slr and go for long walks. I never leave home without my camera - actually, if I need to run an errand and I am in a hurry to get back home, then - and only then - I leave the camera home. I have been known to go for a gallon of milk and come back an hour late with a camera full of pics.
20/May/07 1:24 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy, thanks for dropping by and for the JB's, they were great. I love your photo of a koala, he(she)'s sitting in a rather inelegant pose - but that's koalas, isn't it? You can be proud that it is one of your own photos - where did you take it, somewhere locally?
I took mine at Featherdale Park which is a wildlife 'sanctuary' in the northwest of Sydney. It is a bit of a tourist hot-spot, but you can get up close and personal with all the animals and they are all Australian natives.
Speaking of native animals, I am a native Victorian myself. I was born in Essendon many years ago (I'll bet you can't guess which footy team I support) but moved away when I joined the Air Force. But in my heart I am still a Victorian - and proud of it.
20/May/07 3:42 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Your Husband is right, that is a Pic of MC Escher's, did'nt know who's it was just found it in google search and liked it so posted it
20/May/07 6:54 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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You guessed correctly.
Cape Otway is down past Apollo Bay. The only time I have seen one in the wild was during a visit long ago to Wilsons Promontory. He was asleep in a sapling about six feet off the ground.
There are lots of koalas in the trees around the RAAF Base at Amberley, near Brisbane. The first night I stayed there I was woken during the night by weird grunting noises. I found out next morning that they were made by amorous koalas.
Stay safe.
20/May/07 10:41 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Wendy, I guess you mean how to put 'View this photo on Flickr' on your page.
If you haven't done so already, you will need to sign up for Flickr and the easiest way to do this is to 'Google' Flickr and pick the 'Sign Up ' page. If you have any difficulties please don't hesitate to contact me again and I'll see if I can help.
21/May/07 11:16 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy, thought I'd drop by & visit your page. I am gradually getting to people's pages but it all takes time, especially as I am on the computer mostly at work, & so only doing my page surfing in quiet moments. I too love your photo of the koala - how did you manage to see one so clearly? was it in the wild or in a sanctuary?
I shall leave you a box of Lindor choccie balls & a bottle of Bubbly (Aussie of course).
21/May/07 3:23 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Wendy, that's just great. I have looked through your photos and they are very good. Keep it up.
21/May/07 3:33 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Wendy - thank you for the welcome home. I'm very tired and just about to go to bed as I've got work tomorrow, but luckily only in the afternoon.
I had a lovely few days up north with my family.
Thank you for the lovely cheesecake. YUM!!
22/May/07 12:40 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Wendy, your new photos are just wonderful, please keep adding to them. Is that a photo of the Pink Heath, the floral emblem of Victoria?
22/May/07 5:31 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy; I just came back from adding you as my contact in Flickr. You got very good eye! Good for you. There is one that caught my eye ' Life Beyond the Flames' The contrast of the burnt bark and the rest of the wood! Gorgeous. It is amazing how, even in the midst of destruction, there is beauty.
The photo of the ocean taken from the lighthouse - Wow!!!!.
Keep it up! - If you have software (sometimes the ones that come with the cameras are quite good) you might want to look through it to see how much you can 'play' with the photos. You will be amazed at how many photos can be saved with these.
Most of all, have fun!
I've said it before - my photography takes the place of the psychiatrist couch.
I am looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
22/May/07 7:53 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hey there Wendy ~ I was just looking at you flickr and you are a wonderful photographer! Don't sell sell yourself short,I believe you have what it takes keep up the great work!
22/May/07 2:14 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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G'Day Wendy, nice of you to drop into my place, I was around so I thought I would call in, here are some freshly cooked Poffertjes just for you and your visitors.
22/May/07 5:59 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy! Our middle daughter is named Wendy, too. Saw a comment on Mamacita's page about your koala photo so I had to come take a look. Enjoyed seeing ALL your photos. They brought back some happy memories of our trip to Australia & NZ in 2005. We took a tour bus down the Great Ocean Road & went through a grove of eucalyptus trees where the driver stopped & pointed out some koalas sleeping like the one in your photo! Our photos didn't turn out nearly as good as yours! We loved the scenery all along the coast & took a helicopter ride over the 12 Apostles - breathtaking!
25/May/07 7:37 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Wendy, Thanks for the visit. I see people are still buzzing about your photos...it sounds just like it did when Nal started...she sounded like you do now, the talent is there...let Nal help you, and run with what you have. Oh boy, we have some great photographers on this site, you all keep snapping and exploring, I'll keep enjoying!Thanks also for the birthday greetings...they weren't belated at all....at my age, I celebrate everyday..lol.
26/May/07 1:16 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Hello Kaona Malibu mist, wondered how that comment appeared so soon after I uploaded it to flickr, Nice pics yourself, sorry to hear about your father in the hospital, hope he will be o.k.
I knew after looking at pics from the comment the last pic was the koala on your page, any way good luck with your father, and all the best to you.
28/May/07 1:38 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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P.S. did you know that you can put your icon in the buddy icon at flickr, its the same size that gath wants for our avatars!!
28/May/07 1:50 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Beautiful pics on flickr, keep up the good work , Hope your father get's well soon, all the best, Kevin.
28/May/07 4:25 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Hi Wendy. This is my first visit to your page. I hope your father is doing better, please let me know how he is doing if you get a chance. Heard about your Koala photo and had to tke a look. I agree, you take beautiful pictures. I especially like the lighthouse fromed by the unique tree and your trees after the fire. I would like to drop off some of my hubby's peach wine he made and some banana nut bread, I've left them on the table for you and other visitors. Hope to see you at my (new) place.
28/May/07 4:28 PM
   Denny Taylor  From Shenandoah, Iowa USA    Supporting Member
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Ah, I was going to ask where Ocean Grove was as the name has a California flair. Others have asked so I see why your at bed time when I am having my morning coffee. Anyway, ever need a cup before you go to bed feel free to drop by and I'll give you a fill.
30/May/07 1:00 AM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Hi Wendy, So nice of you to stop by my new place. Thanks for the chocolate chip and macadania cookies. yummmm. I think they are my favorite kind of cookie. I'd love to have you visit again when you can.
30/May/07 6:31 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Wendy! Thanks for the visit. Your picture is awesome!! Listened to your K. Urban song and even though I've never heard it before, I really liked it. That's what so great about these pages, you get to hear all different types of music that great people enjoy!
31/May/07 1:42 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy, hope your father's doing O.K. now, just looking at your pics on flickr, and they are great, keep up the good work.
31/May/07 4:15 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Dropping in, Wendy, to say that I'm keeping your father in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself, too--I know how draining it is to tend to an ailing loved one.
01/Jun/07 12:31 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Wendy. This is my first visit to your place. I really enjoyed your pictures, especially the the beautiful flowers! The chubby, snoozing koala certainly made me smile
I hope your Dad is doing better. Please keep us up to date. Blessings to you and your family.
01/Jun/07 4:02 AM
   Bianca  From Perth, W.Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy
My first visit to your page as well.
Hope your dad is going better. in my thoughts.
01/Jun/07 12:01 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Hi Wendy, I just read that your dad is home for a week. Glad it wasn't cancer. Good luck on your father's gall bladder surgery. Mike will have gall bladder surgery on the 13th, but hopefully your dad will only have 4 very small cuts (1-scope, 2 surgical tools and 1 to pull it out through). Hopefully he will be in and out the same day. My hubby has had so many abdominal surgeries (6 or 7) in the last 4 years that they will have to make 1 larger cut and he will be in the hospital 1 or 2 days. The surgeon told us that either way, it is a fairly easy surgery. My prayers are with him.
01/Jun/07 4:10 PM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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hi Wendy - popped in to say congratulations on becoming aunty Wendy!
02/Jun/07 2:26 AM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Hi Wendy, I know how bad those infections can be. You were lucky! You must have been in a whole lot of pain for a very long time. All those years...how did the Dr. finally figure it out? Because of the infection, were you real weak both for eavn for quite a while after the surgery?
One of Mike's surgeries (one before the last) was because he had diverticulitis which perforated. He waited for a week with bad pain before he went to the ER. His infection was really bad, just like you, but, because he waited so long (a week of growing infection [Gangrene]/bad pain ...some men!!!), part of his colon became so 'mushy' that his entire decending colon had to be removed. He was on IV antibiotics a week before and a week after the surgery. He had a colostomy for 9 months before he got it reversed. It took about 7 or 8 months for him to gain his strength back. He too almost died then and again when he had it reversed. His blood pressure dropped way low because of lack of fluid (he's on dialysis). SaraLyn calls him a cat with 9 lives!
Anyway, enough of that stuff. I'd relly like to get to know you better. Please visit again when you can. And again, good luck with your dad's surgery.
02/Jun/07 7:59 AM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Wendy, Those are beautiful yellow flowers (Wattle).
02/Jun/07 8:06 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi wendy, hope the gall bladder surgery goes ok, my ex wife had the same surgery and it was'nt bad on recovery time but she was only about 28 years old when she had her surgery. We have a Yucca plant in the front yard about to flower, as soon as it does will take pics and post them on flickr, keep up the good work on your pics.
02/Jun/07 2:38 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Mary - just dropped by and noticed your wonderful photo of the wattle tree. It is fantastic.
Hope everything is going alright for you.
02/Jun/07 11:29 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy! Seems funny to say that to you because you are the only other person I know besides my daughter who is named Wendy. I forgot to mention on Easy the other day congrats on recently becoming Aunt Wendy. Was that your first niece or nephew? You have added some beautiful new photos to your Flickr, however I could not find one of the cat that some people mentioned at the beginning of your Page? Please show him/her again & also maybe some of you & your family!! Hope your dad's surgery will go well. Know this is a stressful time for you.
03/Jun/07 1:31 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Wendy. Been a while so I dropped in to check your Flickr photos. You have some beautiful pictures on your site. Obviously you have an eye for carturing nature and your lighthouse shots are very nice. Cheers! Oh, and thanks for the Keith Urban song!
03/Jun/07 3:32 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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it's lovely to have a new addition to the family - the wheel turns and there's a new hope for the future. My uncle died just before the birth of my daughter 8 years ago and it was a real breath of fresh air to see the wheel turn yet again. Enjoy the little man (and aren't they just so lovely when they're babies?!!)
03/Jun/07 4:26 AM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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What kind of cancer did you have? Did you have to have surgery and/or Chemo therapy? I'm glad you're doing well now.
And now you have a new nephew...That's great!. My neice's little boy (2 yr. old) was one of our 2 ring bearers at Tasha and Jeff's wedding. My sister even managed to find and buy him a cute tuxedo for only $25. I wish I could figure out how to post some of my pictures on my Flickr. I'll keep trying until I can figure it out or get SaraLyn to help me. she is bogged down with school and studying for finals now. But she'll be done with school next Friday and maybe she'll help me then.
03/Jun/07 6:32 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Wendy, thanks for explaining about the tiger! But who is the cute cat pictured in your avatar? Is he/she one of yours? Is he/she entered on the pets page? Guess I should go look there first. Just let me know if he/she? is there, & I'll go look for him/her. When is your dad's surgery? Hope all goes well for him.
04/Jun/07 1:52 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Oh, Wendy, I'm so sorry. I was visiting a few people's pages because I had a few return visits to make, and I probably wasn't thinking straight. I've had a busy time lately. My apologies. It was you I was meant.
04/Jun/07 10:14 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Wendy just had to come in and see the latest addition to your family.
Harry is just adorable.
05/Jun/07 12:24 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Wendy - I notice you're up very late these nights.
Congratulations on your new nephew, he is gorgeous.
I'd love to share a bottle of Brownes with you. Here's cheers!
(have I got the right name this time?)
06/Jun/07 1:06 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Wendy. hope your dad's op goes ok, don't know how old he is but it is a fairly routine surgery, (if it's just for gall bladder stone's), hope all is well with you and your family. Nice baby pic.
06/Jun/07 2:00 PM
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