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Angie from Melb
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We found the JT dance sequence on Youtube - that and a lot more. So we've seen it. Thank you!
23/Mar/07 4:25 AM
Hi, in regards to the debate about when to move out of home. I think it depends on the individual. I moved out when I was 18 and love it. My brothers are both at home still (22 & 20) and thinking of moving out soon.
23/Mar/07 9:14 AM
Hi Angie, This is my first time visiting your place. I agree with kt, it also depends on a person's maturity. Our first daughter was ready when she started college at 17 years old. She'd been working since she was 12 and was very good at managing her money. She was ready to leave home and moved into her own apartment before her second year at the Univ. Our other daughter, on the other hand, is 18 and graduating from high school this year. She will get her first job this summer, start paying rent here and is 'thinking about' going to a trade school. We know she doesn't manage her money very well and is less mature for her age. Everyone is different.
23/Mar/07 10:34 AM
aggieland texas
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Angie - what a debate! After having four kids leave the house, I agree somewhat with the above comments, but I also feel that ALMOST every 18 year old (or maybe 19) should have to leave home for at least a period of time. It is time to grow up if they haven't yet.
23/Mar/07 11:30 AM
Angie - I wounder if any one got what I was saying? A child needs to be train to go out into this world from a very young age. To know things that the parent(s) must teach them - Mom and Dad did tought some things to us - but there was so much more I needed to know befor I set out on my own. With out good knowelage - we are lost. That is why so many youth return home after failing in this world we set out into. I wish I was better tought - had more information befor I left home.
23/Mar/07 1:31 PM
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Angie, both those previous comments were written by my wife, who loves watching JT dance ... and wishes I'd dance just the same way ... well, more like dance at all.
23/Mar/07 4:07 PM
Yasoo Ang,
Typical of country kids in my era, I left home and went to Melbourne to study in 74 when I was 16 and 3 months. I was quite happy to go into a share house with siblings but my parents set me up in a Church boarding college (thought that the company would be a better influence than my wayward brother- and they were probably right)- typical of those days.
I was delighted to leave home but the actual impetus was that I needed to continue my study. I did miss 'home' from time to time but learned to become more appreciative and independent. It was a challenge to catch busses and trams (and to walk walk walk) the city but I learned to be confident in cities as well as the country.
I'd catch the train home - 4 1/2 hours each way every few weeks for a weekend and often returned home for holidays (until I discovered TRAVELLING- even on a meagre budget)
I know that many young kids can get out of hand when they leave home but having been rebellious as an early teen, I tended to become more conservative for a few years- survival!!
A couple of years later (at 18) I moved out to house with 3 other country kids the same age. We'd met in the boarding college.
We scrounged from everywhere for second-hand furniture crockery cutlery. Old curtains were remade to fit our windows.
In our home we budgeted and put $20 each into a kitty for rent, bills and food. Rent was $50. We used to hang out at the close of the markets for meat and veggie bargains. We did that initial learning that there are more than one way to do things - (more than one brand of toothpaste and more than one way to make gravy etc) learning from each other. We took turns to cook and do chores. We argued and lost some of our rough edges. We had a lot of fun. We developed skills in a lot of areas and felt competent and adult. We used to have to go down the road to find a phone box – some feat on late nights in Richmond and Collingwood.
We had jobs to get in extra $$$S on top of our scholarships... and all in all it was a great learning and social time. Our extra $$$s contributed towards camping and even interstate travelling WHOO HOO!!
We continued to catch trains and trams and then...finally left uni, got jobs and took out a loan on a car. WOW What a step up!!
The household continued for several years. As one person left, another moved in. I was there for 2 1/2 years before moving back to the country- and into a different shared situation.
Guess what- we all got together this year to celebrate 50th birthdays together (a combined 200th).... so you can see that we all formed lasting friendships.
I know that this is just a perspective but it maybe useful for your daughter to see a country girls perspective.
Here's another wildcard for the debate.
In this day of broken marriages etc... how many (particularly) men, return to their mothers (who end up cooking and cleaning for them) never to leave home again.
Did they ever 'really leave
23/Mar/07 4:51 PM
Did they ever 'really leave home and learn the skills of contributing as an adult' or did they just transfer dependence from their mother to their wife and back again?
23/Mar/07 4:56 PM
Melbourne, Australia
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Whimaway to go, Angie LOL ... Have a look at this version:
24/Mar/07 8:29 PM
Melbourne, Australia
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LOL Angie, what made you pick that one .... there is the other version: 'Come Mr Taliban hand over Bin Laden'
25/Mar/07 12:21 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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The best part of the Bettlejuice movie. Too bad it didn't show the full rendition from the movie (as that was excellent), but priceless just the same to see Belafonte hamming it up! Thank you for sharing it, and thanks for your help with YouTube. I've finally posted a video as well. Cheers!
25/Mar/07 3:40 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi Angie, I'm a little late but wanted to wish you a happy Greek Independence day. I meant to copy down the words you used to give them back, but I forgot to do it and I'm too lazy to go back to find them now. Hope to catch up with you before I leave for Fl. during Holy week, I'm been pretty busy with real work on the computer lately and haven't done any I.M'ing for awhile. Are you about finished with the dance costomes yet, or will you be sewing up to the last minute? However, I'll hope the girls'break a leg'. I also hope you have heard that expression before and know it means 'good luck' Until later.....keep sewing!
25/Mar/07 12:38 PM
Mamacita 2
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I'm= I've,costomes= costumes...boy, looking at that I need to get myself in bed. Starting out early tomorrow(5:30 wake-up) and I've been burning the midnight oil since i got back home this week playing catch up and get ready to leave again...that's life.
25/Mar/07 12:43 PM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Angie, you and your hubby seem to like Canadian musicians. Rush and Celine Dion.
Next time they all drop in for a cold one
I'll ask them to tour down your way, although it will be tough to tear Celine away from her Vegas Casino!
26/Mar/07 6:17 AM
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Hi Angie,
Thank you for your warm welcome to your place. I'll have a Cointreau and Lime soda, thanks.
Weighing in (late) on the 'when should they leave home' debate, some kids just don't ever 'get' the whole independent living thing until they have actually leave home and experience it for themselves. You can try to teach them everything they need to know but it just doesn't sink in. I teach (or rather taught) Commerce at high school and a large part of that was giving kids the practical skills they needed to survive. It's incredible (and scary) how many failed the subject. I think that they need to just be pushed out when YOU are ready but let them know that they aren't on their own - that you are there to help them with advice and receipes (I remember my sister ringing me up after she had been out of home for several years asking for help on how to cook spaghetti - the pasta not the sauce!) but not money so that they don't make too many stuff ups! OK that was my 2 cents worth.
26/Mar/07 12:18 PM
sydney oz
Hi Angie,
Nice to talk to you in the room. Now we're in a more relaxed homely location, I think I'd rather have a glass of bubbles, if you have one. I told you I'd visit even if only to remind you to research youtube for 'Gloria'. Avagooday.
27/Mar/07 12:07 PM
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Ok, for all of you SM‘s out there that want to know how to post a Youtube on your page. These are the instructions:
1 Find your video
2. On the right hand side of the screen you will see a URL addy and a EMBEDDED addy.
3. Ccopy the embedded addy, you will need to high light and scroll for a while. Most of these start with the word Object and end with the word Object.
4. Now go to your SM page and click on Update details.
5. You should see a place to paste the link in.
6 Once pasted, click on check your link, and it should be accepted.
7. Once accepted just click on Update details again.
8.woooo hoooo your done!
9.Post on site so we can all visit you!
Please note that some of the Youtube clips don’t show an emebbed addy, unfortuntaly you are unable to link those. If you need any further assistance please leave me a note here.
27/Mar/07 12:58 PM
Love it Ange. x (apparently it was witten by a prison inmate to his love)
27/Mar/07 6:44 PM
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Angie - EXCELLENT song, Dr. Hook is great. Now I think I am going to have to go and find some Doobie Brothers or Eagles for my page! Oh the nostalgia, I love it!
28/Mar/07 9:03 AM
at work
installed what I had to at work ange to access your youtubee - hope i don't get busted!!! Never thought i'd be doing karaoke at work! x
29/Mar/07 9:14 AM
Lithia, Fl.
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I never saw Dawn, one of the few I didn't see. To see that video is wild. This weekend I saw The Who, they tore it up. Better than I thought they would be. Also I saw Public Enemy. Great as expected. Well very good is more like it. I had to miss Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks. Same night as The Who. If you want to put Roger on again that would be cool.
29/Mar/07 10:15 AM
Mamacita 2
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Check out my page continue to amaze me! You sew,write great poems and funny, discriptive letters and/or notes. You are tech smart too! What don't you do well? The best part of all of your creative talents, is that you are also so very generous and always willing to share. You are a very special lady! Thanks for all that you have done. Its much appreciated.
30/Mar/07 1:38 PM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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So you're the one that Mick sang that song to? I should have guessed. Seems like I've missed a few of you songs. Better leave them on longer so we can all enjoy, and thanks for Angie!
01/Apr/07 8:35 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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P.S. - Is that clan in the picture all yours? Great looking group.
01/Apr/07 8:36 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Cool! P.P.M on your page too! I have another of them doing Blowing in the Wind with Bob Dylan and Stevie Wonder that I'll post later this week. Cheers! Heck, that's three posts in a row for me.
02/Apr/07 1:36 AM
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Angie...thanks for the Peter, Paul and Mary with John Denver video. John Denver was/is my all time favorite. What a waste when he crashed his plane into Monterey Bay, in California in Oct. 1997. Doesn't seem that long ago. My wife and I delayed a trip that summer to be able to see John perform at a local outdooor amphatheater here in So. Oregon. What a great show he put on and he was working on some new songs that never made it before his untimely death.
02/Apr/07 4:23 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hey Foxy lady...thanks to you and others, I'm about to join the youtube gang. Many great memories and a variety of presentations to jog our senses. Its a fun journey. Thanks for your assistance to me and others to help us all along! As I said before, you are a special lady! I would so enjoy having you and several others on site sitting around and having a real old fashioned gab fest, that included music, drink,good food and nice it would be.
02/Apr/07 12:11 PM
Texas, US
Thanks, I LOVE PPM and John Denver. Never saw this performance. Interesting thing - Leaving on a Jet Plane was written by Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr., John Denver, and there he is singing backup for PPM on his song. I saw JD twice and PPM 5 times.
03/Apr/07 12:34 AM
Champaign IL US
Thanks, Angie, PPM are my favorites!
03/Apr/07 7:32 AM
beautiful song ange...
03/Apr/07 9:12 AM
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John Denver, Sunshine, awesome. Thanks.
03/Apr/07 10:53 AM
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Hi Angie, Veronica thanks you for the bear - we've had to put it up high to keep it out of Elinor's reach as it is really too cute. And Paul and I thank you for the flowers and the sparkles (though I have had to let Paul drink most of it as I am still breastfeeding!). Things have been rather hectic lately and I am looking forward to a time when I have a baby girl putting on lots of weight, me looseing lots of weight and the wedding all planned!
The eggs look fantastic, how do you give them out or are they just for show?
I brought you a packet of Caramel TimTams (I don't want them in my house anylonger!!!). Enjoy.
03/Apr/07 12:20 PM
Valrico, Florida, USA
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Angie - How sweet of you to take your valuable time to find that cute tennis avatar for me. I am able to pull it up, but I don't know where to go with it from there?? When you have time, after Easter or whenever, maybe you could give me a quick guide on how to proceed with putting that avatar with my name. Thanks. And, by the way, your Easter eggs look great!! Are they dyed with beet juice?? I really don't know what the traditional Greek way is! Happy Easter to you & all your family.
04/Apr/07 1:27 PM
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Hi Angie - Thank you for telling us about your beliefs on fasting. I enjoyed reading it. Your eggs are very beautiful and I will take one for later. (I love boiled eggs.) Here is wishing you and your family a Blessed Easter.
04/Apr/07 10:10 PM
MizTricia in Alabama
Angie, lovely eggs and I also enjoyed reading about your Easter traditions. Just how many eggs did you dye? I tried to count, they seem to go into infinity back down that left side :>). I lost count around 16 dozen! Do you know the significance of RED eggs, instead of some other color? I would be interested to know. Wishing you a wonderful Easter.
04/Apr/07 10:42 PM
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mmmmmmmmmm Angie
when did you get the time to do all those eggs??
04/Apr/07 11:48 PM
Valrico, Florida, USA
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Angie, have printed the instructions on avatars you sent me & will tackle that task later today. Thanks again. By the way, think I've missed a few things like what exactly are you sewing for & where did you write about your beliefs on fasting? Also, I saw some references to one of your daughters being ready to move out? It's tough when the little birds start to leave the nest!!
05/Apr/07 12:54 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Nice find for your video Angie! Always liked that song. Wonder where Johnny Nash is today? Wishing you and yours a Happy Easter! Keep the music coming lady!
06/Apr/07 5:00 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Heck, just a little rabbit push should do it.... bunny hop and shove....
06/Apr/07 5:01 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Super! Welcome to page 6 Angie!
06/Apr/07 5:02 AM
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