Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi and anyone sending a card, there are only 2 houses on our street that are in the 900's, there is on 970, so it should be easy enough to figure out. If I see our carrier, I will tell her some cards are on the way with incorrect address.

A hard day today, to lengthy to explain, but probably caused by medication reaction. MUCH better now, breathing back to normal. I ask for your continued prayers and thoughts, we sure can use them.

No time to read, I have taken my bedtime medications and need to get to sleep, more than tired tonight. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

25/Oct/11 4:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations from Illinois!

Rolanda, my pace would also be slower. Who says you need to keep up? It's not a race (though I know how I feel when hubby rushes through things that take me longer).

Brenda, we have turned the heat on as well. Today hubby just couldn't get warmed up, he said. Evening temperatures and days without sun really impact the house temperature. Are you starting to plan the clothes to pack for your trip?

June, your foot "bath"/massage sounds interesting. I don't think I'd be able to keep my feet in the water, as I have VERY sensitive feet. (I've never had a foot massage or even a pedicure because of that.) I'm loving being on your trip with you and experiencing it vicariously!

Viv, I hope the doctor is able to prescribe something to help with the pain! Enjoy the visit with your brother and his family!

Tami, how are things going with the cherubs at school?

Heidi, I bet any trick-or-treaters would be thrilled to get Bertie Bots Every-Flavored Beans! Just don't eat any of them while you still have the lurgy! Get well soon!

Mama, I hope you are being successful at chasing the lurgy away!

Heidi, thanks for the corrected address for Al! I hope to have a card in the mail tomorrow!

Heidi, I like your avatar! Well done on getting #10,000!
25/Oct/11 5:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, so sorry Al (and you, as well) had a difficult day. All the medications could certainly have contributed. So glad to hear he is doing better tonight. Sleep well - both you and Al! Tomorrow is another day. Prayers and {{{HUGS}}} for both of you!

And for anyone else who could benefit, please share these positive thoughts and vibes, , prayers and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}! Good Night and enjoy a better day tomorrow!
25/Oct/11 5:52 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sending prayers and sudoku healing vibes to you and Al, MizT.
The wedding was wonderful apart from the bride and two bridesmaids were all project managers and wanted to run the show, then mum (Teresa) stepped in and sorted them all out! All I had to do was keep Teresa sane!
Apart from the hairdresser turning up an hour and half early for the bridal party and catching me in my dressing gown, had to leave her to her own devices while I showered. The Bride then decided that when I should have been getting dressed and leaving with the makeup artist before them that I should have my hair and makeup done, needless to say that we left after the bride with the hairdresser following me and she would not keep up so I had to keep slowing down so as not to loose them. I have since found out we still made it there just after the Bride had arrived so was not as bad as I originally thought.
25/Oct/11 5:55 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Just missed you Julie.
25/Oct/11 5:57 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - bridal cars are supposed to go slow to allow the groom time to get there - haha! That's what the driver of Karin's car told me when she got married.
MizT - thoughts, prayers and well-wishes to you and Al.
Thanks for the change of address, I haven't posted mine because I still haven't found the appropriate card yet - will do asap.
25/Oct/11 6:15 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I missed sending well wishes to Viv here on SA but I'm sure I did on FB. I do like to do both where possible.
June - were you staying in Seim Reap? I remember seeing the lake on The Amazing Race and the teams had to go out into the city on stilts and find things (basketball court, dentist etc. They finished that leg at Angkor Wat. It made me want to see Cambodia more after that.
25/Oct/11 6:23 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Jewel is now looking like a long-legged white rat with a few fluffy bits instead of a great big ball of white fluff. She must be more comfortable, she wants to play every time I go near her, usually she ignores me and keeps her enthusiasm just for Col.
25/Oct/11 6:26 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I have another busy day. Baseball tonight and it is a late game. A mommy's work is never done

Hubby got his splint off yesterday and is a happy camper. Was given a clean bill of health, even if the finger is not so clean The smell should go away soon. I am just glad he did not stick it under my nose like he did to the two boys.
25/Oct/11 9:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sending all the hugs and positive vibes I can, MizT. You and Al both need all you can get.
26/Oct/11 12:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all - I'm back ... I'm just going to comment on each page until I am more or less caught up on the news, starting with page 249.

Heidi, D does not need help with keeping up with her exercises - she religiously does them. In fact it is difficult for her not to overdo them (she doesn't of course, but she is anxious to have her life back). As soon as she could manage a few stairs, the hospital released her. She is still in pain, but she is walking a bit, and generally looks very happy. Finally!!!!

26/Oct/11 12:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, glad to hear Dana is now getting some proper care. I too have certain times I would really like a cigarette, and it usually has to do with stresses, after meals, with coffee. After almost 3 months I am finally able to have a coffee in the morning. I have found that my coffee consumption has gone uo quite a bit.

Good luck Viv!!

June, travelling around and getting to experience other cultures would be an ideal vacation for me.

26/Oct/11 1:10 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I was hoping to hear that Heidi and Mama were all better, but it is not to be just yet. Feel better soon.

MizT {{HUGS}}.

I hope to be back later ... famous last words.
26/Oct/11 1:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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morning friends, a MUCH better night last night. All the SA healing thoughts and wishes helped I am sure! Al is just up, he slept so long and so soundly he had a collection of secretions to clear first thing, but small price to pay for his 8 hours straight sleep. Heidi and Mama, you want to compare the crud from your lurgy? Al would have you both beat hehehe.

Oh bad Tricia, the above was worse than Tami's hubby sharing "the smell" with both boys, yuck!

Lovely day ahead, blue skies, cold morning temp to start but quickly warming with the sun. Requiring heat at night, but the thermostat is set on the cool side, then requiring AC a bit in late afternoon. Al just needs it cooler, helps with breathing, and sun on house afternoon does raise indoor temps.

Tami, enjoying your coffee this morning, thanks a bunch.

CynB, Jewel is loosing hair because? shedding for summer?

Broni, I would not worry at all about the hairdresser finding you in dressing gown. Anyone that early before appointment at my house might find the same. If she was going to arrive early, a phone call would have been a nice touch.

Julie, what is going on in your lofe? We do like to hear what you are doing. We might not always comment on your activity, but we do read and enjoy what you share. How is the Cello doing? Have you heard from your teacher? Are there some exercises you can do to strengthen your arm for the position it must be in? Or will practice be the thing to build up your strength? Do your fingers get sore from the strings? My Dad tried teaching me guitar, I was interested, but never could get past the pain in fingertips. My later diagnosis of fibromyalgia probably explained that, I feel any pain stronger than the average bear. My father thought I was a winp and got very frustrated and somewhat angry with me about it.

OK, time to fling food. I want something more than toast or oatmeal for breakfast, I think it is an egg and ham breakfast morning.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

26/Oct/11 1:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, just missed you! Sorry to hear daughter is in pain, but am not surprised. Very glad to hear she is smiling again, that hip must be improved for smiles to be present. Hugs to you and family.
26/Oct/11 1:21 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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MizT Cyn's dog is a poodle so it doesn't shed it's coat. Cyn said something about taking Jewel for a trim.
Pleased Al had a good nights sleep. ((HUGS)) to both of you.
26/Oct/11 2:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the dentist. No new problems, for a change. I do have to go back on Friday so we can reset my bridge. The cement holding the posts in crumbled and that's why it broke loose. There are no nerves there, so no pain.
26/Oct/11 5:51 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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So relieved to read your post this morning MizT, amazing how UP one can feel after a good night ♥
26/Oct/11 8:35 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I am here, but really am not... off to the Dentist vewy shortly.. tooth broke in half a week and a half ago.
Mum: no change really, sister and I visited with her yesterday, we talked the Dr, we said whats what to Mum, that has given her a realality check..
My Friend Sue, visited with us yesterday afternoon and stayed for dinner. Her Mum's Funeral is next week.
Gotta Run
(((Hugs))) and ♥♥♥
Oh and it is my Hubby's Birthday today.
26/Oct/11 10:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Peter and Jed

26/Oct/11 10:54 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Brenda was right, Jewel got clipped yesterday.
MizT - glad Al had a better night.
Heidi and Mama - feel better soon.
Theresa - happy that your D is home and working at a speedy recovery.
Rolanda - sorry your Mum is not much improved.
26/Oct/11 10:58 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday to Rolanda's Peter and Gail's Jed and my niece Kimberly, I think she will be 23.
Today is a sad one for me, it would have been Mum's birthday too but instead we are putting her ashes with Dad's in their final resting place this afternoon. I'll be glad when this day is over. Life had got back to normal but today brings it all back. My siblings decided to bring their spouses today but didn't tell me, too late for Col to get away in time with no warning so I have asked Karin to come along as support for me. Dreading this day - sorry!
26/Oct/11 11:05 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
MizT: Love, Hugs & prayers for you & Al now...
CynB: HUGS to you!! Sad day for you.
Rolanda: Thinking of you.
Hello to Heidi, Gail, TTT, Brenda, Theresa, Broni and whoever else I missed.
10,000 posts!! BOY are we Chatty!!
Take care all, Love & Hugs to all with extras!!
26/Oct/11 12:05 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Happy Birthday to Jed, Kimberly, Cyn's Mum ♥...
26/Oct/11 2:36 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I've been 'crowned'
the tooth that is.
Back in 2 weeks to get the 2nd half of being 'crowned'.
26/Oct/11 2:37 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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again I am not really here..
MIL is on her way here, to pick me up.. we have the YWCA of Perth AGM to go to.
continued (((Hugs))) and ♥♥♥
26/Oct/11 2:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good evening friends. The difference in Al today from 2 nights ago is night and day. He is so much improved, and we have enjoyed today. His brother and he have joked and exchanged cutting remarks, Al's sense of humor restored and we all have enjoyed it.

Watched Blue Man Group, the Concert and enjoyed that a bunch. I do not know how those guys tolerate the vinyl masks with all the activity. those guys can do more with PVC waste pape than some musicians with thousand dollar instruments.

Listened to some old country western music. I got a chance to ask his brother if Al had really sat and watched many old bands, in thier early days, sing and play at their aunts and uncle's house. Yes, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams Sr, Hank Snow, many many others. Back then, music acts did not make much money "on tour" they played small roadhouses and honkytonks, not huge venues like today. they did not have tour buses, they went booking to booking in thier own cars, trucks, whatever they had or could scrounge together. They often stayed with friends or friends of friends, and " floor space" was good enough some places. Aunt and uncle had a former 3 car garage made into a music room. They had all kinds of musical instruments themselves in this room, a huge table that would sit " near 100 people" Roger said, and all kinds of matresses that could be brought out. they cooked and served up simple meals to all present, and then they sat around the table for some "picking and singing". Roger said there was another room with shelves floor to ceiling that were full of home movie tapes, of these not yet greats of country music, playing together. They were both wondering where those old tapes were now, would be worth a fortune today.

My hubby has tons of " tall tales" like these, and many did not believe they were true, or had an element of truth but like fishermans takes had grown with telling. NOPE, really happened, and he often did not tell all, I had not heard of the tapes of those nights before. Al was about 8, 9 and 10 when this happened, making the year mid 50's.

26/Oct/11 3:50 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, SA10!

Darn, Broni, I'm so sorry I missed you by 3 minutes! I'm chuckling as I envision the bride and her bridesmaids all trying to be in control of the wedding. What a relief Teresa had you to help her maintain her sanity! I'm so glad the wedding went even better than you imagined! Now both you and Teresa can prop up your feet and have a cuppa or stronger!

Cyn, thank you for the reminder; I need to get to the store tomorrow and try again to find the "perfect" card for Al. The people at the store must have hidden away cards in order to make room for Halloween cards, as the selection isn't good right now.

Jewel must be as light as a feather - and comfortably cool - after her trim. No wonder she's playful.

Tami, you must have had a really long day. I hope the school day went well and the late baseball game was a winner so that everyone in your family went home happy! Hope to see you tomorrow, Sweetie! Take care! (How thoughtful that your hubby didn't make you smell the dead sweaty skin on his finger!)

Theresa, good for your D! It's nice to hear of someone who is conscientious about doing her rehab! What's even nicer is hearing that she is happy, though in pain! Wishing her a quick recovery!

MizT, thank you for letting us know that Al had a much better night. I'm sure a good night's sleep helped him (and you) feel much better! It also helps to have a lovely day to look forward to! {{{HUGS}}} and positive thoughts for another good night after a good day!
26/Oct/11 4:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Cyn, {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your siblings on this difficult day! I'm so glad Karin could be there as your support! Thinking of you!

Heidi and Mama, I hope you are both feeling better! It's time for the lurgy to move on!

Good news from the dentist for you, Heidi, and just a return trip in a few days to reset your bridge.

Rolanda also made it through a dentist appointment and returned home as royalty. I guess that's only temporary, as a return trip is scheduled in a couple of weeks! Knowing how you feel about the dentist, I must congratulate you on getting through this. Of course, if you've been dealing that long with a tooth that broke in half, today's appointment might not have been too bad.

Rolanda, {{{HUGS}}} to you and your sister as you help your Mum begin to see the reality of her situation. I hope she is feeling better! {{{HUGS}}} to your friend Sue, as well, as she prepares for her Mum's funeral.

Happy Birthday, Peter!

Happy Birthday, Jed!

Happy Birthday, Cyn's niece Kimberly!

Happy Birthday to Cyn's Mum, who is able to celebrate again with Cyn's Dad! While it's hard for you, Cyn, it may be extremely joyful for your Mum and Dad. (I hope you don't think I'm being flip or morbid.)

Hi, Suzanne! How are you? Has there been any progress with selling your house? Crossing fingers for you!

Rolanda, enjoy the excursion with your MIL!

MizT, what a wonderful day for you and Al and his brother! What a wonderful story about growing up with all that music and getting to meet country music stars in their early years! What a shame that neither Al or his brother know what became of the home movies! Luckily they both have their memories! Thank you for sharing that with us! Here's hoping for another good night and another great day tomorrow! {{{HUGS}}}

Nearly 1 a.m., so should wind things up (or down, as the case may be). Just a quick note - I haven't had a cello lesson yet, as the teacher is in PA with her daughter who just had a baby. So far I have tried to sit down a couple of times a day for about 10 minutes or so, partly to see how I'm doing with "Twinkle" and partly just practicing with flash cards. To start out, cello music is written in bass clef. I sort of learned to read it twenty-five or so years ago, but as soon as D could read it, let it go. My instrument as a kid was flute (music in treble clef), so I desperately needed to practice identifying notes. (As I get better, there will be some music written in tenor clef, so I'll need new flash cards. Yikes!)

And now, I really must run. Thinking of all of you and hoping for a pleasant afternoon/evening/ or night! Positive thoughts and vibes, , prayers and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone and those you love!
26/Oct/11 4:57 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - no I don't think you're being flip or morbid. Today went well, better than I expected, the anticipation was worse that the event. And I ended up feeling happy that they are together forever now.
MizT - Glad Al's is so much better and what a delightful story about Al's young years and his association with all those old country bands and acts. How wonderful it would be to find the old films!!
26/Oct/11 5:29 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Meant to say that we finished up in true Mum style by having coffe and cake all around!!
26/Oct/11 5:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evenin' all,

Happy Birthday Jed, Peter and Kimberly.. and remembering Cyn's mom.. sorry mum.. (lived there too long)

MizT, what wonderful stories! I'd love to hear more of them.. I hope they find the tapes one day - though old home movies may have been tossed by someone who had no idea what was on them.

I'm so glad Al is so much better, I hope it stays that way for a long time. Do you think it's the hospice care, more responsive to his needs, that is making the difference?

Cyn, I'm glad the day was better than you dreaded it would be. If you had been doing it alone things might have been different so I'm glad you were all there together.

Weird with Dana right now. She is getting a ride over town with her father in the mornings so she can do a course thing. This morning Alie reminded him that she had to be over town at 8.30, he was angry because he didn't remember her telling him, I saved her because I did remember. Anyway Dana wasn't answering the phone so he took Alie and I was taking Dana. She knocked on the door, came in, chatted for a while, then when we went out to the car one of the neighbours she lives with came around the corner and got in the car. Nobody asked me!!

Alie had a special thing today so I went over to pick her up around 3, Dana saw me, said hello, told me she was waiting for her dad to get a ride home and went somewhere for coffee..

When they got home she came in and chatted for ages and ages. It's actually really annoying because she can't let there be a comfortable silence, she keeps talking and talking and talking and half of it was bull - hate that!
26/Oct/11 6:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I remember that horrible smell when Alie had her cast off. It's nasty isn't it?
26/Oct/11 7:00 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, the more you tell us about Dana the more she sounds like Angela, our problem child. It is so annoying when they chat non stop about nothing, or worse about how awesome they are!
26/Oct/11 8:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, every time my or hubby's family get together for a remembrance like ashes scattering, it has always turned out to be a love fest, and always happier than expected, very cathartic ♥
26/Oct/11 8:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, were you here? Exactly how you describe...

Forgot to tell you a bummer thing. Because Dana has missed some very important tests the midwife we saw when she was in pain made an appointment for her before her actual registration appointment. Another midwife decided that wasn't going to happen and cancelled the appointment. Bad for baby.
26/Oct/11 8:41 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Got back late last night. Dylan's team lost but they played a good game. He had a nice hit, right up the center. Don't have much time now. Mitchell's bus was late getting me off to a late start. I will try to come back later. Hope everyone has a great day.
26/Oct/11 9:57 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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to let you know all is OK. We have to pay for computer time at this hotel!!!!!!
26/Oct/11 10:12 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thank you June ♥
26/Oct/11 10:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy..... Dana has to start taking responsibility for herself. It's her job to make sure that the baby is taken care of. I'm very concerned that you might get so upset about this that you might have another stroke. PLEASE let your own health come first!!!
27/Oct/11 1:44 AM
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