Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Mum still not any better...
she wishes she was home, looking after herself, instead of being in hospital and them looking after her...
24/Oct/11 12:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Chocolate is the Answer, who cares what the Question is

Welcome to Page 250
24/Oct/11 12:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Exciting day ahead of me.. already cleaned the bathroom, need to work that sloshy machine, and go and go to that place where they stock food. and Wash the floors, since HE vacuumed the Floor Tiles yesterday.
24/Oct/11 12:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Over the weekend, we tidied up the Shed, you can walk in there without tripping over boxes.
Sorted out the 2 minor bedrooms, same no tripping over boxes.
Put a fold up table in one of the rooms, for the office/Study area. Still to unpack the office/study boxes.
The single bed in the other bedroom set up and made.
Also the boxes for the Kitchen/Pantry are ALL unpacked, The Laundry is unpacked..
Still to play with my clothes.. not enough shelving..
Thankfully, I am on my own today, I can go at MY pace, not HIS!
24/Oct/11 12:41 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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((((HUGS)))) and lots of Love ♥♥♥♥ to all and sundry. and extra's for those that are in real need.

Later Aligaters
24/Oct/11 12:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
I got way behind on my posting over the weekend and I've discovered that that makes me put off posting for even longer. Very daunting because there are posts that absolutely must be acknowledged...

RIP Tante Dora and Mrs K

MizT, {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}} I have been thinking about you a lot and am so glad to read about how good the hospice care is. Isn't it amazing how much better nurses understand pain levels than doctors???

Rolanda, {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}. I've been thinking about you and sneaking in to look for an update..

Theresa, I'm sorry the pain has gotten worse. I know how you feel about the cigarettes - though if my cravings are really bad I know I must have forgotten to take my pill. The cigarettes I most miss are the most enjoyable ones - first cup of coffee in the morning, after meals, while waiting for Alie to finish whatever she is doing etc. etc. None of my close friends smoke, only a few of my acquaintances which makes things a little easier.. Happy Belated Birthday to your FIL.. That's incredible that your D is coming home so soon! Though Mum was told she'd be in for 3 weeks, one week to recovery from the surgery, two of intensive rehab. Before the first week was up she has taken herself to further than they expected her to be after the rehab so she got to go home after only 4 of 5 days - whatever it was, it was a day longer than it could have been if she didn't live 3 hours drive from the hospital.

Gail, I was surprised by the 'if oxygen is needed, go to the hospital'. My MIL was on oxygen at home for at least 2 years before she died. It seems to me that it would speed things along unnecessarily.

Rolanda, {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}. I've been thinking about you and sneaking in to look for an update...

Broni, busting to read a post about how the wedding went. Your teasers are making me feel excited about it all... You were late to the wedding!!!???

Julie, when I write long posts like this one I write them on my notepad. It's separate to the internet so I have a good chance I won't lose it if the internet drops out on me. If my computer turns off like yours I'd still lose it, though there may be a recovery program like Word has. Alie never had homework, until we insisted on an hour a day and now she miraculously finds something that needs doing..

Tami, catcher is really tough on the knees - crouching for hours on end. It's a tough position and can make or break a team - I hope he had fun and did himself proud!

Mamacita, hope you are feeling better by the time you read this

SA vibes to Stella's mum...

Rolanda, is his pace slower, faster, or just doing things in some weird order??

I finally caught up!! I bet I still managed to miss some posts..
24/Oct/11 2:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So where have I been? The folk festival basically. We went back on Saturday for their final performance. It was kinda sad, they played very well and it's sad they can't do that anymore, though I'm very glad I don't have to deal with the Queen of the World anymore. She's probably glad she doesn't have to deal with me too. She's 14 and her mother dropped her off on Friday afternoon (late) and went off to Sydney to set up her new house. The Queen camped with some of her other minions...??? I think her mother was picking her up on Sunday.

After they played we were wandering around looking at stalls etc when hubby's phone rang - it was for me. Mine had been ringing and I hadn't heard it. Dana had bad stomach cramps and was scared. I drove back over the mountain and took her to casualty, they sent us to maternity, who told Dana that there were tests etc she should have had that she had missed and would she consider signing up for their ante natal program? I was ecstatic! Finally she had from someone else what I'd been telling her for months!! She's moving her care to there and hopefully will finally get some decent care and advice..

I drove back over the mountain hoping to stay a while and listen to some more music but the others had had enough so we headed home.

Yesterday I basically spent recovering and reading garbage books. It was very noice.

24/Oct/11 2:50 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I can't believe it! The computer has shut down again and I have lost all the comments for page 249. Oh, if only I had submitted already! I'm going to wait a bit and check email before deciding if I'll try to write the comments all over again.
24/Oct/11 3:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everybody! Let's try again.

June, your vacation sounds wonderful!

Gail, yummy menu for Beth's birthday dinner!

Theresa, I'm glad your D is home. I hope her recovery and rehab go quickly! Hopefully she won't need to rely primarily on you for help.

Heidi, I hope the lurgy is soon a thing of the past! Feel better soon!

Mama, I hope your sleeping in will help you avoid Heidi's lurgy! Get well soon! It sounds like you have a full agenda coming up!

MizT, I'm sorry Al had such a difficult night/morning. I'm so glad you were able to consult with the hospice nurse and confirm your idea of the way to proceed - and also glad that Al was then able to get some sleep. So glad your BIL came to help with the chores and also provide company! Do remember to take care of yourself, please!

Cyn, so sorry you had to rise early for a no-show repairman. It's a good thing someone was able to come out and take care of the fried gecko and the trouble he caused! That reminds me, we have someone scheduled to come out in the early morning tomorrow/now today. I best not stay at the computer for much longer.

Broni, I'm sure you're relieved that the wedding went well! What a considerate bride to wait for you before walking down the aisle! Now you can breathe again!

Tami, good for Mitchell for getting through the homework backlog! I'm sure you and hubby (and Mitchell) are all relieved!

Gail, thanks for posting about Stella's request on facebook. Quite a thoughtful thing to do!
24/Oct/11 4:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Rolanda, I hope your Mum will begin to see some improvement. Positive thoughts for her! I like your chocolate quote! You have been very busy in the temporary abode! So glad you can work at your pace today!

Suzy, what a busy weekend! What a relief that Dana will now be getting better care! It's always nice when our offspring hear from an "authority figure" the same information we've been giving them all along. Hopefully this scare will help her concentrate on what she should be doing in preparation for the big event.

Nearly 1 a.m. - time that I must get to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers and much love for all of you and all in need! Good Night!
24/Oct/11 4:57 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy... MY pace is Slower !
24/Oct/11 5:07 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Thoughts and good wishes going out to all who need them. At the moment there are so many of us who do need them. Thank goodness MizT now has professional Hospice help. I know you are a trained nurse MiZT but this is your husband you are dealing with, he would be a much more difficult patient to deal with. Now he has to take 'orders' from someone else. ((HUGS))
Rolanda, work at your own pace let Peter work at his! Hope there is some improvement with your mother.
Though going to Stella's mum, I must have missed that on FB. I tend to miss a few things lately though I haven't been on there much over the weekend.
Suzy thank goodness Dana now has some better maternity care, pity it took a scare to get her to sort it out. Your weekend sounds rather busy, make sure you take care of yourself too. BTW well done with the no smoking.
Cyn hope the bill for the repair to the aircon wasn't too big, but now you are all set for the summer. We are now having to use our heating days are becoming very chilly here, even tough the sun has been shining.
24/Oct/11 6:20 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Two weeks to go till we go on holiday. We have the suitcases down but nothing in them except for a book for R.
Half term holiday this week so I have D#1 at home all week.
R gave the downstairs bathroom tiles a good scub yesterday. My shoulder is playing up and it isn't possible for me to do. We (meaning D#1) will reseal the shower try with silicon sealant as the old one has deteriorated.
I'm still enjoying knitting but will have to slow down a little whilst on holiday.
24/Oct/11 6:26 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Went to the night markets last night. Anyone for a foot massage. For $2 you put your feet into a fish tank for 30 minutes and the fish nibble the dead skin of your feet. We went for the regular one $1 + tip for 15 minutes and it was a really good one. Today we went on the lake and saw all the stilt and floating homes. Lake high than normal so quite a few were flooded but still being lived in.
Leave here tomorrow. Have seen enough temples, two more today and spent enough money. Have to fit everything in my bag and still Phnom Penh to go.
Lots of hugs to you all, especially MizT, Rolanda,Theresa etc. Will catch up with you all next weekend when I am back home.
24/Oct/11 7:35 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Evening everyone. I am all packed ready to go to Sydney tomorrow morning.
Warm day here today.
24/Oct/11 7:42 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi June. Nice to hear about your trip away.
Brenda what is wrong with your shoulder?
Rolanda, hope your Mum is doing okay.
Hi Julie, great summary as usual.
Hope all is well with Dana after the stomach cramps scare.
24/Oct/11 7:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Best wishes Viv xoxo
24/Oct/11 9:30 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
June, that foot massage sounds different. I have heard of it before but you are the first person I know to actually do it.
Tricia, glad that you called hospice for advice. Like someone else said, you are a nurse but it is different when it is your hubby. Hope all is well.

Don't remember much else of what I have read. I will be back tonight to cause more trouble.
24/Oct/11 9:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello everybody. The Lurgy drags on. Yuck.

MizT.... Hospice care is a godsend. I am SO glad that you and Al are using them. It makes a very tough time easier.

Suzy... Do you think Dana will EVER listen to your good advice? Instead, she has a scare, and you have to drop what you're doing to take her to the hospital, where they tell her the same thing that you said. It doesn't make sense. And you act like a loving mother should and bail her out. I bet she still doesn't appreciate you. My one question is: Since hubby tends to side with her, why didn't he drop what he was doing and take her to the hospital?

((((( HUGS ))))) to everybody else. You know who needs 'em.
25/Oct/11 1:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, Yeah..... Have a GREAT time in Sydney, V.Viv.
25/Oct/11 1:08 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Viv hope everything goes to plan in Sydney and they find a solution to your problems, well health problems doubt they can do anything about the other two problems.
I think my shoulder is a touch of my old friend arthritis. Nothing too serious yet but it does stop me from doing too much heavy swearing :-)
25/Oct/11 3:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just found the perfect treats to hand out to Trick-Or-Treaters. Boxes of "Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans"!!! The label lists the flavors: Banana, Black pepper, Blueberry, Booger, Candyfloss, Cherry, Cinnamon, Dirt, Earthworm, Earwax, Grass, Green apple, Marshmallow, Rotten egg, Sausage, Lemon, Soap, Tutti Fruitti, Vomit and Watermelon. (Boxes are randomly assorted and may not contain every flavor.)
25/Oct/11 4:05 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Do you get many Trick-or-Treaters Heidi.
It isn't something we get a lot of. Trouble is if we are prepared for them non arrive, if we don't bother then we will get one or two calling.

25/Oct/11 4:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We don't get many at all. Usually when I forget to buy candy for them. I only bought a few boxes.
25/Oct/11 5:17 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Heidi said...the lurgy, or whatever I have hangs on, but was able to get a few things done and am faily well situated for the remainder items...whatever doesn't get done now will sooner or
Thoughts and prayers along with healing vibes and hugs being sent to be used as needed. Peace all.
25/Oct/11 6:42 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Morning all. Just waiting for hubby here to come and take me to the train to Sydney.
Thank you everyone for your good wishes.
I will have some reading to catch up on when I return.
Keep well everyone.
Bye for now.
25/Oct/11 8:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Safe journey Viv. Hope they have an answer for you.
25/Oct/11 9:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We have a small problem. MizT's sister sent me a "slightly" wrong address for Al & MizT. Al's daughter Joy sent me the correct one. It's just a digit off in the street number. For those of you that haven't sent a card yet, instead of 970, it's 900. I already sent mine, and I hope that their local post office figures it out with the name.
25/Oct/11 10:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Thanks Heidi, I have not sent a card yet.
25/Oct/11 11:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Heidi, I did look it up in relation to the domes and saw that it was a slightly different number...and thanks for the reminder about the card.
25/Oct/11 12:03 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Was going to mail it in the morning, now I know it will get there...thanks for the correction Heidi.
Safe travels and a good outcome from the medical end. Enjoy your brother and family too.
Have a great day/night all... going to bed soon to try and rest if not sleep... see you all on the flip side.
25/Oct/11 12:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It looks like we're going to have an Australian guest here for Thanksgiving (Nov. 24th). No, it's not Grass-hopper. IH has invited a Vet from Sydney that he's been working with.
25/Oct/11 1:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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He'll be here for 4 days while they work on testing for a new drug.
25/Oct/11 1:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Did my Hallowe'en avatar scare everyone away?
25/Oct/11 3:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have a dental cleaning tomorrow at noon. They will also have to replace the bridge in my mouth. It's come loose. Fortunately, the anchor teeth have both had root canals so it doesn't hurt.
25/Oct/11 3:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Won't somebody help? I want to get #9999.
25/Oct/11 3:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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#9997. I need to check the birds before going to bed. Make sure they have water.
25/Oct/11 4:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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#9998. I'm getting sleepy.
25/Oct/11 4:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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25/Oct/11 4:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And #10000!!!!
25/Oct/11 4:02 PM
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