Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... What can I say other than to offer you and Al more ((((( HUGS ))))) and offer an ear if you feel the need to talk.
22/Oct/11 7:47 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Countdown to the "Wedding" tomorrow! EEEk!
Love and Hugs to time to read.
22/Oct/11 8:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My day is going downhill. I realized that I had forgotten to eat today (at ~5pm), so I fixed myself some of my favorite sticky buns. I ate a few, and they only stayed down for 10 minutes.
22/Oct/11 8:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, congratulations on 48 years!! That is wonderful.. Congratulations to N on the masters! That is amazing. Do they even show those games on TV? It would have been a good one to watch.

If you run out of reading material in a foreign country I'm guessing there isn't a lot to chose from to replace it... bugger.

Rolanda, I suspect that the only way you will get your mother into assisted living is if the hospital says she can't go home any other way. I hope it doesn't come down to that though and that she is a little better.

Cyn, I think your mum and dad's location sounds wonderful! A nice place to visit too. No photo of your hair? Humph.

Tami, a tornado touching down so close would be very scary. I'm very glad it missed you..

Julie, I was thinking the same thing as you about Ethan's job - imagine if Viv has him at home all the time, she would be miserable as he would use her as his bad temper release. Somehow it would be sure to be her fault. I don't think I'd be able to restrain myself - I'd be playing with the cello. I'm sure it takes longer than a month or so to develop bad habits

Theresa, I'm hoping to read an update from you saying you are not in as much pain.. still have to go over the page so I haven't given up hope yet.

Hi Nola, glad to see you. Don't know what you're up to though. I'll have to read ahead and back to catch up I think... A hair cut! Fun news..

Viv, what fantastic orders!! I hope you got your nothing-to-do day. I wouldn't worry about Ethan landing on his feet, it always comes back around... And it's good he didn't lose his job, he won't be home under your feet now.

Cyn, I have those graduated glasses too - and I blame computers. They seemed to have sped up the deterioration!!

Gail, good luck to Hannah in her exams, especially English. I hope she breezes through them. Birthdays are a great excuse to do a gail. Best wishes to both of them.

Brenda, you must be getting excited about your holiday. I would be!!

Heidi, good idea about the grades incentive. We've had her doing homework every day whether she has any or not and she is not complaining. I suspect her report card bothered her as much as it did us. When is your appointment with the doc about surgery on your back?

MizT, sorry to hear Al is having more trouble with his breathing. I hope you were able to get the oxygen with no hassles. I'm glad you have SA to vent in, especially when you can't go out so you don't bring germs home to Al. {{{{{Big Hugs}}}}}

22/Oct/11 9:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hope you are soon feeling better, Heidi.

Hubby has an early start at his second job tomorrow (Saturday) - he has to get up at 3:00 AM. I just hope I am able to get back to sleep after the alarm goes off. I have his clothes raedy and his lunch made so that he just has to jump in the shower and then leave.

Yikes Broni - I see a very busy time in your immediate future. Hope everything goes smoothly. I was going to say I hope everything goes off without a hitch, but it's a wedding so you want a hitch!

Suzy, the pain has gotten worse and is inching towards the back of my neck. I think I will make it a very early night. I really am wanting a cigarette!!!! Earlier today when I was doing the dishes I said to myself, "I'm just going to finish up these dishes and then I'll grab a cigarette." Then I remembered I don't smoke any more - what a disappointment! I haven't been able to get it off my mind since then.
22/Oct/11 10:23 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all.
MizT - don't know how they organise it in the US, my late MIL was on oxygen for the last couple of years of her life. It was all organised by her doctor and delivered and set up for her at home. When it got low they just ordered a new one and it was changed over (it did cost them but not much). She also had some portable ones for if she wanted to go out.
You and Al are in my thoughts and I wish him some comfort, I hope you get the oxygen sorted. Big hugs.
22/Oct/11 11:46 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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It seems like many need comfort and hugs today -
Heidi - I wish you some relief from your back pain.
Viv - ditto
Theresa - some relief from your pain and itching and those desires for a cig - don't give in, you've done so well!
Broni - give Teresa a hug and tell her to breathe and not to stress. It will all go well!
22/Oct/11 11:52 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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RIP Tante Dora ♥
22/Oct/11 11:52 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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speaking of Oxygen, Mum is on the Oxygen at the moment. she is not doing too good..
Sister and I visited with her yesterday.

Tricia ((Hugs)) ♥
22/Oct/11 11:54 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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RIP Tante Dora ♥
22/Oct/11 11:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good luck Tricia and Al, I am so sorry it has become so distressing.
We were not able to get oxygen for my father in his last week, his doctor said if he needs it he has to go into the hospital, but we knew Dad didn't want that. It seemed strange, seeing as when my FIL was in his last months, he was able to have oxygen while at home. They both died of emphysema, and you know what caused that... :(
22/Oct/11 11:56 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thinking of you and your family Rolanda xoxo
22/Oct/11 11:57 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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My friend Sue from NSW (remember, her Dad died in July) arrived here in Perth yesterday, her mum had a bad turn during the week in the Nursing Home.. Sue arrived on the noon plane, she was at the hospital 2.30, her brother joined her shortly after, Mum died 3.30pm.

RIP Mrs K ♥♥
22/Oct/11 11:57 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thanks Gail ♥

Happy Birthday to your #1 and #3 ♪♫♪
22/Oct/11 11:58 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tonight : Birthday Dinner at MIL's for Hubby (his birthday is next Wednesday 26th)
meanwhile today.. get some law and order into the shed.. and law and order in the minor bedrooms... toooooooooo many boxes... and to think I had got rid of boxes (stored at Friend Place) before the sale of the house.
Speaking of which... we have been in this house a week already..
22/Oct/11 12:02 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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When I handed the House Keys in to the Real Estate Office on Thursday (Settlement Day for the sale of the House).. Julie our RE Lady, gave us a noice gift. amper
22/Oct/11 12:04 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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remember to remove any gaps in the above www. ie. at the end between GoldenH amper
22/Oct/11 12:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rest in Peace Tante Dora and Mrs. K.
22/Oct/11 12:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just heard squeaking from another Budgie nest box. There are a cluster of them on each side of the cage, and I'm not sure who the parents are yet.
22/Oct/11 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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from MizT's sister.....

"Tricia said it had been a while since she had felt like or had time to update everyone on Al, so I am doing it for her.

As of today, Al has Hospice care. He was having some trouble with his breathing, seemed to just not be getting enough oxygen. When Tricia called the doctor's office, they said they could either bring him in & walk him up & down the hall before testing his oxygen, or they could get Hospice in. Tricia opted for Hospice, since Al is really too weak to go to the doctor's office and have tests run.

Tricia tells me the person who came out today offered her all kinds of help and supplies, from a hospital bed, to bedside commode, to powerful pain medicines. Oxygen was brought today & Tricia says Al's color & breathing both seem better. They will have a social worker come tomorrow, I think it is, to evaluate & determine what else they need. Hospice will be sending someone to bathe AL twice a week, taking that burden off Tricia. They will also be providing all of Al's medicines, so she won't have to spend their meager funds on his medicines any more. Tricia seemed to be relieved that she now has help, and someone she can call 24/7 if she needs help or advice.

I think all of you know that Al is no longer able to talk, but I'm sure he would enjoy any cards you might want to send him. He really enjoyed all the cards he got while he was in the hospital. For those of you who know Tricia & not Al, may I suggest humerous cards. I think he would like those best."

I have their mailing address, and will send it via PM to anyone who wants it.

22/Oct/11 1:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Count me in Heidi.
Gotta run, catch ya later.
22/Oct/11 1:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Please send it to me Heidi :'(
22/Oct/11 2:06 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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and me :(
22/Oct/11 2:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've sent it to all 3 of you. I've already got mine signed, sealed and stamped.
22/Oct/11 2:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thanks Heidi
22/Oct/11 2:22 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi, please send it to me...thanks for the update. Hospice care will really help Tricia...they do a wonderful job. My BIL had them and they add so much to the acceptance and comfort of the person who is ill, that the fear many have towards the end disappears, replaced by the joy of all that they have had an opportunity to enjoy in lif.
Hugs and better health to all who are ailing...Broni, enjoy the wedding.
Theresa...better days are coming...hang tough!
22/Oct/11 3:07 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Thinking of all those who have recently lost loved ones.
Pleased MizT has some help with Al.
22/Oct/11 3:11 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I do not know how you continue on with your back problems.
Do you think you might have surgery on it at sometime in the future?
22/Oct/11 3:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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All about Al, so you can skip if you want, I'll never know

Al has oxygen now, and he is also now on Hospice care. They got it all done quickly once the nurse phoned me this afternoon.

CynB, here, for the doc to order home oxygen, one has to qualify. They would have had to see him in office, had him up walking the halls, then measuring his oxygen saturation which would have to be below a certain level. With hospice, just my telling them how out of breath he gets was enough, the nurse did not even have to have a doctors' order, it is part of the standing orders (orders written ahead of time saying if --- happens, you the nurse may do ---) She did not even have to see him, oxygen was ordered and on the way before she got here.

Here, we do not get tanks of oxygen, there is a machine called an oxygen generator, it takes oxygen from the air and concentrates it. Really handy that way. We do have one tank, in case of power failure. They did not supply anything for being away from home, but then, it is doubtful he will be out and about. With hospice, we do not even need to go to the doctor, we call the nurse if he has a problem, and she will visit if needed, then phone the doctor for new orders if they are needed.

Hospice will provide him with all his medications, all supplies for his trachea care, supplies for his oxygen (new masks and tubing, etc) If he had needed it today they would have got a hospital bed, bedside toilet, a walker and had it all delivered today.

They are changing his nausea medication to an older drug, but it does not cause the involuntary movements like his phenergan does. They will also bring morphine, it will go in the refrigerator, and if his pain suddenly gets our of control, his current medication does not work, all I have to do is phone them ( someone available by phone 24/7) and they will give me instructions how to give it. No waiting around for it to be ordered and delivered, it will be here. Their goal is to keep him as comfortable as medically possible.

Someone will come twice a week for bathing and skin care, and I think the nurse will come once a week. Things got a bit cinfused at the last and i am not sure of a few things, as the young man with the oxygen was talking to me while the nurse was talking to AL. But we will get everything straightened out Monday.

This was a step I knew was comming, and it is really a relief to know I have back up now!

Hugs to each of you, especially if you read all the above. Till later.
22/Oct/11 3:20 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi MizT. Pleased this issue has been speedily dealt with. I am sure it was a big relief for you.
Thinking of you.
22/Oct/11 3:24 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Okay back to packing my suitcase here for my trip to Sydney next week.
22/Oct/11 3:26 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I had not read fore posting above. Heidi posted my sister's update, and all I wrote was just a repeat. Sorry for that.
22/Oct/11 3:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone! Yesterday was a busy day. I don't even remember if I popped in here to say Hello! Maybe I'm losing my mind?

June, I hope your knee is feeling better! Happy Anniversary to both of you!

Theresa, I've been thinking of you and D and sending positive thoughts and prayers that her surgery went well and all of the doctor's and your D's objectives will be met! It's now back to recovery and rehab for her. I hope you're feeling better and having less shoulder pain! So sorry to hear about the passing of your Tante Dora; may she RIP! Happy 88th Birthday to your FIL!

Heidi, I hope you are finally feeling better! Be sure to take care of yourself, get plenty of sleep, ignore IH, etc., whatever it takes!

MizT, thinking of you and Al and hoping he is able to take a few more feedings and possibly regain a bit of strength! Wouldn't it be great if one of could think of some way to get more nutrition and fluid in him? I hope your pain is subsiding or at least bearable! Hopefully there will be no problem getting oxygen prescribed for Al and hopefully delivered, as well! Had the doctor indicated there might be a need for it as things progressed? Be careful lifting those plants to their hanging places. If Christmas cactus is similar to poinsettia (10 hours of darkness daily), it's time for it to spend more time in the dark. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way! {{{HUGS}}}

Nola and Mama, I must admit to trying to play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star a few times. Even though I know I don't want to start developing some wrong muscle memory, I just couldn't resist. I have found that the weight of my arm combined with the weight of the bow tires my right arm quickly, so I am certainly not spending a great deal of time trying to practice. I'm hoping my teacher will be back home from her daughter's by next week so I can have a lesson soon!

Viv, helping you count down the days until your neurosurgeon appointment. You're so right about Ethan's job! Wow, he's very lucky, which I hope he will realize and appreciate one day! What a relief that he didn't lose his job and decide to sit at home while waiting for someone to drive him around. That's an amazing Avon order you put in; good for you! I hope there won't be any problem getting it delivered when you get back! I hope you enjoyed your morning/afternoon out with your friend for coffee!

Cyn, I hope your appointment with the eye doctor went well! And now I have just read that it did. A minor deterioration of vision is to be expected, usually starting by age 50, as I was told by my eye doc. Can't wait to see your new pink and purple glasses! Hooray for your health fund paying the total price!

Suzanne, you're back into your regular activities with a Red Hat Society meeting and contest. Good for you on your second place finish! Looking forward to pictures of the jack-o-lantern and of your visit with your parents in Florida!

June, it sounds like you are an
22/Oct/11 4:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm not susrprised that I ran over this time. Here's the rest:

June, it sounds like you are an excellent shopper! Though I've never had a Burberry hand bag, that sounds like a fantastic price! Just as a point of reference, our Ds bought a Coach hand bag as a Christmas present for me about 8 or 9 years ago (leather, about 8 inches by 10 inches by 3 inches), and I'm quite sure it cost more than $100 back then. Enjoy the sunrise over Angkor Wat! Too bad you need to get up at 4 a.m. to enjoy it.

Broni, I hope the wedding is perfect and the day (and bride) are beautiful!

Nola, can't wait to see your new haircut! Will it be a different style - trying something new - or "the usual" (which is what I usually request).

Wow, Gail! What a busy week! Happy 22nd Birthday, Beth! How nice that you, hubby and Chloe could all "do a Gail" with Beth to celebrate! Then you'll celebrate again with all of the family Sunday night! And next Sunday you'll get to celebrate again with Jed. Happy 27th Birthday, Jed! Woo Hoo for Hannah and her official last day at school, except for the exams in a few weeks. You are about to become a woman of leisure (if you didn't already have plans for your "free time"!

Brenda, I'm glad you are knitting again, especially since R's step daughter has put in a request for baby items! Aren't you glad to know about it in advance so you have time? I hope the 2 weeks leading up to your vacation go quickly - and hope the weather will cooperate while you are there!

Tami, thank you for your thoughtful coffee service each day! Enjoy your weekend away from school, though I suspect there will be some baseball played during the weekend!

Suzy, what a long and interesting day! At least Forever Archie isn't going down in flames but going out in splendor. (It seems to me that one of the girls will soon be moving.) Heidi has a great idea of using the drum thingy as a BIG incentive to Alie which will take some time for her to earn it!

Mama, I hope the trees are putting on a wonderful fashion show of colors for you this fall! I have heard that the changing of leaf colors is later than usual this year. I'm not sure if that's the case here, as we have had some good colors, but many trees are losing their leaves rather quickly.

Heidi, I hope you soon hear from the Grasshoppers and they will be able to visit. How thoughtful of you to offer to store their camper if they are unable to come now. I am SO sorry to hear about the condition of your back and the amount of pain you are experiencing! I hope IH shows some consideration for you!
22/Oct/11 4:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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AAARRRGH! I lost all of my comments for the first half of the page when our computer decided to "take a breather." I'm too tired to go back and reproduce them now.

Tricia, I am so pleased and proud of you for making a very sensible decision! Of course, Al could not (and should not) go to the doctor's office to be evaluated. When MIL's doctor suggested hospice for her, our initial reaction was to reject it, as our limited experience connected hospice care with very little time left. He explained that many people can spend as much as a year or more with hospice care; sometimes even go off hospice care if their condition improves. Hospice is of help to the patient AND the family, helps both understand what is ahead and how to deal with it. It is also very helpful in making the patient more comfortable. We regret that we didn't start hospice care for her sooner than we did. All the best to you and Al! Gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for both of you!

I'm going to head to bed, but will try to make comments on this page when I get back tomorrow. Thinking of all of you and sending warm positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all, whether in need or not.

Broni, all the best to your friend Teresa and hoping the wedding is wonderful!
22/Oct/11 5:01 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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MizT - I'm so pleased that Al now has Hospice Care, it must be such a relief to you.
RIP Tante Dora and Mrs K (I'm glad your friend made it in time, Rolanda)
Rolanda - sorry your Mum is still not doing well.
22/Oct/11 6:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - please send me that address as well. Thanks!
22/Oct/11 6:52 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Me too Heidi.
Rolanda hope that your mother improves soon.
MizT thinking about you and Al (HUGS)
Thought to all who need them ((HUGS))
22/Oct/11 11:38 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. I must finish reading, but first wish to ask Heidi to send me the address for MizT and Al as well.

MizT - {{HUGS}}

Rolanda, sorry to hear about your friend's mom. Both parents passing in such a short time is hard on the family, but the mom and dad are together again now.

Cyn, the desire for a ciggie has been very strong the last few days and my resolve was showing little cracks in its armour. Then I read Gail's comment about the emphysema and it reminded me why I am putting myself through this. I had heard that quitting smoking is more difficult than quitting heroine - I think I can believe it.

I got a call from D's MIL - D MIGHT be coming home today!!! She had the surgery on Thursday and yesterday (Friday) she had physio and they got her up walking. She is on a morphine pump for the pain. Boy, they sure don't keep patients in the hospital for long here - too big a shortage of hospital beds. Hubby and I were going to visit her this evening, but maybe not now.

Back to reading ... hope to be back soon.
22/Oct/11 11:47 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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This is especially for Heidi ...
22/Oct/11 11:58 PM
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