Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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We look into mirrors but we only see the effects of our times on us not our effects on others. -
Pearl Bailey
19/Oct/11 12:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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How true Victoria.
I was on my way to the lift when my knee gave out. Came back for some pain killers and just waiting for them to work. I will get a taxi home later if necessary. Much cheaper than my bike man.
It is interesting here watching all the motor scooters. Yesterday there was one family of four on the bike. You just walk across the street and as long as you keep walking and do not stop they just go around you. Very hair raising until you get used to it. Other wise wait for some locals and cross with them.
19/Oct/11 1:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just had to sort out a pair of budgies from the main flock. There are plenty of nest boxes for all in the big cage, but this one hen decided that she HAD to have a particular box, which was already occupied by another pair and their 5 babies. This hen, an albino, decided that she was going to fight the other pair to the death. To put it mildly, there was a lot of blood and she refused to let the parents feed their babies. So I had to catch her and her mate (a mauve)and they are by themselves in a smaller cage with a nest box all their own. I have ordered another nest box like the one she wanted because I don't think she likes this one. I have a large assortment of styles of boxes so the birds can chose what they like. I also let them chose their own mates. Actually, if I had my choice, this would have been the male I would have chosen for the albino hen. I have no idea what their babies will look like, but they should be interesting.
19/Oct/11 2:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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In Budgies, mauve isn't really mauve (which is a dusky pink with a lavender tinge). Mauve in Budgies is a blue with 2 dark factors, making it a violet grey. This particular boy is extra dark and has a dark purple/navy rump.
19/Oct/11 3:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! All the best to everyone! Good luck to those taking their HSC exams!

Vicki, I hope the appointment at the specialist went well! Continued healing to your hubby!

MizT, I'm so sorry things are not going well for Al! Certainly wish there was something we could do to give you a hand! Sending lots of {{{HUGS}}} and positive thoughts!

June, so sorry to hear about the rickshaw experience, but it sounds like the students benefited from your being there and waiting! I hope there will be no further unfortunate rickshaw experiences! Have a marvelous time!

Theresa, there are many different manifestations of autism. In fact, some call it the autism spectrum, and there are varying degrees of complication. Asperger's Syndrome is the name for one of them. There is a lot of information on the internet, but hopefully the friend has a more complete diagnosis for the person involved.

Hooray, Heidi is feeling better and found the perfect way to reward herself! Looking at the smilie showing us the spice finch - quite striking!

Broni, don't spend tons of time cleaning. The bride and her bridesmaids will be so busy with hair, makeup, dresses, etc. Just a normal cleaning should do. (Of course, the bathroom must be spotless, as any mirrors will be heavily used.) Hooray for the last visit to the dentist! Will your cousin be able to stay a day or at least overnight? Hopefully you can enjoy the visit!

June, enjoy all of your experiences and the local food when you can! Happy Anniversary to both of you, even if you're miles apart. I'm sure he'll make up for it.

Vicki, that's a long recovery period, but understandable. Luckily, the specialist seems in no hurry to rush your hubby back to work!
19/Oct/11 5:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, Vicki!

Heidi, so sorry to hear about the budgie altercation. I hope the pair will be able to "make do" with the nest box you have given them until you can get a duplicate of the one she REALLY wanted. (Are they teenagers? Their behavior almost suggests it.)

For anyone who is interested, we picked up the rental cello on Oct. 12. I have not been able to have a lesson yet, as my teacher was in Hawaii last week for a conference and is most likely on her way to her daughter (who just had her first child). I think she may be home in a week. If not, I guess my first lesson will be in November. I asked for permission to experiment a bit with it. I don't want to do too much practicing until she checks the cello's set up and decides how high the end pin should be and shows me exactly how to hold the cello and the bow. Of course, I went to lessons for several years with my D, but enough time has passed that I really don't want to establish bad habits. I think it will be at least several years before I will be able to play quartets or play in a cello choir (multiple cellists playing parts/harmonies. But I'm willing to work at it.

I think I better get ready for bed. Thinking of all of you and sending , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all! Good Night!
19/Oct/11 5:40 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Yoo Hoo anybody home, saw the light on, thought I would pop in

Internet has been connected...
19/Oct/11 5:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great to see you settled in Rolanda. Sorry I did not have the computer on when you were on.
Walked the couple of K to where I wanted to go. Got my feet massaged (about $14), had my fresh mango juice and bout 7 DVD's. Water for Elephants Riox2,Oranges and Sunshine,The Smurfs, Cars 2,King Fu Panda 2, all for $5.
My knee is giving me real problems and I might be confined to the room so that I will be able to walk when we get to Cambodia. I was going to get a taxi back today but as they say none about when you want one.
19/Oct/11 6:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, is the movie Water for Elephants as good as the book? I read that some time back and really enjoyed it. You really got a bargain with the videos.

Your previous talk about the videos reminded me of watching AVATAR on the internet the first week it was out. When the characters were speaking in their language, we got translations in RUSSIAN hehehe.

I have the wide awakes, and it is 3 am. I slept a long late nap today, did not mean to sleep so long, perhaps that explains being awake now. Also the weather is changing, we could actually watch the temp drop tonight while watching TV. Al would flip over to internet weather site at every commercial, one time, there was a 6 degree drop in 15 minutes!! I am not hurting like yesterday, but just achey enough to be anoying, give me the can't get comfy feeling.

HI Rolanda, glad you have internet. Hope you are all comfy in your rental, and the luxurious camping is really luxurious! How many boxes still to unpack? How is your Mum? Still in hospital or she been sent home? do you think this is the admission that will force her to go to assisted living?

OK, gonna try bed again, and hope we do not fight again. Hugs to each of you, till tomorrow. OH yes, extras, too.

19/Oct/11 7:15 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Hey Tricia.. (HUGS) and ♥ been thinking of you and Al.

Mum.. she is still in Hospital.. for a wee while yet.. not well at all. Heart and Breathing problems, and has moments of almost fainting (almost daily)
and whether she goes into 'care' ?? not if she has her way.. she gets herself worked up thinking about it.

I visited with her this morning, will be going again on Friday Morning with my sister.
19/Oct/11 7:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby reckons Alie is a bit autistic.

Vicki, glad your hubby is feeling a bit better, and that he got more time off work... I hope my girls are like chalk and cheese!!!

MizT, no post from you today - I hope you were just busy... Sending thoughts and hugs.

Heidi, glad you are feeling better too - that was quick!

Rolanda has internet! She has posted 2 quick things on fb and haven't seen her since.

June, Water for Elephants has had good reviews, I'd like to see it. Rio too. I hope you had a good day shopping and found lots of bargains!!

Cyn, no info on you so I can't comment on your post.

Theresa, hope your plans to get stuff done are all working out. Wish your grandie didn't want her computer though...

19/Oct/11 8:53 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Busy busy here Suzy.. you know unpack a box, get some sort of law and order in this house.
Time to fling dinner.. have decided to make spag bols.
19/Oct/11 9:02 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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unfortunately cannot access my emails, password changed and I do not have the new password.. Hubby will ring iinet when he is home from work this eve.
19/Oct/11 9:03 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - no info on me because my life is so dull lately. Hair done today, eyes tested tomorrow, air-con being fixed (finally, it broke down during winter, have waited this long for air-con technician neighbour, gave up) on Monday, dog to be clipped Tuesday.
Next Wednesday would have been Mum's 89th birthday, we have chosen that day to have her ashes put next to Dad's and her plaque next to his on a large rock in their bushland-setting resting place in the cemetery. We think they would both like where we have chosen. Actually chosen and all paid for when Dad passed in 2006.
19/Oct/11 9:06 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
June careful with your knee.
Your cooling down there MizT and we are warming up here.
Best get back to writing up my Avon orders.
Ethan has a meeting tomorrow with his employers to see if he can keep his job.
19/Oct/11 9:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready. Help yourself. I also have a bottle of Motrin for anyone who needs it.

We had bad weather last night. Rained all day and was under a tornado warning most of the night. A tornado touched down about 5 miles from my house. Minor injuries but some major damage. I feel bad for the people but glad I was not close.
19/Oct/11 9:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Welcome back Rolanda. Sorry your mum is not doing well. Hope she does not give you too much aggravation about a home.

June, the trip sounds amazing. Take care of the knee and keep posting details.

Viv, stay firm on driving Ethan. He has to learn a lesson. Mitchell wants to get his permit in December but it will probably not happen. He has been lying to us recently and until he stops, he won't get the permit.

Heidi, hope the budgies like the nest you get them. I hope she did not injure the other budgies too badly.

Tricia, as always, keeping you and Al in my thoughts.
19/Oct/11 9:21 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hello to Julie, Cyn, Theresa, Brenda, Mamacita, Vicky and anyone else I did not mention.

Don't know if I will be back later. Both boys have baseball games tonight. I am going to one and hubby to other.
19/Oct/11 9:22 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy 48th Anniversary June and Ken

Sorry you have to spend it on your own, but maybe you and hubby can make up for it tomorrow.

19/Oct/11 10:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Spent the afternoon in the room. Had a good sleep and the knee feels much better. I can actually walk. Ken is now back.
Rolanda, sorry to hear your Mum is still not well.Sounds like a hard time ahead.
Hope the boys win their baseball Tami. I was pleased to find out the team my son was playing with in Adelaide won the Australian Masters Championship.
Susie, one thing with Autism is problems with communicatng with other people. Any progress with the band getting organised. Maybe you need to build a sound proof shed!
20/Oct/11 1:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Woke up this morning with a really sore throat again. Apparently, I'm heading into the second phase of the Lurgy. Either that or I did way too much yesterday.
20/Oct/11 1:21 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all - I just got back not long ago from the x-rays - I lost track at 7. Apparently the doctor will have the results in 3 or 4 days.

D goes tomorrow for her surgery.

The reason I was asking about autism - a friend of D's has a son who MIGHT be autistic. He is 7 years old and also happens to be my oldest grandie's "boyfriend". He is a socially inept young man, he is considered to be highly intelligent, and he really doesn't have many friends other than my grandie. Last week he was playing when his mom heard him calling her. He asked her to go and get his dad because he had a problem - he almost hung himself with a skipping rope!!! He might be suspended from school because of some of his actions, and he might be kicked off the bus for the same reason. He takes the same bus as my grandies, but he goes to a different school. He is going to French Immersion school because he was finding regular school too boring.

His mom and dad are really nice people and my heart aches for them. When D told me of the problems yesterday, I almost burst into tears. They moved from the west coast a few years ago and they have absolutely no family they can turn to for help. The boy can be violent. I just wondered about autism. I have read on the internet, but I just find it easier to understand when someone explains it to me. I will check out Cyn's link.

I am such a lucky person!
20/Oct/11 2:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The momma of the Budgie hen with the 5 babies wound up with a broken toe, and the parents of the 5 babies had various bites on them, but no serious damage. The albino hen does NOT like the nest box in her cage, so she'll have to wait until the new one arrives. Hopefully, it will be to her liking. If not, she'll have to wait for the babies to leave her favorite nest before I give it to her. They should all leave the nest within a week.
20/Oct/11 2:03 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Theresa, my nephew is autistic and from your description of your grandies b/friend he may be the same. He is in main stream school, but has to have a lot of help. My nephew has to have a strict routine, if his routine is broken or delayed at all the rest of the day is ruined and he is very unpleasant to be around.
There are lots of different forms of autism so it is important that the parents seek professional help to see if their some is autistic
20/Oct/11 2:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Full morning, but I got lots done. First, the heating and cooling repairman was here and we got the system running again. It turns out that it was IH's fault that we had no air conditioning or heat. Then we went over to his new office and examined the damage some animals did to the ductwork under the building (it has to be replaced). Once that was done, I fed 6 rolls of hay to the cows (and got a close look at some twin calves that were born a week ago: a bull calf and a freemartin) then fed a roll of the best hay to the horses.
All I have to do this afternoon is get my whelping box out of the attic of a barn (where I stored it, since we haven't had a litter of puppies born here in over 12 years), clean it, and bring it into the sunroom. I figured that the sunroom would be a good place for the puppies. I can lock the other dogs out so Angel doesn't get upset.
20/Oct/11 4:09 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi All.
June...Happy Anniversary.Hope you managed to spend some quality time together.Sharons gift to others is priceless.
Victoria..sorry hubbys shoulder still needs more time off to recover.It will end up being a long recuperation with another 8 weeks off.
Heidi..glad you are feeling better.MORE new birds.Your sunroom must be so cheerful with them all talking and singing away.
Broni..hope the wedding is a beautiful day for all. would be a shame if son loses his job and he stays home with you.Stay strong. and Al are in my thoughts.
Theresa...sorry you are in so much pain from the shoulder and arm.Hope something can be done.Wish I could get you a computer of your own.

The 4 yr old twin girls, are in a dance concert Saturday.Renae will video it because I will be watching the baby.Baby is nearly 11mths now and almost walking.She is a pure delight to be with and so happy.
Everyone enjoy your day.
20/Oct/11 5:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's a cold, rainy day here. I'm happy to be inside. I only have to go outside one more time today, and that's only for 10 minutes. We have possible frosts predicted for the next few nights. I think Summer is over.
20/Oct/11 5:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie.... The albino Budgie and her mate are young birds. They've just bonded in the last week and are looking for their first nest box.
20/Oct/11 5:32 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
MizT, you and Al are always in my thoughts.
June, Happy Anniversary and please make sure you rest up.
Heidi, when you were talking about the squeaky toy the other day wanted to mention that I am sure Bella thinks it is alive and hurt when it squeaks.
Forgotten the rest but know I was thinking of you at the time.
Love and Hugs.
20/Oct/11 9:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy anniversary, June and Ken!

MizT and Al - {HUGS} Wish I could be there to help you.

D has to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 11:30. I am really nervous. She is watching a movie (at home) with the girls tonight, so I still have the computer for now.

Gotta go - the pain in my arm is so sharp right now I can barely type. Hope to be back later.
20/Oct/11 9:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Never look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up! .......
20/Oct/11 9:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Miscounted, Theresa? You MUST be hurting.
20/Oct/11 10:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, so sorry to hear you are in such pain now. Hope you get some relief and soon. ending thoughts and prayers and wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for your daughter. Keep us informed about the both of you, we care.

Broni, how astute, figuring out that Bella thought the squeaky toy was a wounded baby. could explaine a lot.

Heidi, how did I miss out about puppies? Who is having them? Did she come to you already pregnant? Will they be full bllooded collies? ( I am assuming the mom to be is collie) Will you keepo all the puppies or find homes for them?

June, glad to hear the knee has improved with the enforced rest. I hope it continues to improve and you can enjoy the remainder of your trip.

Rolanda, Oh Dear, your Mom still thinking she can remain on her own? She has a one track mind, eh? I hoped that letting her see that she cannot always depend on you to be there just might make her have a change of thought.

It is cold here! Low temps and very windy, and I just cannot get warm this afternoon. my hands are icy and I have on a long sleeved shirt plus a jogging suil with the jacket zipped up. Would get another cup of coffee, but a tad of an upset tummy, do not need the coffee to set it off again.

Dinner is almost done. boneless pork chops, potatoes and okra and tomatoes. Did I tell you that a former neighbor brought me a box of okra yesterday? I shared with Al's brother and my friend across the street, Miss A, and still had a huge pot of okra and tomatoes for me. I will put most of that into freezer, or i would have to eat twice a day for a week.

Hugs with extras, till later.

20/Oct/11 10:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Angel will be having puppies.... her first litter. This breeding has been planned for a long time. They will be purebred Collies. I already have 2 people wanting puppies, and I want to keep a couple. I have no idea how many pups Angel will have. I'm hoping for 4 or 5 puppies. The litter should have both rough and smooth coats and 4 colors: sable, Blue merle, tricolor and sable merle.
20/Oct/11 11:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I found that I only have one picture of Angel on my page, and it's from when she was 4 months old. If you click on the new cupboard picture, then go to the next picture, instead of previous picture, you'll see her.
20/Oct/11 11:19 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Evening all. Baseball got cancelled due to the rain. It stopped raining in the afternoon but the fields were all flooded.

June, happy birthday. 48 years with the same person is impressive.

Heidi, hope you feel better soon.

Theresa, will be thinking about you and your daughter tomorrow. Hope the surgery is a success and she has a quick recovery. Hope you get answers soon and some relief from the pain.
20/Oct/11 11:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just heard from IH. He's coming home sooner than I expected.... tomorrow morning.
20/Oct/11 11:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... for you and Al.
20/Oct/11 12:00 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning everyone.
Theresa: thinking of your Daughter's surgery for tomorrow and hope that all goes well.
June: Happy 48th Wedding Anniversary ♥
House Settlement: 2.45pm Sudoku Time today. I am dropping the keys off around that time at the Real Estate Office.
(((Hugs))) and ♥♥♥ to all and Sundry
20/Oct/11 12:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My Mannikins are starting to nest!!! It's funny how my birds that originated in the Southern Hemisphere stay on that schedule, even tho' they come from many generations born in the US. The Bronze Mannikins come from Africa, like the Lovebirds.
20/Oct/11 1:09 PM
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