Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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"A strong positive attitude can overcome the biggest obstacles"
13/Nov/11 5:19 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Judy, so pleased you had a lovely day to remember. Enjoy the Cherries.
Not sure about the above statement. We all know there are some obstacles that cannot be overcome, no matter how hard we try.
13/Nov/11 5:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Did I break it? Where is everybody?
13/Nov/11 11:10 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm here while hubby sets up the machine. We had Jed and his girlfriend here tonight, but thankfully they did not stay to watch this Grand starts at midnight! Hubby will watch it while hooked up, hopefully he will get some sleep afterwards, he just can't seem to sleep while doing an overnighter.
13/Nov/11 11:14 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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On a 'we achieved something' note, we ordered 2 1/2 metres of fine gravel to be delivered on Friday, we have decided that it is still the cheapest and easiest way of neatening up the yard and dealing with the poor drainage problem. The best thing about it, we had it all moved by Friday afternoon...the worst thing about it, not being able to move for the next two days! Looks bl**dy bonza though (for the Topsiders, that means really good)
13/Nov/11 11:18 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee just finished brewing so it should be nice and fresh. I love the smell of fresh brewed coffee.

Judy, glad you had a nice day with mum, even if she won't remember. I went through the same thing with my grandmother. When my parents were going away for 2 weeks, my dad gave me money to take grandma out to lunch. I brought a friend with me and we picked her up. It was kind of funny then as grandma kept forgetting and asking the same questions. Now I realize how much it must have meant to her and it is a treasured memory.
13/Nov/11 11:51 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Today I get to see Brenda and her hubby. His cousin invited us the her house for a barbeque and swim. Of course, I will be bringing the brownies.
13/Nov/11 11:52 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Phew, glad it was not next Friday Gail!
13/Nov/11 11:52 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Give Brenda and Richard a big hug from us all Tami.
13/Nov/11 11:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That's ok Broni, we have plenty here for you to do, the burn off pile is growing rapidly!!!
14/Nov/11 12:20 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, Tami and Brenda, have a wonderful meet.
14/Nov/11 12:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Broni, of course I will give big hugs.
14/Nov/11 12:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am SO jealous, Tami and Brenda! I wish I could be there, too.

I feel guilty that I wasn't able to help out more at the fund raiser yesterday. Fortunately, we held it at the Magnolia Fire Department (founded by our Lion's Club) which is now run by some great people, and they provided some wonderful workers. Still, I don't feel good about not doing as much as others there.
14/Nov/11 3:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today is a quiet day. All I really have to do, besides caring for animals, is to band 3 baby Violet Lovebirds. (My avatar is a Violet.)
14/Nov/11 3:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. I hit the ground running this morning, will spare you the details, but Al slept so soundly last night he ws not aware of what was happening. Cancer can surely rob one of their dignity.

Best sleep Al had in ages, he had been falling asleep then a muscle jerk and wide awake. Had a medication for that, and one for nausea, together they had him asleep in less than 20 minute. He slept from 8:30 pm till 6:30 am. I shall remember that combination for tonight.

Tough day, lots of nausea and pain, but he has dozed off again, think I will take my nap now.

Catch you all later, hugs to each of you with extras.

14/Nov/11 7:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Did I break the site? Where is everyone? It is Monday down under, yoohoo, where are the DUGS?
14/Nov/11 9:51 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Back from BBQ. We had a lovely time. I took a few pictures and will post later. We sat outside and talked and ate.
14/Nov/11 10:27 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am here Tricia. Plenty of jobs to do on Monday morning and today is going to be HOT. Already about 30*c (85f) Computer room has a fan but can get stuffy.
Take care Tricia, lots of hugs to you and Al.
14/Nov/11 10:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH, what a nice surprise tonight. My lovely neighbor Audrey called and told me not to cook dinner, she and hubby were cooking out, and would bring us some grilled chicken and burgers. sounded yummy to me! She came in later with a huge box! Grilled chicken, grilled burgers, grilled zucchini and yellow squash, baked potatoes with a container of sour cream for them. sliced tomatoes AND some V-8 type vegetable drinks. She said they were given her, so she shared. A couple of bananas and some dried ;plums, oh my how much food!! I am stuffed! Just had one of the burgers, deceptive in it's size caue it ws double thick! I kept eating saying i was stuffed, but ate some more cause I could not resist. Of course had a baked otato, and some squash, tomatoes, saved the fruit for later. Yummy dinner and enough for Roger and I to have at least 2 more meals. YEAH, no cooking in the near future.

WHEW, good to see the site is not broken. Tami, glad you enjoyed your BBQ, what was on the menu?? June, hope you get the Monday chores does easily and swiftly.

It was extra warm today, wind from the south bringing in moist Gulf air. Setting us up for the coming rain and storms later in the week.

Scooter joined Roger in his camper bedroom last night. Sat in his lap for lovings, explored the place thoroughly, sat for more loving and kitty hugs, then went to the door and asked to go out. she went back with him tonight. He took cat food to entice her to stay longer tonight. Hopes before it is very cold again she will want to stay inside. She comes inside here daytime, but cannot stay the night. She still wants to wrap herself around Al's neck, to purr away that big bad something she is aware of. Only problem, she lies over his trach tube, he would not be able to breathe. so once it is bed time, she must go outside.

YEAH for Saturday Fed Ex deliveries. Yesterday we got 2 more inner cannulas for his trach, so it is not near the rush to clean one when he is having a coughing spell. Makes life easier and safer for him too. So happy we did not have to wait till Monday.

14/Nov/11 11:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The site WAS broken earlier. I unsuccessfully tried to get on several times this afternoon, then took a long nap instead.
14/Nov/11 12:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You have a wonderful and thoughtful neighbor, MizT.
(((HUGS))) to you, Al, Roger and Joy.
14/Nov/11 12:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, that is a very thoughtful neighbor to help ease the burden and bring some yummy food. We had similar. Grilled chicken and steak and assorted salads as side dishes. Brownies, chocolate cake and fruit for dessert. The company made the food taste even better.
14/Nov/11 12:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I haven't read yet but I wanted to share a story before I forget it. The TV is on because hubby has a flexi and an American football game has just started. There was one of those 60 sec newsbreaks we get and it talked about a 19 year old boy was injured on a building site. I said 'That could be friend of Dana's.' 'No', said hubby, 'this kid had a job.' For some reason that tickled our funny bone... gotta laugh or you cry.
14/Nov/11 12:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I can see the humor in that! I would have had a chuckle if I were there.

Scooter did not stay long with Roger tonight, she was back inside here. Still so worm we have doors open. I ws dozing in my chair when a kitty landed in my lap, rude awakening.

Huses smells good, I have one of those Weight Watchers Cola cakes in microwave. butter pecan, and it smells yummy. I shall have a piece when I take night time medications. I must have with food, cake is food, right? Were any of you ever adventurous enough to try one of these? Tami, I am sure your boys woud like it. Lower fat, lower calorie than traditional cake, too.

Hubby is sound asleep. he kept dropping off, then jerking awake. I gave him benedryl, sleeping like baby now. I am wondering which of his medications is causing the jerks? Nausea medication would be first guess. I should look it up while here at the computer.

Heidi, thanks for the info about site really being unavailable for a while. I have learned from you, I take my naps seriously now

Tami, was there potato salad? that is my favorite. Might have to make some to go with the BBQ chicken. Best BBQ sauce I have tasted, I must ask for the brand or for the recipes. It tastes more home made than store bought.

Maybe i will be back later, consider that a warning hehehe.
14/Nov/11 1:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I love the mouse story. Both the way it was told and BIL's idea. What a wonderful neighbour you have!!! Sounds delicious.. I tried one of your cakes but did something wrong and only the middle was edible, the outside was like a rock.

Heidi, I'm so glad the fundraiser went so well. A lot of people work very hard to make them successful and it's always good when it works out well.
14/Nov/11 2:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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How rude! I've been reading but I hadn't realised how long it's been since I've posted...

June, I'm glad you enjoyed the show. I love Buddy Holly! I think we have a CD around the house somewhere... I'm not sure who is going to be with Dana but I think we are the last resort. The birthday party sounds fantastic. There's a friend thing that goes around every now and then, something about with good friends it doesn't matter how long it has been since you saw each other, when you get together it's like it was yesterday.

Brenda, Richard's cousin's birthday is close to his...

Tami, I hope there is some follow up news (good) about your mother that I missed on previous read throughs. Wouldn't be the first time. The play off game sounds like a good game to watch. I'm glad Dylan enjoyed himself.

To the people who have to pack for their husbands and hate it I have the solution - just don't do it. I pack mine, the girls won't let me pack theirs, and if hubby didn't pack he wouldn't have anything to wear. I make sure there is toothpaste, sunscreen etc etc. But if he relied on me for clothes he'd be naked. He's also the cook in the family so does the food...

Mamacita, I know what you mean about shoes. I find the little smart heel I want on the wrong shoe. The right shoe in the wrong material... It can take me months to buy a pair of shoes. It might be quicker if it didn't matter what they cost, but probably not.

Theresa, it looks like you were right about access to the computer. Can I say I hate your grandie right now??? Not nice, but I miss you!

Viv, I love that you didn't drive Ethan but am sorry you were sworn at. He doesn't deserve to go away with his friends but since the alternative is staying home with you I can understand why you let him go.. I hope by now your back is feeling a little better. Tell me about doing your best?... it doesn't matter if they hang out with losers, the losers win. Based on my own childhood I have other suspicions but I will PM you those.

Gail, I'd love to see photos of your newly gravelled yard. I want to do that too. So many things I want to do... We're not allowed to burn off without a permit now Gail, usually September is that end of that. Not that you'd know it from my neighbours...

It has reached 30C here and humid so feels like 32C.
14/Nov/11 2:05 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Susie...great job being today's Julie imitator...its hard to do, but you did good girl!!! Catch up on your posting anytime...I
MizT...Quiet days are nice aren't they? Enjoy!
Hoping all who have achieved that healthy, youthful stage in their dreams contine to frolic and have fun..for the rest of us, we'll just have to make do...hugs and healing vibes being sent for restful, full nights of restorative sleep....Peace.....BTW...HELLO/ BYE NOW
14/Nov/11 3:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening to All!

June, I'm glad Laura enjoyed the competition, makeup, etc. The 80th birthday party sounds great! How wonderful to have friends from 45 years ago!

Judy, so glad you and Rob had a good day with your Mum! Even if she doesn't remember, you have made pleasant memories for yourselves! Perhaps some little bit of it will stay with her, as well.

June, thank you for the vote of confidence on my cello playing! Right now I'd be happy to be able to do a recognizable version of Twinkle, Twinkler, Little Star! I still feel like I'm trying to find just the right position for the cello, as the top edge of the "body" rests against the player's body - somewhere around the bra line. Until I can get an exact place that's comfortable for me, it's hard to develop a muscle memory for where to place my fingers to get the specific pitches I need. (There aren't any frets on a cello fingerboard to help.) When/if I feel that I can make a video that I can be proud of, I need to figure out a way that it would only be viewable to my friends here. I think I have some time to do that.

Heidi, I hope you are feeling better today - and none the worse for the wear of yesterday!
14/Nov/11 3:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, I like your TOPP for page 266. Maybe all that is needed is a qualifier: "A strong positive attitude can overcome MANY OF the biggest obstacles." Do you think the author would mind?

Gail, I'm glad your hubby can watch the Grand Prix by himself, rather than having Jed and his girlfriend stay for a race who TV coverage begins at midnight! You certainly achieved a great deal on Friday! Will there be any photos of the bonza landscaping? (I'm almost glad we're about to head into winter and the snow will cover our bushes that suffered this summer.)

Tami, I hope your visit with Brenda, Richard & cousin was enjoyable! I just can't imagine being in a pool in November, though we had a few good days mid- to late-October when we went in the outdoor pool at the health club.

Heidi, while I understand your feeling that you wish you could have done more at yesterday's fund raiser, it sounds like there was sufficient help. I'm glad you could have a quiet day today!

The thing that many of us (talking to myself here) need to remember is that we don't need to do EVERYTHING, and it's good to allow others to have the opportunity to volunteer/help and feel good about it! I've begun to realize that feeling I need to do all or most of a project in a way says that I think I am better/can do it better than someone else. That's not my intent, but it's the message that is sent.

MizT, it seems like most days start off early and quickly for you! I'm so glad you are able to get a nap, at least on some days, since it seems impossible for you to be able to sleep in a bit. Wonderful news that Al had a good sleep, but sorry he has had a tough, fitful day!

MizT, you have a wonderful neighbor in Audrey. She did for you today what we would do if we could be there! Sounds like a wonderful dinner - and how nice to know that there is enough for a couple more dinners! Sounds delicious! What a thoughtful person! And hurray for Fed Ex and the arrival of the inner cannulas for Al's trach to make things a bit easier for you

Enjoyed the Scooter story! I agree that cats just seem to know when and where something isn't quite right and try to make it better! I would never have guessed that prior to having a cat, but "our" cat Jordy (really younger D's) was like that with hubby when he was having some major health issues. She still prefers him, though I'm the one who feeds her and cleans her litter box. When he goes to bed, he snaps his fingers, and she jumps up on the bed and lies down beside his head.

Tami, the BBQ with Brenda, Richard and his cousin sounds yummy! And topped off with your famous brownies! How is your Mom doing? I hope the symptoms are not indicative of anything and just go away!

Suzy, I understand how the comment would bring a chuckle for both you and your hubby!

When it comes to packing (which we do rather frequently), hubby's idea of how to help is to choose a few shirts & move them down to the lower rack so I can
14/Nov/11 4:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, that comment was longer than I thought. Here's the rest:

When it comes to packing (which we do rather frequently), hubby's idea of how to help is to choose a few shirts & move them down to the lower rack so I can reach them to fold and pack them. He also sets out whatever undergarments, socks, etc. he plans to take so that I can pack them.

Suzy, your summary was great - and a big help!

Mama and Suzy, shoe shopping is usually easy for me - just buy a new pair of the same athletic shoes (trainers, I think you call them) I've been wearing for more than 10 years (I think). Except for D's wedding this summer, I can't remember another day when I wore a shoe that wasn't my stand-by athletic shoe. Shopping for shoes for the wedding was kind of traumatic, but with my feet and toes, a lot of pairs are automatically ruled out.

Theresa, we already miss you a lot! So sorry that your computer access is going to be so limited! Even if you are unable to post or read comments, I hope you know we'll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes! I hope your arm/shoulder are not causing quite so much discomfort! {{HUGS}}

I'm starting to fall asleep, so will call it a night. Hopefully I can be in bed by midnight tonight! Please enjoy these positive vibes, prayers, , positive thoughts, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}! Take care, All! Until tomorrow . . .
14/Nov/11 4:29 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone, was a busy day today, and when I finished I told hubby and Hannah to go away from me and let me compute...they have done well so far. Will tell you about that in a minute, must answer questions re garden first!
Just about the time we almost finished, hubby said 'we didn't take any before shots!' which we never remember to do! So I told him to make sure he took some after shots. Will do my best to get them resized and show you Part 1 of the transformation.
14/Nov/11 6:42 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry, got interrupted by life, dinner and all that. Boring post to follow, feel free to skip!

Now, getting onto the busy part. We just went through our calendar for the next month or so, and it barely looks like we have a free day.
Today we originally thought Hannah had an exam but she got her days transposed, and her final three exams are tomorrow, Wed and Thur. As today became a 'free' day, an errand I was going to do with Hannah at the end of this week, we decided to do it today. That meant going down to the big smoke and driving in almost inner city traffic, scary when you come from a town where if you see three cars at the intersection, you wonder what's going on to bring everyone out of their houses!
Next week is taken up with appointments, one for hubby and several for Hannah. She has an orthodontist appt, normally routine but this time she has to have a bracket and the retaining wire removed, followed by a dentists appt involving x-rays, (hence the removals) then followed by another orthodontist' appt to replace it all!
For the following week, she and a group of girls are going down to a beachside town for a week known as 'schoolies', a minor variant of Yr 12 end of school celebrations.
I'm sure hubby and I have plans while she is away but I can't think of any right now.
On the 8th December, we go to Hannah's Valedictory Dinner and the following day, we go to Phillip Island for a Performance Day at the Moto GP course, which was offered when we bought the car. Sounded like a great idea at the time, now...not so sure! We all get driven around the course at the end with a race car driver, at race speed!!!
Hubby and I are going to spend the night on the island in a hotel there, an executive spa suite no less! Luxury me up please!
Oh, in the meantime of course is the Sudoku luncheon, one thing I am very much looking forward to, that's this coming Sunday.
There are also two other Chrissy dos coming up, and various dates I have to remember regarding last minute school things including taking Hannah's text books to school for the second-hand book sale.
Probably the most important thing we have coming up is next Monday. Hannah goes down to the TAFE college for an interview, hopefully to gain a place in the Art course she wants to do...finger's crossed for that.
14/Nov/11 9:55 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sounds busy Gail. I think my calendar is much the same. Hope all goes well for Hannah at TAFE. I can remember Taking Belinda to one of those but she ended up at Uni. So long ago. She is now 45. The cool change has come through. Will be much easier to sleep tonight.
14/Nov/11 10:04 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

For those of you who missed it, mom was diagnosed as having Benign Positional Vertigo. It is a vertigo that is brought on by a movement or position. She needs to figure out what triggers it. She does have medicine in case she has an attack but was told she may never have another attack.

Tricia, yes there was potato salad. That was the only store bought item. The rest of the salads were homemade. My boys are not big cake eaters. They prefer cookies or brownies.
14/Nov/11 10:17 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. I have spent the last hour + just reading to catch up. Of course I have forgotten most of what I read.

Viv, I agree that if your son hits you, you should call the police. That type of behaviour needs to stop and I think it will only stop through TOUGH love. This behaviour needs to stop before he some day does this to his girlfriend or wife. As if you didn't have enough to deal with. {{{HUGS}}}

MizT - {{{HUGS}}}

Off to get some brekkie - hope to be back in a bit.
15/Nov/11 2:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Easy isn't responding right now. I hope it isn't a major glitch.
15/Nov/11 3:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's back already.
15/Nov/11 3:51 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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We are having a lazy day today, which is a good thing as it is hot out. Might have a dip in the pool later. It was nice catching up with Tami and family yesterday. The boys have grown a lot in the last two years.
On Saturday evening I had booked to take Susan and Richard on a river cruise from Fort Lauderdale on the Jungle Queen. I wasn't sure what to expect but the cruise was lovely, we saw how the 'other half' live with their multi million $ properties and their equally expensive boats. We dis-embarked and had a meal (BBQ ribs, Chicken and shrimp with coleslaw, beans and potato wedges, followed by chocolate cake and coffee) then entertainment which was rather good. I didn't expect everything to quite as good as it was as it only cost £25 a head. The evening weather was perfect too.
15/Nov/11 4:13 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Bought the grandies' advent calendars yesterday (a chocolate a day). Oh well, it's a start!
15/Nov/11 5:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy - how are you? Today is the first day in a long time that I even feel like talking to anyone. Thank you for missing me ... I needed to hear that. {{{HUGS}}}
15/Nov/11 5:43 AM
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