Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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And now for something completely different:

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Sir Winston Churchill
British politician (1874 - 1965)
15/Nov/11 6:09 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Gotta go now. I have spent too much time on the computer and my arm and shoulder are complaining. Catch you all another day.
15/Nov/11 6:11 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi all!

Hi Theresa, lovely to see you back again.
Brenda and Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your BBQ.
Gail, you sound busy.
Heidi, how are the puppies going?
MizT and Al, (((hugs)))
June, you always sound so busy. Belinda is the age that my sister will be come Saturday.
Julie, you are always on the go as well.

We went out to dinner to celebrate #1 son Shaun's 24th birthday last night (where did all those years go). My dinner was a bit ho hum but I suppose it was just a poor choice on my part. We went to a noodle/Japanese restaurant. The entrees were good though.

I'm trying to get organised this morning as we go away on Thursday. I've got some washing on but I haven't got the case down to start packing. Hydrotherapy for hubby tomorrow morning and then I have to collect my mother after work and bring her to our house. On Thursday it's take hubby for physio in the morning then get everything sorted and packed and out to the airport to drop Mum off and then we drive to Coffs Harbour for an overnight stay. Aaagh! It will happen!
15/Nov/11 7:50 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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So pleased you were able to get to the computer Theresa. Sorry about the aches and pains.
Bowls today and then a meeting so I will not be about. Much cooler than yesterday, thank goodness.
15/Nov/11 7:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, thank you for the lovely Jacquie Lawson e-card. Lovely flowers on it, and you know my weakness for flowers! I love any of her cards, too always lovely. many thankd for thinking of me.

Julie, Al received your card. Last couple of days have been rough, so he has not looked at the cards that came Saturday. We will get it opened and read soon. Many thanks for the card, and I know you will understand about not reading it right away. something to look forward to, eh?

Warm, damp, a brisk breeze from the south. Temp only in the 70's outside, but so much humidity we have AC on to help Al breathe better. Rain and storms tonight and tomorrow if the forecast. I hope it is not a lot of rain.

Joy is on the way down , we shall go to grocery today. I have not shopped for a "bill of groceries" in some time, she volunteered to take me and help.

Do any of you use the term "bill of groceries" to mean a big shopping trop? I think my grandparents used it, and my Dad kept it going. Wonder where that term came from??

Later friends, hugs to each of you.

15/Nov/11 8:46 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - I have just realised that even though I do read every day I haven't posted for a few days.
Theresa - loved that Churchill quote and nice to see you here.
MizT and Al - hugs and thoughts as usual. Loving the stories Tricia.
15/Nov/11 9:07 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Even though she had her party on Sunday, it's Emily's real birthday today, she's 10. They're coming here for dinner tonight, so another birthday cake is in order. Her Mum, who is not overly bothered, is dropping the other girls off as well.
to our lovely Emily!
15/Nov/11 9:11 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Emily. You are joining the big kids now in double digits. Hope your day is as special as you are.
15/Nov/11 9:30 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi everyone. Survived another day at school without having to kill anyone of my students. I did want to knock a few of the boys upside their heads.

Theresa, you have been missed but I understand it is hard for you. I think I have your phone number somewhere. Don't be surprised if you get a call from me one of these days.
15/Nov/11 9:32 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hello to everyone else. I hope everyone is having a great day.
15/Nov/11 10:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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15/Nov/11 10:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back has been extremely bad lately, so I've spent most of the day sleeping. It helped.
15/Nov/11 10:40 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Emily
Heidi be careful with that back. When do you next see your Dr?
Hugs to Al and Tricia.
15/Nov/11 11:09 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Steve is writing so expect a fly by soon...

Theresa, so glad to see you. Maybe the Voltaren that MizT was telling us about will help your shoulder. Anything is worth a try. I know I used to cry myself to sleep.

15/Nov/11 12:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good evening friends. Today has been much quiter, a better day for AL. He is having more pain, and silly man, will not tell me untill it gets really bad. I have not convinced him it is easier to keep pain under control than go chasing after it with medicine after it gets bad. Nurses have told him, I have told him, Joy and Roger has told him. Roger said, "there is a right way, a wrong way and Al's way". Maybe when he decides that al's way is not working for him . . . I try to keep a look, can see it in his face sometimes, a change of expression, and I can ask him, but he is big boy, should be able to tell me, you'd think.

Joy took me grocery shopping today. We got it done, and the few things I would have left without cause it was too much bother after I got tired, she made sure she found for me. We got a battery in my watch, I was wearing Al's old one, way big for me, for the last 2 days. I had X number of dollara in my food benefits card, Joy said I had gone way over, would be paying. NOPE, only paid for the non food items we got, like a battery, I bolts for hanging pots, and some OTC medicines. I was under budget, still have a few dollars left. Easiest grocery shop I have done in forever.

Rain here, light rain, mist, not good for driving. Plus my car only had one wiper. I thought it had been repaired, not so. Really gonna rain the next 2 days, but I do not intend to go anywhere.

I want to put up hooks and hang my Christmas cactus in the kitchen. I could see it from my chair. that plant has more and more blooms, it is really wonderful. wish I knew just what i did to it to force so many blooms. I still have not found any pansies in the nurseries, I want some, get them planted soon. I need my winter blooms.

I am off to bed, I read, forgot, will read again. Hugs to each of you, till later.

15/Nov/11 3:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, plants often bloom best when they are 'forgotten'. they bloom well because they think they might die.
I think MizT's Voltarin is stronger than the one we can buy here without a script.
Happy Birthday to Emily. I am sure you will make it very special for her Cyn.
15/Nov/11 4:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings & Salutations! Getting a later start here today because of a meeting tonight. Have another tomorrow night and one on Wednesday night. Amazingly, this week they are all unrelated groups & meetings!

Gail, we would have done the same thing - forgotten to take "Before" pictures. Doesn't matter! We look forward to the "After" shots! Sorry you've had such a busy day! Looks like the days and weeks ahead will be the same! Remember to include some "me" time in the schedule! Good luck to Hannah on her testing and her TAFE college interview! Please keep us posted when you have the time.

June, sleep well in the cooler temperatures!

Tami, thanks for the coffee and for the reminder on your Mom's diagnosis! I hope the symptoms never return for her! {{{HUGS}}} to Bobbi!

Theresa, I hope some of your symptoms have subsided and you are a bit more comfortable! It's so nice to see your post! Come back when you have time, have access to a computer, and have the energy! We miss your posts! Take care of yourself! {{{HUGS}}}

Brenda, your relaxing day sounds wonderful, as did your excursion on the Jungle Queen! I hope all of your days and nights are perfect weather-wise!
15/Nov/11 5:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Theresa, thanks for the TOPP! I never really thought about what pigs think before. (However, I have recently found out that pigs - at least some of them, anyway - can swim.) I hope some rest for your arm and shoulder will help!

Vicki, you also sound quite busy! I hope you have time off from work to get it all accomplished! And lots of preparation for just one day/night away? I hope it will be restful! Happy Birthday to your son Shaun! Did you have cake or a special dessert at the restaurant or at home?

June, another busy day for you today with bowls and a meeting! Remember to allow some time for yourself!

MizT, it doesn't matter when Al opens his cards. They are not intended to be a task to be done, but something relaxing and hopefully enjoyable! We all just want him to know we're thinking of him. (Hopefully you also interpret some unspoken words of support for you, as well!) I hope the rain is minor and moves on quickly so the humidity will drop and Al will be more comfortable!

So glad to hear that the shopping with Joy's assistance went well, MizT! I haven't heard the expression - a "bill of groceries." Maybe it referred to a large order that had to be "put on my bill" because it cost more than the shopper had available at the time? Enjoy your Christmas cactus!

Cyn, I hope Emily had a wonderful birthday! Sure seems like she liked her bike!

Tami, I'm glad you survived school! Only 4 more days to go this week!

Heidi, I'm glad to hear that you are listening to your body and resting your back! I hope it helps a lot! {{{{HUGS}}}}

It's time for me to hit the hay! If I have neglected to mention anyone, it's unintentional! Positive thoughts and vibes, prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for all!
15/Nov/11 5:46 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello again folks. :)

Hugs to all who need them, especially Al and MizT and Heidi.

Happy Birthday to Emily - hope she has a wonderful day. :)

Did my first bit of Christmas shopping today! (And birthday shopping for Laura!) Sore feet, and very tired, but starting to get the spirit ...

Hope you all have a great week. :)
15/Nov/11 6:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Had an easy time umpiring at bowls today so got quite a few Christmas cards written. A big material store had a three day sale with 30% off so tonight we got some new curtain material for the laundry (you can poke holes in what is there) and some sheeting to make some cot sized sheets for the chap who is doing the massages.
He complained last week that to get cot sized sheets he has to buy a whole cot set and then throw out the fitted sheet and pillowcase. There will be 4 sheets and I will do them in the morning before I go for my massage. He is working on my knee and shoulder at the moment. Back not too bad if I take care.
15/Nov/11 8:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A lot of smoke around Sydney today as they are doing "Hazard reduction". The sun as it set was that deep dark red. Not much fun for those with breathing problems.
Hugs to one and all.
15/Nov/11 8:22 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thank you all for the birthday wishes for Emily, I showed them all to her and she loved it that people she didn't know wished her HB. I told her that these people are my friends and they know her even if she doesn't know them!!

Caution - vent coming up next post!!!!!!!!
15/Nov/11 9:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Aaarrrggghhhh! (Vent following)
That stupid %$#@$%% ex DIL of mine ought to be shot for causing trouble! On sunday when we were over at Andrew's for Em's party, we were talking about who people look like and I said that Hayley looks like her Mum and Emily looks more like our side of the family. Hayley misunderstood and thought I meant that I didn't consider her part of this family. She told her mother this when she got home. Now, I ask you, wouldn't any normal mother tell her that she must have got it wrong. That woman knows how I feel about all of my grandchildren, I'd willingly die for any of them! No, she encourages her to think I don't care about her, and then texts Andrew telling him off.
Hayley was a bit standoffish with me when she first arrived today until her Dad explained what was on her mind. I set her straight and she was happy and understood. But that mother of hers is an oxygen thief, a waste of space!!! Grrrr!!
15/Nov/11 9:38 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Now that my vent is over, Happy Birthday to Vicki's Shaun. I'm sorry I didn't see it when I read earlier. I think I didn't press 'more' on your post.
15/Nov/11 9:40 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Tricia, glad you had a good shopping trip and did not spend a lot. Good thoughts and hugs going to you and Al.

Happy Birthday, Shaun. Hope you have a great day.

Julie, I am counting the days. I am off the whole week of Thanksgiving. So far, I am having 8 for dinner but that could change. Already have the turkey and the ham.
15/Nov/11 10:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back is feeling a lot better today. I think spending 20 hours in bed yesterday helped.

Gil's visitor from Oz is here. He's another Parasitologist, who lives on the north edge of Sydney.
16/Nov/11 2:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just did a bit for the Lion's Club and the local food bank. Each year at this time, different organizations decorate christmas trees on the town square. These are judged, then auctioned off. This year, I volunteered to take responsibility for our Magnolia Lion's Club tree. All profits from the sale go to the Magnolia food bank, to help feed the really poor people. I just got back from purchasing the rest of the items I'll need to decorate the tree. All of my purchases are donated to the club, of course. I have been collecting Magnolia ornaments all year, to give the tree some meaning. I believe that tomorrow is the day that I'll be doing the decorating. The local thrift shop donated the tree itself.
16/Nov/11 5:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I must have broken the site again.
16/Nov/11 9:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, you have a heart of gold. I wish I lived close enough to help you decorate the tree. I actually do know how to decorate a Christmas tree. I ran the Macy's Christmas shop for three years down here.
16/Nov/11 9:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm getting some gninaelc done today. I'll krow for 10 minutes, then sit here at the pooter for 1/2 hour, then krow for 10 minutes, etc. It's the only way to keep the back from screaming at me.
16/Nov/11 9:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You're making me blush, Tami. I just try to treat others the way I'd like to be treated, and do my fair share of work in the community. It's sort of a noblesse oblige type thing. If people who "have" helped out people who "don't have", there would be no need for so many government programs.
16/Nov/11 9:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I forgot that I have a Cattlemen's meeting tonight. At least I don't have to do anything other than listen, sit and eat.
16/Nov/11 9:49 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, so very pleased to read that your day of rest has given you and your back some relief. Good luck with your Christmas tree :)
16/Nov/11 10:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning Tami! See you were here recently. I need the coffee, but I have another 30 minutes fore I can put food or drink in, after my stomach med. It has helped tremendously, so I will go without my first coffee for the hour that med needs alone. NICE you have thw whole week off for Thanksgiving. Eight is a doable number for a dinner, enjoy having the family and friends over.

I was told yesterday we are getting a spiral cut honey glazed ham for T day. A friend works at a store that received these hams, but packaging was faulty, the wrap was not a tight fit to the ham. They cannot sell them, so offered them to employees who will make a donation to a charity. I feel blessed to get this, those hams are usually over budget.

My niece is sending a pan of dressing, hers is closest to my Mom';s recipe of anyone in the family since I stopped making it, after Mom was not able. Joy said "that stuff that comes with prepared turkeys is not Thanksgiving, need Mema';s dressing", and she and Niece arranged for her to come out, help make the dressing for my sister's gathering and enough for us too. Ain't family grand???

CynB, so sorry you had to deal with the mischief former DIL can stir up so quickly. some people are just a stick, always stirring stirring up trouble. Glad you were able to make it right with GD. Happy to read your vent, this site is a good place to decompress.

June, I know the smell of smoke and the red sunsets can be unnerving, after some of the tragic fires you have witnessed in the past years. I hope the air clears for you soon. Most of all, hope the set burns are successful in reducing fire risks this summer.

Judy, thanks for the hugs, they always make me feel remembered, warm and comfortable for a bit. Christmas shopping? I doubt I do any this year. No time, just not in the Christmas mode. Although I do have a kernel of an idea for the christmas gathering at my sister's house. My wonderful neighbor Audrey has offered to come care for Al if I need a break. Our gathering is not on christmas Day, so perhaps she can sit with him that day?? Give me the one part of Christmas that is special to me.

OOOPS, did not get this posted when written. Al woke with problems that required my assistance. He seems to pay for any good night sleep he has with a rocky start to the day.

Hugs to each of you.

Today has been the worse day, not only did Al have a temp of 103, roger is also sick with a temp and was sent to his remote bedroom in the travel trailer. Nurse came out to see Al, he is now on antibiotics. Roger's doc called him in some meds. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
16/Nov/11 10:08 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, I was thinking as I was going through this day's posts so far that I really worry when I don't see a post from you. Seeing your explanation I see you would have posted earlier. Continued loving hugs to you, Al and now Roger, you do not need him sick. It is astonishing how easily an already sick person can pick ap a bug, and they go downhill so quickly.
16/Nov/11 10:20 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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My thoughts exactly Gail, if I don't see something from Tricia I worry. Then again I worry when someone goes missing for a while. Gail how is Scott doing? Hope he enjoyed the GP the other day.
16/Nov/11 10:29 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends, no internet access at Port Welshpool but will be back online on Friday at my brother's place.
Hope all is well with you all of you and Birthday or Anniversary wishes to those that I have missed.
Love and Hugs to you all.
16/Nov/11 11:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Evening all. Another good day with the monsters. At least no one broke a computer today. I am counting the days. 3 more days of school, 3 more days of school.

Dylan is doing his homework and Mitchell is helping him. I get to play on the pooter
16/Nov/11 11:50 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I finished making the sheets. That was 16 metres of hemming. looks like it might rain, that would save me watering the garden!
I have a massage, then pick up Laura from school and take her to her Physi class. She is not keen to keep doing it next year so will probably find some other activity. I am sure she will start scouts when she is old enough.
16/Nov/11 12:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tami, it sounds like you are looking forward to those days away from school
Broni, enjoy your time in Melbourne. If we do not hear from you, we do know where you are.
MizT, so pleased about the ham. I am sure you will enjoy it and then freeze the bone for that ham and pea soup when the time comes that you have time to make some. I am sure T day will be a day of mixed blessings.
Heidi, rest that back as much as possible. my back is nothing like your back but I try not to do anything that gives me too much aggravation. Good luck with the Christmas tree. I am sure you have purchased some lovely decorations.
Hugs to everyone else.
Must go to the shops as I seem to have spent most of what is in my purse. Where does it go?
16/Nov/11 12:10 PM
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