Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Face your fears - you will grow in strength, courage and confidence.
16/Nov/11 12:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's all Al, Roger and you need, MizT. A fever of 103 is horrible! I hope this bug passes fast.
(((((HUGS))))) to all of you.
16/Nov/11 12:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I, too, worry when Tricia hasn't posted - always look here first in the morning.
I just took myself off to the movies alone - just felt like seeing something light so I went to that SJP movie about the woman juggling kids, hubby and a career. Okay - nothing special, but some nice adult eye candy in Greg Kinnear and Pierce Brosnan - and the cinema was air-conditioned.
16/Nov/11 3:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Just got a text from my daughter -
'Happy non-Anniversary, 43 years ago today you married a man who gave you 2 wonderful children and then turned into an a&$#'.
She has a way with words. She sees her Dad but is not blind to his faults.
16/Nov/11 3:22 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Nor mine - she's always been quick to point them out! Haha!
16/Nov/11 3:23 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! Long day today, got up at 6:30 (early for me). Went out last night for some retail therapy with my friends Helen & Patricia. We had a LOT of fun. Went to Ross (discount store) and SOMEHOW I came home with a dress!!! (and a couple of Christmas presents, one for Sandra and one for Darrell). I apologize, I have NOT been reading, so I hope those who are ailing get better and love & hugs to all with extras.
Take care all, LOVE you all LOTS!!
16/Nov/11 3:28 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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I read some, Tricia, Al, Roger, HEALING vibes to all of you.
Cyn: Belated happy birthday to Emily...hope she had a nice day.
I always laugh when TTT says she worked the Christmas shop at Macy's...Just Darrell & I for Thanksgiving. I invited Helen and her male friend Jim. He has family in Salt Lake (so does Helen). Not sure if they are coming yet.
Hope to stop by more frequently...Been spending WAY too much time on taking care of Darrell's Farmville. He's bored with it. Had more to say, can't remember now.
Take care all. Even if I am not here, know you are all in my thoughts & prayers.
TTFN & nitey nite!!
16/Nov/11 3:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It looks like i will be decorating the tree tomorrow morning (if we can get the tree out of the shop in the new mall early) or Thursday morning. If I have to wait for Thursday, the tree will miss the start of the voting. Usually, the more votes a tree gets, the more it sells for in the auction.
16/Nov/11 3:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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You would not believe the difference in Al tonight and this morning. He gets sick so fast, but seems to have bounced back once again. Tomorrow we will see just how far he bounced back. but he is grinning and laughing again, communication, where this morning he was just sick. LOTS of difference. NO fever tonight. I am uncertain he and roger have the same thing, rog is complaining of head stoped up, sinus infection perhaps. Al is complaining of stomoch pains, had vomiting, nausea. totally different symptoms. Thier cousin is here to care for roger, he came in and straightened the kitchen for me. That wa a big help, to many times today I had to leave before I could put things back. My back was complaining. Heidi??? When did you say Surreal Rehab would be open??

Did I say my neighbor brought me those qilted washable pads for his chair? Linen savers, but wash and reuse, not the disposable kind. she had bought them at yard sales. Used them for her Mom, now passed them on to us. Really handy today, espically after his chair was damp from the cool compresses to reduce the fever. LOTS of hsaw today, he spilled meds, jello, tea, you name it, he or I spilled it today, plus changes of jammies when he sweated off that fever. So happy to have a hot spinny thing today, cause we had rain most of the day. light soakey kind of rain, but enough to keep from hanging out clothes.

The jello spilled on the quilt I made for Mom. Nice light weight lap throw in all cotton, berry good for someone with a fever. IT CAME OUT, all of it, no stain, yeah.

Suzanne, we have a Ross here. My sister had a trip like yours, bought herself a dress she did not intend to buy. She and her DIL enjoy shopping there together. Tell us about your dress, what color, what style, is it for a special occasion? to wear during the holidays??

CynB, nothing wrong with your daughter's self esteem hehehe. Loved the text message.

HEY, honest I tried to post this morning. TWICE even. Next time perhaps I should post mid sentence? I remember how I worried when we did not hear from June. Roger, before he knew he was sick, asked why I had not phoned him. I just did not have time.

OK, If I try to go back a page for reminders, I will loose this. Sorry if your comment was back a page. I did read it, and thought about you, honest I did.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
16/Nov/11 3:54 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hugs to you too, MizT.
Sorry, I've been a bit frantic at work today which always seems to be the way just before you go on holidays.
June, I really hope we get to catch up. I'll get onto Amelia asap and let you know. I know she is is Melbourne for the golf.
Happy non-Anniversary Cyn but belated Happy birthday to Emily. I'm glad you sorted out the miscommunication with Hailey. Your exDIL is such a b###ch.

I have pulled the suitcase down from the top of the wardrobe but it still has nothing inside it. I need to get packing since we are leaving about 1pm tomorrow. The weather will be a bit strange - looks like tops from 22C to 29C and lows down to 16C. Thank goodness as it is so hot and dry here in Brissie at the moment.
16/Nov/11 4:02 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Excuse my lack of manners.

Hello everyone!

Has anyone heard from Rolanda recently? I hope everything is ok with her and her family.
16/Nov/11 4:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Friends! I got here earlier than anticipated because tonight's meeting was cancelled. I hope you have all had a good day!

Judy, good for you for getting your shopping started! You will put us all to shame. It's good to have the reminder, though!

I have next to no gift ideas and have not even considered the shopping and cards that need to be done. Gift for D and new SIL is the only easy one this year. As they will be moving mid-2012, the gift of money will be greatly appreciated. For the past 3 or 4 years hubby has turned something from wood for my 5 siblings and their spouses: a pen, a bowl, a lidded box, etc. I asked him if he had plans for this year. NOPE! Now I need to come up with something for all of them. Seems like I thought of a possibility last week, but it has slipped entirely out of my brain/sieve - not even a hint.

June, I am convinced that you must be thinking of others nearly every waking minute! How kind of you to think to make cot sheets for the man who does your massages! Seems you worked on the sheets before working on the new curtains for your laundry. I'm glad the umpiring at bowls was easy/relaxing! Great thinking to bring along Christmas cards to write if the opportunity presented! I'm sure the "hazard reduction" burns are necessary, but difficult to deal with, especially for anyone with breathing problems!

Cyn, I am shocked that your former DIL was so crass and uncaring to encourage her own daughter to think that she wasn't loved by you! Is she so underhanded and conniving - or just stupid? Oxygen thief is a good description! I'm so glad you were able to get it cleared up so quickly!

Tami, just 3 more days for you! I'm so pleased that you will have all of Thanksgiving week off! Hopefully that will ensure that preparations for Turkey day will not be stressful! I hope your Mom is doing better!

Heidi, I'm so glad your back is better after 20 hours in bed! Were you able to sleep most of that time? I hope the parasitologist from Oz is not staying with you, as that would mean more work for you (figuring that it wouldn't occur to IH to help out. Your approach to today's krow was very sensible. Unfortunately, I'm guessing that decorating the Christmas tree for the Lions Club won't be quite as easy. Will you have any help - or doing it completely on your own? Try to pace yourself, if possible! Hooray for the Cattlemen's meeting tonight: a chance to sit, listen, and eat food prepared by someone else! {{{HUGS}}}

MizT, I'm so glad to hear that a spiral cut honey glazed ham will find its way to your house for Thanksgiving, as well as the dressing made by your niece! I'm so sorry to hear that a good night's sleep for Al is followed by a rough start to the new day! I'm also sorry to hear that both Al and Roger are running fevers! I hope you can avoid sharing that with both of them! NOT something you need to be dealing with, as your plate is full enough already, I think.
16/Nov/11 4:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizTricia.... Surreal Farm Rehab and Spa has a guest room available right now. Maybe right now isn't the ideal time for you to avail yourself of the accommodations, but the invitation is a standing one. To everyone here.
16/Nov/11 4:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Didn't expect to run over! Here's the rest of the comment to MizT, followed by others for page 267.

Plus, Roger's fever bans him from the house until he is no longer contagious, I suppose, so no help for you and not much opportunity for a nap. {{{HUGS}}}

Gail, your concern for MizT, Al and Roger reminds me to ask how your hubby is doing. The other day you mentioned that he tends to stay awake when hooked up, especially if he's watching something on TV. Hopefully he's able to sleep in the following morning! Thinking of both of you! {{{HUGS}}}

Brenda, I hope you're enjoying your visit/vacation! Do you have special plans for most days, or just taking it as it comes?

Broni, enjoy your time away! We'll miss you, especially on the days you aren't able to post!
16/Nov/11 4:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed for me. I've got a busy morning. It won't take long to decorate the tree. It's only 5 ft. tall.
16/Nov/11 4:24 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Afternoon. Victoria I am here, just not in a talkative mood of late.
Mum : still in Hospital, much of a muchness, she is not too good.
Waiting for a bed in a Transitional Care Facility.
This is for at least 3 months, during which Mum can recover from being in Hospital etc, and decide whether she wants to go Home with Extra Services or go into Permanent Care!!
We were at a Family Meeting with the Social Worker and Mum at the Hospital yesterday.
Mum is sooo against going into Permanent Care!!!
16/Nov/11 5:05 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia.. you, Al and Family are always in my mind, sending lots of Love and Hugs ♥
16/Nov/11 5:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, what a great TOPP for all of us!

Cyn, what a great way to cool off! Clever text from your D! Happy non-anniversary!

Suzanne, it's good to see you posting here! You're another one who has begun shopping for that gift-giving holiday in December! Good for you! I join MizT in asking for some descriptive words about the dress you bought for yourself!

Heidi, I hope you're able to get the tree to be decorated ready early so you can start accumulating votes! I'm sure it will be a winner! Good luck!

MizT, I'm so relieved to hear that Al is doing so much better! Also glad to hear that Al & Roger's cousin has come to help minister to Roger! How nice that he also is able to lend you a hand in the house! I hope Roger bounces back quickly with the help of the antibiotics!

What a thoughtful neighbor to pass on the linen savers/quilted pads to you! Sounds like today was a good day to have them, what with spills, fever, etc. I'm so glad you don't need to go out to a laundromat for yrdnual, MizT! So glad the jello didn't stain the quilt you made for your Mom!

I thought of a story to share. When our D's were young they attended religion classes once a week after school. D1 was in about third grade and had to learn the names of the Catholic sacraments. Work/studying was done in class, so we rarely knew what they were studying to reinforce it. One week she brought home a test that she had taken. She had obviously misunderstood what the teacher said when telling the class about the "anointing of the sick." D1 had written "annoying the sick." MizT, I hope you are not annoying Al and Roger!

Vicki, of course you are busy at work because you are extra busy at home! I hope you were able to throw a few things in the suitcase. Something that seems to help me is a standard packing list I have on the computer. At least it helps me remember the essentials most of the time. Sounds like you're really due for a day or two of relaxation!

I haven't seen a post from Rolanda either, so hope all is well with her and her Mum! Rolanda, we are thinking of you!

Also thinking of V Viv, Nola, Bean and others we haven't heard from recently!

Heidi, thank you for the standing invitation to Surreal Farm Rehab & Spa! It's nice to think that we all have a place we could go to when the going gets rough!

Well, the time has slipped away from me (too many interruptions, I think). Sending lots of good vibes, positive thoughts, and and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone! Take care!
16/Nov/11 5:38 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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(Still) Afternoon
Just had phone call from the Social Worker.
Mum is being moved to the Care Facility tomorrow.
16/Nov/11 7:44 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, yes, at times I am annoying AL. He even has a sign language sign for use. Hand out, palm forward, as saying stop. It means leave me alone, da##it! Go away, do not talk to me, do not touch me. andyes, the linen savers were very helpful today.

Up for intermission. Back screaming, I took enough pain meds to get relief, but that left me with the "I am not asleep, I am not awake, and I really do not care" feeling. sometimes medication does that. It should wear off soon, but unfortunately my back pain is returning.

Rolanda, good to see you posting again. Even if you are not talkative, could you check in with a "here I is"? Hope getting your Mom into transitional care will lift your spirits some.

Heidi, would love to come help you decorate the tree. One of my favorite holiday activities. Can you snap a photo and share? You know I like Christmas trees.

Speaking of trees, I think I might have found a place to put up at least a table top tree. I have a four footer, that is really about 3 feet. I have a large table beside my chair, in the corner. If I remove the very big lamp, and de clutter, I can get it there I think. Out of the way of traffic, so no one brushes it in passing. My living room is so cluttered full of Al stuff!

16/Nov/11 8:20 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I spoke to Suzanne yesterday and the only thing I remember about her dress is that it is purple. Don't remember how she described it.

Tricia, continued hugs and thoughts going out to you.

Rolanda, glad that your mum got into the care facility. Hope she is able to make the decision about permanent care. It would be easier on you.

Heidi, have fun decorating the tree and don't work too hard. I might take a room at the resort. Only problem is the boys want to come with me
16/Nov/11 10:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Mamacita, not even close to Julie - just reading her post and seeing what I forgot to post about. I did think about those posts though!!

For example, Judy, I was jazzed to hear what a good day you had with your mum. Xmas shopping for me is once again working out how to make the dollars go a long way and still give a nice pressie. Luckily Alie already got a guitar which she was told was also for Xmas so we don't have to spend a lot on her.

And June, I'm glad Laura had a good time. Not everyone can win but everyone can have a good time!

I hope your masseur gave you a discount!
16/Nov/11 11:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, so sorry to hear about the temperatures and whatever caused them and goes with them. I hope it misses you! Thank goodness another family member has come to help. Hope he doesn't get sick too? Or is it she?

I've been trying to teach Dana a little bit about that kind of shopping. She was buying everything and anything for the baby. I think she had 6 layby's going. I told her that most of that stuff the baby didn't need, she hadn't had bla bla bla... Three of the layby's were cancelled.

What a great idea about your christmas cactus! A touch of christmas... I know I would really miss it if I couldn't have it. And the small tree will be wonderful.
16/Nov/11 11:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, it's a bit of a worry finding something the kids will stick to and enjoy. Dance is a good one. Gymnastics is also good but it is a risky one. Scouts sounds good when she's old enough. A lot less risky.

Rolanda, the turn your mother had today might help convince her that care is where she needs to be. Maybe if she knew her house was still there the way she left it, it would be easier for her to accept. At least initially.

Cyn, I hope Emily had a good day. I'm sorry about the oxygen thief. My brother went weird so I just stay away from him. Life's too short. Hard to do when you share the kids with her.

Happy non-Anniversary!!!

Heidi, I'm glad your back felt better after a sleep. I hope your tree earns a lot of dollars for charity.
16/Nov/11 11:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, I know what you mean about the driving! I lived in Sydney for 8 years, 4 of those riding a motorbike, then in CA for 10 years driving the 405 (which would mean a lot if you lived in Southern CA too). After living here for a few years we went to Sydney and just about tore our hair out!

I hope Hannah gets into the course she wants at TAFE and that it takes her where she wants to go.

I had to google valedictory dinner. We don't have those here.

Tami, I hope your mother doesn't have any more attacks because the diagnosis sounds like a real cop out to me! Thoughts and wishes to her.

I smiled at your 'no one broke a computer today' comment, though I suppose it isn't really funny.

Brenda, your description of the meal on your river cruise made me miss eating out in the US so much! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Yay!

Theresa, I hope your arm and shoulder don't hurt all the time..

Heidi, I'm glad your back felt better after a sleep. I hope your tree earns a lot of dollars for charity.
16/Nov/11 11:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've just realised I haven't told you what I have been up to. Dana has been over a fair bit and isn't backward in coming forward to ask for things. My trips to town are now going to be chauffeured so she can record them as driving lessons. Today we both realised we were hungry when we went to pick up Alie. I got home and found we were out of bread. She got home to a house with nothing for her to eat. So guess what she did? She called me asking if we had the stuff needed to make spaghetti, came over and made it for herself. Hubby would have made sure she took the leftovers home too. I don't mind really, but she really has no clue.

16/Nov/11 11:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, checking in without reading. Al is still asleep at the moment, time to wake him and start poking pills at him. He gets a lot for 9 am medications, we have to start early )tis 8 am here) .

We had another rain squall come through overnight, but not yet the one with the cold front behind it. Today should be 79 degrees F, about 15 degrees too warm for this date. Tornado watch last night, probably again today and tonight. Will not be able to go to dome, Al cannot make the trip that far and he would not fit the wheelbarrow

Time to get started, hope to be back again soon.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
17/Nov/11 12:46 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I know what THE FIVE is like, hear it from my daughter, and she actually talks to me on her cell while driving it! Hands free of course, the phone, not the driving, but still I think it is a distraction. they live where they have to go under the five to get to shopping and to the toll road that they often use instead of the five. Just getting past it, with all the entering and exiting autos is a chore. She said the light there can hold for 5 minutes. AND you are lucky you do not have to wait through multiple light changes.
17/Nov/11 2:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just popping in to say "Hi" - HI!

Taking grandies out to a restaurant after school - their second favourite place after McDonalds. We have 2 McDonalds but they are just a little too far to walk to right now. Hubby has a physio appointment this aft and hopes to be finished in time to come with us.

MIL's doctor had words with her on Monday in sister-in-law's presence. Seems like MIL might be willing to have some medical appointments now that she had been refusing to go to (i.e. x-rays and hearing tests). We shall see what we shall see ... fingers crossed.

Catch you all another time.
17/Nov/11 5:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Christmas tree is decorated! I ended up having to check that the mall was open, as well as the Chamber of Commerce. (The trees are set up at the Chamber.) Our club secretary was supposed to call me with their hours, but she didn't. I found out a few minutes ago that her grandfather died this morning, and everything else slipped her mind. Which is as it should be.
Unfortunately, my back was screaming at me the whole time I was working, so it took me 2 1/2 hours to do a 1 hour job.
17/Nov/11 8:58 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy, if only......
17/Nov/11 11:55 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I don't think the diagnosis is a cop out. After speaking to a lot of people, I am finding out it is common. It is caused by the inner ear. It will affect some people more than others. I just hope it does not affect my mom too often.
17/Nov/11 12:16 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Just been invited by the Mother of the Bride, to a surprise luncheon being organised by Peter's Cousin's Fiancée Bridesmaids, on Saturday 17th Dec.
This is being held at the Groom's Family (on his father side) Ancestral Home on the banks of the Swan River.
Historic farmers cottage overlooking the Swan River, and is one of the oldest surviving buildings from the early settlement of the Swan River Colony.
17/Nov/11 12:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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After a really bad day yesterday, filled with pain, nausea, chills and a fever of 103, today Al has slipped into a lethargic, unresponsive state. The nurse came out again, third day in a row, today put in a catheter to help keep him comfortable. This came on fast, although I saw signs of it happening for several days. I knew he was a fighter, and would keep himself alert and "with us" as long as he could. It will not be long now.

17/Nov/11 3:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh Tricia - I hope they keep Al comfortable and peaceful as he drifts away and - for you, I hope you feel the genuine love and soothing hugs coming your way from your SA friends all over the world.
17/Nov/11 3:29 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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♥ (((((HUGS)))) ♥
17/Nov/11 3:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}} MizT, thoughts and wishes winging their way across the cyber waves to you...
17/Nov/11 4:53 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Blessings to you, MizT, and to your beautiful soulmate, Al.

In my heart

17/Nov/11 5:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, let God's love sustain you as you say your "Goodbyes". We are all sending you our love for comfort.
17/Nov/11 6:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've been trying to think of something distracting to say and am kinda stumped. All I could come up with was a wonderful pastel drawing Alie did at school. She showed me the photo on her phone and said she was really proud of it. They were tasked with copying a self portrait by Albert Tucker. We googled the original and she was right to be proud!

Dana is also doing something interesting. One of the organisations she is working with to get housing etc has asked her to write about her experiences as a teenage mum, including dealing with a sperm donor on drugs. They also want to photograph her every week. She earns food hampers for doing this.

17/Nov/11 8:28 PM
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