Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Oh dear Judy, I hope you find somewhere suitable for your mother. I can see the staff taking her walking stick away from her if she keeps doing that, which will make her more unhappy.
No matter what day it is Suzy, I hope she does well. I hadn't realised that Wollongong was a big city. I have or had cousins who live there. I have never met the cousins so have no idea where they are and as they are quite a few years older than me whether they are still around at all.
30/Nov/11 11:09 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I really must look at the numbers more.
In celebration of the 176th birthday of Mark Twain I will use one of his quotations.

'Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.'
30/Nov/11 11:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We didn't get the threatened snow last night. The front dissipated about 30 miles away. It's right at the freezing mark right now. I'm not ready for winter.
01/Dec/11 1:26 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Good Morning friends. This computer keyboard is doing it again, it ate my first post completely and part of this one that I recovered, and I cannot figure what I am doing to cause this. AAAAAAAHGGGGG

Joy has said she will bring my computer tonight, I sure hope she does. I need it for lots of reasons. To get the largest sum of survivor benefits from social Security, I must furnish proof of my first marriage and divorce. I found online how I can order by mail, but I need to print 2 applications. I have a computer, I have a printer, but they are not talking to each other. I went to library, navigated their computer, tried to print the pate and got gibberish. Needed Acrobat Reader, that is not on library computers, boy I was tempted to download it! Spent 40 cents on 4 paperbacks and went to bank. Decided i was hungry, it wa pat lunch time, and I did not want ham or turkey again. I stopped for a burger and lemonaide, a good change.

OK. I am posting this, just lost and recovered again, what am I doing???
01/Dec/11 1:31 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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MORNING HEIDI, I am not ready for winter either! We should warm up again to acceptable temps by the weekend, and no more rain this week.
01/Dec/11 1:32 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Best wishes to Kaitlin, hope the toumor is benign and they can successfully remove it all. How very scary.

Hope Dana and baby are doing OK.

congrats to Alie, way to go!

Know there was more in the post I lost, drats, cannot remember now. I must get day started here, lots of things to clear away, donate, set aside to sell, put in trash. My sister is coming down tomorrow again to help, and BIL will work in the shop making a list of tools, building materials that should be sold. Busy day tomorrow.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. know I thought about you as I read your post. sorry I lost the comments.

Till later.
01/Dec/11 1:38 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
Judy: Maybe you can find another place for Mum??? Not easy to do. My folks had that issue before they found the place for my cousin Manny. The place he is in is great...took a lot of looking to find, but they take good care of him and he's happy & healthy there. Staff is VERY nice, caring. Wish you luck!
Suzy: good for Alie!!
MizT: Good Luck with the sorting/selling/organizing.
Hello to Rolanda, CynB, Heidi, Brenda, Julie, June, Theresa & anyone I missed.
Have a great day all! Love & Hugs with extras!
01/Dec/11 2:08 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Just popping in to say hello and take care all.
Congrats to Allie and sending helpful home placement vibes to you Judy, with the hope that you and your brother will soon find a nice place that makes you all feel comfortable in having your mom stay safe and well cared for.
Just as I started to write this post, I had a great treat ...Heidi Skyped me and we had a nice visit and I got to see her adorable puppies and several of the other dogs too..thanks again Heidi...I enjoyed the visit and look forward to doing it again.
After I do the jigsaws, I think I'll try to find some new avatars...wish me luck.
Cyn....I'm not sure that I let you know that I'm keeping Andrew's friend in prayer, as well as all extended family and friends from this site.... Thinking of all...hugs and hopeful vibes aplenty. Peace.
01/Dec/11 6:03 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh, Julie, you asked about my writing for 'public consumption'...I've done very little beyond 'letters to the editor' type things, and of course school term papers. However, I did win a four year college scholarship due to my writing.
I never understood how it happened , but am very happy that I am able to express myself well enough for others to find it enjoyable. I thank you and others who compliment my ability to say what many of you think...but I assure you, you folks are my motivation, thus you share the words and the feelings...Peace.♥
01/Dec/11 6:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well... Things are getting interesting here. IH just informed me that his processing plant is 6 months behind on mortgage payments, and the bank is threatening foreclosure within 2 weeks. He asked me to loan him the money to cover it. I have been against him investing in that plant since day1. It is a money pit, it takes time away from his business and is more responsibility than he can handle. There are 4 partners, 2 who do nothing except attend meetings by phone, and 1 other guy who wants to leave the partnership and only does a little work now. IH is the one who has to run the place, and supervise the workers, as well as do a lot of the physical labor himself. I haven't decided if I should loan them the money, because the chances are that they won't be able to repay me. But if I do, I will have IH well and truly by the short hairs. I will have to think long and hard about it, and make sure I have everything in writing, including options for me if they renege on the agreement.
01/Dec/11 7:17 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I have a thought of what you can put in the contract but I dare not say it. I don't think it is legal
01/Dec/11 8:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I would say no, unless your partners all sign a guarantee as well as you. Not that it will help, it's 'gone' money.

Saw this on tele this morning and had a giggle - actually tears were rolling down my face, but it may be just that it's particularly close right now.
01/Dec/11 10:13 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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ahh Suzy.. FB status, I understand after watching the Video..

Heidi, I would Agree only with a Lawyer drawn up Contract, with all and sundry sign and witnessed. Gil needs to have a reality check done too.. weigh up the pros and cons of keeping this business afloat!

((Tricia)) Big HUGS and ♥♥♥

Judy.. You and Me are standing the same shoes : Re Mother and Care Facilities, one battle/drama after another..

Mama.. you always say the right things in the best possible way. ♥

Gail.. hope you are enjoying your 'empty nest'.

Suzy.. how did the drive up and down go this morning with Alie, I hope it all went well...

Hi Suzanne, Victoria, Brenda, Julie, June, Tami, CynB, Broni....
01/Dec/11 12:09 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Mama, you have too much life under your belt to be so modest. We love you and your words, just accept it!
Heidi, I laugh! How much are you prepared to spend for your own peace?
Zusy, Zusy! Zusy! Hang in there girl, we love you.
01/Dec/11 12:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It was even emptier today Rolanda, hubby had his one day a month meeting at work, so I burnt-off everything that wasn't nailed down!
01/Dec/11 2:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone!

Brenda, I can't imagine what it must be like. Continued positive thoughts for Susan and Megan! I hope they hear something positive from the doctor/s!

Cyn, positive thoughts for Andrew's friend Kaitlyn!

Tami and Rolanda, when we get the snow that is predicted for this winter, I will gladly share with both of you!

Suzy, good luck to Alie no matter which day she needs to be there. Drive safely, Young Lady! I hope Dana and the baby are both OK!

Judy, thinking of you and your family as you try to find a home for your Mum! I don't think I would want to be near her when she is upset. Hopefully you'll find a just-right placement!

Brenda, thank you for your almost TOPP! Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens was a very smart man!

MizT, I sure hope you get your computer soon! Too bad the library didn't have acrobat reader so you could print the applications. We want your frustration to go away soon! I hope all of the sorting,organizing, donating and selling goes well! Remember, there's no deadline. Take breaks as you need them! {{{HUGS}}}

Heidi, tread softly and carefully with the loan request. If things are already on shaky footing, it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I hope you know the best lawyer in the county! Good luck! We'll be thinking of you and hope whatever decision you make will be the right one for you!

Mama! See! I knew it! Writing has been a big part of your life for more than a year or two! Wow, a full four-year scholarship! You GO, Girl!

Rolanda, how is your Mum doing? Are you making headway with looking for some sort of assisted living? Sending positive thoughts your way!

Oh, my! Broni has joined in the snowball fight! Everybody, duck!

Gail, ooh, I love a good bonfire! (As long as it's a controlled burn!) What will your hubby say when he gets home?

We're pushing on towards 1:00 here, so I must say Good Night! If I have forgotten to mention you, I apologize! It's just CRAFTs. I do the best I can. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers and for everyone!
01/Dec/11 5:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hubby knew the burn was going to happen eventually, but he is such a panic merchant that if I left it up to him, no day would be suitable!
Speaking of suitable, today is actually the first day of summer, and it is FREEZING! I lit the fire (which consisted mainly of cardboard, everything comes in cardboard these days!), and then the wind picked up a little bit, which was ok because it disperses the smoke, but then it started spitting rain! Did I mention it's summer?
01/Dec/11 6:57 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Summer is here in Perth Gail... the days warming up
01/Dec/11 7:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, I agree, it has been the coldest I've been in a long time. Not that I mind of course, I enjoyed being all snuggly in a blankie..
01/Dec/11 7:17 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help youself.

Gail & Suzy, it is funny you are saying it is that it is cold. I am approaching winter and today is the coldest day yet. I am not complaining. It is about 54 (12.2) but it is letting us know that winter is coming, but no snow
01/Dec/11 10:33 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi again folks, hope you're all well!

About to head off to bed, but just wanted to drop in to say ... OMG what a day! Up and down like a yo-yo, BUT it looks as though things might be heading in the right direction finally! Brother has said "yes" to our suggestions about Mum, and, if we're not half a day late, we MAY get her into a place right away! It's in the country, so still a very long trip to see her, but we could move her to somewhere closer next year. We've all been doing a little dance (ok, that was ME) ... and we had take-away for dinner too! What a day! :D
01/Dec/11 11:02 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Everything crossed Judy xxx
02/Dec/11 12:49 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

MizT, did you sneak a birthday in here too? I thought I read that. If so, I hope at least you had a relaxing one. Hugs, hugs and more hugs.

D and I had a falling out last week. I was feeling overwhelmed at the time and said some things to her which I shouldn't have. Too late to take them back. Things are a bit better now, but still a little strained. Entirely my fault and I feel like *#*#*#*#*#!!!

Took grandies out for supper last night. They were both in a good mood and both hungry. The youngest ate her supper, part of her sister's, and part of mine. That girl is thin as a rake but eats like a horse.

Back to reading .....
02/Dec/11 2:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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BTW, MIL was taken out of the paliative care wing and to a "regular" room. She is still not walking. Hubby is taking tomorrow off work and we will visit her and my FIL afterwards.
02/Dec/11 2:10 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I broke it. No one will come out and play.
02/Dec/11 5:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry Theresa. Not feeling good today. Wilma (who comes in once a week to help me out) thinks I have the 'flu.

02/Dec/11 6:13 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Hope you are all well.
Taking my cous Maz to the hospital for a day procedure.
Love and Hugs to you all.
02/Dec/11 9:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Afternoon all. Sending positive vibes to all who need them.
Judy, hope things work out for your mum.
Theresa, glad there is some improvement with you MIL. I hope things smooth over with your D soon. Dinner out with the grandies sounds like a nice time.
Heidi, take care of yourself. Hope the flu is not too bad. Don't you go to the doctor for your back soon?
02/Dec/11 9:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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My son will kill me but I have to tell you all this. Last night his youth group had a scavenger hunt at Sawgrass Mills Mall. We were going there this weekend anyways so we dropped him off at the meeting point and then ran our errands. We met him at the appropriate time to pick him up. As we left, he turned to a girl and gave her a hug and a kiss, on the mouth. We asked him in the car and he told us that she was his girlfriend. My oldest son has his first girlfriend. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
02/Dec/11 10:00 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Tami, that's sweet! :)
(Oh, Hi everyone!)

Well, we have appointments to see the medical people on Wed., and one thing they've already said - NOT a good idea to take her home for the Christmas holidays. They say she's already settling in, and moving her will unsettle her. They say the last part of the brain to go is the "survival" part, and they will do anything to get back home - that's a really sad thing to hear, but my Mum right now is extremely resourceful and always looking for an escape route! They had to move her to the high security area because of that ... :0

Well, hope you're all well and happy today.
02/Dec/11 10:22 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all....It's been a very busy 24 hours.....I am a great grand mom again! My grand daughter had emergency c-section last night our time, and Ezra was born at 7:49 p.m 11/30/11. He weighted 6lbs12 oz....if he had been a fulkl term baby he'd have weighed over 8lbs. All is well now, but it was touch and go for a while. Sperm donor created havoc causing her pressure to skyrocket....oh what poor choices can do...when will they learn????
Oh, well, we've been blessed that all is now well and a healthy baby is here to be cared for and loved....I'm good! Peace.
02/Dec/11 11:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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02/Dec/11 11:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Despite feeling lousy, I had to drive to the pharmacy to pick up some meds today. I had a wait, so I went next door to the grocery to pick up a few things. There was an elderly man ahead of me in line buying a bunch of stuff with food stamps. For some reason, the chicken he was purchasing wasn't covered by the food stamps, and he had no money on him (and he looked like he was on a very limited income). So I paid for the chicken. He was so grateful, and it left me with a good feeling.
02/Dec/11 11:29 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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It's great to be able to help someone that way, Heidi. His Christmas has started early. :)

Mamacita, congratulations to your grand daughter (and you!)
02/Dec/11 11:37 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
TTT: LOL!!! Too cute!! I remember my first love, wasn't till 10th grade tho!!
Hello to all, just trying to decide what I want for dinner, it's fend for yourself night. Had Subway sandwich for lunch, still full.
Healing vibes, love & hugs to all with extras!
02/Dec/11 11:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, congratulations on the new grand baby. Give Ezra a big kiss for me and tell him his cyber Aunt welcomes him to the world.

Heidi, I do hope you are feeling better soon. That was a really nice thing you did for the man. Good karma is always good to spread around.
02/Dec/11 12:07 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Congrats Mamacita!!!
02/Dec/11 2:11 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Can someone tell me how to join the SuDoku FB page??? Thanx!
02/Dec/11 2:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Judy, sounds good to me. Not the escape artist stuff but settling in and all of that kind of stuff...

Tami, be happy, but play the pregnant lady song for him - If you liked it then you shoulda put a thing on it..

Mamacita, so far hubby and I are going to be the support people. Sperm donor's family are planning a holiday so that he can't be at the birth. At least that is his reading of the situation. None of them live at home, but all of a sudden they're going on an interstate holiday just when the baby is due???

Heidi, I think it was a Friend's rerun where someone says you always get something out of it when you help people. I think Phoebe spent the entire episode trying to do something for someone else that didn't do something for her too. They decided it didn't exist. Glad you were able to do something to feel good about today!! (Still trying to work out why chicken wouldn't be covered?)

02/Dec/11 2:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, congratulations on your great grandie and hope your grandie has learned to stay away from the sperm donor. Dana keeps talking about how she is staying away from 'that lot' now and I tell her what a good choice that is and how pleased I am, knowing full well that it isn't true. Sigh.

Alie went to her call back audition today. Dana drove us, I initially said I would drive up so we'd get there quicker but got talked into letting her drive. We made it by a minute and only because one of Alie's friends stood outside and jumped up and down so we could see where the tiny entrance was. She had fun but doesn't think she'll get in as others were asked to do extra, special things and she wasn't. Not a lot of evidence to decide on but she was there and I wasn't so I'll take her word for it.

Dana and I went shopping while the audition was going on, she had some Xmas shopping money. I talked her into buying herself a few shirts and a pair of maternity jeans. I bought us all Venus bras, which are copies of the Aaaaah bras. I haven't tried mine on yet but Dana says hers are really comfy. Alie put hers on over the top of a regular bra and said it was a bit tight - der!
02/Dec/11 3:02 PM
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