Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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If you liked it then you shoulda put a thing on it..

Just because it's so true!! (And I couldn't think of anything else)
02/Dec/11 3:04 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Evening friends, a busy day here today. My sister and BIL came down for a work day. sis and I removed 9 large trash bags of paper and junk from the room. BIL turned off water to the dome and drained the system, looked at a heat problem I had, checked out my water for frost proffing it, and loaded up some lumber he can use for building himself a trator shed. I made a huge pot of 15 bean soup, it was good, and will have leftovers for several days, or must freeze part of it for later.

My computer was NOt working when Joy brought it back. BIL looked at it toay, they took it home for my nephew to try again at it. Bummer.

I have dosed in my chair since dinner, now off to bed, I am just that tired toniight. Well, I did not sleep well last night, plus busy day, guess that is why.

I read, I thought of you, I forgot to make notes. Hugs to each of you, with extras. May you have a good day or night.
02/Dec/11 3:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everybody! It's already after midnight, so I guess I'll do some "speed reading and speed typing!"

Gail, I hope the "burn" ended well! I hope all of your summer isn't going to be cool and spitting rain! I got wondering - is there a lot of recycling done in Oz, as pick-ups on trash collecting days or centers where plastic, glass and paper can be taken? There's so much we take for granted! I know we can recycle much more where we live than in the small town (3,000 people) where I grew up.

Judy, I hope all the arrangements can be made and everything proceeds smoothly! There's SO much to take care of and consider when our parents need care!

Theresa, thinking of your MIL and hoping she is doing as well as possible! How is your FIL holding up through all of this? It's too bad you and D had a falling out last week. I hope she realizes the stress you're under; it's hard to keep on an even keel when your life is a yo-yo! Keeping fingers crossed that you'll both be able to make amends! I'm glad your grandies were well behaved and had a good dinner!

Heidi, I hope you are feeling better! Remember to take care of yourself! How are the puppies?

Broni, I hope your cousin Maz's procedure was minor and all went well! Aren't you glad you don't need to be working every day right now?

Tami, how sweet that Mitchell has a girl friend! Do you think that was their first kiss?

Judy, it's a good thing the medical people let you know well enough before Christmas so that plans weren't made and discussed with your Mum! If she questions why she can't come home, just blame the rules of the facility!

Mama, congratulations on your new great grandchild Ezra! The touch-and-go part isn't good, but I bet your granddaughter is glad she didn't need to deliver an 8-pound baby! Shame on the sperm donor! Will he remain a part of the family? If so, I hope he learns to moderate any negative affect he has on your grandie!

Heidi, how nice of you to buy the chicken for the man! Makes you wonder about food stamps, if he can't buy chicken, but you see some people buying loads of junk food!

Suzy, it may be just as well if S. Donor and his family are on holiday in another state when baby is due! Crossing fingers that Alie's audition went well! How soon will she find out?
02/Dec/11 5:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, Suzy, and we can all interpret it in an appropriate way!

MizT, when you schedule a "work day," you really accomplish a lot! No wonder you were tired! So sorry your computer decided not to work when it got home. I hope one more look at it will encourage it to cooperate! Sleep well!

I'll soon be heading to bed, as well! Take care, Everyone! , prayers, positive thoughts and vibes, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for all of you!
02/Dec/11 5:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, I have two FB page names for you, do both of you want to join Sudoku Friends?

Mama, the circle of life continues. Congratulations to all your family xoxo
02/Dec/11 6:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, your 3 name page is already a member, but I just invented your two name page too
02/Dec/11 6:51 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Invented? Gaul??
02/Dec/11 7:01 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Don't you speak Gaulese? It means invited in your primitive language :)
02/Dec/11 9:35 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A quick check in. I have overdone it today and my back is playing up. Have to put Laura to bed as we have her this weekend. Hugs to you all and will update later.
02/Dec/11 9:55 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

June, hope your back is feeling better soon.

Heidi, how are you feeling? I hope you are starting to feel better.

Suzy, even if Alie doesn't make it, be proud of her for trying out. That in itself is an accomplishment. Maybe Dana is coming to her senses. I think she will be better off without the sperm donor as her support. I don't think he will ever "man up" and take responsibility.

Julie, I don't think it was Mitchell's first kiss, but it was cute. It was just a quick kiss on the lips.

Mamacita, continued good wishes to the new great-grand baby. I know my in-laws are looking forward to May when their first great-grand is due. My SIL is thrilled with the idea of becoming a grandma.
02/Dec/11 10:30 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Morning friends. It is a frosty cold clear start to my day today, but should warm nicely by mid day.

June, I join you in doing to much yesterday, I am super achey today. I know I slept enough last night, but cause I was up and down between sleeps, it does not seem like it. I hope you sleep well and back is recovered in the morning.

Gail, I speak Gaulese it seems, had to look twice to see what you had really said hehehe.

In the mail yesterday, I got a card from American Cancer Society. It seems Al's high school graduating class, from another city, made a donation in his memory. I was touched.

Sister printed and brought me a couple of applications I needed. One is for the subsidized apartments in Birmingham, the other is for the documents I need to apply for survivor's benefits. I must get those filled out and mailed today.

Tami, Mitchell is not bashful, kissing his girlfriend in front of you. First love is so cute.

Heidi, are you OK today? Did you not get a flu shot this year? Hope you are soon much better.

Suzy, and word about Alis audition yet? When will you know?

Gail, you sound like me, enjoy burning off trash. I forgot to ask BIL to set up my burn barrel, I could burn a lot of the stuff that we drug out of that old office yesterday, and not have to pay to send to the dump.

We are looking for some recycler that takes old computer and monitor parts. there are a ton of old stuff here that has to go. I have a couple of leads, must follow through. Will not have too much more help from sis. Once more before christmas I think, perhaps once the week after, but they are leaving for a 3 week trip to Hawaii in January! After last trip and 24 hours of travel to get home, sis said never again. Time must have dulled her memory of that day, she is going again. Hubby said she could take her meds, knock herself out if need be, he would see that she got from one plane connection to another even if he had to carry her hehehe.

OK, time to start my day, my coffee is ready. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

03/Dec/11 12:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not 100% yet, but feeling a bit better. The workmen finally came to replace the heating ducts underneath IH's office. Some wild animals got underneath there and literally tore out a section of ductwork! Now I need to cut out a 21" x 36" piece of wood and screw it over the opening to keep animals out from underneath there. There is an old screen over it now, but it wasn't doing much good. While over there, I learned that 2 electrical outlets aren't working and a rain gutter drain broke. IH hadn't said a word about it to me, and it would never occur to him to get anything fixed himself.
03/Dec/11 3:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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NOBODY is going to let me live down the "Gaul" typo, it seems.
03/Dec/11 3:04 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Heidi, some typos are classic and should be remembered, forever. This is one of them. Be proud, not everyone can make memorable typos.
03/Dec/11 4:21 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, pleased you are feeling a bit better. I always hope what goes around comes around. With what you did for the elderly gentleman, I hope someone soon does something nice for you.
Judy, pleased you are getting your Mother settled. It will be nice that you will not feel guilty not having her home at Christmas.
03/Dec/11 5:54 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, congratulations to Alie for getting. No matter the result it was an experience that will help in the future. It will also be quite an experience watching a grandchild come into this world. I was the one who cut Laura's cord.
Mama, congratulations on another great grand child. Welcome to the world Ezra.
03/Dec/11 5:58 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura had an assembly at school yesterday and all parents were invited. She was one in her class who got a "Buzz" award for good behavior, work etc in her class. Two or three from each class get one each term.(they have the sayings Bee Safe, Bee Respectful, Bee Responsible, Bee a Learner under a picture of a Bee)
As were were in the area,went to the meat market, then the shops for some lunch, picked Laura up from school, home and packed meat etc then last night the local junior sports club had a night in the nearby park. Lots of rides, giant slippery dip etc.(she had Ken come down the slippery dip with her the first couple of times), face painting (she wanted to be a zombie so had a green face!) then 10 minutes of fireworks. I stood most of the time, as well as doing a lot of walking and carrying during the day. I did sleep well and feel better today. However I have told Laura we can do some Christmas shopping today!
Bought a box of 13 mangoes yesterday for $10. Laura has eaten two already!
03/Dec/11 6:14 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oo, I love mangoes! :)

Julie, you asked about is very big here in Melbourne, and I assume so in other states as well. We have three wheelie bins. One small one for household rubbish, two larger bins, one for recycling (cans, papers, plastics etc) and one for green waste (weeds, prunings etc). The rubbish bin is collected every week, and the other two alternate fortnightly.
I also put most food scraps etc through my compost system, and as you know, I burn off occasionally when I have done a massive amount of cutting in the garden, and also when we have a thousand boxes around the place!
03/Dec/11 9:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in to cause some trouble. The boys have a birthday party tonight so hubby and I are using the time to go out for dinner. Talk to you all tomorrow.
03/Dec/11 9:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
MizT, you sure know how to do a work day. I would have gone to bed early after that even if I had slept through the night before. I hope you feel better today after a good nights sleep. I see your back is still bad. Ouch! I hope you are spending today with hot and cold pads...

What a lovely thought from Al's graduating class. Very nice.

It costs $40 to drop off an old computer monitor here. Even the recyclers charge that!

June, mangoes! Yum! Alie would have polished off 2, and maybe more. Dana too. (Me too, but we'll be quiet about that) Congratulations to Zombie Laura on her buzz award. She is such a well balanced child. I wonder if that has anything to do with the people around her? Well, some of them.

Heidi, didn't noice begin as a typo?

Julie, recycling is also big in my town, but obviously not as big as for Gail. We only have one big recycling bin and a smaller rubbish bin - no green recycling here. They actually charge you to take it to the green recycling place! Most people don't bother unless they have a huge pile from a clean up.

Alie said about a week to find out about her audition. She said it was fun. They were taught somewhere under the rainbow then were asked up in pairs of tenors, altos etc to sing. Later on some people were asked to do special things, she wasn't and that's why she doesn't think she got in. She said the only thing that made her stand out was that she moved and the others all stood very very still, even after they were told they should be moving. Others also dressed up, she went as Alie - daggy in other words. It was a wonderful experience and I'm glad she did it.

03/Dec/11 9:58 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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over* tee hee
03/Dec/11 10:03 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - trying to get into the Christmas spirit for the first of our Christmas parties today - and it's not working. I have my tree up and decorated, done most of my gift shopping, even bought a Christmas CD - just can't feel anything..........!! Don't know why.
03/Dec/11 10:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There's a copy of Alie performing I think I want to Marry You on the other page, including a link on the sudoku page so you can find it.
03/Dec/11 10:11 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Now there was lots to comment on but I didn't make notes.
Tami - how cute about the girlfriend!
Mamacita - congrats on being a great-grandmother again and welcome to Ezra! Now that's a nice Christmas gift!
Suzy - that's a good thing that the sperm donor and his family will be away when the baby is due. IT means they won't bond with her and may never show an interest. Imagine having to let them have her for weekends!!!
Heidi - that was a lovely gesture to pay for that man's chicken. Glad your health is improving.
June - congrats to Laura on her award, Em got something similar this week for good attitude and behaviour. Her reward was morning tea with the Principal. Hmmm - is that a reward? Well, I guess it was food.
Judy - pleased you've found a place for your Mum. She will not be happy until the 'settling in' period is over. Just bear with it!!
Mangoes Gail - don't you just love this time of year for fruit? All that lovely stonefruit in season, grapes, sweet pineapples, mangoes, melons and the bananas are finally cheap enough to buy again! WooHoo!!
MizT - I hope you get your computer troubles sorted out properly.
I know I've forgotten someone - sorry! Julie, Broni, Suzanne, Theresa, Rolanda were all there but my mind has lost the plot!
03/Dec/11 10:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Laura is an extraordinary young lady! Most children, after going through what she has, would have acted out their upset, frustrations and loss through misbehavior. Laura handled it with the maturity of one many times her years, and won awards for exemplary behavior! I am in awe. You must be extremely proud of her, June.
03/Dec/11 11:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Maybe the judges called back those they weren't sure of to do a little something more. I used to judge smaller dog shows (Match shows, where you don't have to be a licensed judge) and when I was making my picks, would do that. Frequently, the one or two best ones would not get re-examined and gaited before I announced my picks. I suspect that is the case with Alie. She really IS talented.
03/Dec/11 12:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I slept most of today, and am feeling better. The back has started to act up again. There's always something, isn't there?
03/Dec/11 12:11 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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re Recycling, I forgot to mention that four times through the year we have either a big green waste or hard waste pick up, they alternate. This time is hard waste and the piles are getting huge! A great way to get rid of old mattresses, lounge suites etc. Lately there have been a lot of older large TVs out on the piles, everyone's changing over to flat screens!
03/Dec/11 2:57 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Everyone,
I had a wonderful day spent cuddling and getting to know my newest grandie.....Ezra is simply adorable, no other way to describe him. No need to explain the feeling, many know what I mean and others have heard us continually talk about its wonder!!!!♥♥♥
Sending a shout out to all in need of healing wishes, good will prayers or good health vibes....hugs aplenty and a sprinkling of congrats and warm and fuzzy feeling towards our junior members who are doing their thing in a positive manner...or at least trying from time to time(Suzy).
FYI to the question of Ezra's sp becoming a family member I can only say....If the Force is with, but he will be given the opportunity of being a father if he wants the role. If not, life goes on...that of course is what I hear...however, only time will tell, and the choice is not one I can or want to control.
BTW...please no refderences to Ezra on need to explain why...also know that no pictures will be placed online...again I know you all understand...thanks for being who you are. Peace.
03/Dec/11 3:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I hope you're right, and I hope your back feels better soon. Visiting MizT seems to fix it, I recommend another trip...

Gail, I think technically we can call for a pick up, but I never see stuff piled on the side of the road. I'll have to do some research...

Mamacita, what a wonderful day. Wishing Ezra a better future than his start. I shocked hubby this morning. He commented that Dana must have been really bored last night watching a whole night of dancers for just a bit of Alie (5 songs I think they did). I told him that she had spent the whole night daydreaming about the day when she is sitting there watching Natahlia. He got a shock and a bit of a wake up call... BTW, if you're wondering why Alie and Pride are performing at a dance school, it's to help with the costume changes. If there's just no way to get everyone changed in time they stick a song in to give them more time to dress. Dance studio owner is a good friend of Pride Coordinator.
03/Dec/11 3:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You're right, Suzy. The visit to MizTricia did wonders for my back. It was almost pain free while I was there, and for a while afterwards. I may have to do it again soon.... and under happier circumstances.
03/Dec/11 4:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Decided to try out an avatar that hasn't been used before. Mama, this is in honor of Ezra's arrival and your snuggly day with him!
03/Dec/11 5:05 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I guess I better start decorating for the upcoming holidays. Here's my first wreath avatar.

Gail (Gaul on a higher plane), you certainly do a wonderful job of bringing our Sudoku friends into the fold on facebook! Wow, Suzanne! There are TWO of you!

Heidi, please don't consider it a typo. Consider it the birth of a new word and, ultimately, language. And what better place to do that than here on our Sudoku pages?

Heidi, I'm glad you are feeling better! Sounds like you put in a long day taking care of IH's problems! Remember you and your needs come first, especially taking care of your back!

June, I hope you will be feeling better tomorrow after over-doing and then shopping with Laura! Congratulations to Laura on her achievement with the BUZZ award! She seems to be a quite mature and well-adjusted young lady, thanks to the calm and steadying influence of some special people in her life!

Tami, it's so cute that Mitchell wasn't bashful - and just gave his girlfriend a quick hug and kiss! I hope you enjoyed your dinner out with hubby while the boys were at a birthday party!

MizT, here's hoping you will sleep well tonight and feel refreshed tomorrow! I'm glad you are accepting help from others, as you sister and BIL! There's much too much for 1 person to do. Remember to take it one day at a time and set priorities as to importance and date it must be finished. {{{HUGS}}}

Suzy, as others have pointed out, Alie may be wrong about her assessment of the audition. Regardless, it was a great experience for her and builds her confidence! All we can do is wait to find out what the judges thought.

Cyn, good for you for having so much done in preparation for the holidays! As much as I complain about the cold and snow that we'll be getting, I guess they help to get people here in the mood. I would think warm and sunny weather would make it difficult. Congratulations to Emily on her awards last week!

Gail, you have a very thorough recycling program. Wish we had the large hard waste pickup. I have heard that a town about 1/2 hours drive away has one day a year when they can put out anything. People drive through the town "shopping" for whatever they want or need. It's actually another form of recycling!
03/Dec/11 6:21 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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My wish for Ezra is a stable and healthy life, with your love in his life Mama, I feel sure all will be well.
I think Doris Day said it so well - "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)"
03/Dec/11 6:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Too many early morning have impacted my ability to stay awake. Thinking of all of you, whether mentioned by name or not, and sending , positive thought, prayers and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}! Good Night!
03/Dec/11 6:23 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Exactly Julie, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Unfortunately, this is another place the nanny state has moved in. It is no against the law to go through anything on the kerb. Some piffle to do with insurance and liability for the shire. First in, first served is my way of looking at it, though some people do take scavenging to new heights and I DO mean heights. I have seen many utes piled higher that is physically possible with whitegoods or fencing wire and the like!
03/Dec/11 6:29 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wow Gail! That would be a sight to see! I've seen some piled pretty high after doing the rounds of the garage sales, but nothing like that. Why don't they just make a law that you can't sue if injured while 'recycling' then they don't have to worry about law suits..

Heidi, I noticed that going to see MizT worked wonders for your back and thought about why that might be and postulated that stress may be an element of your problems at home. Can't think why you'd be stressed there though

Julie, I like your new avatars and hope you get to sleep in tomorrow. How is the cello going?

That just reminded me that Alie slept until 1pm today and woke up with a bad cold. Not good since she had to perform again tonight. I gave her cold pills and bought her a nasal spray, she was sniffing all the way up until she went on stage... and the girls gave probably their best performance ever. It was a noisy room and they could have gone 'who cares' and done a halfway job, but they were great instead! I was so proud.
03/Dec/11 8:59 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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My oh my, so many proud Mummy moments lately Suzy ♥
03/Dec/11 9:01 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Speaking of children, I haven't seen any of mine since 9'30qam last Monday morning (Except a VERY brief drop in by Beth on Monday night to collect a couple of boxes of moving out stuff she had deposited here. When we heard her car pull up we froze and our stomachs fell to the floor, but she was so quick she was hardly here at all!

...sort of miss them all by now...
03/Dec/11 9:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Did you really say that Gail? Did I read that correctly?

I need proud mummy moments to balance the other stuff. eg.out of my mouth today - if you gave me information instead of attitude there might be a lot less yelling in this house!
03/Dec/11 9:15 PM
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