Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Where there is love, nothing is too much trouble, and there is always time.
from the Baha’I writings

Love you guys!
03/Jan/12 6:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hooray for Heidi! No surgery, improvement seen, and new location for epidural! SO glad to hear it was a doozy! Hope you got lots of rest and feel transformed by morning, Heidi! I hope you and Robert get lots done with your returned and fixed tractor! (Who knew that 2 turns of a screw could be so powerful?)

Viv, of course we miss you when you aren't able to get here to post! Here's hoping the new doctor can give you news as good as Heidi has received. Of course, what we really hope for is for pain to miraculously leave your body! My acupuncturist is convincing me to way positive affirmations, and I'm willing to give it a try. Say things like, "I am experiencing excellent health;" "Pain is a thing of the past;" "I am now at a perfect weight;" "I have found my X-rays" - whatever you want to improve or accomplish.

Broni, how nice to see you - and what great news that your slave driver of a brother has helped you accomplish great things with your house! Are you now working at your new job? It would be difficult to do that and the work on your house. Don't sacrifice sleep and your health trying to do too much!

Heidi, thanks for the update on MizT! Hopefully she will soon be feeling well enough to return home!

June, hope all is well there and you're enjoying Laura, if she's still visiting!

Tami, is tomorrow the return to school? Thinking of you and your Beasties. Did Mitchell redo the homework that Harley chewed on?

SUzy, Judy, and anyone else getting together tomorrow, have a wonderful time and share extra {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for those of us who can't join you!

I hope everyone's new year has started as well as Heidi's - and continues positively throughout the year!

I'd best head to bed. Here are some positive thoughts, healing vibes, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone to share!
03/Jan/12 6:31 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Back to work and school for many today, it is cold windy, very windy, and wet. Lots of recycling to be collected today after party on NYE, hope they take it all.
I wish I could get rid of this cough and feel a little more energetic, but it is getting better slowly.
Pleased to hear your good news Heidi, hope this epidural at the new site lasts along time and gives you a lot of relief from pain. Thanks for the up date on Tricia and hope that she doesn't go home too soon and have a relapse.
Suzy, hope you enjoy your few days away in Melbourne. Give everyone you meet up with a hug from me I wish I was there too.
Broni, send your brother over here will you I need someone to get us going on sorting some things out with our house. Hope you are keeping well and enjoy your job when you start it.
Brain has gone blank now, but my good wishes go to every one of you no matter where you live.
03/Jan/12 7:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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03/Jan/12 9:37 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Don't know where the first word of that sentence went Gail, but it should have read 'Good News, Heidi...'
03/Jan/12 9:54 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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My brain is even more befuddled than it was before. I've just been talking to 'HMRC' about funding tax refunds. It has taken them 2 years to sort my tax coding out, which I didn't really mind as it saved me having to make a big tax payment at the end of the year, but it means I (the company I work for doing payroll and the books) have to give myself a tax refund. As our quarterly payment to HMRC is less than the refund I have to ask them to send me money to pay me my refund. It isn't as complicated as it sounds just confusing
03/Jan/12 10:01 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

It is cold here this morning. Temps in the upper 40's (8-9 celcius) which is cold for my part of the country.
03/Jan/12 10:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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No Brenda, I was not correcting an error or anything, I was asking if there was any news about the baby!
04/Jan/12 1:46 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
too hot to sleep!
Just had another cold shower and sitting under the fan....
Poor Suzy is going to meet a 'scintillating' bean today..NOT!!
I don't think she'll be too fussed... hope...!
04/Jan/12 2:00 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Sorry Gail,yes news, my niece had a big baby boy, not sure when he was born, but he was the first baby to be born in the new year where they live which is Moose Jaw in Canada. He was 12lb 9oz.
04/Jan/12 2:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Brends... you didn't lose the word "good". I just found it right before the word "more".
04/Jan/12 2:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Did I read that right??? 12 lbs, 9 oz????? He's HUGE!
04/Jan/12 2:25 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Glad the holidays are done with!! I enjoy them, but getting the house back in order always takes a few days.
TTT: Our temperatures are about the same as yours today. No white stuff (fine by me!!) Skiers are HATING it here tho. (Large part of income for places like Park City, Sundance).
Hope all's well with everyone, will try to be here more often. Take care all.
04/Jan/12 2:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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from MizT's sister.....

Her regular doctor got back & saw her early this morning. He says her lungs sound clear. (yea!). She will be going to rehab 'up the hill' sometime today.
04/Jan/12 2:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The ground here is covered by a fine layer of white. The puppies are a bit intimidated by it. I need to leave for the Vet clinic with them in 15 minutes. Should be fun.
04/Jan/12 2:28 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Yes you read that right Heidi, 12lb 9oz. He is her 4th child and they keep getting bigger! I'm not sure how many kids they want but they did say they wanted a big family!!
04/Jan/12 4:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from the Vet's. The puppies have had their second shots. Next appointment in 3 weeks. They're all nice and healthy.
04/Jan/12 4:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, thanks for the Tricia update. Glad the puppies are doing well.

Brenda, 12lb 9 oz? All I can say is YIKES!!! That is a big baby.
04/Jan/12 8:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, Robert and I got as much done as we could today, with the temperature never getting above 30℉ / -1.1℃. We got 6 cattle panels (16 foot long each) attached to the posts that we've already gotten in, then we went to the custom gate place (1 hour drive each way) to get some new heavy duty gates to replace the busted and rusty gates already there. {I had previously put in good new gates, but IH stole them and gave them to his cousin, replacing them with the junk that's there now.} Tomorrow it will be much warmer, so we can dig the rest of the post holes with the tractor and set the posts in concrete. That'll take a while. We will need to pick up more posts, cattle panels and concrete, and hang the gates, but if we work efficiently, we'll be done Friday.
04/Jan/12 9:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, glad you are getting the work done on the fence. I hope you are taking it easy on your back.
04/Jan/12 10:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have to take it easy, Tami. I'm making the tractor and Robert do all of the heavy work.
04/Jan/12 10:11 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I am glad you are finally listening.
04/Jan/12 10:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Doc's eyes popped out when I told him that I'd been lifting bags of concrete. I have been lifting very carefully by bending the knees instead of the back, and that's one reason the back is healing so well. He said that whatever I've been doing, I've been doing it right and to keep it up. I interpret that to mean that I can resume lifting once I've gotten over the epidural.
04/Jan/12 11:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Since i have scared everybody away, I'll bid you all a good night, so you may return.
04/Jan/12 4:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well, as always, that was so much fun. Met up with Suzy and her hubby, along with the regular crowd of Melbournites. You know what we forgot to do though...take a group photo :( Way too much time having fun :)
04/Jan/12 5:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda, all I can say is OUCH! I knew it was a biggun, I had noticed your hubby posted about it on facey, so I wanted you to share the news here. *walks away with tears in her eyes*
04/Jan/12 5:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Brenda, I hope all of your recycling was picked up. More importantly, I hope you are feeling better! After almost 3 weeks of cold, congestion and hacking cough, hubby finally gave in and saw the doctor today. He got a prescription for an antibiotic. I am scheduled to donate platelets and red blood cells on Friday, so I'm avoiding antibiotics until after that.

Tami, I hope your temperatures warmed up as the day progressed! Did you at least have the sun as a companion today? I find that helps me feel less cold. (Two years ago this week we were in Disney World with D's, SIL and grandies. The temperatures were in the 30's F all week, and there were snow flurries our last day there.)

Bean (and others dealing with the heat), I hope temperatures have abated somewhat! (You would think by now one of us would have figured out how to average out our weather conditions.) I hope the impromptu gathering was fun and a huge success!

Oh my goodness, Brenda! What a big baby boy your niece had! I suspect he will be remembered, not just for being the first baby of the new year, but also for being such a big baby! I hope mother and baby are both doing well!

Suzanne, good for you for getting your house back in order! I'm with you - no snow yet and glad about that! Luckily the economy in suburban Chicago doesn't rely on snow for tourist dollars!

Heidi, thanks for the update on Tricia! Great news that her lungs sound clear! Any indication how long she'll have rehab before returning home? I hope she follows doctors orders and takes as long as necessary!

Thinking of you, MizT! Positive vibes and {{{{HUGS}}}}

Heidi, so glad the puppies' vet check/second round of shots went well! Have you decided to keep all of the girls?

Heidi, sounds like you and Robert accomplished a lot today! I'm just upset that IH is actually part of the problem, in that he stole the good gates and replaced them with rusted junk. It's hard to understand what he might have been thinking when he did that. Did he think you wouldn't notice? With al we've heard, he still finds ways to baffle us with the things he does. Good luck getting everything done by the end of the week! Just remember to take care of yourself and your back!

Sending positive thoughts and vibes, prayers and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for each of you and extras for those you love!

The past week is catching up with me. Too much coughing and not enough sleeping are contributing to a need for more sleep. I am listening to my body, so am heading to bed. Good Night, Everyone!

04/Jan/12 5:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Night, Heidi, and sleep well!

Gail, glad to hear that the gathering was so much fun that you forgot to take a group picture! Now THAT sounds like fun! Was it just you who forgot to take a picture - or everyone? Sounds like you all need to plan a repeat meeting in the near future!
04/Jan/12 5:53 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Maybe you are right Julie, maybe we 'forgot' so we would have to repeat :)
Unfortunately I think everyone forgot, I even forgot to take a camera, thank heavens for mobile phones! Bean (the rotter!) has posted some incriminating photos on that other site. I wish it was as easy to upload photos onto this site, even I could manage that!
04/Jan/12 6:39 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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What a beautiful day - couldn't have been nicer! I was smiling all the way home - thank you Sudoku friends, I had a lovely time! :)
04/Jan/12 8:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can explain IH's motivation in stealing the new gate, giving it away, and replacing it with old junk. IH likes to put up a public appearance of being a "great guy", but he's way too cheap to spend money himself to help people out. By being generous with things that I pay for, he can give the impression without having it cost him a cent. His brain cannot think of more than one thing at a time, so it doesn't occur to him that it will cause problems here. I think the furthest his mind works is to think "Heidi will deal with it. It's not my responsibility.".

I'm up this early because the puppies HAD to go out, and made such a racket about it that I couldn't sleep. Now they don't want to get locked up again and are threatening to start screaming if I do. IH will be getting up in 1 1/2 hours, so I might just leave them loose while I sleep. Yeh, sleep. That's the ticket! Sleeeeeeeeeep..... . . . . . . .
04/Jan/12 9:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, so pleased your back has improved. I do not lift. My knees would not let me lift properly.
Had a 'do the odd jobs day'. Christmas tree and decorations are all put away. Washed and ironed our bed cover. Changed the calenders (result of not being here to do it Sunday morning) and other bits and pieces.
Pleased you all had a great time in Melbourne. Pity we came home on Sunday as I would have loved to have been with you all.
Julie, hope you and hubby get over your colds soon. No fun being sick.
Well wishes to MizT. Thanks for the updates Heidi.
Thinking of you all.
04/Jan/12 9:47 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. It is nice and hot for this cold Florida morning. Temp is around 42 with a wind chill of 35 (5.5 and 1.6 celcius). I am not used to having it this cold.

Julie, sun was out yesterday but where my classroom is, I don't get it. I have to walk about 10-15 feet from my door. Usually not a problem, but I am in a computer lab and can't walk from the door. Don't think they would steal the computer, just mess them up.
04/Jan/12 10:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Too many of our friends here are unavailable. Hurry back all of you as this is too quiet!
05/Jan/12 6:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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from MizT's sister:

Tricia is now in rehab at Shelby Ridge. Not sure how many days she'll be there. She says she likes the doctor in charge and her therapist, so maybe this stay will help her be able to get around a little better. They are keeping her busy, for sure.

05/Jan/12 8:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry... didn't check in this morning. Robert and I have been very busy. We got the rest of the post holes dug (the auger on the tractor sure speeds it up. It was almost effortless digging 30 post holes today.) Then we went to town to get the rest of the posts and cattle panels we need for the job. We still have to get the rest of the concrete, but we'll do that Friday morning. Tomorrow we'll set 12 of the posts, hang the gates, place all of the rest of the posts in the holes, and tack up the cattle panels. Most of the lifting is done by the tractor. There are 24 fifty pound bags in the bucket of the tractor right now to get an early start in the morning. This concrete is a little more costly, but it's quick setting (20 - 30minutes) and no mixing is needed. All we do is pour it in the hole around the post and pour the water in. It's set hard enough to nail on in half an hour.
05/Jan/12 8:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, glad that the tractor is working well for you and that the fence is progressing.

Time for this little kiddie to tuck her self into bed. See you all in the morning.
05/Jan/12 1:10 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
FINALLY went to lunch/shopping with my friend Janet. Been trying to get together since July!!!
Had a great lunch & fun at the mall. She had to go to Costco, so got home at 6:30. Time for a glass of wine and some pooter games to relax... Darrell watching NCIS Los Angeles, I'm too pooped to pay attention.
Take care all, TTFN
05/Jan/12 1:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, one and all!

So glad the Sudoku gathering was a success! Gail, Judy, Bean, Suzy and others seemed to be having a wonderful time. (I noticed a photo or 2 on facebook!)

Heidi, it's interesting to discover IH's motivation. Perhaps someday others will discover it and reassess their opinion of him. In the meantime, he certainly makes things difficult for you! I hope you were able to get some sleep after the puppies had their "intermission!"

June, good for you for getting things packed away already! It's too bad you didn't have a few more days away. What a shame that you had to miss out on the gathering! Hopefully it will be repeated at a time when you can attend! Thanks for wishing wellness to our household! Hubby got an antibiotic yesterday, and thinks he's beginning to feel better. We'll assess tomorrow and decide if I should see the doctor as well. (I have had to reschedule my platelet and red blood cell donation because of my cold, so there's no longer a reason to avoid the antibiotic.)

Tami, I understand your need to supervise the students in the computer lab. Hopefully you get to see the sun during a lunch break, or at least before and after school!

Heidi, thank you for the update on MizT! I hope the therapy makes a world of difference for her and helps her to get around better! Good for you and Robert and all the work you accomplished today! It looks like you will achieve your goal of being finished by Friday! That quick-setting concrete sounds great!

Suzanne, so glad you're catching up with your friends and arranging some lunches with them! What a great day!

Time to head to bed and try to catch up on some sleep. Why do the coughing episodes time themselves for night? They would be easier to deal with during the day! Sending lots of positive thoughts, healing vibes, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for Everybody, whether I mentioned you or not!
05/Jan/12 7:11 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Julie I can sympathise with you on the coughing (and all the rest that goes with this darned infection), both Richard and I are suffering too.
I had some news (via FB) that my nieces baby is having problems keeping his oxygen levels up and is back in hospital for tests on his heart. With time differences it is difficult to get news on what is happening.
05/Jan/12 8:30 PM
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