Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Never miss an opportunity to encourage and nurture a child- help them to become the best person they can be, (from my little book and the first page that I opened)
05/Jan/12 9:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda, get well thoughts going out to the 'big baby'. That is a big worry.
Thanks for the update Heidi. Belinda needs some new fences, fancy bringing your tractor over here Heidi?
We spent the day at Belinda's and I almost finished painting the laundry. (still have to paint behind the washing machine and some shelves). Bit stiff now that I am home! Some horse liniment is called for!
Also saw the foal. It is doing well. Will post a photo when I get time.
05/Jan/12 9:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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great light and noise show outside. Thunder almost continuous!
05/Jan/12 10:09 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Brenda, my thoughts going out to the big baby and his mom. Hope they find out what is wrong and it is not a serious problem. Hope everyone in your house is feeling better.

Julie, hope you and hubby feel better soon.
05/Jan/12 10:47 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda, special SA wishes for BamBam :)
05/Jan/12 11:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Woke up when hubby came to bed. Remembered I had not cleaned my paint brush I had brought home wrapped in plastic. Now clean and I have used the horse liniment so will clear hubby's head when I go back to bed. I bought the liniment when I was with Belinda at the Horseland sales after Christmas. It does say "for animal use only" and is quite strong.
06/Jan/12 1:19 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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BamBam's name is Joseph-Alexander Colin Osiowy,
though Bambam is quite fitting for his size. Still no more news on how he is doing.
06/Jan/12 1:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sending more wishes Joseph-Alexander's way xoxo
06/Jan/12 1:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's quite a big name! It sounds like Bamm-Bamm is big enough to handle it, tho. Best wishes, Joseph-Alexander.
06/Jan/12 2:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Working on the fence. We have to finish tomorrow. It's gonna be tough.
06/Jan/12 5:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Keep us posted on Joseph-Alexander, although I think Bamm-Bamm is going to stick around for a while.
06/Jan/12 8:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't think that we'll be done with the fence tomorrow. We may have enough of it done to fool the calves into thinking it's solid enough. If not, the calves have bought themselves another week.
06/Jan/12 9:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Can someone please remind me that even though I gave birth to them, I am not allowed to strangle the beastie boys. Those two will fight/argue about anything.
06/Jan/12 12:26 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All....
Glad to be able to join the convo for a bit...I've missed you all, even tho I've been reading.
Tami....prepare yourself for a lifetime of arguments over nothing in particular breaking out, matter the age...check out some of the convos you and your brother might have had in the past...perhaps even in recent
Heidi, glad no surgery was needed and even if the fence takes a bit longer than expected, its now now not a big deal...and you and Robert have gotten so much done! Way to go...but still take it easy please.
Love the name Bamm-Bamm for Joseph of my choice combos for Ezra's Mom to consider, but was a no go, Joseph Alexander that is......Congrats to all and prayers that he will be okay...sometimes babies who are so large need just as much special attention as those who are very small...but all usually goes I do hope will be true for your family Cyn.
Good to know that MizT is happy with the care and therapy she is getting and pray we will soon have a healthier, stronger and always charming lady T back in our mist, posting away....The package movement is still up in the air, but I look forward to it finally reaching its destination...please keep fingers crossed that our package reaches MizT soon!!!
June...sure envy the fact that you have gotten your Christmas stuff away and felt up to painting
Belinda's laundry room...regardless of the aches, you join Heidi and MizT as our resident work- a -holics....Broni also comes to mind with her boat and house work, but she usually isn't quite the self starter you three appear to be... I'd hire all of you Love what I've seen of the work ethic on this site even spelled backwards....
Julie, Here's to rapid recovery to you and hubby...glad to see you more often.
Calling it quits for now...wishing all continued great days and nights in the space they call home...Peace.
06/Jan/12 2:13 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!!
TTT: You have a teenager and a pre-teen!!! Remember that, breathe deep and THEN if you need to, go ahead!!! Good Luck!! LOL!!!

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Candy Jo Brown, she is my friend Helen's granddaughter. She has pancreatitis and is in ICU in a Salt Lake Hospital...will try to keep you posted as I get more info, thanks!!

Take care all, TTFN
06/Jan/12 3:47 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - Candy Jo is in my thoughts.
MizT - Bam-bam (Joseph Alexander) is part of Brenda's family, not mine.
Yes, there is a wonderful work ethic amongst those on SA - pity it doesn't stretch to me. I loathe krowesuoh and will find whatever excuse to put it off. I always feel guilty when I think of Heidi building fences and Viv delivering Avon with their bad backs.
I twisted my back today - after spending hours and hours packing up Xmas trees and decorations (why do I have so many??), we went to the shopping centre. As we crossed from the car park, a car that had been slowly going over a speed-bump, suddenly accelerated towards us at high speed. I literally jumped in the air in my haste to get out of his way and twisted muscles everywhere - in my neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs. I can't repeat what I said about the stupid %$#^*(&% driver!!!
I've taken a few painkillers but I know this is nothing like as bad as what some of you have to deal with all the time.
06/Jan/12 4:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, fellow Sudokuaholics!

Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear that your niece's "little" one is having some breathing difficulties! Hopefully is turns out to be nothing serious! Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes. It's hard to think of a newborn weighing 12 pounds, 9 ounces. I just read where you posted his name! Joseph-Alexander's name is almost as big as he is!

Brenda, hopefully you and Richard will soon be feeling much better. Hubby has begun is 3rd day of antibiotic and says he's feeling a bit better (also sounds better). We followed up with the doctor and got the prescription for me as well, so hopefully I'll get more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep tonight.

What a great TOPP, June! I'm glad to hear that the foal is doing well! Obviously, Belinda made the right decision on treatment! I hope you are less stiff tomorrow! Can you give yourself a little time off before you return to finish the painting? June, are you just getting thunder, or is rain accompanying it? I saw a time-lapse photo the other day - 70 lightning strikes in 83 minutes! I would NOT want to experience that!

Tami, thanks for the coffee (thinking hot chocolate)! I probably should REALLY go make myself a cup of tea. As you can see from my comment to Brenda, hubby is feeling better, and I expect to feel better in a couple of days.

Heidi, I'm sure you're disappointed that you weren't able to finish the fence! I'm kind of not surprised, though, as it seemed like there was a LOT of work to be done! You and Robert can only accomplish a certain amount each day. Maybe if you had been able to use your new tractor from the beginning, it could have been done.

Tami, surely you're used to the fighting/bickering by now!?! As our Ds were growing up, they were either best of friends or worst of enemies. Luckily, the best of friends side is what has carried with them into adulthood. Thinking back to my 5 siblings and myself, the first born (and oldest male) always seemed to be the instigator. Not surprisingly, he still is.

Mama, what a great post! I also like the name Joseph Alexander, though my family had already decided that if we had a boy, he should be named after his paternal grandfather. D#1 planned to use the same name for a boy, but had Ds. Now that D#2 is married she is also considering the same name, should they have children and one is a boy.

I hope MizT's therapy is going well and she will soon be back at home and able to post! Mama, you are right about workaholics on this page. Honestly, I don't think any of us shirks our duties or turns our backs on the work that needs to be done. On the other hand, we have some real over-achievers when it comes to getting things done!

Suzanne, will keep your friend Helen's grandie Candy Jo in my thoughts and prayers. I hope she will have a rapid recovery!

I have been thinking about Theresa, her hubby, MIL, FIL, D, SIL, and grandies. I hope they are all doing as well as possible and he
06/Jan/12 5:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I haven't done THAT in a while! Here's the rest of that post:

I have been thinking about Theresa, her hubby, MIL, FIL, D, SIL, and grandies. I hope they are all doing as well as possible and here have been no further medical or work lay-off issues.

Have also been thinking about Megan, hoping her time at home went well, and assuming she is probably back in the hospital for further treatment.

Cyn, it sounds like you did PLENTY of work today! Don't put yourself down. You don't have to like doing housework. I'd guess most of us don't! We do the best we can. My house always needs some cleaning/arranging/organizing somewhere! We get done what we can and leave the rest for another day. I liked Gail's picture of a "Welcome Mat" posted on facebook a few days ago: "The house was clean LAST WEEK. Sorry you missed it."

Cyn, I hope you feel MUCH better tomorrow! What must that driver have been thinking? Maybe the better question would be, "WAS that driver thinking?" I'm certainly glad you were able to jump out of the way in time, but so sorry it caused so much discomfort and pain. Take care of yourself - and NO housework tomorrow!

The night-time coughing has begun, so I'm going to call it quits at the computer. Sending warm and positive thoughts, healing vibes, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for all who can use them! Good Night!
06/Jan/12 5:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie,hope your cold soon gets better with the medication.
Cyn, can I add some expletives to stupid drivers. We went to lunch today at the home of a friend in the inner suburbs. When we came out a revivalist van had clipped the front of our car and down the drivers door. I must say he was good enough to leave his name and phone number.
06/Jan/12 6:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, I am a procrastinator and not a workaholic.I have spasms where I get things done and others when I turn a blind eye. I am a hoarder so have things everywhere that should be thrown out. I have furniture that needs French Polishing and I am not getting it done. Etc Etc.
Suzanne, healing thoughts for Candy Jo. and all others that need them.
06/Jan/12 6:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
I've read but forgotten most things. This has been one of my best ever holidays, which is really strange since we have basically walked our way through it. We 'discovered' all sorts of things and just walked on to discover the next thing. Yesterday we kind of blew it as we walked about a dozen blocks north to the markets. They were great but markets are markets (swap meets to the topsiders). The little things we discovered to look at on the way there and back were probably better. I did get a great T-shirt for hubby "I hate being s3xy but somebody has to do it" - it looks hilarious in an XXL!! The blew it part was that after we did that we headed south to the art gallery. By the time we got to the third level we were forcing one leg in front of the other - I hope the 4th level wasn't too great 'cause we missed it....

Lunch with the Sudoku people was fun! We got a couple of incriminating photos which I won't share 'cause I'm noice....
06/Jan/12 8:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Missing Theresa!!

06/Jan/12 9:27 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm so stupid lately - in my previous post I corrected MizT (who is still in the clinic as far as I know) instead of Mamacita for thinking the baby was from my family instead of Brenda's. Sorry!
My excuse is that I was so shaken by that stupid driver - jumping out of his way really upset my system, my equilibrium and my muscles. Painkillers and rest worked a treat and I am back to as normal as I can possibly be!
06/Jan/12 9:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - welcome back, we missed you. Glad your few days away were enjoyable and that you got to see the Melbourne crew.
BTW - you should share the words from that FB post on here - Heidi will love it!!
06/Jan/12 9:45 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh, I will, in case you don't get back here tonight.

You can't fix STUPID but you can numb it with a 2 X 4
06/Jan/12 9:48 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Cyn, thanks for sharing Suzy's post. I hadn't seen it on FB and I love it.

I know the beastie boys are just acting "normal" for their ages. Dylan will say one thing and then do the other. It drives Mitchell nuts. Usually he can look the other way as Dylan is younger but last night he wisely pointed out to me that he is old enough to know better.
06/Jan/12 10:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tami - your kids wouldn't be normal if they didn't fight with or annoy one another occasionally. The good thing is that it's soon forgotten and they're best of friends again, as it should be.
06/Jan/12 11:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Today must have been stupid drivers on the road day! I popped out to get hubby some of his favourite afternoon tea yummies that he likes to have when he does an afternoon session on the machine. All was going well and I went the back way home because normally I skip the main streetof our town simply because where I shop is the other direction, but today I had to go to the post office to pick up mail. On the way there, I was just about to head up the hill when a car coming in the opposite direction crossed the road into my lane, heading directly at me! I swerved off the road to avoid being dead, and in my rearview mirror I could see them braking, as I am sure they got a heck of a scare too when they looked up from their texting or whatever they were doing and saw me in their path!
06/Jan/12 11:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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BTW Hello to you all :)

Sorry I haven't been here much lately, just pottering through life as it were, nothing terribly exciting to say...

Hubby and I will be spending tomorrow night in a flash motel in the big smoke. It will be our 29th anniversary, and we plan on being away lunch to lunch, getting home sometime Sunday arvo. Once we have booked into our room, we are going to get on one of the river cruise boats for a leisurely guided tour of our own city. :) If I don't get back before we go, be good and I want a full report on Sunday evening :D
07/Jan/12 12:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, keeping Candy Jo in my thoughts ♥

Take care of yourselves everyone xoxo
07/Jan/12 12:01 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Congratulations on your 29th. Gail and have a great weekend celebrating.
Pleased there was no damage to you or your car Gail. Not looking forward to being without mine for a week or so. It is less than two years old as well. Three stupid drivers, at least none of us was injured.
07/Jan/12 12:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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DRAT! Somebody beat me to post #12345.
07/Jan/12 1:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CynB.... I need to get those words either tattooed on me, or get a plaque made with them. It's an added touch that they're on post #12345.

My schedule for working on the fence today (we're already behind on it) has just been trashed. One of the water hydrants to water the cows snapped in half and spent the night gushing water all over the area around the hydrant and into the yard. The moron who originally installed it forgot to add a cut off valve, so to stop the water from pouring out, we had to unplug the well. So we have no water until the plumber can get here with a new hydrant and his track-hoe. Robert will have to help him, and I cannot leave this morning to get the rest of the concrete (42 more bags) until that's done. I am NOT happy.
07/Jan/12 1:36 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
TTT: Thanx for the coffee!
Thank you all for your positive thoughts & prayers for Candy Jo. Will post as I find things out from Helen.
Making spaghetti sauce in the crock pot now, waiting for the meat to brown. Starting to smell good!!
Love & Hugs to all with extras!
07/Jan/12 2:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good afternoon all. It is Friday and my krow week has ended. Time to party. Have a few errands to run, talk to you all later.
07/Jan/12 8:53 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy 29th Anniversary Gail and Hubby - have a great weekend!

Wow, Heidi, I did not even notice that I had got post # 12345 - at least it was a good one!
07/Jan/12 9:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tired. Very tired. The plumber couldn't get the track-hoe until 4 pm, so Robert and I worked on the fence. We got the new gate installed, and replaced an old rusted and broken gate (the gate IH tied in place across the opening after he stole the new gate I'd hung there) with 2 new extra-strong 6 ft. gates on strong hinges. Then we attached most of the rest of the cattle panels to the posts. Two postholes have to be re-dug because they're out of line, so I've tied the cattle panels across that gap temporarily. We ran out of time so I didn't get the concrete yet. I'll do that this weekend, then we can set the remaining 20 posts in concrete on Monday and Tuesday. We MAY be able to catch those calves this weekend after all. We stopped work on the fence at 4 to work with the Plumber. It was a messy, muddy job but we have water again.
07/Jan/12 10:41 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Happy 29th Gail and Hubby. Enjoy your night out, you deserve it.

Back from filling the cold thing in the kitchen with food. With 2 boys, that is a never ending battle. My little monsters from last night are being little angels right now and playing nice together.
07/Jan/12 10:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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07/Jan/12 11:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Found this challenge on FB.
1. Find what song was #1 the week you were born
2. Find the video on YouTube
3. Post it in your status

I am not posting the video but the number 1 song the week I was born was Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison.

Will anyone else look up their song?????
07/Jan/12 12:06 PM
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