Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Take advantage of the healing power of laughter.

Needed something light after all the news on the last page. My little book is getting short of pages I have not put a dot on.
18/Jan/12 7:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, you are having a rough time. I hope the tide turns soon. I think the girls need a slow introduction to what will be about to happen. I think of Sharon's preparation of Laura. Need lots of assurance of their love for the girls. Different but similar.
Tricia, do you own where you are and have to sell? That could make the move harder when the time comes (you do not have to answer here if that question is too personal). I do hope the move can be sooner than you anticipate.
The worst part of a holiday Rolanda is the work that awaits when you get home. Just find Julies posts and that will get you up to date quickly.
Pleased you like the new girlfriend Cyn.
I have been out to lunch with a friend and have a busy day tomorrow so must get some jobs done that I should have done today!!!
18/Jan/12 7:40 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Well the only thing I have to complain about is that working is wearing me out June but the money will be good.
I really believe that things will get better this year.
Life is better than the other option, so we might as well enjoy the ride.
Love and Hugs.
18/Jan/12 7:42 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Susan, we miss you here.
18/Jan/12 7:44 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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CynB the only way I an be bumped up the list is if they need more low income clients to balance, meet the percentages required. then cause I am extreme low income now, I could be put to the head of the line. Next available apprtment. But none knows how long that woul be, cause someone has to move out, most likely to nursing home or has died. Very uncertain. AND if they say I need handicap accessible, that could limit the number of apartments available for me. We will see. I need to GO over there and do this application, but if I GO out other then to doctor's appointments or tests, then I loose my nurses and therapists. A real catch 22. The social worker was not a lot o help. she did get a problem with food stamps settled for me, but that is all.

Yeah Heidi, you got a great watch there. good for the tractor mechanic, hope that keeps the tractor repaired.

Tami, hope your aunt makes outstanding progress in rehab, hope she is back at her own place soon.

18/Jan/12 8:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Tricia, can someone else fill out the application for you? Maybe a relative? I wish I was closer and could help you or better yet, send my mother after them. She has a way of getting people to do things they don't want to do
18/Jan/12 10:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Trying to think of some good news. All I have today is that thanks to June I now know how to stew peaches and they taste really yummy cooked in phillo pastry and served with ice cream.
18/Jan/12 10:25 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, sounds good. I may have to come and try some
18/Jan/12 10:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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TAMI, yes please and thank you, send your Mom, that should take care of it. Today perhaps Joy can get someone on the phone and can find out some answers for me.

Anyone seen Heidi recently? Kentucky was hit with 3 tornadoes, up North toward Louisville, which is north of Heidi, but much of state is without power. Not sure when power went out, seems I slept through the bad weather for them. Did Heidi ever buy a generator after the last power outage from a winter storm few years ago? ? I cannot remember.

About 12 hours worth of sleep, just up to bathroom and to check blood sugar. Boy did I need the sleep. The blood sugar problem was of my own making. I was so tired and sleepy Monday night, long hard day. I fell asleep half way through eating, my sandwich on the chairside table. Had only a burger on white bread bun, a no no for me,ot needed vegetables, fiber, oil added. Then had chocolate a REAL no no. left me feeling bad for 2 days, till I figure it out and changed diet accordingly. Feel much better today. Ya'd think I could do the diet right after so long hehehe.

18/Jan/12 11:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, your peaches sound good. I made a desert from fresh or tinned peaches, and whole wheat bread, "tastes like" butter low cholesterol spread, Splenda instead of sugar, vanilla. this is a fast and easy desert I can have, pinch apart one slice of bread into a bowl, add the melted "butter" add water and the splenda. cut the peaches into bite size pieces, and microwave till hot and flavorful. It is a balanced fat, sugar, fiber and a good ratio fat to protien and ugar. Counts as one serving fruit, one serving bread.

Must check with friends in WA state now. Early into thier snow storm, one friend lost huge limb of tree, It took out deck rail, and part of deck, but so happy to report NO damage to house.
18/Jan/12 11:16 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I own outright the house, the transportable. I am buying the land. I own the structures that AL started, the domes. I am not sure I can ever sell them, but I cannot live here. I can sell the transportable, as poor a shape it is, because people are aways looking for cheap housing. Someone who lost a home to inflation, perhaps.

The unfinished dome, not sure about that. If I could find some person who could finish it, and had the cash, but not necessarily the credit report for getting a loan for a traditional house, perhaps it is sellable. The land is always sellable, it just becomes less desirble with unfinished house on it. he left me a mess didn't he??
18/Jan/12 11:31 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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MizT, I have just looked at Skpe and Heidi is logged on there so she must have power etc.
19/Jan/12 12:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had very high winds and a lot of rain, thunder and lightning, but the worst of the storms skimmed about 15 miles north of us. In other words, we're fine.
19/Jan/12 12:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Al didn't mean to leave you a mess, MizT. He just lost control of the situation.
19/Jan/12 1:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, you got that right. He was to have finished that dome house, left me a good safe place to live, he just ran out of time. the roads were to have been paved 6 years ago, we watched the crews survey for that. Stuff just happened. Economy left our roads at times impassible, county says we are not a high priority. Road services pastures mostly, and cows do not vote hehehe.

My nephew said he hopes to have as many things left hanging when he dies, cause it means he never gave up, never lost hope, was still dreaming the good dreams. Al did not mean to leave me in a mess, but that is just what happened.
19/Jan/12 1:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, so glad you and ll your animals and birds are safe from harm after last night's storm.
19/Jan/12 1:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oooooh... The picture on Easy today is a Collie!!!
19/Jan/12 4:58 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all,
Guess this can be our good news page after all of the bad news on the other page...Heidi is safe and didn't suffer from the storm, Suzy is enjoying the stewed peaches, Tricia teaches how we can look in different ways at unfinished projects once one is gone....AND, the lost Christmas package sent to MizT has been found and sent to Tricia...she sends her thanks for our effort ladies...If she wants to add more she will when she feels better.
To all who have wondered...Ezra has grown to be so big...he's almost two months old and such a sweet baby...GD 's health has responded well and she has been cleared to go to work. This means she will soon be leaving my house to move back to the city which is more accessible to her job. I don't have mass transit here, so its more difficult.I will miss cuddling with Ezra every day, but am not sorry to see them move...I do want my house back, but for now Angelique and her mom, my 1st grandie are still here for a while longer...perhaps by summer I will once again be on my own...Son and family will be here this week so I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with folks in my little place...had no idea this would last this long...but then again...I did ask for remember to be careful for what is asked!
Well, most of the time its been fun!
Off to the jigsaws all...have a great day and a better tommorow.
19/Jan/12 5:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The world is getting more surreal. I got a phone call. It was from the University of Kentucky extension agent. He needed a favor from me. Next Monday is their annual banquet. They'd called IH to see if he was going to attend this year, and he said no. That's why they called me. It seems that they're giving him a Leadership award and needed me to make sure he shows up. WHY does everyone give him awards???? Are they THAT desperate? Are their standards THAT low?
19/Jan/12 7:30 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning,
Last day of work this week yay! When did I have time to go to work before?
Love and Hugs to you all.
19/Jan/12 7:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, everyone else just sees the side of him that he wants them to see. You are the only one to see the true him.

Do you want another collie? I heard of a 7 year old looking for a home. Thought of you immediately.
19/Jan/12 9:01 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Off to morning tea with some neighbours. This afternoon Sharon's ashes will be placed with my parents and grand mother. They were ready before Christmas but Steve (Sharon's partner wanted a witnessing)and did not organise anything. I wanted them in before her birthday (in 12 days) so Ken got things organised. I did not want a witnessing but I now have to go. I know I will get very upset.
I did get your Emails about the peaches Suzy. So pleased you enjoyed them. I love stewed peaches.
Still trying to catch the mouse in the pantry so I can get it all cleaned out. I do not want to wash tins and things and then have to wash them again.
19/Jan/12 9:02 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mama, lovely to have people stay but always nice when you get your home back for just yourself.
Tricia, Hope things get sorted soonest.You have allowed us to understand your situation so much better. Enough sorting to be done without your health issues to compound the situation.
Enjoy your long weekend Broni.
19/Jan/12 9:06 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, thinking of you ♥
19/Jan/12 9:24 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, when you have time, can you send me the instructions for stewed peaches. I know I can look them up but I prefer personal instructions, they usually have notations on them.
19/Jan/12 9:25 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, keeping you in my thoughts. I hope it helps to know that we are all with you in spirit, if not in person.
19/Jan/12 9:26 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good news? Not really, just the ongoing stuff of life, but nothing really bad.
Yesterday hubby took out the cooktop, today we are going to take the benchtop off, recut the hole for the new cooktop, then we will sand it back and put the new stain on and seal it. We will put it back in place, he will put the new cooktop in, and tomoorrow the plumber will be here to install the gasline to it...then it is painting in earnest!
We are using the same 'yellow' that we used in this room, and the cupboards will be blue (greeny blueish) with the benchtops all restained to match our dining table.
Broni, he is going to reconfigure the sink area so the sink is the same height as the rest of the kitchen! I am telling you because you know I have to use my step just to reach the sink. I think the family before were Amazonians, the height of the kitchen is already a little higher than the norm, but the sink area is another two inches higher again! I'm only wittle!
19/Jan/12 9:31 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, I love your nephew's philosophy

Mama, you certainly have had your hands ans house full. I am sending you some Peace ♥
19/Jan/12 9:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Driving along, pacing traffic (everyone in front of me going fast) and I got pulled over for speeding. $187 fine.
19/Jan/12 11:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, sorry to hear about your ticket. That really s**ks.
19/Jan/12 11:52 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good night everyone. This little troublemaker is going to say goodnight and tuck herself in. See you all in the morning.
19/Jan/12 1:11 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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morning.. catching up on reading

Gail: noice congratulations to Chloe and Trent ♥

CynB: can I have a copy too... the right game that is :)
19/Jan/12 1:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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page 306

Tricia in Hospital
19/Jan/12 1:52 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Page 307

Heidi, glad the MRI news was good

Tami, glad Aunt Lil is doing ok
19/Jan/12 2:00 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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page 308
Gt Aunt Brenda.. 12lbs 9oz baby nephew ..congrats
..oh just at the bottom of the page.. baby is have probs.. :)

another sudoku meet.. this time with Suzy and Hubby in Melbourne
19/Jan/12 2:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, here's hoping you find someone who understands how safe the domes are in a tornado and so wants to buy your place - all of it, land and homes. Your nephew sounds fantastic!

Mamacita, you are part of the way to a peaceful house, hope you are the rest of the way soon.

Heidi, happens here too. The police don't care that you were 10th in a line of cars doing the same speed, you are the one they have. :(( You must not have been speeding too much because the fine isn't too bad.

Gail, your kitchen renos count as good news! It might not feel like it yet, but it will!

My good news for the day is that the shopping is done and the only thing I seem to have forgotten is celery.

19/Jan/12 2:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, so sorry to hear about the witnessing. Big cyber hugs.

Rolanda, I have been reading every day and keep missing things, good luck with your catch up venture...

19/Jan/12 2:45 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm hearing you Suzy! We just spent a mini fortune at the hardware chain, bought the tiles and all that goes with it, plumbing bits and bobs, and a few electrical thingamajigs. We have had to rejig the tiling idea we originally had, but we still have a feature tile, just slightly different than the first one we selected, but hopefully this will be easier...did I mention we have never tiled before...
19/Jan/12 2:48 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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oopss.. that should have been a :( after reading that the baby has probs..

Gail, I see you are doing Kitchen Renovations.. such fun !!

June ♥ sending Hugs

Suzy, Hubby and I are doing the shopping this eve, I will get you the celery if you like. I need some as well, along with everything.. the cupboard is bare!!

I am just going page by page, and just picking out the highlights and posting.

Time for some lunch.
19/Jan/12 3:10 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Long day today! Tigger woke me at 6:30 this morning. For those of you who may have forgotten, Tigger is our (almost) 18 year old cat. He was hungry...
THEN, had errands to run,(lunch out, Wal-Mart--YUCK--HATE Wal-Mart, sorry) papers to sign for the refinance (now that our listing on the house expired). Refi will drop our payments by $500. per month!!!! MAYBE we can save some $$$ for when we move.
And THEN, made dinner for us...spent time in kitchen (no help from Darrell ) Now watching basketball game & catching up on FB & e-mail...Tired.
Love, Hugs to all with EXTRAS!!!
19/Jan/12 3:58 PM
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