Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzanne  From Utah
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Heidi: Sorry about the ticket!! That stinks!! Never fails tho.
We had some of the white stuff here, in Salt Lake there were 300 accidents due to speed/weather conditions on the road. Do these people KNOW how to drive?? We were coming home last Thursday from Salt Lake and we were doing 75 (speed limit on the freeway) and folks were FLYING by like we were standing still!!!
19/Jan/12 4:01 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Oops!! didn't know I'd TOPP.
Bark & the world barks with you, howl and they put you outside--Pluto (Walt Disney character) Love this, it was on a plaque in the Hallmark Cards store!
Nitey Nite!!
19/Jan/12 4:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I can hear my mom now, if I had used that "everyone in front of me going fater: " So, if everyone jumped off the cliff, you would follow them? Hate you got the ticket all alone. they should have rounded up the lot of you and put in jail .

Joy is on the way over. I turned up the heat for her, but started coughing up stuff. I opened the door to cool house and decided she could just cover up a bit.

Joy got a LOT done, but going into her Dad's domes just about did her in, she came back crying. Wish I could heelp her somehow.
19/Jan/12 5:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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A late night here, so hello and good night! Hope all is well! Will read starting on page 320 tomorrow! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, Everyone!
19/Jan/12 7:35 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - thinking of you - hope today wasn't as bad as expected.
Tricia - I love your philosophy. Between you and Mama, we get a different slant on things especially those things that trouble us.
Rolanda - hope you're catching up, OK.
Gail - will be booking for Melbourne/Tassie next week. Dates still the same - arrive Melb 10/3, hope to see the Melb crew, whoever is available on Sun 11/3, then off to Tassie on 12/3. Tricia from Canberra will be there at the same time. Need ideas for accommodation, in the CBD, close to transport and shops. Getting very confused with internet sites like wotif.
Suzy, was the one you stayed in worth a recommendation?
19/Jan/12 8:23 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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good to have seen you today. Hope after a day of travel we have good signal agin. Second best thing in the world, talking with my friends~
19/Jan/12 9:24 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Suzanne have to copy your post again I love it!
Bark & the world barks with you, howl and they put you outside--Pluto (Walt Disney character)
June, even googled and still not sure what witnessing is but does not sound good so extra hugs for you.
Hi Rola, Missey Pokey is back!
Love and hugs to you all.
Gail, I even have trouble reaching your sink! way to go girl. My next project is the front bedroom eekkkkk!
19/Jan/12 10:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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and first best MizT??? Hehe!
19/Jan/12 10:19 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Forgot to mention I am working tomorrow, will make up for the Aust Day holiday next thursday.
19/Jan/12 10:31 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Today is an early release day at school. Kids get out 2 hours early, teachers do not! It is the end of semester so time to get grades ready. Tomorrow is a pupil-free day. We are having a party. Our principal is leaving us to go to a high school. Promotion for her, loss for us. Such is life.
19/Jan/12 10:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, the one Gail stayed out sounds nicer as it has a balcony. Ours was nice but very small - which I thought was fantastic as it encouraged us to get out and about.

June, big hugs.

Julie, sleep well.

Big hugs for Joy and MizT too...
19/Jan/12 10:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, ours was definitely NOT in the budget market! Thank you for reminding me of those dates, it had slipped my mind, sorry. I will send a message out to the Melbourne crew, and something will be arranged forthwith! Suzy, how about the cafe where we met up?
19/Jan/12 10:45 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Gail, there was also the cafe that Tricia mentioned!
Also what was your hotel - Quay West? Not so much worried about budget (for a change) as location.
19/Jan/12 10:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, Quay West, it was absolutely wonderful, and extremely central, just over the river from the main city railway station, Flinders Street.
Can you remind me which cafe Tricia mentioned?
19/Jan/12 11:20 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
TTT: Thanks for the coffee (as always!!)
Hello to Broni, Suzy, Gail, MizT, Julie, CynB and anyone on page 320!!
Got an invite to an informal Eastern Star lunch. I am still working on my membership...called Salt Lake Grand Lodge, they are doing everything they can. I'm patient, this may take a while yet.
That's all for now, take care all.
Love, Hugs & positive vibes for all who need them!
20/Jan/12 1:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Up early-ish to get into mischief. IH has a collection of old broken and rusty gates he keeps to pen up his goats occasionally. The goats slip right through them. He needs to get decent goat panels that look good and work better. He also bought (cheap) a box scraper for a tractor nearly 20 years ago and has left it out in a field to rust. It's never been used, and weighs about a ton. Robert and I are about to load them all up on my 16 ft. trailer and take them to the scrapyard to sell. They should bring us about $400. IH is out of town.
20/Jan/12 1:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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What a great mornng! sun is shining, skies are blue as, popcorn white clouds floating by, and it will be warmer today, 56F! Time to get out the bikini NOT, but what an improvement. I could do the sun in a light jumper.

Joy was here ate, Has me a bit "wound up" but I went to sleep by 11:30, slept all night except for potty break. still sleepy this morning, dozed after breakfast. I had one of the MM hoolate muffins, made with flax seed and splenda, it was yummy.

OK, folks with phones with everything. I have unlimited data and need to know what can I do with it? Not yet utilizing the full capacity of this phone. It mentions news, weather, entertainment, but is not specific and no instructions other than how to get to the browser button.

. It wil play music, too but needs a memory card, I am about to go to the web site and see what it does. Joy just said, OH, that is something that is going to cost you more $$$ (not, unlimited data within my plan). she and sister and worrying to much about what things cost me. beginning to be pain. I have managed to budget for me and AL and run a business where there were long periods between sales. What about loosing AL has sucked that ability right out of me??

June, not sure what witnessing is either, but if you are not happy with it, it is a shame it must be. In this case, you are " just" the mother and her partner takes president, and you are gracious to allow it, since thier arrangement is informal. But If you want access to Laura, there are some things ya gotta do. I am sorry some of then are unpleasant for you. What I would do in the unpleasant parts is go to my happy place, and hide out till it is over. Hope something similar is available to you dear friend. but could you please explin witnessing??

Suzanne, hope you enjoy the luncheon today. I was once invited to join, and at the time chose not to. I have problems with women's organizations with all the officers and committees and "this is the way we always did it", I would be asked to leave in short order hehehe,

I was getting confused bout what restaurant i coud possibly have considered, then remembered I am not the only person to have my name. DUH!

Later, friends, hope to drop back soo, Hugs with extras.
20/Jan/12 2:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Didn't get as much as hoped. The grader box was so badly rusted from sitting in a field for nearly 20 years, that it weighed a lot less than it used to. It even had lots of holes eaten through the iron. We're wondering how long it will be before IH notices it's gone. I predicted that it could be close to a year. Unfortunately, the trailer got a blowout, so most of the money went towards the purchase of a new heavy duty trailer tire.
20/Jan/12 7:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm gonna lay in bed and watch a DVD. It's cold out and my ankle hurts like fury (the one that has a lot of metal in it) so I have an excuse to take it easy.
20/Jan/12 7:30 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, with all the work you do, you don't need an excuse to take it easy. Just take some time off.
20/Jan/12 8:52 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi all, yesterday was not as bad as I worried about. I did get upset but I could have been worse!
Broni, when my parents died their ashes were placed and then we were notified. Now (for an extra charge) you can be there to see the ashes placed in the ground or whatever. You can organise some music, someone to say prayers,(a friend went to one where they opened a bottle of champagne). Ken and I did not want it but Steve did. Once the container was in the ground you could put letters, scatter petals etc (had to be small. I took a small photo from my purse, Steve had a rose from their garden. We then put sand around the bronze container and the plaque was placed on top. Ken and Steve both held the container and we took some photos.
Sharon is now with my parents and my grandmother.
Also took my car in for repairs yesterday. They said about a week. Fingers crossed.
20/Jan/12 9:14 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, now she may truly rest in peace ♥
20/Jan/12 9:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, I agree with Gail. She may truly rest in peace, with a final goodbye from the people she loved the most.
20/Jan/12 9:35 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I have a busy day today, visit Mum (still in Hospital), talk to her Dr, and the Social Worker.
In the 4 weeks I was away, Mum has deteriorated, All Skin and Bones :(
Anyhoo, she will be going to Transition Care, I first have to fill out paperwork to be sent to Centrelink etc, and a replied letter from them before she goes.
Once all the paperwork is done, and have a returned letter, we can put her name down in Care Facilities.
20/Jan/12 11:00 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Going to be a Stormy, Thundery day here in Perth today... oh joy, I just love to be driving in this sort of weather NOT!
20/Jan/12 11:01 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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and the temp is hot and humid :(
20/Jan/12 11:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I think the weather is the top story around the globe. Here, up north, snow storm lasting 2 and 3 days, while here in the south, almost spring like temps. I sat outside today for a few, it was nice.

Would somone please remind me I MUDT have a substantial nack fore exercising. I pssed out in my chair, low BS and just tired. I will be going to bed early tonight.

Rolanda, I do hope that you can dodge the storms to get all the stuff done for your Mom. Sorry to hear she has deteriorated so.

Hugs to each f you, till later.
20/Jan/12 12:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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PLEASE take better care of yourself, MizT. We really care about you.

By the way, if you want something to do to keep you occupied, want me to send you the materials for the 2 pillows?
20/Jan/12 1:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, lets wait a bit on the pillows. I am not up to sewing yet. Brain fog, and I need my brain to do that little job. I do need something mindless to do when I am awake, but that is not often now.

Heidi, tonight is an improvement, I did not pas out with food in my mouth! that is scary to me.

I am trying to figure my phone, and how to get "news, weather, and entertainment" to my phone. Also how to get my photos larger, they are tiny, I canot see them. Lot of learning on this , I need a teenager to show me hehehe. but by nightfall, I ma too tired to figure this out.
20/Jan/12 2:26 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Yay! I finished work for the week!
20/Jan/12 2:41 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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MizT, gotta take better care of yourself, no one else can do that for you and we want around for a long time, you listening to me girl???????
20/Jan/12 2:42 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Heidi: LOVE the fact you are selling scrap stuff!! Hope hubby doesn't notice.
June: LOVE & HUGS to you. RIP Sharon!!!

FYI: I am selling my Mary Kay product at 50% off!!! I want to be done with it!! If any of you want/need anything, send me a PM (promise to check them!!) and I will offer FREE SHIPPING!!!
Take care all!!
Too tired to remember anything (no comment TTT!!!--I know better!!!)
TTFN all
20/Jan/12 4:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Late Night Greetings, Everyone!

Another great TOPP (page 320), June! How nice that you had lunch with a friend! Too bad you have lots to do! What can't all that ffuts we all must deal with just go away for a while?

Broni, I'm glad the job is going well! I'm with you - looking forward to a better year!

MizT, you are indeed in a catch-22. Hopefully all of the requirements will come together at the same time and you will have a smooth transition, sooner than later. Of course, we all know that it wasn't intentional for things to be left as they are and you having to deal with that as well as health issues. We've come to know you as a take-charge kind of person who gets things done, so we're confident it will all happen for you!

When it is convenient, I would also like a recipe for stewed peaches, please, and the story used at Christmas about the Wright family, if it wouldn't be too inconvenient. Thank you!

Tricia, your peach dessert sounds yummy and healthy! I like your nephew's attitude - always expecting that more will get done!

Heidi, I'm glad the worst of the weather missed you! I'm also puzzled by various organizations honoring IH and expecting you to make sure he shows up to receive the honor. They must be run by men who couldn't imagine honoring a woman. Is he that good at convincing others of his wonderfulness?

I'm so glad to hear that MizT's package was found and delivered! Mama, good news that Ezra and his Mom will be able to return home - and just on time for more guests for you! It seems that you and your home have become the port in the storm for various family members. At least you won't feel lonely!

June, thinking of you and hoping the witnessing wasn't too stressful and sad for you! At least you know now that Sharon's ashes are where they were meant to be!

Has the mouse been caught yet, June! Hopefully he can soon be dispatched and you can reclaim your pantry!

Gail, how nice to hear that the reno is coming along and you will soon be able to enjoy a made-over kitchen! I'm sure you and hubby will do well with the tiling!

Heidi, the traffic ticket seems so unfair! Doesn't seem likely that you'll be able to successfully contest it, though.

Rolanda, it's so good to have you back, even though there's much to be done! You're really quickly getting caught up on reading comments!

Suzanne, good news about refi on your mortgage! Hopefully that will improve the situation for when you really need to get the house sold.
20/Jan/12 7:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzanne, what a fun TOPP for page 321!

MizT, although it's hard for Joy to work out in the domes, it may also be somewhat healing for her to be out working with her Dad's things. I'm sure she understands that you would help if it were possible!

Tami, I hope you got lots done with the early release day! So sorry to hear that your principal is going to another school! Good for them, not so much for you! Hopefully the replacement will be nearly as good!

Heidi, love the idea of selling all of that material for scrap! Will IH notice it is gone when he returns home? So sorry you had a tire blow-out and needed to use most of the money for a new tire. I hope you're right that it will take IH a year or so to realize things are missing! I hope your ankle soon feels better!

June, thank you for explaining the witnessing - kind of what I was thinking it would be based on some friends here. So glad it went better than you anticipated! {{{{HUGS}}}} Good luck getting your car fixed in a timely fashion.

Rolanda, so sorry to hear that your Mum's health has deteriorated while you were away. Hopefully everything can now be arranged for her to go into transition care!

MizT, please remember to take care of yourself and have snacks as needed! Do you have something easily accessible in case you need to get a quick boost of sugar? Please keep your phone nearby! Do you have a trusted neighbor who could pop in with some regularity to be sure all is well? (I assume your niece is no longer staying with you.)

Suzanne, good luck selling all of you Mary Kay supplies! It's has been years, so I don't know the product line well. Keeping fingers crossed that you can quickly decrease your investment!

Falling asleep here, so really must head to bed. Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and lots of for all of you!
20/Jan/12 8:09 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Page 309

Brenda.. BamBam has a noice name. Joseph-Alexander

Tami, no you are not allowed to harm to the cherubs; mine used to fight and be noice and be obnoxious with each other ~ they are good mates now.. yours will be too in about 10 years!

CynB, hope your twisted back is better.. stupid driver... Today, on my way to visit with Mum, and car flew by me ( I was stopped at lights waiting to turn right) and the car clipped the car on the other side of him.. eeekkkk.. it could have been me

Suzy, sure looks like you and Hubby are having a great time in Melbourne.

Gail and Scott, Happy 29th Wedding Anniversary.

Tami : Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom) - Perry Como

20/Jan/12 8:15 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have not caught the mouse yet but have spent a lot of today emptying two of the shelves, washing tins and jars, have painted inside that area and bought some vinyl/ lino removed the old contact and put that on the shelves. There are some wine racks on the floor under the bottom shelf so that is possibly where the mouse is. I hope he either gets in a trap or does not like the smell of paint and finds somewhere OUTSIDE to live. My kitchen is an utter mess! I still have two more shelves and the floor to do.
i do have to get it all finished as Ken's sister is going to Melbourne to the cricket and I will have his Mum from Wednesday till Monday.
20/Jan/12 9:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Rolanda, sorry your Mumhas deteriorated A very hard time. Pleased future care is being sorted.
IF IH notices things have gone ,"you do know that they were dangerous for the animals (especially the goats) the way they were rusting!" (with tongue in cheek!)
MizT, Plaese take care. I hope you can get that new home sooner than later.
Hugs to all of you.
I will reset the mouse traps and go to bed!
20/Jan/12 10:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, yes, I have foods available for when I need sugar. Best is milk, gets up the sugar without a downhill slide after, the milk sugar gets it up, the protein and fat keeps it up. But had to go to fast acting orange juice this time, then worry about what would keep sugar up. AND according to the numbers, I was still "fine", but I start to have symptoms when numbers in the 70's, the normal is below 60. Doc says that is "My Normal", at least he understands. I should phone Pam and Leslie, the Occupational therapist and physical therapist, this weekend and tell them to be sure I get a snack fore they leave, take care of the problem fore it starts. A time to get those things I usually do not eat hehehe.

Julie, you are right, niece has gone home. she had many things requiting her attention there. Would have loved to keep her, but caring for others is her job, and she cannot care for me and a paying customer both. Her Mom and I did pay her for her time, but this full time, never off situation began to wear. Her bedroom never got finished, she was sleeping on the sofa, no " time of" for herself. Not good, even through we tried.

It is not yet dawn, up for the potty, of course had to check in with all of you. I got my middle of the night, empty stomach, nothing to eat for another hour stomach medicine and the pain med that were over due, nice cup of cranberry apple tea. Now, should I stay awake an get something done? Or should I give in to the desire to sleep my life away? I am really so far behind on sleep, it is good to be sleepy all the time, but I still need things like breakfast cooked, dishwasher emptied, my "homework" exercises done.

I told the OT that her exercises wee boring. she said we would cook something "from scratch" this Monday, and I was to pick the recipe. I want some zucchini muffins, a "free" food on my diet plan, Yep, back on the diet I lost so much on, it is compatible with my diabetic diet, really keeps the numbers in check. I must make her a list of ingredients, she will pick them up. I told her if you counted the load of laundry I had done, and the loading of the dishwasher, I had done a LOT o exercise of upper body already hehehe,

I do hope that Pam will be a friend I can keep after therapy. she reminds me of Heidi a bit, in her love of animals. they have a few goats, and donkeys to protect the goats. she is getting a new goat in 3 weeks when it is weaned, carries a photo of it on her phone. Just has the goats cause she loves them and cause she can hehehe,

OK, I have rambled on long enough. at lest no bad news included hehehe, Sleep hs won, I am back to bed to see if I can get a few more zzzzz's. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
20/Jan/12 10:33 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Tricia, please do take care of yourself. We need you to keep visiting us. Wish I lived closer and could check on you occasionally. It would be about a 12 hour drive, so don't think I could be there in time if you needed me.

Rolanda, let me know when you want the "cherubs" for a visit. They are past the cute and cuddly stage, although Dylan still tries.

Time to get to krow. Pupil free day. Will be stuck in meetings most of the day. YUCK!!!!!
20/Jan/12 11:00 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Wash your mouth out Tami... who said I wanted 'Cherubs' for a visit?
Been there done that with my own, you just have to cope with yours, like the rest of us had too with our own
20/Jan/12 11:20 PM
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