Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, how did the visit with your Mum go?
20/Jan/12 11:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.
- Jimi Hendrix
21/Jan/12 12:44 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Gail, Mum looked better today than the other day. She was easier to have a conversation with.
The Brother and Sister in Law has passed the batton back to me.. Because of their action, we have gone backwards 2 months, and Mum is in a worse health condition.
Anyhoo, I have the paperwork, to fill out, and get things moving...
First the Asset Assessment Form to fill out and send to Centrelink.
Once we have received the Letter from Centrelink, then we can get her into Transitional Care and fill out Application Forms for Residential Care.
Hopefully a place will come up quickly, move Mum into, while waiting for a vacancy at The preferred Care Facility near where sister and I live.
Apparently this Care Facility has a long waiting list.. it could take 6 months give or take to get her into there.
21/Jan/12 2:08 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Bedtime here in the West..

Goodnight, sweet dreams, and catch you all on the flip side.

21/Jan/12 2:09 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All... I must be full of wisdom since I've been listening to such great caring post from all of you to June, Rolanda, Heidi and of course well as some to all of the rest of us. I don't have any knowledge that can add to all that has already been said, other than I see how well the topp fits me..LOL. It's a really good one too.
Have a wonderful day and may the sunshine block the clouds that are following some of you, and may a wonderful, cooling rainfall soothe those who may be parched, and may all enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. Peace.♥♥
21/Jan/12 2:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Doing this'n that today. Just little stuff. IH is in a snotty mood, too.
21/Jan/12 4:30 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Beautiful sunny day, hope the breeze keeps up to make it comfortable.
Pool is fixed, yay!
Bella had her bath yesterday and have created a snow storm brushing her this morning.
Love and Hugs to you all.
21/Jan/12 9:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got a great DVD-ROM. It's 360 silent shorts made by Thomas Edison while inventing and experimenting the first moving pictures. There's even one from 1896 that is the very first TALKIE!!!! It's fascinating watching the earliest evolution of the art. Edison was no writer, but he documented a lot of interesting things that were rapidly vanishing at the time.
21/Jan/12 12:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Congrats, Broni! It's a great feeling accomplishing things.
21/Jan/12 12:32 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks Heidi, know what you mean.
Down to the boat tomorrow give her a wash down and clean up.
Have dog hair tumble weeds running through the house but too hot to swear today, perhaps tomorrow morning when it's cool.
Sounds like a great DVD.
21/Jan/12 1:44 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Heidi: Went to Thomas Edison's house/lab as a kid in 1st or 2nd grade. My uncle Tony had an antique cylinder player with some Edison recordings he found at the same time. The amplifier was a long trumpet shape. He also had the one that had the floral shape amplifier to it. Sandra still has them. Always remember those as a teenager when I'd spend time in Los Angeles.
Rolanda: Good luck with Mum. Talked to my mom today. My cousin Manny was in the hospital with pneumonia. He is doing ok for now. Mom is worried he will lose his spot at the facility he's been in for the last few years. Still not sure how that can happen.
Candy Jo seems to be ok, still having some issues battling the fever tho. Please keep praying for her, thanks.
Hi Mamacita, nice to see you here too!!
Had more to say, long few days, tired. Will try to check in tomorrow evening. Take care all.
Love & Hugs with EXTRAS!! (as always!!)
21/Jan/12 2:06 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi to you all. Unfortunately the plumber who was coming to gas fit the cooktop couldn't make it today, the job he was on sprung a leak under a concrete slab! UGH for him. He said he will try his best to get here tomorrow to fit it and a few other little jobs we have asked him to do while he is here. Hubby actually put the cooktop in yesterday, all the elecs and clamping done, just waiting on the gas now. It looks absolutely fabulous, can't wait to cook on it, but sadly that will have to wait a few more days due to the fact that we need to put more coats of stain then clear varnish on the benchtop, and we have to wait till that 'goes off'.
So, rather than lose a whole days work, we did some gardening. Hubby broadcast some lawn seed down over the area that was disturbed when we were connected to the mains sewerage, and we also potted out some more plants.
Now it's beer o'clock :)
21/Jan/12 4:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Some of Edison's footage is historically extraordinary! I found (so far): Annie Oakley demonstrating her marksmanship. Various Native American dances (from 1894). Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt (Teddy) taking their respective oaths of office, and McKinley's funeral. The funeral procession for the victims of the USS Maine. Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders leaving for the Spanish/American War. The San Francisco earthquake (buildings still burning, and rescue efforts still ongoing). There are even what appear to be a few unpleasant scenes filmed in Cuba during the War, like prisoners being executed!! These may be staged recreations. There are so many things and events recorded that it boggles the mind. IH walked by while I was watching these films, and it mesmerized him. The restoration work is wonderful. The movie shorts start from 1891!!!!!!
Suzanne... I hope your uncle Tony has allowed his cylinders to be copied. I would love to find out what they contained.
21/Jan/12 4:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail.... that sounds like a great excuse to have "take out" for supper. ANY excuse is a good excuse.
21/Jan/12 4:24 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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We went out for dinner last night...not sure what we'll do tonight...
21/Jan/12 4:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am still chasing that darn mouse. I now know he is not living in the pantry. Just coming for a feed and making a mess. Sick of washing tins and jars. Lots of stuff being thrown out so the much needed clean up is being done. All a job my back does not appreciate so is taking a while.
It has been a wet day. I have a chook in the oven for dinner. If you were a tad closer Gail you could come and share
21/Jan/12 4:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! Here for a quick visit, then off to bed, as we must be up early in the morning.

Rolanda, you're doing great on getting caught up on the "news!" Hope your Mum is doing OK!

June, you'll find that mouse or scare him away forever! Hopefully it will be gone before Ken's Mum arrives! You are always SO busy! What a great explanation for Heidi to give to IH, if he notices!

MizT, great idea to remind Pam and Leslie (OT and PT) to check that you have a snack before they leave. Great therapy: cooking something from scratch! Then you'll have it available for a few days! I'm glad you keep a supply of foods/beverages to help with blood sugar levels! We hope to see you healthy and mobile again soon!

Tami, you're allowed to complain about kids at school, but it seems like the consensus is that you just have to put up with your own "cherubs." It WILL get better!

Gail, thanks for the almost-TOPP! Very true and profound!

Rolanda, I'm so sorry for the lost 2 months due to your B and SIL! Well, no use crying over spilled milk. You've obviously regrouped, gathered the necessary paperwork, and begun the process again. Good luck! And for your Mum, hopefully things will move smoothly and quickly!

Mama, even when you agree with what others have said, you say it so eloquently! Thank you! Have a great weekend!

Broni, hooray for the pool and the bathed and brushed Bella!

Heidi, the DVD sounds interesting! You find such amazing things! I can't imagine getting anything done while you have it to watch!

Suzanne, great memories! I hope Manny improves and doesn't lose his spot in the facility! Great news that Candy Jo seems to have made improvement. Hope it continues!

Gail, sad news for the plumber - and for getting the gas hooked up in your K! Guess you'll just have to "do a Gail" until he's available to do the work.

June, good news that the mouse isn't in the pantry, but bad news that you haven't caught it! Hopefully it can be encouraged to move outside and STAY there! Be sure to give your back a rest when it needs it!

Really must head to bed, so prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} and are all being sent to all of you!
21/Jan/12 5:11 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Busy Day here. I made a meat loaf, I emptir dish washer, I have done one load of towels and robe. MUST get those into dryer, will take foreer to dry. Had a nap, talked to all 3 daughters, plus my niece. Ran battery down on my phone, once again. It is charging now.

It is unseasonably warm, light chance of severe weather tomorrow, but i say more than a sightchance, with the temps after dark at 65 F OH, I have a temp coverter on my phone, and a time, distance, does all sort of converting.

Getting slepy and I am waiting on Joy and Ben to come for a visit, and bring subway sandwiches. Hope I do not fall aleep on them.

Hours later, sandwiches eaten, lots of good talk , even some trash picked up. Ben is a jewel, he put together my TENS unit, and enjoyed reading about how it worked! He is such a medical nerd hehehe.

21/Jan/12 5:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Can't sleep, everything hurts, my hair hurts even. Gonna be one of those storm front come through. Back to a whole pain pill (instead of 1/2) and add the muscle relaxer, hope it is enough to relax the pain. Might need the Voltaren cream, wonder if they make a 5 gallon bucket of that, for dipping all body parts hehehe. I hate storms.

Joy said that Ben would fix the TENS unit, and he did, even enjoyed reading about it. Had all leads on it, gave it to me, and a very thorough explanation of each dial and button. IF I had my brain back, and IF I had a magnifying glass, I might have figured it out in a couple of days. When I thanked him for doing that for me, he thanked me for letting him learn all about it. He assumed it worked in a different manner than it does.

My therapist will add it to our therapy on Monday, IF she can get orders from my doc. if not, I will get orders on Tuesday wjen I go.

What is a TENS you ask? Trans Epidural Nerve Stimulation. Across the skin with tiny electrical stimulation. It acts to confuse the brain, block the pain signals. Mine has so many different settings it is amazing. about the size of a deck of cards. I found it for $30. The first one I ever saw was so big it was on wheels, and cost several thousand dollars.

OH, I know who could tell me what, where to use it, where to start. My chiropractor. He uses in his practice. Wonder if therapists can "take orders" from a chiro?? Will we need to get appointment with pain management doc? Who knows. Hey, it is my machine, my body, and what I choose to do with it is my business hehehe.

Heidi, do you have one?? Anyone else with chronic pain? If not, could you get a doc to try it? I am thinking Theresa and gee, someone else that has a problem with back and just went to specialist.

We heard the owl again. it greeted Joy when she sat in her father's chair. We still have not seen it, just hear it.

My oldest daughter just does not get it. she and Joy have exchanged comments on facebook, but I am not sure just what she considers Joy to be. I mentioned something the doc at rehab did, asking if my daughter was there to take me home, and Teresa was saying Daughter?? Daughter??As if to say, I am D#1, Tanya is D#2, what daughter? had to remind her, step daughter qualifies legally as daughter, well almost and our names being same, just easier to say My Daughter. Teresa was at college and then married when AL and Joy entered my life, so she never knew them. " He seems like a nice man" is the most she has said about AL. She said one thing that really hurt, recently. she had not sent me any $$$ because she did not want me to spent it on AL, if she sent $$ it should be for me. Fine, send $$ so your Mom can get meals at cafeteria, and park in the parking deck, things that can make my life easier, you know? there is too much of her father in her, give something but with strings. Reason for this ramble, she sent Joy some money to get my groceries
21/Jan/12 8:22 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Ran over, way to long winded today.

Reason for this ramble, she sent Joy some money to get my groceries, till state can get my food stamps adjusted Upward instead of down ward. Joy said this was the first time Teresa has spoken to her in 26 years that Joy has been in my life. Teresa gets upset when Tanya calls Joy her sister, and those 2 are closer than most sisters are. Teresa has such a cold heart.

Hugs to each of you, meds are working, probably as much as they will, it is time to try bed again. hugs to each of you, with extras.
21/Jan/12 8:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
MizT, I like the sound of your peach desert. I might just try that one too. I've got lots more stewed peaches left to play with..

I hope your blood sugar has levelled off and you are feeling better now.

A good cry probably helped Joy as much as anything could right now.. Maybe she needs reminding that you managed financially for many years and that it was you, not Al, who did that... I hope you get the help you need for your phone, it does cost me extra so I don't use those features. Wow Ben is a real treasure, and an old fashioned gentleman!! How lucky is Joy to have found him??? What a shame jealousy has blinded Teresa to what is humane. I hope her heart only appears cold.

Gail, I need tiling lessons - feel like coming up for a 'holiday' and teaching me? heehee

June, big hugs! I'm glad it wasn't as bad as you expected, ans think I would have preferred the way it happened with your parents too.

Cyn, what a shame we couldn't coordinate our dates!

Broni, I hope you are getting just enough work to give you as much money as you want and no more...

Rolanda, glad to hear your mother is picking up. I hope your break has left you able to take care of the mess left for you without becoming overwhelmed. Hugs to store for when you need them.

Julie, falling back into bad habits I see. Lots about us, nothing about you! I won't nag too badly as I know you are very busy and tired...

Tami, I'm loving the teenage years myself - not!

Rolanda, has your mother accepted the move into care now? I hope so, at least I think your bro and BIL should have.

Viv has a lot of pain right now, she might like a TENS.
21/Jan/12 8:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, I feel your anguish, and I hope Teresa can open her heart a little and see the Al and his family are your family, ergo her family too.
It is always difficult to receive money when it is given with instructions, very hard to explain that using that money to pay a bill etc IS doing something 'for myself', especially when it can ease a financial burden.
I googled TENS unit when you first commented, and have heard of it before. I hope you can learn to use it to trick your pain, and that getting instruction for it is easy, not a hassle ♥♥
21/Jan/12 8:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I read a news article that was funny and also a good topp. Since I probably won't get the next topp, it will have to be a mopp.

Get back on board, d@mmit.

It's a T-shirt that is being sold now. The makers 'borrowed' the expression from the coast guard officer telling off the captain of the turned over ship. They said they meant it to be applicable to anyone who wasn't pulling their weight during the tough times. In that context there are many times it would be applicable to all of us. It's only about $16 so I'm temped...
21/Jan/12 9:06 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, I bought a TENS (different make) machine back in about '97,'98. I use it a lot in different places and different reasons. Very good for getting rid of a cramp, especially a severe one. Mine is fairly simple. Put on the pads and turn it on. You should feel the stimulation but not too strong. I believe you should only use it for about 20 minutes at a time.
21/Jan/12 9:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I laughed tonight. Ken came in and asked if I was cooking. I said there was a chicken in the oven. He then asked if anyone was coming for dinner? (As is I would not cook for just the two of us). I looked at the kitchen with every bench and table covered in crap and asked him if he thought I would ask anyone when the place looked as it does!
By the way we both enjoyed the baked chicken and vegetables. Sorry you could not come Gail.
21/Jan/12 9:24 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Then a few tears, I have been on Sharon's page making a few changes so that her birthday does not show and a few other things. Reading all the lovely messages. Good tears.(Gail I did get in touch with Gath)
21/Jan/12 9:26 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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She will not be forgotten June. Well done to you for working it all out :)
21/Jan/12 9:31 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Actually going to school today. We have Saturday tutoring to get ready for the big test. I don't mind, it is paid overtime and I can use the money.

Big hugs and good thoughts going out to all who need them.
21/Jan/12 11:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I tried a TENS unit once during PT. My finger had accidentally brushed the knob that adjusts the intensity, while it was turned off. When I turned it on, I received severe electrical shocks. I went into such spasms that I was unable to turn it off, and the therapist had to come running to my rescue. Technology and I really don't get along very well. I don't feel like risking another bout of electrocution, so won't try it again.
22/Jan/12 2:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW..... (after going back and reading June's suggestion for an explanation to IH) if and when IH notices the things missing, I will explain to him that I was cleaning up the property in front of the Lab (where the junk was). He has important visitors from all around the world, and he doesn't need the rusted metal laying around to adversely affect the visitor's impressions of his business. We still have another load to take off (bulky, but lighter weight) and the place will be tidy enough to safely use a lawnmower. IH has no problem with going through my things and throwing stuff away (he's even thrown out checks!), no matter how many times I tell him "If it's not yours, don't touch it!" and "If you don't know what it is, it's not yours!", so I don't feel guilty getting rid of his junk. And making some money off it. We haven't been touching the FEW gates and panels that are in like-new condition.
22/Jan/12 2:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now to actually get some work done here today. I need to haul some hay , then feed several groups of critters. I'd RATHER take a nap.
22/Jan/12 4:24 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hope you do not have to haul THAT much hay hehehe
22/Jan/12 7:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The tractor started acting up again. It developed a high pitched squeal which destroys the nerves. The mechanic has been going nuts trying to figure out what was causing it. This afternoon, he was back here and FINALLY found the problem. There is air in the oil pressure sensor. On Monday, he's going to take the tractor into the shop and bleed the air out of the system. Then I can go haul the remaining 63 rolls of hay from 5 miles away.
22/Jan/12 8:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am thinking you should have the tractor mechanic on the payroll full time, you have had so much trouble with tractors! Good luck getting this latest repaired and hopefully tractor running as it should. I have fingers crossed.
22/Jan/12 10:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Fortunately, this one is under full warranty still. It's still considered brand new since there are only 13 hours on it so far. It should have had more, but it's been hard to ride in with this squealing beeper going off after 15 minutes of use. That will finally be corrected on Monday.
22/Jan/12 12:36 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Noice day had yesterday, spent with Cousins from Sydney, at a family gathering. Peter and I pick them up from their City Hotel early afternoon on way to Fam Gathering,
on way back to the Hotel, we went via Kings Park, for the view over the city and a walk,
then we decided on Pizzas and ate them at the South Perth foreshore opposite the city, enjoying the city in lights over the river (not enjoying the mozzie's feasting on us).
22/Jan/12 1:04 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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sloshy machine.. the bottomless laundry hamper is full
sort thru the washed clothing from Tuesday.. fold, iron, put away
Paperwork - Bills (I need to sort thru) that has multiplied not only while we were away the 4 weeks,also have multiplied over the last few days.
Visit with P's mum
and my Mum (maybe)
22/Jan/12 1:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow is IH's 63rd birthday. I'm having fun giving him a hard time about his age. He doesn't like being reminded that he's no longer a young man. A few days ago he was talking about some people he knew, and described one as a little old lady.So I asked him her age.... and she's younger than him. The realization turned his face red.
After I get back from a Lion's Club board meeting tomorrow, I'll be making him his favorite supper. Monday night he has to go to that UK Extension banquet to get that award. I'm not going. I have a previous commitment to bring part of the supper to our Magnolia Lion's Club meeting instead. That meal is his second favorite: spaghetti and garlic bread. The food at the banquet will be awful. Cold country ham, overcooked green beans, fried apples and a roll. It's always the same every year there. I have made suggestions for a menu change, but the ladies doing the cooking only want to make the one thing ..... every year ..... for at least the past 20 years.
22/Jan/12 1:21 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Heidi: No, Tony did not have copies made that I know of. He DID let me listen to one of the cylinder records as a teen. Remember the scene in "My Fair Lady" where Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) makes Eliza (Audrey Hepburn) do the diction recording over and over and over?? It was something like that, Edison making notes on the cylinder. VERY cool!
TTT: Good luck with Saturday tutoring.
Rolanda: Continued prayers & good thoughts for your mom.
Had brunch with Masons/Eastern Star folks today. VERY nice people. Helen's guy Jim (who is the head of the local chapter) came & picked me up and they paid for my lunch.
That's all from me for now, take care all!
22/Jan/12 2:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh.... they were audio recordings, not video recordings. I would love to hear some of those as well. It's fascinating to watch and hear an inventive genius at work.
22/Jan/12 2:20 PM
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