Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Enjoying is not the word just yet June, there is a lot of sanding, lacquering, tiling and painting to go before we get to properly enjoying it, but as hubby said, he's proud as Punch every time he walks in and sees what he has done already. Until we paint and tile there is not much I can do but be his offsider, but he assures me it is a very important role
Julie, funnily enough, the christening dish was a poached egg cooked by Beth, in her words, 'all by self'! (remember, 22yo)
We can't really take the risk of using the cooktop properly until all the surrounding surfaces have had their protective layers put on, either lacquer or tiles, in case any fat lands on them...that would be bad :(
23/Jan/12 10:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HI TAMI,sorry to hear about your aunt, It is her right to reuse treatment, and I do not think of it as giving up, just accepting the inevitable, so why fight it??
23/Jan/12 10:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well that tornado/possible tornado is far to the east now, they track west to east and do not turn around, so all is clear for my. I just hope not a lot of damage was done. the one to north pf me left a trail of damage, with numerous homes damaged or destroyed.

nsvk to my recliner, watch the reports, doze a bit, take that morning med. See you later,

Another reason to move, people do not have to evacuate the towers for tornadoes. If the power goes out, emergency generators kick in, all without Tricia having to do any thing. ok, one headed straight at us, go sit in the hall.
23/Jan/12 10:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Congrats Gail!! It's kind of exciting even though it's not my kitchen - 'cause I wish it was I guess...

I hope Gil was properly grateful for his yummy birthday dinner.

Tami, hope you found a noice Thai restaurant. Don't rush back to tell us... have a wonderful evening.. I love your way of keeping busy while Mitchell is at his tournament. It reminds me of my old bowling cofee 'meetings'.

MizT, it is wonderful that there is something to look forward to linked to your move. Maybe you miss this one, but it's a sign of things to come I hope. I don't mean the tornado evacuation, though that is good too, I mean the show..

How sweet the story about Mr Al and Isabella.

I hope the sleep is helping you feel better, or will eventually. I have heard that when there is a natural disaster a number outside of the area is your best chance of getting a call out so I agree with you about collecting phone numbers.

I hope you are right and the worst of the storms are gone.

June, I hope the food you have left out for any mouse buddies to the sleek stud you caught stays uneaten and it turns out he was the selfish kind and didn't tell anywhere where to come...

Broni, this is your year! This year you will work enough to earn money to go travel... I'm sending vibes anyway...
23/Jan/12 11:18 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Pleased you are safe MizT ♥
23/Jan/12 11:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We survived the storms, though I feel like a zombie. I'm gonna have to nap today,probably after I get the garlic bread for tonight.

Has the last of that storm passed yet, MizT?
24/Jan/12 3:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail.... when you decide to do a project, you really do it big!
24/Jan/12 3:21 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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There were no little visitors to the pantry last night.
24/Jan/12 7:39 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Hi everyone. Sorry I've been gone for so long & have probably missed a lot about you all. Will try & get back here later.
Take care.
24/Jan/12 8:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Welcome back Becky. Hope all has been well with you. Please keep posting.
24/Jan/12 9:20 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Home from school. About to go pick up take-out for the kids and then hubby and I will go out for dinner.
24/Jan/12 9:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Busy day with the nurses, today the therapist and I made zucchini muffins, they turned out yummy, to. We had one together when they were finished. when she left to go home I offered her another and she said, oh yes, please hehehe. Bathing assistant came also, got my hair washed, she sai I=she can tell I am getting stronger top.
more naps between doing my exercises and such, and guess what> It is dinner time.

HI BECKY, glad you dropped in, Hope you make it back soon.

TAMI, have fun tonight, enjoy your night out.

Heidi, hope you got your nap, I know the dogs were noisy and clingy. I had one cat and she would not let go, had to be touching me.

24/Jan/12 9:56 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone! Wet and miserable here today. It's not looking too good for the weekend at the beach. I'll just take the kindle (if I can wrest it off Kevin). Last night he told me to go to sleep so he could read it. Cheeky bugger! I have offered to buy one for him. He was still in bed reading it this morning when I had to leave. Reggie was happily snoozing beside him. Lucky things, it was a horrible trip to work, busy roads and sloooooow traffic.
24/Jan/12 11:16 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Tami, I hope you and hubby enjoy your anniversary dinner.
June, good news on the mouse/mice.
MizT, It sounds like you are improving. Sleeping is helping your body get better.
Gail, your kitchen sounds wonderful. It's going to look fabulous when it's finished. I understand S's reaction to all his new work. You both deserve a big hug for all your hard work - the offsider is just as important as the tradesman.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
24/Jan/12 11:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the Lions Club meeting. We were going to have spaghetti, and I agreed to bring the garlic bread. Unfortunately, somebody changed it to chicken noodle soup without telling me. IH will be happy, at least. He really was unhappy about missing the spaghetti dinner. It's been rescheduled for next month.
24/Jan/12 11:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're supposed to have a calm night tonight, and a dry day tomorrow. Then rain for the next 3 days. I'm not gonna get much work done this week.
24/Jan/12 11:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow morning, I'm taking the puppies in to the Vet for their shots. I also need to take Willow in for a hip that's acting sore. The Vet Clinic may not survive.
24/Jan/12 11:51 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Back dinner and the food was good. Enjoyed the meal and a night away from the beasties.

Heidi, will you survive the car ride with 3 puppies and Willow???

Vicky, sorry you had so much rain. Glad you are enjoying your Kindle.

Tricia, the zuchinni muffins sound good. Glad you are getting your strength back.
24/Jan/12 12:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The ride is only 5 miles.... just on the other side of Magnolia.
24/Jan/12 12:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Unexpected empty house here! Dana seemed to feel guilty for making plans without me. I was really good and didn't cheer when she told me...

Vicki, Cyn is talking about having to go shopping in the rain/floods you are having. There are very few things that would have me out shopping in that kind of weather - coffee maybe.. chocolate maybe.. work would get me out, but just.

June, I'm glad you didn't have any more visitors.

Tami, you get to spend time without the beasties so rarely I'm glad you had a good night.

MizT, so glad to hear you are getting stronger. And making muffins for therapy sounds like the best idea ever!
24/Jan/12 12:53 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Vicki, I know I'm important!

YAY BECKY! Please stay and play :)

Well, it's official...Hannah is now enrolled :D
24/Jan/12 2:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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24/Jan/12 2:06 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It took a day to get into one area south of me, but there were many homes destroyed, many were hurt. No way to take them to closest hospital, roads completely blocked, they wert to Selma and Montgomery instead of Clanton and Shelby. Nurses today said they could not GET to some o f their patients today because of roads blocked. My bathing assistant said 2 of her friends lost their homes, but thankfully not their lives. One was a 75 year old retired nurse. Her windows blew out, her roof blew off, and she slept through it, till rain on her face woke her. There is so much need in this one rural community, please remember them in thoughts and prayers. This is the southern storm.

I saw a fly over of the northern storm, it was on the ground for miles and miles. Lots of property damage, trees down everywhere, houses destroyed or damaged, there were 2 killed in that storm. January is not a month one expects tornadoes As weather man said, it ha happened before and it will happen again, but it is not the expected.

Nurse put my tens unit on my back, I had a 30 min treatment while I ate, then really fell asleep. If working, then sleeping is the cure, I should get well soon hehehe, doing a lot of it lately,

Hugs to everyone, I will be up and off to doc tomorrow. I shall drive myself, no one available to drive me. I feel strong enugh to do it this week, just ws not week and half ago. That is progress, right?

24/Jan/12 3:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sure WAS a nasty storm last night, MizT. Sorry that your neighborhood was so hard hit, but delighted that you are OK.

IH is on cloud nine... just floating with happiness. He says that this was his best birthday ever. Great foods, and the award that was presented to him this evening was the highest honor given in this county. He couldn't believe that he got it. Neither could I.
24/Jan/12 3:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All!

Broni, I hope you will be able to visit the UK and US sooner rather than later.

I saw the story you were thinking of for Theresa's D. Some similarities to one I was thinking of. Really hoping they will try counseling of some type.

Heidi and MizT, I hope the storms did not damage near you and were no more than bothersome and noisy.

Tami, I hope you and hubby had a delicious anniversary dinner! So glad Mitchell enjoyed the basketball tournament. Seems like he and his team went into it with the right mind-set: ENJOY (not so much compete)!

Tami, I hope your Aunt Lil continues to hold her own. Are her daughters usually negative, or do they just have a "feeling" that the end is near? It's too bad she is refusing kidney dialysis. It can make a big difference in the way she feels and extend her life (if that's what she wants).

MizT, your last post on page 323 sounded like you were well prepared, if the storm should decide to visit you. I need to read page 324 for an update!
24/Jan/12 5:27 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Rain, rain and more rain. It is all Cyn's fault she went shopping!
Yes Zusy, I went to work hehe!
MizT, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, just be careful driving tomorrow.
Heidi, hope the vet can do something for Willow.
Congrats Hannah! What proud parents you must have.
Becky, hope you can pop in soon.
Vicki, starting to feel water logged here. Heard on the news many roads are closed due to flooding so hope you get home safely. No sign of the rain letting up around here.
Love and Hugs to you all.
24/Jan/12 5:39 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Theresa, could not copy and paste the story about marriage but can give the snopes website
it is probably not true but the sentiment makes you stop and think about your priorities in life.
24/Jan/12 5:42 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Julie, did not check if anyone had posted before my first post.
Hope you are well, would love to hear more about what is happening in your life.
24/Jan/12 5:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gail, was Beth excited that she was the one to "christen" the cooktop? Of course, it makes sense that all of the protective layers need to be in place for a full-fledged christening! Will there be pictures? Good for you and S for taking on such a large project!

MIzT, you're right! Tami's aunt has the right to refuse treatment, as do any of us, for that matter. It really makes sense to take the time to think through all of the possibilities in order to make an educated decision!

June, I'm enjoying the discussions about the mouse visitor you had. Great news that no friends or relatives of his have yet chosen to make a visit!

Woo Hoo, a visit from Becky! Please come back occasionally and tell us how you are!

MizT, seems you had a full day and got to have fun with occupational therapist! Did you provide the recipe for the muffins? I'm glad you both enjoyed them! The naps you are getting are important to your improved health, so be glad you are able to have them! As I'm sure you're aware, walking with a walker takes more effort than just getting up and walking without thinking about it!

Vicki, I hope the weather isn't rainy the complete time you're away at the beach! Do you have any games or movies to take with you to help pass the time in case it is? (I'm picturing you and hubby both trying to use the Kindle at the same time.) I'll be thinking dry thoughts for you!

Heidi, too bad they didn't tell you about the changed menu for the Lions Club dinner. My guess is that the garlic bread was enjoyed with the chicken noodle soup, though maybe not quite as much as it would have been with spaghetti. Hmm, I think we should have spaghetti here one night this week. I'm getting hungry.

Heidi, I'm glad it's supposed to be a dry day tomorrow if you'll be taking the puppies and Willow to the vet. Sounds like quite a handful! I hope they're all well behaved!

Gail, hooray for Hannah and her official enrollment! When does she begin?

MizT, I'm glad you were able to have a TENS treatment with the nurse! Also SO glad the storms missed you! Wish they would miss the other areas as well! So glad you feel well enough to drive to the doctor. Take care of yourself and don't do more than you should. If you feel sleepy before you drive home, feel free to take a nap before setting out.

Heidi, congrats to Gil on his award - and his birthday! I'm sure there are others who also can't believe he received the award. Just hope he doesn't gloat! Maybe it will make him a better person.

If I'm to be in bed by 1:00, I just have 6 minutes to get myself ready. Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and much being sent out to each of you! Good Night!
24/Jan/12 5:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Darn, missed you Broni while I was typing and yawning! Hope all is well!

Not much to say about what I'm doing. FINALLY feeling like we're getting over the cold, sinus infection, sore throats, crud, that we had since mid-December, so trying to get back to water aerobics class at least 3 or 4 times a week. We're in the midst of membership renewals with our wood club, and have collected just over 100 of the 175 members dues, so paperwork, computer, writing of receipts, printing of membership cards, thank you letters, addressed envelopes, etc. all over the dining room table. Trying to practice the cello at least 45 to 60 minutes a day and would like to make a few pens and maybe try my hand at knitting again. First clear the table and clean the house, as D#2 will be here for a few weeks starting Sunday. And now, some sleep.
24/Jan/12 6:02 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sleep well Julie, you deserve a good rest.
Writing receipts? would computerising the receipts help you there?
24/Jan/12 6:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Hot Hot Hot and more HOT!!
24/Jan/12 6:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just read your forecast Rolanda. Yikes!

Julie, adding something else to your day? Would that perhaps be inspired by Brenda's magnificent photos?

MizT, so happy to read that you got some relief from the TENS..
24/Jan/12 7:04 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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up for the bathroom, and pain meds. Because of the TENS yesterday I have not had pills in 24 hours! big reduction of meds, I like that. slept 6 hours in bed, had slept 4 in my recliner. RAcking up on the sleep.

I got to choose the recipe, and the therapist bought ingredients I did not have on hand. I got to the mixing fore I had to sit for a while. But I planned ahead, had everything out and ready, pans, bowls, measuring cups, ingredients, before she arrived, Found I needed to do that when cooking for self here, Get it all ready to cook, then take a break. come back to finish.

The muffins are a special recipe, LOW CARBS, made with soy flour, so I can have them with meals or as snacks and not affect my blood sugar.

Julie, thanks for sharing a bit of your world. so glad you are getting rid of the crud, that can really hang om and on and on. Seems there is a lot off work for the membership drive. Hope you can reclaim your table soon.

Broni, I promise I will be careful driving tomorrow, NO pain meds just fore driving either, I plan on doing the doze thing while waiting for the doc, a girl must have her ZZZZZs hehehe. I am sure it will tire me completely, so home and to bed rest of the day. Bur It is something I am out of here for tonight, catch you again tomorrow. Hugs to all, with extras.

24/Jan/12 9:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It was a bout a week ago I was thinking of Becky and thought it was time I go in touch to see how she was. Pleased you posted and hope to hear more from you soon.
We did not win the bowls but I was pleased with my game. Very hard to play against the club champion.
Out to a 80th. birthday party for a friend tomorrow and then have MIL till Monday. Her daughter's going to Melbourne to the tennis.
We had some rain today but now it is hot and sticky.
24/Jan/12 9:28 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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But it i s something I must do ... sorry about that.
24/Jan/12 9:28 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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:( it is getting worse..
40 tomorrow, 41 Thurs, 39 Fri, 42 Sat, 40 Sun/Mon/Tues...
6.30pm and it is 38..
I may not survive this heatwave
24/Jan/12 9:32 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Rain, rain and more rain here until maybe Sunday. Top temps expected around 25C. This is supposed to be summer!
Rolanda, you can keep those temps because they sound really, really unpleasant.
As I said on easy, we have had 200mls (8 inches) since 9am yesterday and it's still pouring. After no rain for so many years and even none for the last couple of months I'm not complaining.
The trip home was a lot better than the trip to work. There were some hold ups but really not many cars on the road. I think all the mums took their little darlings home after school and stayed there.
24/Jan/12 9:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, even with really good air conditioning that has to suck big time! And air conditioning every where will be failing because of the load. It will not be good. No hugs because it's too hot for that!

MizT, so glad you are catching up on your sleep.

June, so like you to think of people. I hope Becky drops in again soon.

Little vent here. I called my mother today and got a half an hour of how Dana is going to hurt me again, it's just a matter of time. And again with the 'she has the wrong father', and all of the other stuff again and again and again. I told her it was all irrelevant as there was nothing I could do to change any of it. And yes, I know she's going to do something to hurt me, but I choose to wait for it to happen rather than be hurt now as well. Left me in tears for about an hour.
24/Jan/12 10:03 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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{hugs} Suzy ♥
24/Jan/12 10:07 PM
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