Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Look beyond power, prestige and personal possessions to find true love.
22/Jan/12 4:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I dozed the day away, I did stay up enough to get meals, and to bake some banana nut bread. I wold go rest in recliner and open my eyes 30 minute later. Must have needed it.

Rolanda, I remember your photo of Kids Park, lovely park, lovely view f the city. I felt like a native there for a bit, being aboe to visualize jusdt where you were walking hehehe.

That is all for today, ctch you on the flip side. Hugs with extras.
22/Jan/12 4:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good LATE evening, Everyone!

MizT, your first post on page 322 was ONE minute after mine! I just went back and re-read. You must have started it in the late afternoon or early evening before Joy and Ben arrived with dinner, then finished it well after they left. By the way, Ben sounds like a real "find" for Joy! I'm so pleased for her! (I was really getting confused thinking it was a post from Saturday afternoon/evening. I have read about TENS units and occasionally seen them advertised. Thank you for the explanation of how they work. I wonder if it would be of any help to our D with migraines. Here's hoping you can get a prescription for its use by the therapist! As you say, it's your body and your machine!

I don't condone the way Teresa views and treats Joy, but kind of understand, since it seems she really didn't have time "at home" to interact and get to know her, if she was away at college and then married when Al and Joy came into your life. I have a different relationship with my oldest brother (who is 2 years older than I am) than with my youngest brother (who is 12 years younger than I am. Plus, my youngest brother had a different relationship with our parents than I did, especially since I was basically moved away from home at 18 when I went to college, and he moved back home during his last couple years of college and first few years afterward. Sometimes I'll say something like, "Remember when we would go out to the park for a "breakfast picnic" on a day when Dad didn't have to work. My youngest brother just looks puzzled, because he wasn't even born yet. Sorry, that's kind of long-winded, but maybe helps a little bit. Hopefully your D#1 isn't being mean and cold-hearted, just doesn't feel the "connection" to Joy that your D#2 has.

Rolanda, I hope you'll soon be finding the bottom of your laundry basket! There's always so much "catching up" to be done when you've been away. (Mail and bills are probably my least favorite.) I hope your Mum is continuing to improve. Hopefully all the work that needs to be redone to get her qualified for care won't be too aggravating. Perhaps it will even be a bit easier the second time around?

June, it's good to know that you also have a TENS unit which you find to be of help. Maybe as we are developing the aches and pains of daily living, we should invest in or start a company that provides medications like MizT's Voltaren and TENS units.

June, funny interaction between you and Ken regarding the chicken and dinner! (I don't think my hubby would even ask if company was coming when a chicken was in the oven. No place to sit at the table here right now! With a new calendar year started, it's covered with paperwork, membership cards, envelopes, stamps, etc., because I'm the membership chairman for our 175-member wood club.) I hope you both enjoyed the chicken dinner!

Tami, I hope the tutoring went well today!

Heidi, the therapist sho
22/Jan/12 6:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's more of that post:

Heidi, the therapist should probably have been with you and turned on the TENS unit when you tried it. Don't blame yourself for having bumped the knob which adjusted intensity. PLUS, that's very poor design if the intensity could change that easily! There should probably be a "click," whether felt or audible, when the intensity is changed. Perhaps by now, it has been redesigned.

Heidi, you have the perfect explanation for removing the rusted materials! You GO, Girl! If only IH could be trained so that he wouldn't touch or throw out your things! I hope the tractor mechanic is soon able to work out all of the issues you have been having. Also hope you can get all of the hay moved before another storm visits your area!

Rolanda, so glad you had a nice visit with cousins!

Heidi, please wish Gil a Happy Birthday from us! I hope he enjoys his special birthday dinner, as well as the dinner Monday night at the University of Kentucky Extension banquet!

Another great TOPP, June! Thank you!

Must be heading off to bed now. Here are some positive thoughts, healing vibes, , prayers and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for each of you! I'll try to get here earlier tomorrow! Good Night!
22/Jan/12 6:20 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cooktop connected

22/Jan/12 6:26 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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22/Jan/12 9:28 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Been busy but back.
Had a strange dream last night......
Heidi, Mama and MizT were there and I was transporting them here, just needed something that belonged to them.
Any Ideas?
22/Jan/12 9:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH, just lost a long and most interesting post. Brilliant even hedehehe. one part listed all the reasons I am ready to move NOW hehehe.

another part was about a free lecture at the Birmingham museum of Art I would have loved to see. Dragons and Lotus Blossoms, Vietnamese pottery complete with a link. there will be a pottery exhibit at the museum, but the lecture was one day only, by leading expert in the field, and known for his colorful talks. could have hopped right over to see that, If I lived uptown. All free, too!
22/Jan/12 10:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another storm front comming this way, and more likely to cause small tornoes. I hope it ges through daytime, but probably overnight tomorrow night. Gee, it was Al's job to stay awake and monitor storms, and tell me when it ws time to go to dome. I should check out dome haitbiity, for heat, blankets, TV and computer. I think not much available out there now. I gave away the recliner, could have slept in it and just stayed. I think Joy got the TV, computers not functioning, Not much there now, this is not su0posed to be tornado season.
22/Jan/12 10:49 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia.. the Sun is HEATING UP here.. :(
Temps in the high 30'sC/low 40'sC over the next week.
22/Jan/12 11:02 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Come and get it. Fresh pot just brewed.

I have a busy day. Mitchell has a basketball tournament and I need to drop him off. After that, two of the other moms and I are going out to breakfast. Don't know when tournament will end. It is play til you lose. It is from his youth group and it is all the youth groups from the surrounding area.
23/Jan/12 12:17 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
Happy Birthday Gil!
TTT: Tell Mitchell good luck!!
Rolanda: I'd take the warmer temps. Yesterday the weather on the internet here said "Unknown Precipitation"...Found out later what THAT was!!!
Take care all, TTFN
23/Jan/12 2:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Temps here aare way high for this time of year. We might have a day or 2 of temps this warm, but sustained? Weather men are scratching their heads, looking up old records, trying t find a precedent. Sp far, nothing at all like this.

Correction from this morning, storm through this afternoon and again tonight.

I have started today much like yesterday. slept in my chair 2 hours. The "take 9 am meds" alarm on phone woke me.

Suzanne, would send you some warm, but do not want any unknown precipitation in return.

Tami, enjoy the out to breakfast, a good use of time waiting on son.

Rolanda, I should shade the sun avatar fore it comes over your place, that is some heat you are expecting. Try to stay cool.
23/Jan/12 2:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I should send you some of OUR warm, MizT. Today's high: 57, today's low: 52!!!! This is late January!! It's supposed to be in the deep freeze, near single digits!
23/Jan/12 3:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Woke up very late today.... 11 am, and IH is at church. The first thing I did was head to the rest room and blew my nose. Now I have a nosebleed. It's slow typing with the head elevated. It's so warm outside that the puppies are happily playing outside, and NOT biting my toes as I type. I have to leave for the District Lions Club meeting in 2 1/2 hours, then work on IH's birthday cake when I get back. I'm giving him his favorite.. Angel food cake covered in whipped cream and strawberries. He doesn't like chocolate!
23/Jan/12 3:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Quick stop in. Came home between games. So far their record is 1-1. They play 4 games and 2 teams with best records go to finals. There is a playoff scheduled, if needed. There are 8 teams playing. Hubby and Dylan will come back with me.
23/Jan/12 4:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just noticed the date change. Today (down under or tomorrow topside) is my anniversary. We are celebrating 18 years. We are going out to dinner tomorrow night, trying to figure out where. Would like to go for Thai food, but need to find a good place.
23/Jan/12 4:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy birthday Gil.

Happy anniversary tomorrow Tami.

D and SIL will be staying under the same roof for the next year probably until their finances are more in order and D is back to work.

Hubby has gone to visit his mom at the facility, and then he will visit his dad. I'll go down every second weekend.
23/Jan/12 5:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi Theresa, glad you are stopping by to let us know you are OK. I am sorry to hear about your daughter and I hope they can remain friends, at least for the kids sake. How are you doing?
23/Jan/12 6:48 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Everyone!
Theresa, I'm so sorry to hear about your D and SIL but even sorrier for your grandies. I hope everything works out well for them.


Happy Anniversary Tami and Mr T.
Belated Anniversary wishes to Gail and S and Rolanda and P. Were they both 29 years? If that's so then 1983 was a big year as hubby and I celebrate 29 this year.
23/Jan/12 10:02 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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MizT, I hope your recovery is proceeding well. You are sounding better all the time.

June, Continuing hugs for you and Laura and Ken. The witnessing must have been very difficult.

Cyn will be happy - kids start school today. I left home earlier to avoid the first day traffic and arrived here a bit early. One of my co-workers if seeing his oldest start prep today.
23/Jan/12 10:06 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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We have SIL and BIL (from China/Canberra) visiting at the moment. It's so lovely to have them stay. They are doing all the MIL visiting - we all went out for lunch yesterday and it was very nice. MIL is behaving herself at the moment so it's all quite pleasant.
They are coming with us to the beach on Australia Day and we are staying until Sunday. A mini holiday to make up for Christmas so it will probably rain. I don't care though. I've decided that we will go out for breakfast on my birthday. For some reason, I always think that eating brekkie out is quite a treat even though we probably do it at least once a month.
Work calls - have a lovely day everyone.
23/Jan/12 10:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Victoria, breakfast is my favorite meal to eat out. Something special about it. My dad used to take me to breakfast in the middle of the night.
23/Jan/12 10:46 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I caught the mouse!!! 9I did feel sorry for him as he was a handsome fellow with a lovely sleek coat). I have refurbished the three shelves which had food but now started I will have to paint and do the whole walk in pantry. Will probably finish in about two weeks. Off to Belinda's to do some work for her.
23/Jan/12 11:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hate to break it to you, June, but there's usually more than one mouse. Congratulations for catching the one. I hope it is a bachelor.
23/Jan/12 11:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, it could be a bachellorette.
23/Jan/12 12:12 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Happy Wedding Anniversary Tami and Mr Tami ♥
23/Jan/12 1:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Supper was delish. Talapia with a seven herb sauce, fresh steamed broccoli, mustard potato salad (all of IH's favorites) and a sour cream angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries.
23/Jan/12 2:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary Tami and the biggest Beastie Boy.
23/Jan/12 3:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary Tami and Mr Tami

Gil, hope you REALLY appreciated your birthday dinner
23/Jan/12 4:44 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, friends!

Hooray, Gail's cooktop is connected! What will you christen it with - first meal cooked on top?

Broni - interesting dream. Did you work it out yet?

Oh, my, I was just reading MizT's comment about possible storms, etc., saw a flash from outside, and heard THUNDER! This is winter time here, folks. Apparently the temperature is above freezing. I hope it stays there for the storm. If it drops, rain will turn to ice and then snow and make for a REAL MESS for people traveling to work in the morning.

MizT, what a shame that your amazingly well-written, brilliant and interesting post was lost. Some day, wouldn't it be great if we could find all the missing posts and gather them into a book? The lecture at the Birmingham Museum of Art certainly sounds like it would have been one to attend, if you were living in your new place, Tricia! Very interesting subject matter!

Tami, I hope the basketball tournament went well. No doubt, the breakfast out with friends was a hit!

Suzanne, that "unknown precipitation" may be what is headed our way right now. No, thank you, would be happy to share it with others. Maybe help cool off some of the DUGs!

Heidi, sounds like you had a busy day with the District Lions Club meeting and preparing a special birthday dinner for Gil. I hope he appreciates it! Happy Birthday, Gil!

Happy Anniversary, Tami and Mr. Tami! Have a wonderful day (yes, I know you'll be working)! I hope you find a yummy Thai restaurant!

Theresa, we're glad to see you pop in for a bit! I'm still hoping that your D and SIL will be able to work out something, other than just planning to spend the next year straightening out finances and then calling it quits. Perhaps something will happen over the course of the year to change their minds. I hope your hubby's visit to his Mom and Dad went well!

Vicki, how nice that your SIL and BIL are visiting and your MIL is behaving. I hope that continues through the time at the beach for Australia Day! I'm glad you're determined that it will go well and that you'll go out for breakfast for your birthday. "Make it work." Have a great day at work!

June, so glad the mouse has been caught. I'm sure he's the only one! (But, just the same, take your time cleaning up, painting, and finishing the pantry, just in case a friend of his overheard him talking about the great stuff in your pantry.)

Heidi, the birthday dinner sounds delicious! The good thing about all of the preparations is that you at least get to enjoy the meal!

I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and get to bed earlier, so I'm thinking sleepy thoughts! I'm also thinking positive thoughts and healing vibes for all of you! , prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} are also coming your way! Good Night, Everyone!
23/Jan/12 5:35 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Heidi, had to google Talapia, would have never thought it was a fish! sounds delish!
Julie, the only thoughts I have on my dream is that I have been trying desperately to get over to the UK and US to visit my friends but my plans have been thwarted at every turn.
Heidi, love your comment about the bachelor mouse.
Vicki, welcome anytime for brunch at my place.
Theresa, read a story on the other site that fits your D's situation will go and see if I can find it.
Love and Hugs.
23/Jan/12 6:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So much for sleep tonight. The storm front hit HARD. From the sound of it, there must have been tornadoes in the vicinity. The pups were screaming, so I let 'em out of their pen in the sun room, and they're loose with me.
23/Jan/12 7:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, jp[e the storm leaves no camage up your way. I am still waiting for that same storm to arrive here. Being down on the southern tail end of it, hope it will not be so severe. It just might be after daylight, or near it, anyway. We will wait and see. Hey not much else anyone can do, eh?

Just up for the bathroom, let me get what more sleep I can. It is not like I need sleep, I dozed the day away. I remember only once before when I needed/got so much sleep, that was after Hong Hong Flu when I was in high school.

Roger is beginning to sound and feel a bit better, been worried about him. He sees a pulmonary doc this Friday .

My neighbor Courtney picked up a few item for me when she did her weekly shopping. got to visit with Isabella for a bit too. She was remembering Mr Al, and said " he died" without understanding what that really meant, So we talked about him a bit, seemed to make her feel better.

more later, night night.
23/Jan/12 7:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I saw on the radar that it's crossing at a diagonal instead of straight north and south. It looks like it may hit you before dawn. I just hope it dies down a lot before that. At least it's a very narrow band of intense storms and don't last long.
I'm about to lock the puppies up again and try to sleep a little.
23/Jan/12 7:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope we don't have any camage, too.
23/Jan/12 7:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, there is another trap set in the pantry. I will leave a couple of pine nuts out to see if they are eaten. He was not living in the pantry so I just hope he had not told the rest of the family where to find food. Actually the few bits that he could get into have been removed so now mostly tins and jars.
happy anniversary to the trouble makers!
Theresa, thinking of you and all the difficulties that you face.
Tricia, sleep all you want, and just pop in here when you want some company.
Belated birthday to Gil. Sounds like you cooked up a 'storm' for his birthday in more ways than one.
Hope the storm missed you Tricia.
Enjoy Aussie day and your birthday at the beach Vitoria.
Hope you are enjoying your new kitchen Gail.
HUGS to you all.
23/Jan/12 10:04 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Thank you for all the anniversary wishes. I will make sure that hubby reads them later. We did find a Thai restaurant near us. Will go tonight and hope it is good. We both like Thai food and haven't had it in a long time.
23/Jan/12 10:30 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mitchell had fun in his basketball tournament yesterday. There were 8 youth groups representing South Florida. His team went 2-2 and did not make the finals. They don't care, they had fun. The only bad note. One of his teammates fell during the first game. Found out later he broke his elbow and will need surgery. We are all wishing him the best.

Also, Aunt Lil is holding her own but her daughters feel the end is close. She has kidney problems and has refused dialysis. I think she has given up. Lil is actually my dad's first cousin but they are as close as brother and sister. My dad is an only child and feels as is if Lil is his sister.
23/Jan/12 10:34 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thank goodness for good weather reporting. I am watching a tornado signature just south of us, maybe 25 minutes, and another that tracked further north of us. I just could not make it to dome, must trust that those 2 will be it and no new little straggler tornadoes pop up. I do have a couple of candles lit, in case we loose power, and my flash light and LED lights in the bag of my walker should I need them. Scooter is sticking to me like glue, she knows things are not as they should be.

This known tornado is far south Chilton county, I live far north Chilton county. Lots of real estate between us. IF this thing stays on the ground, IF it tracks true to forecast, Chilton County Medical Center, small hospital, is in the path. Not good.

Wish I had figured how to get here or to phones of some of you via my smart phone. Maybe I need to collect phone numbers of some of the topsiders?? I am not sure what this does with Internationale calls, something else to learn.

23/Jan/12 10:34 PM
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