Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Finally got my internet back tonight, but got distracted and didn't get here until now.

Tami, I'm so sorry about your Aunt Lil, and yet a little relieved too. She seemed to want to go without a lot of discomfort and that was so quick she must have got her wish. Hugs <3 School yards have lots of exposure here too, for the older kids anyway. Not a good idea here with a hole in our ozone. Cover is becoming more common but is mostly used for rain.

I've given Dana all of the dates and she is keeping a record of them. She says in her dreams it is always the 13th, but that would be wishful thinking.

Julie, I get tired just reading about how little sleep you get. How do you do it????

Theresa, I have really enjoyed your emails today. I showed a couple of people on my phone at coffee and they belly laughed at the ugly face and Ocean View restaurant ones. There wasn't really time to show the others, but they would have loved those too... Please let us know what your GP says. It's so hard to function like that. <3

MizT, we haven't really had a summer like you haven't really had a winter. I wish we could say the same for parts of Europe and WA...

Had an interesting conversation with Dana tonight. She was talking about meeting a bunch of the local Aboriginal elders, and the circumstances. I told her that an aboriginal elder had catered our wedding and her name. It seems like the lady who catered our wedding is the sister of a woman she and her friends knew in the 'dark ages' when we didn't know where she was or who she was with.
04/Feb/12 12:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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oops, I really need to pay attention to the numbers. Insert one of my MOPPs here (Middle of the Page Posts)
04/Feb/12 12:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Condolences to you and your family, Tami. RIP, Aunt Lil.

Just back from the doctor. I will have to have x-rays of the shoulder next week (hopefully) and go for physio - the doctor thinks it's a tear of the rotator cuff. Doctor did not give me pain medication - he wants to see the x-rays first!!!!

AND just because I didn't have quite enough to worry about - D found out yesterday that a warning has been issued about her OCD medication. Apparently the heart can suddenly stop because she is on a very high dosage. She has to be weaned to a lower dosage, but apparently it will take months.

Hubby is going to file a complaint with a group that is in charge of long term care facilities in our province. He has left numerous messages and sent emails to his mom's care facility without any response. He is going to wait with filing it until after his mom has moved out on Monday.
04/Feb/12 3:08 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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A smile - is a sign of joy.
A hug - is a sign of love.
A laugh - is a sign of happiness.
And a friend like me??
$hit...that's just a sign of good taste!!

04/Feb/12 3:11 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We'll be friends until we are old and senile. Then we'll be new friends!!
04/Feb/12 3:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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"I just got off the phone with a friend living in northern Minnesota, near the Canadian border. She said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist-high and is still falling. The temperature is dropping way below zero and the north wind is increasing to near-gale force. Her husband has done nothing but look through the kitchen window and stare.

She says that if it gets much worse, she may have to let him in."

04/Feb/12 3:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good ones, Theresa, but the last is my favorite. But I bet you knew it would be.
04/Feb/12 3:23 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tami, condolences for your family. Your Aunt Lil is at peace. Think of all the wonderful times you spent with her.
I still have not got back to my computer.
We have Laura this weekend. I hope it does not rain this morning as we are going to Chinese New Year festival in the next suburb.
Nice to see you back Theresa.Hope things get sorted out for your Mum and also your D's medication.
04/Feb/12 3:26 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Just popping in for a brief second. Not much going on here, quiet.
Love & Hugs to all with extras.
04/Feb/12 3:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks, June. Have fun with Laura!

Heidi, I did think of you when I read that one.

Well, I am off to do some ffuts. I am back up to over 100 email. I guess unless you tell me you're sick of my jokes, I'll just keep posting them. I hope I'm not offending anyone by some of the slightly off colour language.
04/Feb/12 3:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I LOVE the jokes, Theresa! Please keep posting.
04/Feb/12 3:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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NOBODY can break the site like I can, not even Gail.
04/Feb/12 8:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well,Heidi did you come back and fix it ?
04/Feb/12 9:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I think I have a bug. I am first hot, then cold, my stomach hurts, no appetite, no energy but also restless. Hope this is a bad as it gets. there is a tummy bug going around, I am told.

Rainy day this afternoon. Kitty wants to be in my lap, do not know who is keeping whom warm hehehe. At the moment she is settled on the computer tower, it is warm and it purrs too.

I did read the posts, just cannot concentrate on making comments at the moment. Please forgive. I do remember some funny jokes from Theresa, liked the snow storm one hehehe.
04/Feb/12 9:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That does sound like a bug, MizT. I hope it goes away soon. You don;t need this right now.
04/Feb/12 10:06 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Change of life MizT?
04/Feb/12 11:15 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hello there luverly SA people...
Copy and paste from easy for the benefit of those that don't venture far from family and home...

Woohoo...I'm back!!
Password sorted.. Thankyou Gath
It is NO fun having things to say and being muzzled by the inability to log in.

The Beanpad has been experiencing some communication difficulties but is up and running again... sort of... three cheers for mobile
broadband because I think the house needs rewiring! We were offline long enough for this little bean to forget all her passwords DUH!
Naturally I have forgotten everything that I wanted to comment on.

Must away before it gets to hot outside to do any jobs in the garden.. 33 predicted for Melbourne today and it is already 31 at my back door [in the shade..] NOT happy... Time to relocate to Tassie?
04/Feb/12 11:59 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Broni you are a cheeky sod.. hope you feel better soon Tricia.
Love the jokes Tricia.
Suzy I've had the 29th at the back of my mind but I certainly hope not.. wouldn't wish that on any poor child...LOL
Theresa I loved "a smile, a hug, a laugh & a friend like me..."
..and so say all of us.. love you all...

Keep cool, dry, warm, healhy, happy ... whatever... everybody. Know that you are in my thoughts even if there is little evidence of it at times..
04/Feb/12 12:10 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oops...really should proof read.. obviously joke comment was for theresa.. duh...
04/Feb/12 12:11 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Busy day at school, but then they are all that way.

Theresa, I love the jokes. Keep posting them. We can all use a laugh.
04/Feb/12 1:05 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone! :)
Haven't posted here for quite a while, so hope you are all well.
Tami, very sorry to hear about your Aunt's passing - I'm glad it was peaceful.
Hi Bean, nice to see you back here!
I'll be joining my sister on Monday, heading up to Mum's place to clean and organise the house. At the moment there is no clean water (!!) and it will NOT be a fun visit! Seems that the water has been contaminated and we have to find out how and why. Can't remember if I said - Mum has been moved into care, but she thinks it's only for a day or so. Half the time she can't remember that Dad has gone - her memory is only on a few minutes now. We are cleaning things and getting rid of anything we can, but the hard part is not having my car with me - that makes everything so much harder!
Well, that's about all - stay well everyone!
04/Feb/12 1:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Theresa, I'm loving your jokes! Keep 'em coming.

Judy, great to see you. Bummer about the water, hope you can sort that out.

Guess what? We raaaed in Dana's ear about the phone, she found the police report number and raaaaed in Optus's ear and she will be receiving a sort of refund, no cash - but she will get the equivalent in Optus credit to use however she wants. She's happy with that.
04/Feb/12 2:00 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Judy: Sad about your mum, sometimes my cousin Manny forgets that my mom & dad are there at the care facility visiting him...happened a couple of weeks ago, he went to a church service, leaving my mom & dad standing there!!
On a personal note, some stress with Darrell and I in the "getting along" area...don't think its anything serious, just stress...any feedback would be appreciated...we've had some tension for quite some time now.
Love & Hugs to all with extras!!
04/Feb/12 2:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... was it Three who walked off with the phone? Not many people knew her phone was there.
04/Feb/12 3:01 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura and I are "dragon-ed" out. We have been celebrating the Chinese/Korean Luna New Year. Being in the Suburbs you could get up close and personal! Laura thought it was great. I will do some photos when I get my computer back. Great to see you here Bean.
MizT. Please do not get sick again. We worry if you do not have anyone with you.
04/Feb/12 3:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, no it wasn't Three. She heard the male voice and would have recognised his.

June, that sounds like fantastic fun! Can't wait to see the photos.

MizT, phone beside you at all times, no matter where you go or what you are doing please... hugs

04/Feb/12 4:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I can't remember if I told you about my next door neighbour. She fell at home, banged into a doorway and has 3 or 4 breaks in her shoulder. They called an ambulance and it took a while to get her out as she is very large. Our local public hospital has a shortage of orthopods and most broken bones are transferred to Wollongong - over an hour away. However, if you have private insurance you can go to the private hospital 10 minutes away. For some reason our public hospital really resists transferring people to the private hospital so they sent her home and told them to take her to Wollongong hospital the next morning. (When it was Alie I jumped up and down and got her into the local hospital). She got up there in the morning and they had no idea she was coming and she ended up spending 7 or 8 hours in their casualty waiting room. I couldn't work out why they hadn't got straight on the phone to the hospital down here and insisted they sort out the paperwork to get her taken care of, then I found out the men took her... it all makes sense now. No woman would have allowed that to happen.
04/Feb/12 5:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi to all in SA10! Sorry, I think I missed popping in yesterday, and barely have time to peek in tonight.

Suzy, I would think it would be fun to have a Feb. 29 birthday. Brenda, I think your mother had the right attitude for it. I can understand Dana hoping not to wait that long. My nephew's wife was due today and is getting anxious. (My first was 7 days late, the second was 4 days late.) Hang in there, Dana! The baby will come when it's good and ready!

Suzy, you didn't mention if you or Dana bought a raffle ticket for the bench.

Tami, my condolences to you, your family and Aunt Lil's family. May she RIP! At least it seems she went on her terms and without a prolonged period of time.

Mama, sending positive thoughts for Reina to be able to finish her degree at her chosen university! Budget cuts have made it much more difficult to get the classes needed in a timely fashion. Is she in a field where she can get some work experience prior to receiving her degree? Wishing her good luck!

Theresa, hopefully the care facility made a mistake and your MIL won't need to move just yet! Enjoyed the stories and jokes you shared with us! It was fun reading the alpha-numeric post. I hope your doctor appointment helped to pinpoint what is causing your pain so that you might find some relief!

Still a day behind, as I'm just finishing page 331. Hopefully there will be more time tomorrow. Then I can fill you in a bit on what is keeping me busy.

Prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
04/Feb/12 5:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I always buy a raffle ticket in local raffles. Sometimes I keep everything crossed that I don't win as the prizes are horrific, but there are many good causes around and raffles are hard to organise so I support all of them in this way. I figure if everyone bought a ticket they'd all make a good amount of money at very little cost to the average citizen. Dana bought some too, the day before though.

A late night again for you. You mentioned you have trouble losing weight. I've read that not sleeping enough would not be helping you there.

04/Feb/12 6:28 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well today has been a day of emotional ups and downs....survived and it has been a good day.
04/Feb/12 7:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, I hope that means there were more ups than downs...

Dana has finished the back and one of the fronts of her cardigan. She isn't game to start the other one just yet or she'll end up knitting all night again.

04/Feb/12 7:23 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, Dag posted this on the other site.
"Don't cry over the past it's gone.
Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived.
Live in the present and make it beautiful"
04/Feb/12 8:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Opps sorry Zusy, Yes, more ups.
04/Feb/12 8:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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You made it though Broni, that is a good thing.
I have read everything on this page and I must admit, it is quite an overwhelming page!
Briefly, welcome back Bean and Judy, hope the 'going through' and water saga aren't too awful Judy :(
Suzanne, I am sorry to read your news, and yes, it would be due to the stress you have both experienced recently. I wish everything would fall into place so you have the pleasure of being a relaxed couple again. Just try to remember what you saw in each other at the beginning that made you fall in love in the first place, put everything else behind that, time can make all relationships a little bland xoxo
04/Feb/12 8:35 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. On my way to Saturday tutoring. Hate getting up but love the overtime.

Judy, glad you are back. Hope things go well at your mom's place. Cleaning up is not easy.

Broni, hope things are going well and you have more ups than downs.

I dread the day I will have to clean up my parent's place. My brother and I did do one good clean-up in their garage, but that was just a start. Dad thinks he is going to need something and won't let us get rid of it.
04/Feb/12 11:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail.... your words of wisdom sounded just like Mamacita. I cannot say it better than you did, nor would I try. So I ditto your sentiments, and trust that everyone understands that I mean them.
05/Feb/12 12:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is off in Indiana for most of the day, so I'm off to Lexington to pick up 2 new Lady Gouldian finches. These 2 are youngsters, and both black-headed blue-backs, a mutation that I no longer have.
05/Feb/12 1:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Know for sure I have a tummy bug now. Not throwing up, the other, and did not sleep last night, bummer. Phone is in my robe pocket, or on the table beside me, it is a habit now.

We had rain yesterday. It was a fast moving system, supposed to happen last night, was over and done before night. More rain expected tonight/tomorrow. Had enough already.

Tami, hope today's tutoring goes well for you. Do the boys have to go with you? Are they responsible enough to stay home alone now?

HI BEAN, HI JUDY, good to see each of you pop in for a visit. Judy, the going through of things is a major task, hope it goes well for you.

YEAH DANA, good to hear the cardigan is going well.

Suzy, healing vibes and wishes for your neighbor, that has to be most painful and then to hang around the ER for so long, not fun.

I need to find something for breakfast that will set easy on my tummy. Perhaps toast? And something to drink, I am tired of water and colas.

Catch you all later, hugs to each of you with extras.

05/Feb/12 1:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, safe trip to you. Are you expecting rain this morning?
05/Feb/12 1:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thank you Heidi ♥
05/Feb/12 2:20 AM
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