Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
We understand what today means to you and are with you in spirit...hold on will get a little easier to bear eventually.

Tricia, glad you have improved quickly, and knew you would, but I understand missing those caring therapist who helped get you where you now can once again depend on Trica...Now get to work on that food prep for quick lunches. Love ya ol girl.

Heidi...Enjoy! Enjoy....but take care of that back with some rest and relaxation as you do.

Good to see you Theresa...Just as you have been so successful with fighting the cigarettes, you will lose that weight in time. Loved your postings and look forward to seeing you with or w/o emptying your emails...always fun to read what others get. are the greatest girl! loved the worry over YOUR room...sounds like me..he he.

Gail...I only wish results like you are going to soon be enjoying came w/o the mess and chaos, but knowing you, it will be handled very I need to admit I'm just a tad jealous...would love to do some reno here, but pocketbook won't allow it right now.

Rolanda...glad things are looking up a bit for you...sending continued good wishes.

Suzanne, What a great outcome to really do something spontaneous and enjoy it to the max... Wonder bar! always bring a smile to my face when you post...loved the comment to Suzy -like.
Tami, you'll have to treat me to a Slurpee as well as the brownies when I'm in Fl next time...I love em and haven't had one in years.

Julie...I am always amazed with your talent for such detailed summaries with seeming details whenever I make an's hard, and you do it late, tired, sleepy, etc...simply awesome girl.
Things here are fairly quiet...missing Ezra and my daily cuddles, but Angelique is here and may be her for a while yet. Reina is going to be here for a year or so before going back to finish school...and when she goes back for the final year, Angelique will go with her. They won't be staying at my place for the entire year, but just in case it goes much longer, I've told her that she must get a job...and today while shopping, I checked to see if the grocery store was hiring...and it was, so now,now she's on notice to get an application in. One must work to eat and play!!!
Have a great day/night...Off to the puzzles. Peace.
01/Feb/12 6:31 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

While this is a biblical quote, it often comes to mind when I read many of the giving post from you...and the giving spirit that has been spoken of on many pages continues and shows how much we reap...just look at some of the post on this page....just don't want you to think that I'm pushing 'religion' on ya...but you do often act in godly ways! Peace.
01/Feb/12 6:37 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
Mama, that is so true. You set a shining example for all of us. The giving spirit shines here and it is evident in many posts and stories of past times.
June, for what must have been a very difficult day.
Gail, your house will be wonderful when all the renovations have been completed.
Suzy, how long now until the baby is due? It's sometime this month isn't it?
Theresa, I don't have the excuse of giving up smoking for my weight gain. I just need to get up off my big fat butt and get moving.
Speaking of which, I have a load of washing to hang out ...... it's sunny this morning. Then I'm off to work. Have a wonderful day!
01/Feb/12 7:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Afternoon all. Crazy day today. Our garbage disposal sprung a leak. A friend is coming over in a few minutes to try to fix it. I may just need to be tightened.

Tricia, glad you are doing better but wish I lived close enough to check on you occasionally.

Mamacita, it will be my pleasure to buy you a slurpee. Let me know the next time you will be in town, and I will pay I may even bake brownies for you.
01/Feb/12 8:48 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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*sigh* I know it will, I know, I just don't like the turmoil! But we are sorting and throwing, so all is good. Luckily, both hubby and I are quite ok with mess, so it's not really bothering anyone...just would like to know where stuff is!
01/Feb/12 9:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, I wish I could come help you. At least you are ok with the mess and you know that the end is near and your house will be bee-oo-tiful.
01/Feb/12 9:02 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Anybody know how to install a garbage disposal???
01/Feb/12 10:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The only garbage disposal I have doesn't need installation. The collies do that job. I can't help. Sorry.
01/Feb/12 12:33 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, YOU would have been the person I considered most likely to know how to install one.
01/Feb/12 12:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I bet there is a video on the web that would show you how. There are videos for everything else!
01/Feb/12 1:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think I have a How-To book that gives instructions, Tami.
01/Feb/12 4:01 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon my friends.
Slow day on site, where is everyone?
01/Feb/12 4:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, All! Darn! I'm running later than expected, so won't have time to read all of the posts and comment.

Heidi, I don't think I've ever seen a grape Slurpee! It sounds good!

MizT, I agree with the others. Can't imagine you've already met all of your goals for therapy, though good for you! Remember to keep doing all of the exercises to continue to build strength and endurance! We know you can do it!

Suzy, I enjoyed your un-TOPP on page 329!

Suzanne, great idea to call your half-sister for her birthday!
01/Feb/12 5:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just heard the funniest song! In music class today Alie was a bit bored so called a friend over and said 'I'm going to write you a song', and she did! It's hilarious!! As is the backup story about how embarrassed she was...
01/Feb/12 5:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, if I find something I like I've decided to un-topp it as I only ever get a topp when I have nothing cool to say!
01/Feb/12 5:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great comments and TOPP, Mama! It's always a delight to read what you post. Good for you for reminding Reina that she needs to earn her living while staying with you! So this is just some time off before she goes back to finish a degree?

Vicki, you must get up early to have a load of yrdnual ready to be hung out before leaving for work!

Theresa, and others who have mentioned a need to lose weight, it's hard but something we CAN do. If you noticed, I wrote WE, as it's been something I've been trying to do for years. I heard on the radio today that hormone levels contribute to making weight loss difficult for women. Of course, there's a pill for that. Nope, I need to figure a way to do it without a pill.

Gail, just remember that the mess is temporary. And before long, you'll once again know where everything is! Good for you and hubby for taking on a challenging job!

Suzy, what a great suggestion to look for videos about installing a garbage disposal. Yep, youtube has a bit of everything. We have a garbage disposal, but rarely use it. Just once in a while put a lemon or orange peel and/or a few ice cubes in and run it - just to be sure there are no nasties that inadvertently got in there.

Hi, Broni! Will you have any work this week - or do you find out day by day? I hope the weather has improved!

Rolanda, thinking of you and your "assistants" in your quest for a care facility for your Mum! Keeping fingers crosses that all progesses smoothly!

Missing Viv here - and keeping her in my thoughts for less pain and perhaps an answer or two when she sees the next Doc.

Becky, come back when you can. We miss you! Same goes for Rena!

eaa, hope all is well for you. We enjoyed your posts, but wish you could visit on a more regular basis!

OK, I really must head to bed. Nearly 12:30, and I have a cello lesson tomorrow, so need to practice in the morning. Sending much , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for all of you, including anyone I missed!
01/Feb/12 5:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, good for you! Great idea to un-TOPP whenever there's a good quote available! Will Alie be recording the song she wrote for her friend? Inquiring minds would like to know!

And now, I will head to the land of Nod.
01/Feb/12 5:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Have a nice sleep Julie. I am still on Hubby's computer. Mine is showing some security shield which says I have some things I do not want but wants me to pay to install this to get rid of them. Ken ran the virus checker through and it did not find anything. I need my daughter! Sharon installed everything on my machine, including all the security so we are not sure what this is.
01/Feb/12 5:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My neighbour gave me some fresh home grown figs yesterday so we are having braised lamb shanks with rosemary, figs and honey.
I got my can back today. Only just over a week which was good.
It has been a cool wet day. Unfortunately I did not do any of the jobs I should have and actually had a nap after I had done some shopping. Did not sleep much last night.
Tricia, sorry all your help has left you so suddenly. Take care and look after yourself.
{{{HUGS}}} to you all.
01/Feb/12 5:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I uploaded a video on fb, well a picture of my keyboard (boy does it need cleaning!) with Alie in the background. I recorded it without her knowing, she knows now and I have permission..

MizT, wish I lived close so I could drop in on you!

June, can I come for dinner? That sounds yummy! Hope you sleep better tomorrow.

Sleep well Julie.
01/Feb/12 6:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I have been cleaning Ken's keyboard while I have been using his computer. A bit of metho on a cotton ball. Waiting for Ken to come home. The taste test of the 'gravy' around the meat is yummy.
01/Feb/12 6:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ask Yourself: How can I add more love and joy to this moment?
01/Feb/12 6:51 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

I am sure that I can figure out how to install a garbage disposal, I just really don't want to. I figured out how to replace the kitchen faucet last year, so I can do this also. My brother will come over if needed.
01/Feb/12 10:27 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, could not find the video on your FB page. When did you post it?
01/Feb/12 10:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I tagged you in it Tami.

Good luck getting the disposal installed..

Good idea June.. I've got both metho and cotton balls..
01/Feb/12 10:51 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... I'm salivating over the braised lamb shanks in rosemary, figs and honey. AMBROSIA!!!!!
02/Feb/12 2:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Alie is SO talented! She actually wrote a song while bored during class?
02/Feb/12 3:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just picked up the repaired trailer. It's good as new.
02/Feb/12 4:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now to search the house for the missing checkbook. I want to go pick up some lumber. I need an 18 ft. 4x4 to support my new Barn Owl nest box, and some 2x4 pieces to build a support platform and perch. Then I need to get some 2x6's to top the fence that Robert and I rebuilt.
02/Feb/12 4:53 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone. Went and picked up a check from doing the refinance (difference in escrow fees) and Darrell gave it to me for my checkbook!! He said it was for emergencies...whatever, I am grateful. He is VERY good to me!
Glad to hear all is well. Hugs to June . Healing vibes to whoever needs them.

Picked up a new pair of glasses. Had frames from November, but they were bothering me. Insurance (which we FINALLY got this January--we both wear glasses, ????!??) covered everything but $65 out of pocket.

Not much else going on, going to dinner with my friend Helen to Denny's. The Masons/Eastern Star are having a fundraiser for Shriner's Hospitals...

That's all for now, take care, TTFN
02/Feb/12 7:48 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good afternoon friends. today had been dreary and rainy, very grey. I spent the morning trying to get warm, although the temp outside was not cold, the damp came creeping in, settled in my bones. Withheating pad and warm throw and a second shirt on, I got warm at last and fell asleep. Just like a baby, get it's belly full and nice and warm, instant nap hehehe.

Goals for therapists were minimal. I had to be able to get out of bed, wash myself, dress myself, and provide 3 simple meals a day, that is all.

I have made it to the mail box twice this week, it is getting easier. Today have not done much, just chey when I am not warm so spent the day staying warm. that sherpa throw and a polar tech shirt do help. Recliner and I have kept good company today.

I made soup today, Al's brother is coming over tomorrow after a routine doctor's appointment at 8 am, I need to be able to feed them lunch and soup is the easiest way. It smells good, I must say. Venison and vegetables, the veg from a bag of mix veg, frozen. Dry onion soup to give the broth a good taste ( no beef broth in the pantry) and it is really smelling yummy.

Suzanne, congrats on getting to keep the check. I am sure you wil use it wisely.

Heidi, hope you found the checkbook and got your lumberl Your owl box sounds interesting. Did I tell you we have been hearing an owl at night around here? Cannot tell where it is roosting, but it is nice to listen for it.

June, your dinner with the figs sounds lovely. Not sure I would have put the figs into a main dish like that. Last figs I was given, I made fig preserves, had the last of them for Christmas.

Enough for now, I will try to return later. hugs to each of you, with extras.
02/Feb/12 10:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Crazy day at school. Went out of my room for a minute and watched a boy throw a rock at another boy and the other boy pick it up and throw it back. Rock was about the size of my fist. Got head of security involved. He watched the video and confirmed I had the right boys. Luckily nobody got hit with the rock.
02/Feb/12 10:41 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
June, read your post about the security messages again and had a thought. There are a couple of scams out there that create a pop up that looks a lot like your anti-virus protection, they tell you there is something wrong and you need to upgrade NOW. Then ask you for a whole lot of money to do it. Sometimes you do get a product (that you didn't need), but sometimes you just lose your money. I had it happen a few times and later found it on one of those hoax sites.
02/Feb/12 11:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, warm hugs... those goals seem a little too minimal for someone who lives in such an isolated area. I guess they don't take that into account.

Tami, what will happen to the boys?
02/Feb/12 11:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, it was just a fun, little song, but I was shocked at how fast too.

02/Feb/12 11:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I am not sure. They will both be suspended, probably for 10 days. If one had gotten hit, the other could have faced charges. A rock can be considered a weapon.

Good point about the virus warning being a scam. Better safe than sorry.
02/Feb/12 12:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Guessing competition (with no prize) going on here. I've guessed the 9th, Dana wants the 13th, Alie says 12th and Joel the 14th. The due date is actually the 26th. Don said the 29th just to upset her!
02/Feb/12 12:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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10 days seems fair.

That scam even runs a fake scan of your computer and finds fake viruses. I scanned with my own anti-virus software and found nothing. But it left me with a bad feeling until I saw the hoax report.
02/Feb/12 12:14 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I'll take the 16th.
02/Feb/12 12:22 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy the 26th is my FIL Birthday.
I'll pick 16th.
02/Feb/12 12:27 PM
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