Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Welcome back Bean...glad your passwords have been either remembered or renewed and we'll see more of you...
Judy,glad to see you too, but know how difficult the task ahead is for you...wishing you the best in facing the challenges your Mom's memory loss and the need for the clean up bring.
Gail's advice to remember the good times and put the other things behind was sound advice not only for Suzanne, but all of us. Relationships of any type go through many changes and we have to think of them, and I guess life, as sorta like a roller coaster with its ups and downs. Time brings constant change, but like Broni, we usually end up thinking and feeling that in the end, life is good, and therefore, the relationships that hold up under the stress usually become stronger. Hang in there everyone...may our joys continue to outlast our challenges.
Suzy, kudos to Dana for getting some recompense from the company for her lost phone, and to her parents for motivating her to do do. do learn fast my friend...keep feeling better each day, and the phone by your side...we do so enjoy your company on this site.
Judy, I'm so looking forward to an earlier start for your posting, so that we get to hear about you!
Well, now that I've touched base with you great folks, I'm off to do some jigsaws..take care one and all...I care! Peace.♥
05/Feb/12 3:20 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Well, another unexpected topp brings to mind the thought that....Love is one thing freely given that becomes greater in its return...the more we give, the more we get...hate is second to that! ♥
05/Feb/12 3:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from Lexington. It rained the entire way, but I have good tires (Michelins) on my truck, so I don't worry.
The baby finches are healthy and pretty. They still have their juvenile colors, but are just starting to change to adult plumage.
05/Feb/12 5:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Afternoon all.
Tricia, hubby was home with the boys today but yes they are responsible. They are 15 and 11. Dylan walks home from school now and stays by himself, well with Harley, until Mitchell or I get home. He usually beats me home by about 10-15 minutes.

Heidi, enjoy the day without IH. The finches are pretty. One of these days the boys and I are going to come for a visit. That is a promise, not a threat.
05/Feb/12 7:56 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Well mowed the lawns yesterday, took Bella for a walk then brushed her, chiselled more of the woodrot from the car port. Had a friend drop by in the afternoon and showed me how to use the whipper snipper(weed eater)and chewed up a couple of patches of grass, still getting the hang of it
Bella has been for a walk this morning before it gets too hot, used the sucky thing on half the house and just having a break, down the boat this afternoon to what damage all the rain has done. Phew!
Love and Hugs
05/Feb/12 10:24 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wise words Dag and Mama, Zusanne the stresses from everyday living make us forget we are here for a good time, go back to when you both were having fun and create new fun, like Gail and her date nights. Doesn't have to expensive apart from time having fun together.
Well that's my two cents worth!
05/Feb/12 10:40 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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we now have a Zusy and a Zusanne!
05/Feb/12 10:41 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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OK cannot procrastinate any longer, back to the sucky thing.
05/Feb/12 10:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I think the bug thing is passed. I did not sleep last night, but had a long nap today. Joy came down, I cooked a small pork roast, and enjoyed my dinner greatly. Smashed taters and cabbage that cooked with the roast, yummy.

Bit rain came through, really windy at first, straight line winds. Kitty was unhappy, wanted me to make the wind stop, or take her to the dome, one or the other. the wind lasted about 15 minutes, she took shelter under the table till it was over. Scardy cat.

Joy had a tooth that has abcessed, went to urgent care, since you cannot find an emergency dentist, especially one on your insurance plan, on a Saturday. they gave her antibiotics and pain killers, till she can get to dentist this coming week. Same think dentist would have done, cannot address the tooth issue till the infection is cleared. I hope she can find a dentist here on her plan.

Rain is almost over for us, that is good, Just a light rain now, soon to be out of our area. It should be cooler afterward. Was way warm about dusk, joy and i sat on the back porch, I think it was 70F or 21.1C. It really sounds like spring, frogs in the nearby pond are making a lot of noise.

I should make a cake, I want desert and none available. Well, I could open canned fruit, or have yogurt with fruit, but cake sounds so much better.

I am out of here now, will go and hold down my recliner a bit. Find me a new book, finished one last night, it was only so so, not one I would have chosen. See you again son, hugs to each of you, with extras.

05/Feb/12 12:13 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Break Time!!!! Woah! will someone stop me pleeeese!
That hot steamy moppy thingy is making me break out in a sweat.
MizT, good sign you have your appetite back, sure kitty is happy you are better company.
Hope Joy can find a dentist on her plan and it is nothing serious.
It's snowing in London.
05/Feb/12 12:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish Joy lived here. My dentist is always available for emergencies (except when she goes to the Bahamas). I have plenty of 'em, too, but no dental insurance.
Glad the bug was a short one, MizT.
05/Feb/12 12:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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An abscess is always serious.
05/Feb/12 12:57 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, you are an emergency waiting to happen.
05/Feb/12 1:04 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon everybody.
Had planned on a relaxing afternoon in the park under an oak tree mellowing out with wine and live music. Instead I am sitting here with everything crossed hoping that the 40-50kmph winds don't get any stronger, take the roof off or completely wreck my garden. Cool change is on the way with rain only about 100k's away. Hallelujah.... feeling VERY sick and heatstruck.

Experiencing rolling blackouts.. well presume that is what happening. Power keeps going out...not resetting another clock til things stabilise.
Can't remember what I've read.. headache / heatstruck? Love all round... BFN
05/Feb/12 2:42 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Rain is closer than that Bean, check out BOM
05/Feb/12 2:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Broni.... you truly understand me.
05/Feb/12 3:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That does NOT sound pleasant, Bean. And here I was feeling sorry for myself because it won't stop raining, and the ground is like an over-soaked sponge. I can't use the tractor because it sinks over a foot down when I drive it and tears up the fields something fierce. I think I'd rather have this than your excessive heat.
05/Feb/12 3:37 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hey Pa, the rains have come!
It was very heavy up here just now, and the winds are still strong, but it has all settled down a lot from this morning, thought the house was going to lift off its stilts! There have been numerous trees down on the local roads, and when hubby and I just went into Emerald for much needed supplies (afternoon tea cake!) there was dross everywhere!
But at least the temperature is down, way down, now it's chilly outside!
05/Feb/12 4:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Day, Everyone! I have hesitated to change my avatar, wondering if the snow flake was keeping snow away. The groundhog avatars didn't get a chance to see daylight this year, so we shouldn't be having a lot more winter. Hopefully, it's safe to start with the hearts and valentines!
05/Feb/12 4:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, so glad you have your internet back! I've also heard of the need for more sleep. I have been trying, but it's been a busy week! What a coincidence that Dana met and talked to the sister of the woman who catered your wedding during the time she was not at home. Dana is making good progress on the sweater she's knitting for the baby!

Theresa, I hope you're able to get the X-rays scheduled soon and the doctor can conform (or not) his diagnosis. Then, perhaps, you will be able to get some pain medication and find out what the next step is to getting some relief! Don't spend too much time worrying about your D's medication. The good news is that she has been notified and will gradually be weaned to a milder dose! Your hubby is right to file a complaint (and smart to wait until after the move to another care facility. It's just so inconvenient and not the way your MIL should be treated!

Theresa, thanks for sharing the jokes! As far as I'm concerned, you can keep them coming! It's nice to have some light-hearted

June, I'm glad you and Laura were able to enjoy some nearby Chinese/Korean New Year celebrations!

MizT, I hope the bug departs and you will be feeling much better tomorrow! I'm so glad to know that you keep your phone close-by! When I was having rehab after knee replacements, that was one of the things they stressed - having a phone near. Of course, many of my slacks and blouses don't have a phone and I considered getting a smock or apron with a pocket to wear all of the time.

Woo Hoo, Bean has returned! You have been missed! I hope you can keep up and running! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Look at that, Judy is here today too! Judy, from the sounds of things, you're going to be very busy sorting out the water problem as well as taking care of your Mum's things! I hope your Mum will adjust to her new care facility! Good luck with the sorting and purging! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Suzanne, so sorry to hear about your Uncle Manny, but even more to hear of a few rocky moments with Darrell. I'm sure it's nothing serious. I read something that I wanted to post for Theresa to share with her D. It might also be relevant to you (and me, and maybe a few others). Perhaps I'll have time in the next day or two to track it down and get it posted. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Suzy, reading about your next-door neighbor and all she had to go through to get treatment was awful! Someone should file a complaint for her. (Of course, it may need to be about the men who allowed it all to happen. ) Your approach to raffles is a sensible one! I hope you or Dana will be the winner of the bench! Also glad to hear that there will be some credit on Dana's account for the phone fiasco!

Gail, you have offered some good advice!

Heidi, I hope your trip to pick up the Lady Gouldian finches was uneventful and they are beginning to get accustomed to their new home!

Tami, I could hardly believe it was already Saturday! I hope the morning tutoring session went well!
05/Feb/12 5:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I am going to leave page 333 for tomorrow!

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, , positive thoughts, and healing vibes for all! Take care of yourselves!
05/Feb/12 5:48 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Looks like everyone is waiting for you to catch up Julie.
Goodnight my friends.
05/Feb/12 11:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Happy Sunday everyone. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Busy day for me. Kids have Hebrew school and it is Mitzvah day at the temple. A Mitzvah is a good deed. Mitchell's youth group will be sorting clothes for the needy (I have 2 big bags to bring in). I will be donating blood and not sure what else. Dylan's class will do something but not sure what. We do stuff all year but today is set aside to get as many people as possible involved.
06/Feb/12 12:30 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, glad you always keep a phone near you. I was also concerned about you being alone but this makes me feel a little better.
06/Feb/12 12:31 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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'Morning All. Laura has gone home for the week. With painting, craft etc always lots to finish putting away after she has gone home.(things I got out and she cannot put away).
So nice to see Bean and Judy (and everyone else of course).
Tricia' we have "vital call" here where you get a control to hang around your neck with a button to push if you need help. They phone you back to make sure it is an emergency call and if needed you supply a couple of numbers they can call for you and if all else fails they call an ambulance.
The funny story was when Mum went to sleep sitting at the kitchen table, leant forward and pressed on the button. The phone was in another room so she did not hear it and next thing she had my sister, her daughter and the ambulance all arrive at the same time. Mum woke up and wondered what ever was going on!
06/Feb/12 1:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, there is a similar service here that one can subscribe to, but I am told it is rather expensive. I have not looked into it. It is called Life Alert. It is advertised on TV a lot, "I have fallen and I cannot get up" being the main theme.

Boy I slept late and well today. I know I moved from bed to chair to bed during the night, but was sleeping soundly when my phone alarm for 9 am meds went off. No telling how long I would have slept if not for that alarm.

Rain is over, and I need to plan on a trip to Wal Mart. I need a few grocery items and need to renew the card for my phone. I did not make it automatic, as they store my credit card info on their server. Huge servers full of financial information make me nervous, where better for hackers to attack? I will go monthly to buy the card for a while, till I feel more comfortable with them. See if I can use a gift card tht has a limited amount of dollars on it to purchase online, that would be better. We will see.

I need to finish making a "pocket" for my phone, as some of my pants do not have pockets in them. this is a small holder on a strap that I can wear when I do not have a pocket in pants. Joy has a hard case that clips onto waistband of her jeans, but I do not wear jeans, or shirts tucked in. Not sure that would work as well for me. Perhaps I could look today at what is for sale, see if there is something I like.

Julie, I do need to change my avatar, I have several hearts for Valentine Day. It is time, thanks for the reminder.

BEAN, did you get cooling rain?

Well, off for morning meds, that was what the alarm was all about. I hope to be back today. Hugs to each of you, till my return.
06/Feb/12 2:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I would LOVE to send some of my rain to those in need. If this was really winter (below freezing), we would be having a record snowfall.
06/Feb/12 3:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to get dressed soon (for outside.... I'm in lounge clothes right now) and go do a thorough cow check. Calving in mass should start in a few days.
06/Feb/12 4:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Neighbor is over my house right now installing the new garbage disposal. I had fun at the temple. I donated blood and sorted clothing. I also dropped Mitchell and his friend off to pick up garbage at the local ball fields.
06/Feb/12 4:20 AM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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Bernie and I wanted to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers for Lil. Even though they are cousins, they grew up more like sister/brother. She went peacefully and with her daughters by her side.
06/Feb/12 4:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds like a good way to go, Bobbie. Please give Bernie a hug from me.
06/Feb/12 5:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No new calves, but too much mud. At least I got the float valve on the water tank repaired so it doesn't overflow any more. And make MORE mud.
06/Feb/12 7:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil is very upset. Their last guard dog just savaged some sheep. He had to come home and get his gun to put a severely mauled ewe down. I don't know what he's going to do about this dog.
06/Feb/12 10:06 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning everybody... much happier little vegemite today... I'm actually cold!! Had to get up in the nmiddle of the night to find a light throw to keep me warm! Oh happy days..

It was wonderful to have rain... dampen some of the dust.. yep... my back yard has turned into a dust bowl... very energetic 'puppies' have put paid to that..

CANNOT believe that I've got the Superbowl on... what have you topsiders done to me!! My goodness.. what can I say.. I don't even watch ozzie rules... I've had enough now of narrowing the gulf between us..
BTW... we have better eye candy... our footy shorts rock... LOL
[is there any other reason to watch the footie?]

Good weather for cleaning up in the garden!
Catch you all later
06/Feb/12 10:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Bean, I'll take guys in shorts over guys in pads any day. Living near the beach I get a lot of eye candy

Heidi, sorry about the sheep but maybe (fingers crossed) Gil will learn to listen to you.
06/Feb/12 12:18 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Had dinner, enjoyed the half-time show and enjoying the commercials. The commercials are usually the best part of the Superbowl. Hubby and boys are rooting for the Giants and so am I.
06/Feb/12 12:20 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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an amusing anecdote for you all from the Beanpad..

I'm going to start a book:

"What Zoe did next..."

Lachie in bed asleep.
Dogs snoozing in backroom on the floor.
Moi? Sitting on the red sofa tapping away on the computer..[adjacent room]

Peace shattered by scrabbling at the back door and the sound of barking dogs disappearing into the back yard...

Bluddy hell!!!

Never wanted a dull life... haven't got a dull life...

Caught her in action a little while ago demonstrating why I now need to turn the key when I shut the door if I want to keep the dogs in...
06/Feb/12 1:30 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Zoe BTW is my beautiful 16month old german shepherd maremma cross puppy. She is already somewhere around 30-35 kgs.. I'm really hoping she has finished growing.. she is almost as big as a shetland pony...

Will update photo's one day if we ever get a landline up and running again... photo's are all on the desktop. Just checked and even the FB puppy folder hasn't been updated for a while..
06/Feb/12 1:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone!

I loved your TOPP message, Mama! We have so many great, thoughtful, warm and caring regulars on this "forum." Actually, both of your TOPP messages are fantastic! They are both straight from the heart and wonderful reminders of the way life is.

Heidi, welcome home to your new juvenile finches!

In spite of a busy day, some wise words from Broni, as well! We can all (well, most of us) use the reminders!

MizT, I'm so glad the bug has moved on quickly! Hopefully you will have a wonderful sleep tonight! So glad you got your appetite back and you and Joy were able to enjoy a nice dinner and evening together. I hope her tooth doesn't give her a lot of pain as she waits for the antibiotic to work on the infection. Hopefully she'll find a good dentist on her plan!

Bean, it's so nice to have you back with us. Your plan for the day (relaxing afternoon in the park under an oak tree mellowing out with wine and live music) sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, your reality doesn't sound like nearly as much fun! I hope the wind died down, the power was restored, and cooler temperatures have blown in!

Tami, the Mitzvah Day sounds like a wonderful idea to get people involved!

June, it sounds like you and Laura had a full weekend with lots of arts and crafts!

MizT, I'm so glad you keep your phone nearby! It definitely can be difficult when your clothes don't have a pocket! It's not so difficult this time of year because I often have a fleece shirt-jacket (with pockets) on for extra warmth. It's no help during the summer months!

Tami, hooray for your neighbor who helped install the new garbage disposal!

Bobbie, it was nice to see you today after a long absence. While I'm sure Lil's passing was difficult for Bernie, it sounds like she passed the way she want to. {{{HUGS}}} to you and Bernie!

Heidi, I don't envy you and all the mud you are dealing with! Hopefully some of it will be dried up by the time most of the calves arrive! How unfortunate that some more sheep were attacked by the remaining guard dog! Will Gil leave you with the task of dealing with the dog? I hope he will listen to you when it comes to choosing new guard dogs!

Bean, can't wait for you to write your book about Zoe, the "puppy"! Is Lachie's dog as big - and as mischievous?
06/Feb/12 5:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just past midnight, so I'm heading to bed. Healing vibes, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
06/Feb/12 5:07 PM
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