Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Let go of your life of 'security' and embrace a life of infinite possibility.

Not sure if I will do that but it was the page I opened in my book.
09/Feb/12 9:03 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible - Jean Kerr

Good morning all.
This quote was on my desk calendar this morning and is oh so true. I went to bed at 1am and woke at my usual time of 6am and I feel like cr@p today. Where's the sugar? I need a hit!
09/Feb/12 10:17 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Brenda, your knitted baby clothes and blanket are gorgeous. As a beginner knitter I am in awe of your ability. Dana is a very lucky mummy-to-be.
Suzy, Dana is very small for a lady about to have a baby. I was never huge but I had plenty of hips for my babies to spread out in.
I was 7lb 8oz, #1 was 7lb 14oz, #2 was 9lb 8oz. Hubby was about 4lb -born 1 month early.
09/Feb/12 10:23 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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MizT, you are sounding better and better.

Heidi, your numb tongue sounds very uncomfortable.

Theresa, I hope your MIL is happy in her new home and that they can get her mobile asap.

Rolanda and Judy, keep up the good work for your mothers! I'd comment about both of mine but I could fill this page with just the goings-on in the last week. Oh well! As my mother said on Saturday - Old age is not fun!

Broni, I'm glad you have more work.

Julie, thank you for all your summaries.

Hi Tami, Suzanne, Mama, Viv, CynB, Gail, Bean, June. I hope I haven't missed anyone but if I did please know that I'm thinking good thoughts about you all!
09/Feb/12 10:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from taking Don's tractor in for repairs. It should be done in a day or two. It still had some gunk in the fuel lines.

Believe it or not, it's 26 1/2 hours later, and my tongue is STILL numb! But not completely numb, just the inch on the tip.
09/Feb/12 10:43 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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So how did you get Don's tractor to the dealership Heidi? Hope you got your meds as well.
09/Feb/12 10:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I loaded it on to my 16' trailer and hauled it down there. I have to be careful because the trailer and tractor weigh much more than the truck, so it won't stop on a dime. It's an hour drive each way, and I'm not a slow driver.
Before I loaded up the tractor, I did go to the hospital and get my methadone prescription. Then I drove to my pharmacy and dropped it off. After I dropped off the tractor, I returned to the pharmacy and picked up the meds. Altogether, 4 1/2 hours driving, and 1 hour's wait at the hospital for my prescription.
09/Feb/12 11:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow I will be working with the horse shoer in the morning, then hauling hay in the afternoon. I may be picking up the tractor on Friday, otherwise, I refuse to do a thing, other than go out to dinner at my favorite Indian restaurant.
09/Feb/12 11:15 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning.. busy busy busy
Mum is being moved from Hospital to Transitional Care this morning.
Sister and I are going to several 'Care Facilities' and handing in Paperwork to get Mum on their 'list' for care.
And of course visit Mum this afternoon.
09/Feb/12 11:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Stopping in quickly. Dylan and I are working on a diorama for school. He has to represent one of the Native American tribes. He picked the Cherokee. I am making a house out of foam sheets and hot glue. The house is round with a conical roof. Luckily I got the roof to stay on. A hot glue gun can work wonders.
09/Feb/12 12:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... How is the expectant mother feeling now?
09/Feb/12 12:53 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Greetings one and all... we know how to get Brenda out here you'd best hop to it... LOL
09/Feb/12 1:47 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy I haven't forgotten everything I once knew and used to get paid for. Feel free, [you or Dana], to ring me anytime.

09/Feb/12 1:52 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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...and now I've got 'stuff' to do.. its Pete's birthday and I've invited him over for a bite to eat B4 Lachie goes to work... But then again.. perhaps I should leave it as a reminder to why he doesn't want to live here anymore... much less stressful for all...
Ciao for now.
09/Feb/12 1:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy hasn't been on yet today. I hope there isn't a problem.
09/Feb/12 2:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Here I am. I took Dana shopping with me as we both needed to get out of the house. She lost her TMI WARNING mucus plug this morning so it's looking like it will be soon. Not today so far, which is a bummer as this is the day I picked. If the baby comes tomorrow I'll claim I got it right anyway, just on American time! She is pretty miserable and uncomfortable, which just means she is very pregnant.

09/Feb/12 3:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, Dana has a new friend online - met her on one of those mother sites, her friend is native american - either Navajo or Cherokee, she's not sure which. I thought she said Cherokee earlier but now she's not sure. Every now and then we try to work out what the girls and Don have in them (only a tiny bit - Don's paternal grandmother and maternal great grandmother). There are 3 we know that, Apache and Komanchi are possibilities.

Heidi, I'm not surprised to hear you are not a slow driver, don't know why. Hope the snow fall is also freezing the mud ready for the calves, well, you know what I mean.

Bean, thanks! How do you feel about morphine and pethadeine while in labour?
09/Feb/12 3:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicki, I love your quote, I think I'm going to make a poster of it for my fridge.

I've got to go now, tutoring in Chemistry this afternoon. She doesn't need it, but it makes her mother feel better.
09/Feb/12 3:44 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Suzy, when the baby arrives are you going to be called nanna, grandma or something else?
09/Feb/12 4:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... if it comes on Feb. 10th, it'll share a birthday with me.
09/Feb/12 4:26 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Talking of babies I have a new grand neice born last Sunday. I did not find out till yesterday as my sister is travelling in Guatemala. (Baby Genevive is in Sydney).
Suzy, I was with Sharon when Laura was born. I even got to cut the cord.
Darn rain. I washed earlier and we went out and I forgot to hang it on the line. When I decided I could still do it another shower came through. It is on the clothes horse in the sunroom!
09/Feb/12 4:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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No labour yet.

Vicki, I'll be grandma, I got to choose.

Hubby's boss has suggested hubby might want to take some carer's leave when the baby is a few weeks old. ??? He (boss) has a young one and figured that would be when it was most needed. But carer's allowance? He (boss) figures that since the dad isn't in the picture something could be worked out for hubby. Okay, knock me over with a feather now...

June, congratulations on your grand niece! I forgot that I might get to cut the cord! Yay! Hubby has made me a new clothesline out the back. It's brilliant. A sunroom would be even better..

09/Feb/12 6:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, Well the 9th is three quarters over so the 10th might still happen...
09/Feb/12 6:01 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Exciting Suzy.. almost a grandma, and the rest of are SAAunts
09/Feb/12 8:22 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy hope everything is still going well for Dana.
We had some lovely news yesterday. The puppy we are waiting for was born on the 7th, which was Elaine's (daughter's) birthday and of course the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens. This news really made Elaine's day and made her mind up about what to call the pup. He is going to be called Pip after the character in Great Expectations. Now we have to wait until 11th March before we can go and choose which one of the three boys we want. The breeder (Hiedi ) is going to send us photos in a few days.
09/Feb/12 8:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Suzy, keeping fingers crossed for an easy delivery for Dana. Please try to post, or call someone to post for you, to let us know that all is well.
09/Feb/12 10:34 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello again! Very quiet tonight, looks like everyone's busy elwewhere ...
My boy came to dinner - lovely to see him, but I dished up a pudding that was a total disaster! Wrong flour maybe? I'm so ashamed of myself ... especially as I chose it because it's foolproof ... (ok, no comments about fools!)
Nothing much happening here, so I'm off to bed -
Hope you all have a lovely day/night. Bye! :D
09/Feb/12 10:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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...biting my tongue very hard 8-P Judy!

Good luck Dana from SAunty Gail xoxo

All is still renos around here, nothing much else going on. Nearly had WW3 with the older two girls tonight but D#2 was too tired to really get into it (please remind me that neither really lives here!)

Yesterday we had a local tradie in, and now we have a front deck again. The official Sudoku staircase has been out of action for some months due to the bearers becoming rotten, so we had to rope it off, just as well I haven't had a gathering here for some time, nowhere to have photos taken! We are getting many other little niggly things fixed as well, a little at a time.

Did I mention we were having a house guest this weekend? Hubby's older brother is coming over to Melbourne for the golf tournament that is on here at the mo, and he will be staying in a motel close to the course, but then he is coming to stay here on Saturday and Sunday nights. Can't wait! Today hubby and I spent the day tidying up the verandah and back yard, and Hannah scrubbed the bathroom/toilet area. Tomorrow we will tidy up Chloe's room for him to stay in, and also tidy up the front verandah and do a bit of sprucing here and there. At some stage through the day, Hannah and I will be taking her painting to the gallery to be hung for the exhibition next week, Friday night is the opening :) Unfortunately the gallery did not get her email (the Jury curse strikes again!), but she has rung them since and they are happy to still include her, but they have already printed the catalogue so sadly she will not be listed in it :( But we couldn't be prouder of her ♥
Monday is her first day at college! BTW Did I mention she has bright pink hair...
09/Feb/12 10:55 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gail, how could you start art college unless you had bright pink hair???
Rolanda, hope things get sorted out for your Mum soon and something that is best for you all.
Hope your tongue has all the feeling back now Heidi.
And hope that Pip will be a lovely Pup, Brenda.
Was Tricia going to be out and about today as I do not think we have heard from her?
09/Feb/12 11:11 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I just did not get online yesterday, it was an achey day/ Once I got over that, I slept the afternoon away. Nice to know I was missed, but sorry you were concerned.

It turned cold overnight! We had a heavy frost on the grass and roofs. It will get warmer by mid day, but it is cool now.

Kitty does not like the cold, she has been inside since midnight, and stuck to me for warmth. she slept up against my left hip most of the night, then in my lap while I had coffee.

I had the sloshy thing going already, now the hot spinny thing has half the load, the other half is hanging out, I hope it will dry today.

Yesterday afternoon, I put the TENS unit on my right hip, had not tried it there before. The physical therapist had showed me where to attach electrodes. Well, I could not tolerate it there for long, and ever since, that his is touchy, does not like me walking, especially turning or twisting. Methinks I will leave the TENS for the back and shoulder, and leave the hip alone. sure glad I removed it fore time was up, if just 10 minutes hurt it this much. Too bad Scooter did not sleep up against this hip, might have purred it well hehehe.

I have not picked a date for Dana's delivery, and I do think it will be the end of this month if not the first week of next month. she just looks so small. Have they taken a look at baby, given you any idea of it's size?

Gail, sounds like you are getting many things taken care of around your house. Having house guests does cause one to pause and consider what the guest would see, and get a few things taken care of first. Hope you enjoy your BIL's visit.

Congrats on Hanna's being hung, to bad she is not in the catalog. Know you are all proud, as are her cyber aunties.

Judy, to bad about the pudding not turning out. I am sure it did not spoil the entire dinner though, so much of a successful dinner is the participants, instead of the food.

Well, sitting this chair is not good today, I will check back again later. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

10/Feb/12 1:34 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks for posting MizT. Yes I was a bit concerned when I thought you were alone. My aches are much better since Christmas. I felt they were "let down" pains as a reaction to all I had been through. No less real and I still have to take care in what I do.
Woke with a cramp in my leg, have let the cat in and fed her again so will go back to bed.
Happy birthday Heidi!
10/Feb/12 2:31 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi gets the 2 day SA birthday celebration!

10/Feb/12 2:42 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good MORNING, SA10! I didn't get here last night, as my cello lesson was changed to a later time and we needed to meet D2 at the train. Hubby needed to be on the 6:56 am train this morning, so we left the house at 6:30. I was home by 7 and had to take D2 leave at 7:30 to take D2 to the train. Hubby will need to be picked up around 4:30 p.m. (we think), and D2 at 11:30. I thought I better sneak in now in case I don't get back later.

OUCH, Heidi! Your experience at the dentist doesn't sound like much fun! Hopefully by now your tongue is back to normal. So sorry you weren't able to get everything you had planned for yesterday done. I imagine the horse shoer is at work on your horses by now. Hoping for some sunny, dry days - or a hard frost, whichever works better so you don't need to deal with all of the mud!

Judy, thanks for checking back in. Hopefully it's not too much of a problem in addition to all of the work at your Mum's house! I hope you will be able to find an honest tradesman or two to get the work done reliably! Thinking of you! {{{HUGS}}}
10/Feb/12 2:48 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks for a great TOPP! Interesting quote, June! How does one choose between security and "infinite possibility"? It would take a great deal of faith, I think.

Vicki, what a great quote by Jean Kerr! We have a TOPP+1! Your brief comment about mothers suggests that you might have your hands full between Mum and MIL.

Heidi, it's hard to imagine what it must be like with part of your tongue still numb. I hope you are eating and drinking carefully! Hopefully this trip with Don's tractor to the mechanic will be the final one for gunk in the fuel lines! What a lot of driving you needed to do between the prescription and tractor! I'm glad you know the limitations of your truck and trailer and drive accordingly! I hope the hay hauling goes well this afternoon!

Rolanda, thinking of you as your Mum is moved from hospital to transitional care. I hope a care facility will soon have an opening for her, and hope all of this moving doesn't prove to be too difficult for her! {{{HUGS}}}

Tami, what fun making a diorama! The glue gun is genius! I'm sure it looked fantastic when you and Dylan were finished!

Hooray, another visit from Bean! Don't work too hard cleaning and straightening and other ffuts - or I may need to invite you here to help out. D2 leaves early next week, but will be back mid-March. I better get finished what I didn't get finished before she came this time! Happy Birthday to Pete! Will the celebrations include a cake?

Suzy, will be thinking good thoughts for Dana today (and tomorrow, etc.) I hope all goes well and smoothly, not exactly pain-free, but not so much that she is totally miserable. Have fun tutoring chemistry. (Yep, I've known a few mothers like that - must have tutoring for child to be the top of class, but child really is doing fine without).

June, congratulations on your new grand niece! (Genevieve was my grandmother's and mother's name. I also have a niece named Genevieve! Some think it's an "old-fashioned" name.)

Suzy, your hubby's boss sounds very thoughtful and understanding! That would be some great bonding time for hubby and the new little one - and help provide some relief for Dana and you (if he's good with babies)!

Suzy, I also prefer grandma to nana. (First grandie called me Duda for a while when she was quite little; second called me Namma; third was still calling me Gamma at Christmas. I wonder what it will be the next time we see her, as she will have turned 2 by then.)

Brenda, what fun to have Pip, the pup! Please be sure to post pictures after he joins the family!

Judy, I'm sure we have all experience the failure of a "foolproof" recipe! Sometimes the ingredients just aren't quite right; sometimes it's atmospheric conditions. (Plus, you have been working your fingers to the bone at your Mum's house.) A sandwich will always suffice.

Gail, when it rains, it pours! You certainly have a lot on your plate! Hopefully all the little thi
10/Feb/12 3:30 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm surprised this comment ran over the limit. Here's the rest:

Gail, when it rains, it pours! You certainly have a lot on your plate! Hopefully all the little things you hope to have done before your BIL arrives will get done, and without WW3 breaking out! I'm glad the painting will be included in the display at the gallery, but how unfortunate that Hannah's name won't be included in the program! I hope she's not too disappointed! Might the gallery include a small addendum to be placed in the program? If she'll be at the opening, her bright pink hair might help people remember her. Is she hoping to sell the picture? Good luck to her for the beginning of college! We are all proud of her!

Just in case I don't get back tonight, here's a cake and some birthday flowers for Heidi! Happy Birthday, Heidi!
10/Feb/12 3:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy two-day birthday, Heidi. I hope it is as special as you are!!!

Speaking of special, I looked at the pictures on Suzy's page ... you are amazing Brenda. These are the types of sweaters, etc., that are handed down in the family!

The mouse for grandie's pooter is broken. It takes some time to get used to the scroll thingie.

Good news for now - D and SIL are re-thinking their separation!!!!!!!! It is SIL's birthday tomorrow and we are going out to a Texas-style steak house. I went to D's yesterday to watch a movie and we ended up talking for a couple of hours instead. We were watching Paranormal Activity 2 but just couldn't get into it.

Off to check email and hopefully FB. I have the pooter for another hour, and then again after school if I like as grandie has a doctor's appointment. TTFN.
10/Feb/12 4:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oh no, back up to 172 email!!!!!!!
10/Feb/12 4:22 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, hope your two day celebration is wonderful
10/Feb/12 7:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I feel like crying. All I want is a working tractor. That's not much to ask, is it? My brand new tractor is seriously broken down. (When you turn on the ignition, there's a loud banging from the engine.) They're about to come haul it away. I can't feed the cows, much less haul hay. I have begged then to let me have a loaner. The cows are out of hay.
And my tongue is STILL numb!
10/Feb/12 7:54 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I think I would be asking them for a new tractor, this one has been nothing but trouble in the short time you have had it Heidi.
10/Feb/12 8:08 AM
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