Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, hope things continue to improve for your mum.
MizT, sell all you can then dump the rest, one load to the tip.
June, hope the injection works on Monday, and great eyes are OK! What a b*mmer your friend had to go to the RTA to get his disabled sticker, gotta wonder what they think disabled is??
Tricia from Canberra is meeting up with Cyn and the Melbourne crew on Sunday, am so jealous.
Continuing saga with me, working for the old mob that din't work out, now they want to be friends and fast train me in the Cert4 but while I was looking for other work may have a chance with another mob that will pay more and give me a chance to pay off the home loan as salary sacrifice....will keep you posted.
07/Mar/12 5:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

(OK.... this stanza could be a bit more inspirational. Lets pretend that this is the surgeon removing Suzy's mums tumor.)
07/Mar/12 5:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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07/Mar/12 5:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed now. I hope we continue to get good news here.
07/Mar/12 5:45 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Faith is more than our greatest gigt, it is sharing with others is our greatest responsibility.
07/Mar/12 5:50 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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gigt read gift! Duh.
Sorry Heidi and goodnight!
07/Mar/12 5:51 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Woohoo...such wonderful news for us all today.
So glad the op went well for your mum Suzy.

Broni..jump on a plane.....

Forgotten what else I wanted to say other than I am relieved to see June post... worry about anybody traveling ANYWHERE in the eastern states!
07/Mar/12 7:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We flew back Bean. Actually we drove down before the creeks and rivers broke their banks. It is a pity we had to go last weekend as I would have loved to have been able to be with you all next Sunday.
I hope Suzy is getting some rest. The next months will not be easy. Especially as she does not live close to her Mum.
I am so pleased things went well with the operation today.
07/Mar/12 10:05 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day/night.
07/Mar/12 11:02 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
Suzy: Glad surgery went well for Mum.
TTT: Thanks for the coffee!
Take cre all! Love & Hugs with extras!!
08/Mar/12 1:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No new calves born overnight, as I predicted. I now need to go in to the insurance company, and straighten out a mess with my truck insurance. IH just walked in and announced that he had generously paid my about-to-expire insurance. But my insurance was not about to expire. It still had 3 months to go. This has happened before, and I'm starting to suspect that IH has a second policy on my truck, which he put in his name. Then, being a moron, he forgot about.
08/Mar/12 2:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The weather here is bizarre at best. Today's high is supposed to be 72℉ / 22.2℃, and the low is only supposed to get down to 55℉ / 12.8℃!!! The day before yesterday, we had a thin coating of snow and ice on everything. I'm surprised that Punxsatawney Phil, the Groundhog, didn't refuse to make a prediction this year.
08/Mar/12 2:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just had a nice bull calf born, to an older cow that I knew was close, but I thought 2 or 3 days away. This calf is a bright gold in color, unlike all of the other red calves. Mom is also gold. There was some Charolais (white to cream cattle) behind her, and the lighter color sometimes appears in her calves.
08/Mar/12 3:40 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!

Great news Suzy, I hope your Mum is feeling better today. You all have a hard road ahead of you.

I wish I was going to Melbourne too! I'll be at a 5k walk for International womens Day raising funds for Chicks in Pink (breast cancer for the Mater hospital). It starts at 7am and I have to pick up 4 other women on the way.

I must get ready for work and leave earlier. They are extending the Indooroopilly (pronounced Indra-pilly) shopping centre and have a road closed. The traffic chaos is unbelievable and is adding an extra 25 minutes to my 45 minute journey. Today I'm looking for an alternate route by going on the main roads. Wish me luck!

Have a lovely day!
08/Mar/12 8:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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What a lovely day today has been. Warm, low humidity, breezy, a real spring day. roger and i worked in the storage building again today, but did not finish. It looks like we have not accomplished much, except for the pile of things outside to go to dump. After lunch, I had a nice nap in my recliner, with the windows open and a breeze coming inside.

Tomorrow sister and BIL coming down, MORE sorting and tossing. did I ever say my hubby was a pack rat first class??

Heidi, seems bull calves are in the lead this year, right?

Victoria, that extra 25 minutes commute is not fun. good luck finding an alternate route to work.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.

08/Mar/12 9:28 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi all! I made it to work on time today. I guess that rat running isn't always the quickest way to get somewhere. I'm not working tomorrow. Yippee! 3 days off. I have plans to empty my hall cupboard and throw out lots of old towels, sheets etc. I'm also planning on going through my jumpers, sweat shirts and throwing lots of them out. I think I'm having an autumn clean.
08/Mar/12 9:56 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It is RAINING. We probably had nearly 3 inches overnight and it is still raining. We are high and will not flood although the back yard looks a bit like a lake. I was supposed to umpire a bowls game but have a day at home instead. It looks like I will now be playing the competition (Pennants) games for the rest of the season as two players have pulled out for health reasons.
Tricia, Sharon got me to sort a lot of things when I was with her. Trouble is I brought them back here! (Books, VHS tapes, clothes). Partner is doing all paperwork etc but I will have to get more of her clothes to do. Some of which are mine that she borrowed.
08/Mar/12 10:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The calf count is 16 bull calves and 5 heifer calves so far. Bull calves are waaaaaaay in the lead.
08/Mar/12 10:38 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all.

What's this about postcards? I am so far behind ...

D and SIL have separated after all. He will be living under the same roof (separate bedroom) for about a year. The kids won't be told until closer to that time.

Suzy, your news has made me very sad. Is there no end to the destruction that this horrible disease causes? Big hugs to you.
08/Mar/12 10:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry that I am so MIA...the kitchen is all smashed up again! We are doing it in bits and pieces and this time it is the turn of the wet area...I have no sink or water...yet. We have cut down the bench top and now it is the same height as the rest pf the kitchen, rather than three inches higher for random Amazonians who might drop in to do my dishes! When it is all put back together, I will be able to reach the sink without standing on my kiddy stool (have I mentioned I am 5 foot nothing?) Now to remake the under-sink area with drawers instead of cupboards, sand, stain and seal the benchtop, reinstate the sink and instal the new mixer tap. :)
08/Mar/12 11:07 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Theresa, I am sorry to hear this about your daughter and her hubby. I hope they can remain amicable while under the same roof, for the sake of the children ♥
08/Mar/12 11:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're having problems with mice because of all the bird seed around here, so I've set up glue traps all over. Besides the mice, I just caught a brown recluse spider. Very dangerous.
08/Mar/12 12:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all, guess who has the bed next to mum in lady!!! OMG that woman can talk
08/Mar/12 12:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Your poor Mum, Suzy. Hasn't she been through enough?
08/Mar/12 1:01 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Back from another crazy day. Heading off to bed in a minute. I have read the posts but don't remember most of what I have read. See you all in the morning.
08/Mar/12 1:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Whahoppen? I've been unable to get on the site for a couple of hours!
08/Mar/12 3:37 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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You broke it good and proper this time Heidi
08/Mar/12 5:20 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just passing through...
Three day PD conferance starts tomorrow.
Looking forward to catching up with Cyn if it doesn't leave me brain dead and in a state of shock...
Must go sort out 'stuff' so I can have an early night...
08/Mar/12 6:12 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well there goes my excuse for not helping Gail with the dishes... how exciting!!
June I wasn't even sure if you would have been able to find an un-flooded road to drive down..
Take care everyone..
08/Mar/12 6:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everybody! Don't you love it when the page turns when you're not ready? No problem! We got to have two misplaced TOPPs on this page, thanks to Broni and Heidi!

Heidi, I like your interpretation of the current stanza of The Jabberwock!

Thanks for your non-TOPP, Broni! Very good!

It was certainly hard to get here tonight! Who broke it - or was it the sun activity?

Heidi, is your truck insured by two different companies? If it's the same company, the agent would be at least partially at fault if there's a duplicate policy.

Vicki, good luck finding an alternate commuting route! Also, good luck on the 5K!

Heidi, it seems that this is a good year for bull calves for you!

Theresa, it's SO good to see you here! I'm sorry to hear your D and SIL have decided to go ahead with the separation. Did they try any counseling?

Gail, your reno continues! What a lot of work, but what an improvement it will be when finished. I would have the same problem as you with height the bench top, as I'm now about 5 feet 2 inches (shrinking - height only ) but hubby is 6 feet 5 inches.

Heidi, so sorry to hear about the mice, but the brown recluse spider is worse. I hope there are no more!

Suzy, how unlucky for your Mum to be "reunited" with the talkative lawyer lady! Hopefully they won't leave ICU together!

Hello and {{HUGS}} to anyone whose name I forgot to mention today, like Broni, June, Bean, Tami and Suzanne - and probably others.

Past 1:30 a.m. (darn broken site!), so about to head off to bed. Thinking of all of you with positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and lots of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}! Good Night!
08/Mar/12 6:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thought I had better unbreak the site before I go to bed. Rain has stopped for now and there is a big full moon in the sky.
Hugs to you all and a good night from me.
08/Mar/12 11:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I could not get here last night either, and I read on FB that others could not get to the other pages. must have been a site problem.

another warm, sunny start to a day. Rain for tonight and several days thereafter, so best enjoy today. sister and BIL should be coming down today, thought they would be on the way by now, but have not heard from them yet.

I had to go into the dome late yesterday. scooter went with me. she would not come out when I left. I do wonder if she is ready to come not now??

Off to get that first cup of coffee, the best one all day. hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
09/Mar/12 1:06 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
Had touble with getting on here last night, seems fine now.
Going out with Darrell today. Re-arranged my office (now a craft room) yesterday. Back a little sore, otherwise ok.
Love & Hugs to all with extras!
09/Mar/12 1:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sure am glad that it was a site problem, and not just me. I have enough problems with paranoia and tractors.

It's raining cats and dogs here. The ground was just starting to turn solid after the last batch of storms, too. Of course, IH showed his usual consideration and only brought up HIS mail from the mailbox, and left mine down there. Now I have to go out in the rain and get mine. It's a quarter of a mile round trip.
09/Mar/12 4:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, at least when gil does not bring up your mail, you know where it is. If he picked it up, are you guaranteed it would make it's way to you?

In for lunch and a break, I have about done my limit for today. BIL looked at all the stuff and said, i do not know where to start!

I will try to check in later, hugs to each of you.

09/Mar/12 6:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Often, he picks it up as he's going to the plant, and I may not see it for days.
09/Mar/12 8:08 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - it seems for the moment we can get back on here. It seemed like every time I tried yesterday i couldn't get in, but others did at different times.
Very busy washing, sorting, and packing today so might not get back here. I am taking my laptop and have a dongle thingy so I'll be able to get on depending on what reception I get. Time will be the trouble though so it may just be a quick hello in the evenings. I'll miss coming here for a leisurely read and chat.
09/Mar/12 9:28 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Final Countdown
1 day to when we leave!
2 days to the Melbourne gathering!
3 days to Tasmania.
09/Mar/12 9:31 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cyn, are you driving down and then the ferry across to Tasmania? Make sure you have a good warm weatherproof jacket. We have been in Tassie in February and seen snow. Anyway have a good safe trip and I wish we could join you in meeting up in Melbourne.
09/Mar/12 9:52 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wishing you both a wonderful trip Cyn, you deserve it.
09/Mar/12 10:22 AM
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