Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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"Wherever you are it is your own friends who make your world"- William James

I think that applies to all of us here.

Good morning to all my friends.
21/Mar/12 5:14 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone!
Well said June!!
Leaving for Colorado in the morning. I will have my laptop with me...Will check in with you all. Know I am thinking about you all even if I am not here daily.
Love & Hugs to all with EXTRAS!
21/Mar/12 9:18 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Have a safe trip Suzanne.
21/Mar/12 9:19 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I had good intentions last night. I was going to comment on all of your posts. Unfortunately I lost all of my energy very quickly.

I have a late start at the hospital today - we're going to try to spread out the visits so have done some washing, dishes and other swearing.

Have a great day every one, enjoy every one you have!!
21/Mar/12 9:46 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
21/Mar/12 10:04 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just a quick stop. Dylan has a ball game tonight. Tomorrow I am going on a school field trip and have to be at school about 7 am. I will try to stop in with a pot of coffee but you may be on your own in the morning. See you all sometime tomorrow.
21/Mar/12 10:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, do not worry about answering posts individually, only if you are totally bored and noting to do. Like that might happen, eh? So glad you could drop in for a visit, let us know how things go as you can. Sending a stream of hugs and prayers. If things get rough, just close your eyes a minute and imagine you feel a hand in yours. That is where we would be but for distance, sitting beside you and holding your hand.

Today was almost a wasted day. Woke with a stomach ache and nausea, nothing escaping, just feeling yuck. I took a tiny bit of nausea medication, and have slept away most of the day. I had a nice 2 hour nap this morning. Eddie woke me when he came by. He could not stay to help, had worked overtime last night, and that changed his sleeping hours. Maybe tomorrow. Afternoon nap was interrupted by Betty, his wife , when she came home from work. She drops in about once a week to check on me and for a visit.

I did spend an hour or so sorting and pricing this morning while it was coool in the domes. Garage sale will be March 30, 31, just 10 days from now (instead of 24 days as planned) because my BIL will be available then. A LOT to do and not much time to do it between then and now. Now I am cooking for the next 4 days, have run out of planned overs in freezer and fridge. I am doing 2 hamburger steaks and a small meat loaf, garlic potatoes, and need a veg, I think I have a squash to steam tonight.

Hugs to everyone, thoughts and prayers to Mama, Suzy and her Mum, wishes for good results from back injections to Heidi and Viv. Till later.
21/Mar/12 10:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I spent another day doing next to nothing, because the back still feels tender. I think that might be a good sign.
At least IH is gone for the next 24 hours. WooHoo!!!!
21/Mar/12 10:50 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone. :)
Good thoughts for those who need them - Suzy, Mama, Heidi. Hugs to you all. ♥♥♥
Had a call from the nursing home yesterday - Mum has a chest infection. They say not to come, nothing we can do, we'd only confuse and worry her. That seems to be the case with most things nowadays ...
Rob was away yesterday and I had a cleaning urge ... Moved things from a shed to the garage (we don't PARK in it - of course!) Thought maybe if I could empty it, clean it, etc, maybe we could repair what needs repairing (garage walls are crumbling) then get someone to take away what we don't need/want ... crazy thoughts I guess. Anyway today it's pouring ... dang! The aim was to get it done before Rob could notice/comment/tell me what I was doing wrong ... you get the idea! :D
21/Mar/12 12:28 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I so understand where you are coming from Judy! Hubby is an eternal pessimist, if I suggest something it is always too hard, fraught with danger or has many possible problems that he can those cases I do it before he knows, and sure enough, it gets done!
21/Mar/12 12:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Loving thoughts to all our friends, Heidi and Viv who is having her injections (hope it works), Mama and Suzy ♥, and Judy, hope Mum gets over this infection quickly xoxo
21/Mar/12 12:43 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.

Good to see you check in Suzy.
Is there any set date that you have to return home by? I agree with Tricia.. individual answering of posts is not necessary. If it is REALLY important then that momentum will keep the fatigue at bay until you have. That you haven't is evidence that it wasn't. Look after and care for yourself.. lynchpins need their strength.
Get you completely Judy.. those sort of exercises where always carried out when Pete was out of the state.. I'm almost in the mood to get a dumpster and empty the whole house into it..

Sick of it all..who me? Perish the thought.
Just needing a BIG change around here. Time for a shower and get back into my boxes. You can almost see one of my sofa's...the washing and newspaper one.. not the one we sit on

Love and hugs to all that need [or want] them x0x
21/Mar/12 12:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Other team did not show, some confusion with the schedule. Mamacita's son lives not too far from me. I looked up his number and spoke with his wife. He is on his way to Mama and one of them will contact me with details. She has my cell number. He answered my facebook message and has my number also. As soon as I hear, I will post. If I find out from school, I will email someone to post for me.
21/Mar/12 12:46 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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DUH... spelling....if you didn't spot it then i feel better
Hi Gail..raining up there?
Beautiful gentle soaking rain down this away. My poor garden needs it.

The 'Too Hard' gene was why things were always achieved around here on my own..
21/Mar/12 12:50 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Tami.
21/Mar/12 12:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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21/Mar/12 2:04 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, so pleased you reached out to mama's son, perhaps now we can get an update. hoping and wishing he finds her improved. continued thoughts and prayers going out to all who are needing them.

Judy, I have seen that pessimistic gene far too often in males I deal with. Even BIL who is helping me sort and toss told my sister, he just did not know where to start. sis had to set him straight, give him a plan. My problem is I know how this should be done, but not the strength or stamina to do it now. I find that left hand that had thumb surgery just does not function for so many things it needs to in sorting and tossing. It is so frustrating, but I stop and remember I am 68 years old and do have health problems, so i do and rest and live to do again

I am having new/different typos now, words where I know I typed all the letters, but they did not show up. Looking more closely, seems it iss letters I type with that left hand. i think I am not always hitting key hard enough especially those in the "qwerty" row.

I need to get to bed, and more importantly to sleep early tonight. sis and BIL are doming tomorrow, we have a lot to do.

Hugs to each of you.

21/Mar/12 2:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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COMPUTER QUESTION, if anyone can help I would appreciate it. My old keyboard died, and since I have had this new to me keyboard, I cannot use the keystrokes for copy/paste. You know, the Control C to copy and the Control V to paste. Works fine if I click on Edit and then Copy, but that takes way to long hehehe. Is there something I failed to do? Something I can do to get keystrokes to work again? I use those 2 so very much.
21/Mar/12 2:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! It has been a long and busy day today, and tomorrow and the rest of the week look like they'll be the same. I guess that's a good thing.

I just did a quick check at fb and reading here for updates on Mama. I need to finish reading page 371 and get over to 372.

June, I'm glad you did well at bowls! Ken was just being responsible and getting the mowing done before he leaves. (How late was dinner?)

Bean, I'm sorry your internet situation hasn't improved!

Tami, I have been following the story you mentioned in shock. It doesn't seem like justice will be served in this case, due to extenuating circumstances. I don't understand how the person who is doing the following and is armed with a gun can claim to feel threatened. Do you think all of the information is out in the open yet?

Suzy, as long as your Mum doesn't get too tired, party on! I'm so glad your Mum and Natahlia got to meet! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prayers for your Mum, you, and all of your family! I hope they get realistic about pain medication!

Thinking of Mamacita and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prayers for her and her family as well. Mama, we miss you!

June, what a great TOPP for page 372!

Suzanne, I hope you and Darrell have an enjoyable and productive trip to Colorado! Stay safe!

Judy, I'm sorry to hear that your Mum has a chest infection. I hope she improves steadily! Good luck with your "project" if you can get back to it without daily rain! I think many husbands react similarly!

Suzy, we don't expect or want you to respond to every comment! We want you to spend as much time with your Mum and your family as you can, taking pictures, sharing stories, etc.

Tami, we really appreciate that you have connected with Mama's son in the hopes of getting more information. Thank you!

MIzT, I hope you are feeling better and can get a lot accomplished towards the sale! I am of no help with the keyboard problem. Sorry.

Nearl 1:30 here, and I am fading fast. Sending lots of prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing vibes and positive thoughts for all, especially Suzy and her Mum, Mamacita, V Viv, Heidi, Judy's Mum, and all those I've missed. Good Night, All!
21/Mar/12 5:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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That last paragraph was supposed to start "Nearly". I'm too tired to even notice errors. So sorry!

Good Night!
21/Mar/12 5:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After 2:30 here, but got stuck watching a corny movie serial from the early 40's/ late 30's, and it kept me occupied for all 15 episodes. This one was "The Green Archer" starring a young Victor Jory.

I forgot to mention that I got a look into the canary nest, and there were 3 pretty blue and brown speckled eggs in there. We'll see if we have hatching in a few weeks. Mama is acting like she isn't done laying yet, and incubation is 2 1/2 weeks. So far, I've never successfully hatched baby canaries. Which is strange, because they're supposed to be ridiculously easy to raise. I have been successful raising birds which are supposed to be difficult. Ah, well.

Tomorrow morning, Robert and I will be picking up a pallet load of cement to set more posts, and the woven wire needed for 2 sides. That will leave the longest side of the horse pasture yet to do. The reason that I'm relacing all of the fencing around the 8 acre horse pasture is that I want a safer fence for the Gypsy Vanners. I will be getting that bred mare in a couple of months, and want a fence that she and the foal can't be injured in, or get out of if there is a power failure.
21/Mar/12 5:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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relacing = replacing.
21/Mar/12 5:50 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. No word from Mama's son. As soon as I hear, I will post or contact someone to post for me. I can not access this site at school but I can send an email. See you all later.
21/Mar/12 9:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am up for my without food stomach med (one med that is really working well). Cat wanted in, she ws not close by when I went to bed. she wants to be held. not easy to type with a cat l9ng across your arms hehehe.

Of course I had to check in. Tami, thanks for letting us know you have not heard yet, will be watching for news when I have a chance today.

Back to bed for me, have slept much better last night, need another few hours to get me through a full day of sort, pricce and toss.

Hugs with extras, till later
21/Mar/12 9:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy and Mama are in my thoughts all day.

Thanks Tami for contacting Mama's son. It is nice to know that we can have details of her progress.
Dentist visit today. Mainly a clean and check. I had broken off some filling of a tooth that he had wanted to cap 12 years ago. it is not worrying me but this time I think I had better have the cap rather than lose the tooth down the track. I used to dread the dentist but with all the new equipment things are different and I go in quite relaxed.
21/Mar/12 10:04 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well I suppose NO news isn't necessaqrily good but neither is it bad..
bed time...
21/Mar/12 10:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bean... no bad news is always good.
22/Mar/12 2:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So much for today's work schedule. Robert is stuck in Louisville and his car won't be repaired until tomorrow.
22/Mar/12 2:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No point in going for the supplies now. It's supposed to rain for the next few days.
22/Mar/12 4:24 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Not many posts today, about time for the DUGs to awake to another day and join us?

Heidi, I am happy you had another do nothing day for your back. with the rain and the postponement of the fencing, you might let this epidural really work fore you go back to work.

Have we heard from Viv since her injections? Hoping those really help her.

I found places today I did not know I had, till they started complaining hehehe. Long hard day of sorting and pricing, sis and BIL are still working, but they sent me in to rest about 1 pm. I rested, and now am making dinner for them. sis does not need to go home and cook after all she has done. Roger and Ed are coming Friday to help price again, his specialization is household goods, nick knacks and collectibles. The two of them did flea markets, selling every weekend during the season, for years and years. Now, they just go to flea markets. All that to say he knows what the market will bear.

Time to check my meat loaf, I had mixed that yesterday for my plan ahead meals, just had to pop it in oven and open some canned vegetables. David's favorites, turnip green and black eye peas.

Hugs and hope we hear from Mama soon.

22/Mar/12 8:47 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All.
Not sure the last time I posted but all is well, just been getting some paid work.
Tami posted on the other site about 15mins ago, she spoke to DIL no further news, Son is still travelling to Philly.
22/Mar/12 8:52 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I spoke to Ouima's DIL today. Her son has not arrived in Philly yet, he is driving. When she hears, she will call me and I will post or email someone to post for me. As she said, if anything had changed, she would have been called. I am going under the "no news is good news" theory.
22/Mar/12 8:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I still don't like not knowing.
22/Mar/12 9:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Stayed the night with mum last night - she is never alone. (have to say that would drive me mad!) She had a good night with much lower pain levels than she has had and had 2 cups of tea this morning that actually tasted like tea! I hope she gets to eat her breakfast before they medicate her again and everything tastes awful!

Three is spreading around town that we are stopping him from seeing the baby. I know because one of my brothers sons is a friend of his. Says a lot about my nephew!

Thinking lots of thoughts about Mama.

MizT, I hope your garage sale is very successful and you don't have a lot of stuff left over. I think you need to get a new driver for your keyboard but can't help with instructions on how to do that.

Heidi, hope you are still niggling..

Judy, I think it would be very hard to not be able to go. I'm much better when I'm doing something for mum.

Well I had better go and get organised.

hugs to everyone...
22/Mar/12 10:21 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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♥ Wonderful news folks, I have just heard from Mamacita's daughter that she is improving daily, but she requests we keep up our prayers, thoughts and best wishes for Mama. She also hopes Mama will be able to post herself soon ♥
22/Mar/12 10:24 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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GAIL, wonderful news, thank you for posting that for us. I like " Improving daily".

22/Mar/12 11:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Daughter Tanya has "just a touch" of pneumonia. All of us are concerned that she might share germs with her father. he has just come home yesterday, had been staying at his brother's since release from hospital, partly because Tanya had a cold and partly cause he really needed closer supervision than Tanya could provide. His brother already had a nurse coming in daily for their Mom, she also cred for Tanya's dad. Hope she has not shared, not sure he ould survive a bad case of pneumonia after all that has happened with his dialysis. Doc did say she would no longer be contagious after 2 days on antibiotics.
22/Mar/12 11:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great news, Gail!!!!
22/Mar/12 11:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope Tanya doesn't share that "touch of" pneumonia with her dad, either. How does one have a "touch of pneumonia"? It's like being "slightly pregnant".
22/Mar/12 11:30 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Excellent news about Mama ♥♥♥
22/Mar/12 11:54 AM
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