Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, sending wishes for successful surgery with recovery as fast as possible

MizT, it sound like your trip to the

I'll be back
18/May/12 9:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sorry about that, I was sitting in the car waiting for Dana.

MizT, the trip to the seniors' centre sounds nice - lots of company and food (not great food, but anything you don't have to prepare yourself is a plus!)
18/May/12 10:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Every noble work is at first impossible.
Thomas Carlyle
18/May/12 10:07 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi all!
I enjoyed my trip to Ikea yesterday. I'll definitely keep it for a Thursday night outing - never again will I go there on a weekend. We went straight to the bathroom section, found a staff member to help and were in and out of there in about 20 minutes. The freeway traffic there and back was the worst part of the whole thing.
18/May/12 12:27 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Peter and I are heading to Ikea tomorrow morning. Looking at the Glassware, they seem to have little liqueur glasses (not found easily these days)
Boy 2 is wanting some, just like the ones we have.
and as I am heading to Melbourne, and the Boy's birthday is in July...
18/May/12 12:31 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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And we will be delivering our Outdoor Table and Chairs to Boy 1 before heading to Ikea.
P & I decided the furniture will be too big for our Alfresco area (specially as we have an outdoor lounge as well), we asked Boy 1 if he would like it...
18/May/12 12:34 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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MIL seems to have settled down again - there have been no more threats to have her moved. We still don't know what it was all about as they haven't returned hubby's call. No matter what happens, she is NOT coming to live with us.

SIL wants to move her to Canberra when they get home from China in the middle of the year. She'd probably get more visitors there.. SIL, lots of nieces and their in laws etc.

In Brisbane, we are the only visitors with the other SIL visiting about 3-4 times per year. BIL who lives near by has visited 2-3 times in 8 years.
18/May/12 12:34 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Reading on page 422.
Tidy House : My house yes is generally Clean, Neat and Tidy, with the lived in look (and dirty windows).
I do not live in a 'show home'!!
Peter would like to I think, he gets a tad OTT about being Tidy/Neat/Clean..Sigh!!
In his line of work.. quoting/building Kitchens/Bathrooms/Laundries.. he does see some not so clean/tidy/neat homes.
Actually it is a wonder, he has not complained about the 'cleaniness' of the Rental Chateau at the moment..
I think we will be having a 'clean' on the weekend. P will dust and Vacumn.. I will do the wet areas.
and I think we might need to do a bit of weeding.. we must be due for Rental Inspection sooner or later.
18/May/12 12:44 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Victoria.. Fingers cross she settles somewhere soon, and not at Your House..
Canberra sounds good
18/May/12 12:45 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy, we always entertain around the Kitchen Table..
18/May/12 12:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia.. your visit to the Senior Centre sounded good. :)

Suzy, how did Dana go at the TAFE information thingy yesterday afternoon?
18/May/12 12:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, she is all registered! One semester to do a year 11 equipment, and she chose the 2 year option for year 12.

She has even set up childcare.. the best news yet. That's where I was trying to post from this morning.

Off to do ffuts...

18/May/12 12:54 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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That is good Suzy.. fingers cross she sticks to this.
18/May/12 1:42 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Speaking of Rental Inspections.. in todays mail.. Letter from Real Estate.. Inspection Wed 30 May, between 9am - 5pm.
18/May/12 1:43 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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:( no Brickies building my house this morning.

Block next to us.. a Water Meter has appeared - looks like they will be starting soon.
18/May/12 1:44 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Back to the sewing..
18/May/12 1:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's funny, Rolanda. As soon as you mention rental inspections, you get a notice for one. Psychic?

Suzy.... is she going to pay for child care, or will you?
18/May/12 1:48 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Had to been soon Heidi.. considering we have been in this Chateau Rental over 7 months
This will be Inspection #2.
when we signed up, we were told, Inspection at 6 weeks, then 3 monthly thereafter....
18/May/12 2:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Friends! Wow, I made it here before midnight - just barely!

Broni, do you feel comfortable enough with your duties to be able to teach the new girls? That's a big responsibility and a lot of pressure. Is the person who taught you still with the company and available to answer any questions?

Tami, I appreciate your passing on information about health values of coffee drinking. My cousin posted a study on the health values of beer drinking. Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to drink either. I guess I'm choosing to be unhealthy.

Cyn, good luck with all of your gninaelc and gnizinagro in preparation for the royal guest! We should be on the countdown here for arrival later next month of D#1 and her three Ds and D#2 and SIL, who won't be able to get into their apartment until the end of the month. I guess it's a good thing we didn't really downsize when we meant to downsize several years ago.

Oops, 4 minutes after midnight, so I'll post this, then return.
18/May/12 3:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gail, have a great and safe weekend!

Heidi, those must have been vivid dreams for you to remember details! So glad things are getting ready for your surgery next week. Will keep the surgeon(s) and nurses in my thoughts that all will go well! Since it will be outpatient, will IH drive you there and back and help with chores while you recuperate?

Suzy, I like your description of a "lived-in" house. Yep, that would be what anyone would find here. I regret to say that windows have not been cleaned in at least a year or maybe longer. Oh, well! We do what we can when we can.

Tricia, good work getting doctor visit, prescriptions and visit to senior center al accomplished! And a meal that you don't have to prepare is usually a good thing!

The discussion of gambling is interesting to me. We have quite a number of friends who go to Las Vegas at least once a year. There is a racetrack and a couple of other gaming locations in our area. Hubby and I have never been there and feel fortunate that we really aren't interested or drawn to the predominate activities there.

Vicki and Rolanda, good luck with your shopping at IKEA. The one I have been to is about 4 or 5 levels with just about anything you might want or need for a household. It is also usually extremely busy and full of shoppers.

Vicki, I'm so glad things have calmed down with your MIL! It can be such a worry. Would she do better if she had more visitors - or more frequent visits from the relatives who for some reason find it hard to get there?

Suzy, good for Dana signing up for the courses and childcare! I hope that is on a sliding scale. Crossing fingers that she will be motivated to do well and complete the work!

Rolanda, I hope you are accomplishing more with the sewing than the bricklayers at your new construction!

It's now 12:30, so I really must move on! Thinking of all of you, whether I remembered to comment or not, and thinking of all those who are infrequent visitors! Prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone! Good Night!
18/May/12 3:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, Dana pays for the childcare with government help - they like to encourage young ones to study.

Julie, I have told her that she will have to do better at studying than she did last time, but it is ultimately up to her... fingers crossed.

There is a racetrack 2 km from here. I've been twice and didn't bet on anything...
18/May/12 3:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I would say my windows have a smokey effect!

Hi everyone, just a quick touch base to say we have arrived in our motel room, bigger than the one we normally stay in but the place is just about booked out because they have a show on here on Sunday night...Darryl Braithwaite! I so hope they are sold out so I don't feel inclined to go! Room is very nice, two levels with the queen bed upstairs on a mezzanine floor. Hubby is having a lie down even though I did most of the driving, but he has had three quick sessions on the machine this week to allow for the extended stay of dialysis, so he is feeling a little drained. When he wakes, we will wonder around Hahndorf and do the touristy thing, even though we used to live in the town next door :)
Google Hahndorf, it's a lovely little place.
Will check in again sometime this weekend, I am about to indulge in a long hot shower...
18/May/12 3:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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off dialysis*
18/May/12 3:47 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Julie, I'm sure my MIL would love to have more visitors. Hubby speaks to her by phone every second day and I usually see her at least once a fortnight but quite often it is weekly (this Sunday and last Sunday). Between her and my mother I don't normally get a weekend to myself.
Hubby's brother doesn't like driving in traffic (at least that is the excuse he uses) and the younger sister works "so hard" and is always "too busy" to come.
18/May/12 3:48 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Enjoy your break Gail. I really liked Hahndorf. It's such a quaint little place but a bit too touristy. The buildings and architecture are fabulous.
18/May/12 3:51 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Can you tell I'm not busy at work? I'm just waiting for 4:30 so I can go home. Only 40 minutes to go........
18/May/12 3:52 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Had a chuckle reading about the 'mess' factor in all your homes..
I think the least said about the state of my home the better.. as to where do you sit? Wherever you can find a spare seat! Dog hair? Well.. I use it for insullation... LOL
I've got a really busy weekend coming up.
Attending a conference so it might be a while before I'm back.
have a good weekend everybody.
18/May/12 4:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The fashion parade went well, plenty of goodies for morning tea. I bought a pair of stretch winter slacks(dark browny colour ) and a nice summer top(white and beaded). Both were reduced.
I have Laura this weekend and she is already asking if she can use the computer so I may not be here as much!!
18/May/12 6:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

I actually went to my doctor yesterday for this cold that Mitchell gave me. She gave me stuff to make me feel better including an antibiotic. I tend to get sinus infections and I got to her before this one started.
18/May/12 8:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Apparently there is a get together at a local bowling club to remember mum. Guess since I found out from the newspaper I'm not invited.

June, sound like good buys! I hope you have a good weekend with Laura and get some time on the computer.

Gail, wishing you luck for a sold out show! I remember his name really well, but can't for the life of me think of any of his songs! A quick trip down google lane in a minute should fix that... Tourists probably know more about my local area than I do so I'm not surprised you'd choose to walk around.

Broni, I hope you are having a relaxing weekend - lots of sleep and fun! Isn't there a boat trip in the cards?? Have a wonderful time.

My windows are smoky with furry corners - spider webs! I spray exterior bug spray and everything..

I'm kind of in shock over the cost of child care here. $75 a day! How do people afford that? Of course Dana doesn't have to, but I can see why people might think a Nanny is a better deal.

Tahli's latest run in with constipation may be explained... Dana has been using the scoop from the last can of formula. She's changed types and the new scoop looks like it holds less than half of the old stuff. So Tahli has been getting super concentrated super thick formula! Oh well, could be worse, if it was too dilute she could be getting malnourished.

18/May/12 8:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Of course!! How could I forget?? Without the band, I don't know... but I'd go see Sherbet!
18/May/12 9:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Smart move to go to the doc before the sinus infection started, Tami. Very smart.

I'm SO glad that you all understand the difference between a real, lived-in home and a show home. I'm with Bean.... dog hair is an important part of the decorating scheme. Between the hair and the dust and dirt from a working farm, there's no way that this could ever stay clean-ish long. If somebody wants to visit, they have to understand that they're here to visit me and the critters (and IH). He frequently complains that this isn't a show home, and I remind him that he's perfectly welcome to keep it that clean himself. Shuts him right up.
18/May/12 10:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm expecting a busy day today. I've got someone coming to (hopefully) buy the 7 calves we just weaned. We'll have to transport them somewhere to be weighed since IH broke the cattle scales here on the farm. I'll have to stock up on food for everybody for when I'm recuperating. I hopefully will get to take Robert to the mechanic's to pick up his car (he melted down the engine, thanks to his own foolishness and advice from his BIL).
18/May/12 11:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, yeah.... I also need to clean out my truck so people have room to fit in tomorrow when we go to the races. We'll be caravanning there, and I'm expecting to have 4 in my vehicle. Cleaning out my truck will be a 2 to 3 hour job. And that's just the cab. I'm not going to touch the back for a while yet. That's a scary looking job.
18/May/12 11:33 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Hmmm, clean and tidy house - you won't find that here. I have way too many cats. However, I do not have dust bunnies, I have dust elephants.
19/May/12 12:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mine are too disorganized to be elephants.
19/May/12 12:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think that I'm gonna do chinese take-out tonight instead of cooking supper. I've got a craving for pork egg foo yung right now, and egg roll. And a few other things.
19/May/12 1:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I just lost a post, clicked something wrong and poof it went.

good morning friends, it is morning for another half hour here. Daughter #2 phoned fore I had breakfast today, so I had a very late start today after our hour chat.

Victoria, so glad your Ikea trip was a success and done so quickly. I understand about the weekend vs. mid week shopping at the big stores. I am trying to decide if I can wait till Monday for a wal Mart trip. Friday afternoon through Sunday are so crowded. I might run up to grocery and get a couple items, not near so far and not near so crowded. Was the plan for yesterday, but nausea (caused by new meds perhaps) sent me home without that stop. Very glad to hear your MIL has setteled down now, hope it lasts.

SUZY, what good news it is that Dana is registered for school, and the babe for child. I do hope she keeps at it, does well, and this is the start of her being an adult.

Rolanda, too bad the brickies are not there to start your house. I hope it happens soon. the glass ware for S2 sounds nice, hope your shopping trip is successful. When ddo you leave on your Sudokuland tour? How are the winter pants coming? It does seem you keep good tabs on when the rental inspections are due, good for you!

Broni, at school and at work both, I have found that teaching someone else something helped me to learn it better myself. If you must think how to explain it to someone, you have internalized it, made it your own, I hope this works that way for you and will make your job even easier after your stint as teacher.

GAIL, have a great time on your weekend away. I hear from D#2 that her father is wiped out after his dialysis, so I can imagine how yours is doing extras. did I tell you they had to stop the peritoneal dialysis, it was not emptying as it should. he got a huge fluid overload, with trouble breathing. he now goes to the center for dialysis, 3 mornings a week.

I find that I am repeatedly having typos come up with the letter "C" missing. I have typed it, but evidently not hard enough.

I did not finish, read all but no time to comment on the last few. I must fling food, am thinking of a mexican pot pie for dins tonight. I want to get it done fore the afternoon sun heats the kitchen. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

19/May/12 2:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have done nothing today but sit around and wait for phone calls. FINALLY, the person coming for the calves is in the area, but I haven't been able to pick up Robert to help load out.
19/May/12 3:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mexican pot pie turned our nicely. It smelled so good cooking that I decided to have it for lunch. It was Yummy!

Hugs, till later.
19/May/12 5:21 AM
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