Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I'm glad you had a good day. Coming home near enough to breaking even is a bonus!

MizT, what a lovely surprise! I hope when you try them on they look as good on as they look and feel off. They sound lovely.

I hope your lawn mower is fixed easily and that you don't need it for long!!

20/May/12 7:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life
Winston Churchill
20/May/12 7:35 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Hubby is playing softball this morning so we are all going to watch, even Harley. A lot of the parks here allow dogs on a leash. I remember bringing Harley to another game.

See you all later.
20/May/12 10:32 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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TAMI, hope you have fun at the game today. I think Harley will enjoy it a lot.

SUZY, the lawn mower is moving now, but I think it needs new blades. I cut part of the grass once it was running, cause the batter was weak, it needed charging. I hope I ran it enough to charge it. I kept leaving a little half inch trail of weeds in the middle of the mown (what is past tense of to mow? Mowed? ) strip, yep, something has taken a bite out of one of the blades. Neighbor came over, said something had moved just enough so gears would not engage, he pulled something out just enough to let it fall back and engage. Fast fix. Thank you for your good wishes, that is what did it hehehe.

Found the green minivan with a flat tire this morning. I will phone roadside assistance tomorrow, have them come change it. Two reasons to wait till tomorrow. One I plan to leave here when Joy calls, hopefully around lunch time, and do not think they have time to get someone out before. Two, I think I have the wrong number for calling assistance, somehow I have entered the local office number there in my phone. I will phone local office tomorrow and get the assistance number.

My coffee is warmed up. I had a cup on deck before I started mowing, it got cold, imagine that hehehe. I shall adjourn to my recliner drink my coffee and read the last bit of my book, cook down some, and then shower and get dressed for going out.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
21/May/12 1:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back home and the violent calf is gone. IH is sure a great help. NOT! He was so afraid that that little calf was going to hurt him that he ran away screaming every time the calf got close. I ended up getting him trapped at one end of the pen by climbing in with him with my bullwhip and running at him, roaring and cracking the whip. Then the neighbor arrived (a 300 lb professional cattle trader) and after getting chased out of the smaller pen once, he bullied the calf into the trailer. Of course, IH told the neighbor that he trapped the calf in the end of the pen. He is so afraid of animals. This calf was nasty, but small.... only about as tall as a moderate Great Dane. He couldn't do too much damage.
Once he was loaded, I drove the one hour each way to the sale barn and unloaded him. So that's one less problem to worry about here.
21/May/12 3:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're now having a small thunderstorm, so I get to enjoy most of the day lounging around inside and letting the swelling go down in my leg. Right now it's twice the size it should be.
21/May/12 3:47 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Just calling in quickly.
I know not everyone is well,so here is hoping that soon you are much better.
Good luck for a successful operation Heidi!
Judy was very sick from Thursday night until Sun lunch time. I almost took here up to the hospital for an injection but it did settle down. She couldn't keep the nausea meds down or even water.
Last night she rang to say she had some toast and yoghurt. She goes back for more chemo June 4.
I didn't realize how late it was so I had better get in the shower.
Much love to everyone.
21/May/12 4:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nola, my thoughts are with Judy and you. Hugs.

I had a lazy day yesterday, so I'm trying to make up for it today. Currently doing yrdnual and then I'll start a stirfry for supper. Hubby is working today and tomorrow, even though tomorrow is a holiday (Victoria Day). He will get paid double time-and-a-half, so that won't be too shabby.

It's a beautiful sunny day here, but a tad too hot for my liking. We still have the double storm windows on (it's an old house) because hubby hasn't had a chance to take them down. Soon I hope .....

Heidi, glad you got rid of the troublesome calf. You really should take a video of IH in such situations - it would be good for a laugh! I hope your leg is soon feeling better. You will be in my thoughts tomorrow. Hugs!
21/May/12 4:48 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, thinking of you tomorrow. I have your phone number so I will try to call when I get home, about 5:30-6:00 to see how you are.
21/May/12 5:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The power just went off for less than a minute - just long enough to knock all the electric clocks out, including microwave, coffee pot, etc., etc., etc. Off I go to rectify the situation. Darn, darn, double darn!
21/May/12 6:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yesterday I walked around all day, including going to stores, without knowing that I had buttoned my blouse wrong. I thought people were looking at me strangely and I said to myself, "You're just being paranoid." I think I'm starting to go backwards!!!!!
21/May/12 8:00 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Theresa, you are not the only one to have done something like that. I once went out with my skirt on inside out. Fortunately it didn't look to bad. The seams looked very much like the piping on the correct side
21/May/12 8:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've done that with shirts a few times. Unfortunately, it DID look stupid.
21/May/12 9:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The poultry outside have a several day supply of food and water. The dogs have a 2 day supply of food out. The caged birds are the only ones that have to be fed and watered daily. Fortunately, their feeders and waterers are so small that I may be able to manage them myself.
21/May/12 9:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, yeah. The cats have a weeks supply of food out. At least the horses and cattle can feed themselves. I think I've thought of everything. I plan to put my crutches in the truck tonight so I'll have them with me when I get out of the hospital.
21/May/12 10:08 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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a fairly busy weekend here at Chateau Rental.

21/May/12 10:12 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Birthday Dinner at MIL's late Saturday Afternoon. twas vewy noice with Boy 1 and his Girl, MIL, P & I.
A couple of family members missing.. Boy2, and Mum ♥

Peter came home Friday evening from work, with my Birthday Present.. A bedhead (as Tricia would say Board, in 'Jarrah' a Western Australia Hardwood Timber.
Boy 1 and girl gave me $ for Garden Pots, I will be purchasing when in the new abode.
Boy 2, gave me a 'Melbourne Tram' Collectors item. He wanted to give me something that was from Melbourne. I am going to suggest he takes me on one for real, when in Melbourne.
MIL..gave me a noice Winters Dressing Gown, Knickers, and Choccies.
I have been spoilt
21/May/12 10:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was taking a nap this afternoon and when I got up I discovered that IH has gone to the plant. I hope he doesn't have a breakdown and will be stuck out of town tomorrow morning. His truck has 400,000 miles (643,728 kilometers) on it and is starting to show it. I was planning on using my truck with a bit less than half that miles on it. Mine runs a LOT better.
21/May/12 10:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like you had a delightful birthday, Rolanda. A lot of people who love you sharing the day with you. You were given some wonderful gifts. You deserve it all.
21/May/12 10:19 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Bricklayers are building the new abode..
On Saturday afternoon.. Bricklayers had done 2 Brick courses around the perimeter of the house.
Yesterday, when we went past, the 'Termimesh' person was putting down the Termimesh (stops the White Ants from entering the abode).
Hubby rang me on his way to work, he drove past the block and said Brickies were on Site.
21/May/12 10:19 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Good luck Heidi.. with the operation your tomorrow. ♥
21/May/12 10:20 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thanks Heidi.
21/May/12 10:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Only 4 hours until the fasting starts. Considering the surgery starts so late, I'm gonna cheat on the fluids and not stop them until 7 hours before surgery. That should help some.
21/May/12 10:25 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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First Whitney, then Donna and now Robin Gibb. To many voices gone too soon. RIP Robin.
21/May/12 10:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW.... I think my surgeon was destined from birth to be a doctor. His first name is Galen.
21/May/12 12:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations!

Heidi, it's interesting that food for the dogs and the poultry were listed first before you mentioned frozen dinners! It sounds like you are well prepared! I hope the load of the calf for the sale barn went well! I'm impressed that you not only had a box in which you could place the tooth, but were able to reset it!

MizT, what a wonderful surprise! Three (not one) new tops, all of which you like! What a relief that Joy has until June 10 to be out of her apartment! It's still a lot to do, but the extra time will help! Good luck with the resuscitation of your lawn mower!

Suzy, that's a great TOPP from Winston Churchill!

Tami, I hope everyone enjoyed your hubby's softball game!

MizT, so glad the mower was able to be fixed enough to trim the grass! Too bad about the flat tire. Hopefully it can be fixed and not need to be replaced!

Heidi, why am I NOT surprised that IH was of no help! I'm sorry it was up to you and, thankfully, the neighbor who came to help! I hope the rain gave you the excuse to rest the entire afternoon and evening! I can't imagine your leg being swollen will be helpful tomorrow when you have the surgery. We'll be thinking of you and the orthopedic surgeon!

Nola, it's good to see you when you have time to post! Keeping Judy and you in my thoughts and prayers and hope the next chemo is not as troublesome!

Theresa and Brenda, I think most of us have had a clothing faux pas at one time or another!

Heidi, it sounds like you've thought of everything in preparation for tomorrow's surgery!

Rolanda, you have survived this birthday with many thoughtful and lovely presents. I hope you enjoyed the day for the most part! Wonderful news that the bricklayers have begun!

Heidi, you and your surgeon will be in my thoughts tomorrow!

I am going to head to bed soon. (Yes, it's much earlier than usual.) I need to be at the doctor's office by 9:00 for blood tests for my thyroid.

Many positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}} for all!
21/May/12 1:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think all of the animals are set now for the next 48 hours, so I can rest easy after the surgery. I'm off to bed now. We have to leave by 9:45, so I plan on sleeping until 9:15 so the thirst doesn't bug me too long. I am a trifle nervous, mainly because I hate anesthesia. They give me this awful stuff to drink before they start the IV, and that is the part I dislike the most.
I'll check in as soon as I can. Probably tomorrow evening.
21/May/12 2:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gee but it's great to be back home,
Home is where I wanna be, yeah!
21/May/12 3:05 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hope all goes well with the surgery, Heidi.
Great TOPP, Suzy.
Rolanda - glad they've started with the bricks.
Theresa - I once wore a blouse inside out, fortunately it wasn;t too obvious and when I realised my mistake, I hurried to the ladies to put it right.
Nola - thinking of you and Judy.
21/May/12 4:13 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hayley is 12 today. I can't believe that 12 years has gone so quickly. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were at the hospital waiting for news.
12?? She's nearly a teenager.
21/May/12 4:15 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Yay, great to see you Dag.
21/May/12 4:27 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Oops, Hello Cyn.
21/May/12 4:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi all. Busy day as I told a friend I would do a parade of old clothes for her club. I had 6 ladies here trying on clothes to see what fitted. Back in the days of bustles ladies had 18 inch waists!!! Anyway I have organised who fits into what, now I have to sort out the order of the parade, press and get the clothes organised as the parade will be next Friday. At the moment the clothes are spread all over the lounge room and the place has that old clothes smell about it. I keep the clothes wrapped in acid free paper, in plastic boxes and with lots of camphor.
We also did our Monday visit to MIL.
Hubby at a meeting but we will just have steak sandwiches when he gets home.
We though of going to the beach for lunch yesterday and getting some fish and chips. Laura had other ideas. "Could we go to the lobster shop for lunch?" Boy can she polish off a half lobster!
21/May/12 6:17 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope everything goes well. I understand the need to have everything organised beforehand.

I have now contacted the Sydneysiders who normally come to gatherings. Still have to confirm details with Rolanda and Suzie though.
Welcome home Gail. It is nice to get home to your own bed, shower etc.
21/May/12 6:22 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I remember walking up steps at a railway station when the elastic in the top of my underpants gave way. I did have elastic in the legs so they did not fall down but it did restrict my walking. Skirts were longer 60 years ago!
21/May/12 6:26 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Details confirmed with June
21/May/12 8:13 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I have suggested that the boy not play his Hockey Game the weekend I am there.
I got a 'maybe'.. he is hoping he will have the timetable next week.

and I have hinted that he takes me on the Melbourne Tram like the model one he sent me for the Birthday, and got a 'Of Course'.

Flyboy has offered a 'fly around Melbourne'.

21/May/12 8:19 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Heidi, thinking of you today. I will try to call you this evening.

I can't believe there are only 3 more weeks of school, and those three weeks are only 4 days each. This Friday is a pupil-free day. Next Monday is Memorial Day so the kids have a 4 day weekend. The last day of school for the kiddies is June 7, and that is only a half-day. My last day is June 8. I am taking off on June 6th for Dylan's 5th grade graduation. Next year is middle school. My baby is growing up.
21/May/12 8:53 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. My thoughts today are with Heidi. HUGS!

Another hot day for us today. I hope hubby can soon put in the AC unit in my bedroom. Yesterday was in the low 30's and there was actually a smog warning for Ottawa, which doesn't happen all that often. Ottawa tends to be a very clean city.

Off to have a coffee outside before the day gets too hot.
21/May/12 10:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko all.
I leave for the hospital in about 15 to 20 minutes.
I sure am thirsty already. I had my last drink 7 hours ago.
21/May/12 11:29 PM
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