Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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they = that
23/May/12 12:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hadn't looked at the number of posts.
23/May/12 12:10 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Heidi, nice to see you posting, but sorry that the pain has hit.

Cooler day today and a few showers so far ... nothing heavy (yet). No excuse today for not getting things done (other than laziness).

The sad thing about D's friend who lost the baby, she had been working in high risk areas like Afghanistan and Iraq in the Canadian compounds. Places like McDonalds, office work, etc. The money was excellent. She saved up enough to get married and decide to start a family. Just makes you want to sit down and cry your eyes out. I have met her many times and she is a super down-to-earth person.

Off to the wars I go .......
23/May/12 1:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We just had a T-storm roll through, with lots of rain. The sky is still very dark, so I think we're in for more. The house is cooling off nicely. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee.
23/May/12 3:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, we had a T storm during the night last night. today is a cooler day because if it. I am glad your weather is cooling somewhat.

It is so sad about your friend who lost the baby. I hope she has someone who will talk with her about the baby, for as long as she needs too. so many people do not know what to say, so ignore the situation.

I spent over an hour today helping Joy get a document she needed for her closing on her house. the lenders always seem to find something last minute that they must have fore it can nclose. Problem was me trying to scan a document and sent it to her. She kept telling me one way to do it that was not working, I remembered how I had done it before sending photos, a doc should be similar. I did that and it worked, yeah!

Tummy problem here today, just feel nauseated. I will be sure when I am not taking those two fungus medications, and hope that is the cause. there are days it seems to be getting better, then days that looks like it is coming back again, bummer. I need a day to go buy a new tire, the one that went flat needs replacing, and the spare is not good, will have to replace both. this on a car I will not drive much, or keep for long, only till I move. Well, Joy will use it to move some things, it holds more than her car. she has some things she does not want movers to move.

I think I will try to sit outside a while, enjoy my flowers. the petunias are looking so good, and they are scented. So many of the modern fowers have lost their scents in hybridizing, I am glad these smell good.

Hugs again, and catch you again soon.
23/May/12 5:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, D's friend is across the country out west. She and D have been phoning and emailing.

It is pouring rain right now. It had stopped long enough for me to make a quick trip to the store across the street.

Hubby will be home soon and it's time to start thinking about supper. I'm not sure which I hate most, deciding what to have to doing the actual work. I sometimes find it tedious. I know, whine, whine, whine.
23/May/12 5:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, I love to cook, but even I get tired of making the decision what to cook. I think I shall have a frozen chicken with orange "ready to bake" entree I bought at Aldis. I can cook all of it in oven today when it is cool, and refreeze half of it for later. I think it is about 4 servings, at least for me. Now would it be too much orange to have a salad with greens and orange slices, and some lemon balm? did you know those leaves are eatable? It has naturalized around and under my back porch, talk about fresh hehehe.
23/May/12 5:57 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I did know that, MizT. My sister-in-law is really into natural herbs and she used to use lemon balm while cooking. She also had a cookbook made up. BTW, it's never too much orange.
23/May/12 6:02 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I imagine Heidi is having a good long nap.
23/May/12 6:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was having a nap, but both IH and Robert kept waking me with constant phone calls, updating me on their work progress. I think the 2 of them made history today. They worked together nicely and got stuff done. And they did not try to kill each other. Tho' they may have done something to my new tractor.
23/May/12 8:29 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oh oh, Heidi, not the new tractor!!

The humidity has come back full force. I feel like a limp rag and I'm exhausted. I have to look after the grandies starting at 7:00 AM, so I think I will try and get an early night. They are old enough to get themselves ready for school, but I have to give the meds to the oldest, and I have to nag both of them. First of all neither one of them wants to get up, and then they are both doddlers. Good thing they're cute.
23/May/12 9:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.
Theresa, sending good thoughts out to D's friend. It is not easy to go through.
Heidi, take care of yourself. Glad that IH and Robert are working well together.
Suzy, sounds good to me to check on the formula. A long time has passed since Alie was a baby and formulas have changed. Maybe a different one would be better for Tahli.
23/May/12 10:27 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening from Illinois! I hope you all have had or are having a good day!

Suzy, good luck to Dana getting her own place (I think). If she gets it, will she be as likely to follow through on her education as she would be living at home and knowing you will notice if she isn't going to school and/or doing homework lessons? So sorry to hear that Tahli is having some difficulties with her formula. I have no words of advice, as our children were breast-fed. (Must admit that I was wondering if smaller, but more frequent feedings might help.) It certainly feels horrible to watch a little one being so uncomfortable!

I hope all is going well with Alie's preparations for the play! Are you still making flowers?

Heidi, so sorry to hear that the pain intensified over night! Hopefully, you have been able to relax and take it easy today - and have the occasional popsicle! (Do you have a favorite flavor? Can they be purchased with one flavor per box, or do they come in assorted flavor boxes?)

Theresa, still thinking about your D's friend. I hope she lives somewhere large enough that there can be a support group - possibly through the hospital, her OB doctor, or a community or church-based group. Even talking to just one other mom who has dealt with the same or a similar situation could be helpful. {{{HUGS}}} for her. Does she have her mom or a sister or SIL nearby?

MizT, I'm so glad you got the document scanned and sent for Joy! I hope you're feeling better by now. You must have felt physically drained!

Heidi, what a miraculous day that IH and Robert actually worked together! Their calling you with frequent updates suggests that they realize what was happening was a bit out of the ordinary. I just hope your tractor has survived!

I think I will try to be in bed by 11:30 tonight, so I will wish all of you a pleasant afternoon/evening/night! Healing vibes, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} an for all!
23/May/12 2:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just in case Mama has access to a computer, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mama! We miss you and wish you could drop by for a bit of a party with cake, flowers, and lots of presents and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}!
23/May/12 2:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Chloe and Trent have just left......
23/May/12 3:50 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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(((HUGS))) Gail
23/May/12 4:02 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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23/May/12 4:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gail, Know how you feel. It is like when Belinda went to live in Germany (she was there 8 years). Now you have Skype and cheaper phone calls.
Theresa, thoughts going out to your daughters friend. When she knows why it might make it easier to cope. I do hope she has lots of support.
Suzy, hope you soon get Tahli's problems sorted out. Very hard seeing a baby suffer.Is she drawing her legs up in pain?
Heidi, pleased the surgery is all over and I hope the pain is getting less. Please keep your leg up as much as possible to it all heals quicker.
23/May/12 6:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Big hugs Gail!!

Heidi, it's amazing what worrying about someone can do to create harmony. I hope they keep it up! At least until you are well again.

MizT, I hope the closing goes well in the end. Our lawyers stuffed up ours. Luckily we got to move in anyway.

Theresa, I hope the weather is better in the morning. You did remind me of a letter to the editor I read this morning, though I don't think you are whining, just telling it like it is..

A threat to our national pastime

WE are under attack. This country is currently being invaded by a group of people who fundamentally do not hold with the characteristics of modern Australians.
I refer to the asylum seekers who courageously risk their lives to come here full of hope and optimism, seeking to make a better future for themselves, their children and therefore this country.

I have no doubt that if these glass half-full people are allowed to build in numbers they would eventually deny us the right to indulge in our national past-time, whinging.

All fair dinkum couch potato Aussies should unite to defend our shores against these smiling marauders before a good whinge is outlawed and we are denied the right to talk down the economy - ignoring the fact we have the highest living standards in the world- and generally whinge about everything, just for the sake of it.

O. None,

Yep, that's his name. He changed it to Of Above, None (or something like that) when he was trying to get himself elected.
23/May/12 6:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have had a busy day working for this parade on Friday. Sorting, ironing, mending the clothes (some are very old and fragile). Still some to do tomorrow.
I now have to sort the order of the parade. Trying to do it in chronological order but had to work with who fitted what and then have to give them time to change between outfits.
I will probably spend tonight on the computer working it all out.
I then have to give them lists of what accessories to have with which outfit.
When it is over they all have to be packed away again. I have acid free paper between the outfits, lots of camphor and in large plastic boxes.
23/May/12 6:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm getting chinese food bought for me because I am working one day next week. Wish me luck - if I don't suck they might have me back again. Though it is the horriblest school in the area... tips from Tami might come in handy.

I twisted my ankle tonight, trying to put the bin out. Just shows I should leave that job to other people I think.

The midwife thinks Tahli has reflux and prescribed drops.
23/May/12 6:19 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura had reflux, but then she also produced too much acid and ended up with ulcers. An unusual thing for one so young.
I have a big pot of steak and kidney on the stove. Just waiting for Hubby to come home from bowls.(enough to freeze some for another night as well).
Heidi,my Skype tells me you are out of bed and on the computer. Hope you are feeling better
23/May/12 7:23 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have an update about Mama:

"We had a very encouraging meeting with the docs and rehab staff yesterday. Mom is able to start eating real food even though it's pureed. Also she is weaning with only oxygen for 4-6 hrs a day and doing PT while she is weaning. She can walk,get dressed, and her first concern was getting her hair done."

"Mom said that she can feel all the cyber hugs and prayers even though she dosen't have a computer. I truly appreciate the support." Michella.
23/May/12 8:20 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is brewing and will be ready in a minute.

Suzy, I really don't have advice. It is different for a sub and a teacher who is there everyday. I actually never worked as a sub. My first day of my first year, was my first day. That was a hard year.
23/May/12 8:25 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. I am just next door at D's waiting for the girls to get up. Their 2 cats are sniffing my computer - they smell my cats. Have a good day everyone. I also have a doctor's appointment this afternoon.
23/May/12 9:22 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have almost caught up with the reading.. so many comments that I wanted to make but I knew I would never get to the end if i stopped to make comments.

Weekend conferance was really good, stimulating and informative. making some major choices re directions for the future.. I've been drifting like a rudderless ship for too long now... weighed down by family stuff, ex marriage, health and so it goes on...

Have just realised the time.. need to get some milk before the supermarket shuts. I will return..
23/May/12 11:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't think that I'll be graduating to a cane for a while. The leg still hurts like h***. I'm supposed to be keeping it elevated, but when I have to get up, and lower my leg to the ground, the pain is excruciating. It doesn't like the rush of blood to it. Once I let that pain ease up some, which takes 10 to 15 minutes, I can hobble around a little on the crutches. I'm thinking of wimping out and using the wheelchair. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.
My caretaker has gone AWOL again.
23/May/12 11:44 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Ouch, Heidi. Did the doc mention when you would be walking again without a cane/crutches/wheelchair?

I have a lump on my index finger of the right hand, as well as one in my right elbow - that's one of the reasons I'm going to the doc this afternoon. They are not painful, but the one on the finger is itchy at times. They both move a bit just under the skin. The one on the finger has grown so much in the last few weeks that it rubs against my "driving" finger right next to it. It is now about the size of a small marble. I just love getting older and having all these little things crop up! NOT!

Beautiful day here, and so far it is not too humid. I am going to sit outside with my coffee for a little while before I jump into the shower. The wood pile is in the backyard and we seem to have chipmunks living in there. As long as they don't try and get in the house, I don't mind.

I stopped watching the hummingbird site because another set of eggs has gone missing! It's just too depressing! They now think it was a crow that got the babies and the other eggs, not a hawk, which makes more sense.
24/May/12 12:43 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's just absolutely gorgeous outside, sunny with a beautiful breeze and no humidity. Ahhh, I think summer has finally arrived.
24/May/12 2:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The doc said that I'd be needing the crutches for 2 weeks. I figured that I'm tough and would be going to a cane within a week. I now know I'm not THAT tough. It'll be roughly 2 weeks.
24/May/12 5:21 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well, I'm back. I have some kind of cyst on my finger and elbow ... by the time I got home I had forgotten the name of it. My doc would like me to go to a plastic surgeon and get his recommendation as to whether or not it should be cut out. He does not believe it's malignant (phew). Only the one on the finger woujld be cut out because the other one is diminishing in size.

Here it is again, time to figure out what to have for supper. If only the supper fairies would come and visit me ...........
24/May/12 5:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa. It sounds unpleasant. Marble sized is not good. If it was me, I'd be knocking it against everything, accidentally of course.

I had IH go to the big freezer and pull out a couple of TV dinners.... turkey with all the fixings. He doesn't know how to work the oven so I rolled out on my wheelchair and did the technical stuff. This will be the first meal I'll have eaten since surgery. I just didn't have much appetite, but it's been 3 days since I've had a full meal (before fasting).
24/May/12 8:57 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, are these meals you prepared yourself before surgery? I am making a stirfry with chicken, green peppers, celery, carrots, snow peas, onion and rice. The kitchen smells so good and I am so hungry because I forgot to eat lunch.
24/May/12 9:20 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I went to Walmart last Saturday to look at woks. I had seen them online at the Walmart site and they seemed reasonably priced. The associate in that department said if they had any, they would be in with the small appliances. We told her there were none, but I had seen them online. I asked if I could order one and she had no clue how to go about doing that. We finally gave up and left. Such great customer service!!!! At the end she suggested we go to Canadian Tire, which is a Canadian hardware store. Gotta love Walmart, where the customer always comes first ... NOT!
24/May/12 9:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, I bought up a bunch of frozen TV dinners, Theresa. I'm basically a lazy person.
24/May/12 9:51 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, quite often when I make a meal I make extra so I can freeze it. We don't have central AC, only a window one, and I can't stand cooking in the summer because the kitchen gets so hot. We have a place near us that makes homemade meals, but they are really pricey, i.e. $12.00 for a chicken pot pie. We don't get them very often, but they sure are delicious.
24/May/12 10:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, I am like Heidi and would bump that cyst on everything. I don't like cooking in the summer either but I never plan ahead. I usually don't have leftovers anyways. My boys are big eaters
24/May/12 10:27 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The cyst is on the index finger on the side, right next to the middle finger, so I don't bump it. It is starting to rub against the middle finger though because it has really grown in the last few weeks.

There are no leftovers after tonight's supper. We ate outside and the girls came out (we share the back yard) and the youngest was hungry, even though she had already eaten. She is a bottomless pit and very, very thin.
24/May/12 10:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Stella posted on Monday that she missed something because she is very sick. Her son has posted that he spent all of yesterday in the ER and is now being transferred by ambulance to another hospital. No mention of why of course. Big hugs to Stella!!

June, that's a lot of work. I'd probably tell everyone moths ate the dresses next year - but I'm lazy.

Theresa, I'm glad they are only cysts. I hope the biggest one will be removed, it sounds very uncomfortable!

Heidi, the wheelchair sounds like a great idea!
24/May/12 10:59 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Too late to say "good morning...AGAIN!
Started off the day working on my business plan and became sidetracked internet shopping.. ooh oh.. at leat I was only looking!

Burst out laughing when I got to your comment Heidi.. I'm basically 'lazy'... you are a very funny lady !! Look forward to checking out for myself just how un lazy you are but it won't be this year... I think I'm going to be pretty busy until the middle of next year and who knows.. may be financial enough to plan my trip again across the pond..

Good news about Mama.. thank you Tami.

I have three very happy dogs here.. bought a pack of bones while I was shopping last night. Zoe has finished here and is lying here playing with my toes. Lana is still at there working on hers... I get so much pleasure seeing them so happy. They usually get bones when i need to keep them quiet/occupied but Lana deserved a reward.

Last night she spent nearly the whole evening 'headless'... wish I'd got around to finding my camera now.. she had her head stuck under the kitchen cupboards.. its amazing she didn't get it stuck because it is a small gap. After a flurry of activity she emerged triumphant with her trophy.. a very sodden mouse. Of course everyone wanted a piece of it... I told her what a good dog she was and traded it for a handful of kibble.. This morning she started to bark triumphantly again and I went to check..sure enough.. another mouse between her paws. This time she was looking at me expectantly waiting for a reward.. she got the biggest bone.. Who needs mousetraps?

24/May/12 12:46 PM
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