Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thinking of you Heidi xo
22/May/12 12:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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NOLA, so sorry to hear Judy had such terrible nausea. Would you and Judy be interested in an all natural recipe for something to help chemo nausea? Let me tell you a bit about it.

It is called Mo's Mix. My sister first told me about it when Al was having chemo. My sister's friend with breast cancer and on chemo was given this recipe by someone else who had used it during chemo. Friend took the recipe to her doctor, who told her she could try it if she wanted. Friend tried it, never had to take any nausea medication while taking the Mix, it completely controlled her nausea. Her doctor was pleasantly surprised.

After I got an OK from Al's doctor, I made up this Mix for Al. The nurse practitioner told us there was nothing in there that would hurt, and some of it could help, especially the aloe, and she asked for the recipe for some of her other patients. Al took it in addition to his nausea medication and his nausea was much improved, vomiting gone.

Mo's Mix

1/2 cup of Aloe Gel, must be gel, not juice.
1 1/2 cup fresh fruit, whatever you like, a mix is good.
1 oz honey
1 oz red wine
Juice of one lemon and one lime.

Puree all the fruit, adding the liquid and mix well. Store in refrigerator in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Take one Tablespoon before each meal or any food taken. May be taken between meals if needed.
22/May/12 12:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, thinking of you and your surgery this morning. I hope all goes well. Interesting you mention having something yucky to drink fore they start the IV, wonder what it is. This is not a practice I am familiar with.

22/May/12 1:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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busy day Sunday. After getting the lawn mower going again, I loaded about 25 empty crdboard boxes to take to joy. Oh, eddie came riding up on his lwn mower, and he did the edges for me and went over the long rows of "hay", the clipings cause the grass was so tall. We did not get to chat for long, I had to leave, it was getting late, and so off to Joy's house.

I unloaded those 25 boxes, and mov ed them to the stairs. I let her take them down the stairs, and around to her apartment. worked well, she is younger than I am hehehe. I suggested just letting them slide down the stairs, but past the stair landing, the ground fell away quickly, she thought they might roll on down the hill.

I watched and hatted while she packed up a few things in her living room. these were mostly things she Had from her Mom, and she packed them very carefully. Not only packing them in a lot of paper, but she fitted each piece into boxes , moving them often, until they fit together like a puzzle, no room to move about and break.

them we went to Aldi's, it is about 5 minutes away from her. I was able to get a lot of the things I needed at a greatly reduced price. Couple of real bargains. A bag of cut mixed greens for salad, only 25 cents. Yep, regular family size bag. Still a few days to the sell by date, it looked fresh and healthy still. I got pound and a half (3/4 kilo) packages of zucchini for 69 cents. I bought two packages, will cook today and freeze. that is 46 cents a pound, I do not think I have ever bought zukes that cheaply.

I had to leave for home from the grocery , we had taken both autos so I could, to get home fore dark. Made it, since we have twilight till 8 pm, but I was pushing it close. THEN I had to being in all the good things I bought, and since most was cold stuff, put it away. like I said a busy busy day for me.

today I am taking more rest breaks, but still getting several things done. Wash is on the line, and I have sorted and tossed worn out things from undies drawer, and it is only 11 am. I think it is time for a sit in the recliner though, perhaps with another cuppa.

Back later I hope. today is a stay at home day, as friend eddie will come to change a tire for me. did i tell you I found a flat yesterday? on the green van, not the Kia.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
22/May/12 2:02 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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My goodness MizT, what a busy day you had yesterday. I'm glad Joy was able to do the lifting. What great deals you got on the grocery items!!! If only all places could sell food that cheaply.

Very humid here - it has zapped all the energy out of me. Small breeze outside, but not enough to cool me off. I dread the thought of making supper tonight. Hubby won't be home until after 7:30, so hopefully when I start supper it will have cooled down.

Thinking of Heidi. I guess the dogs might have to be kept away - from her for a while in case they jump on her or lie on her. I've never taken yucky stuff right before surgery either. Wonder what it is for. I've taken yucky stuff the day before (laxative) and I mean yucky - tasted like licorice gone bad.
22/May/12 5:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, funny you should mention it, but my sister is doing the yucky stuff, prep for colonosopy tomorrow. I talked to her mid-morning and she was hungry, had been all morning. OH, they did let her have Boost or ensure, never seen that on the "clear liquids" diet the day before.

I hope Heidi is home and resting comfortably by now.

Theresa, we have some really hot weather ahead of us, forecast on Sunday to be 99 degrees, 37.222C. that is hot for anytime of year, but the first of June? I feel sure high temps records will be sit if it happens. I hope it changes fore then. I do hope you got your AC installed, being able to sleep at nights comfortably helps a lot.

now Rolanda, I am sure son thinks you would be thrilled to go and watch him play hockey, that is what Mom's do, right??

OH June, how terrible that you lost the elastic in your undies! That had to be so embarrassing. what did you do?

My grandmother tells of being in downtown Birmingham, and the button popped off her undies, yep, no elastic, and the undies made from feed sacks, not the nice printed calico that later come with flour. This was depression times, these were natural coarse muslin, never did wash soft, and had FEED stamped on them. Grandma's fell all the way around her feet, so she just stepped out of them and kept walking.

June, your parade of old clothes sounds wonderful. I know what you mean about how tiny those old clothes could be. We found in my grandmother's cedar chest a "gibson girl" outfit she had, long sleeved, high colared white blouse with a hundred tiny tucks sewn in, and a floor length skirt, fitted to the hips and then flare somewhat. that skirt was TINY>

Cyn, hope Haley has/had a great birthday.
22/May/12 8:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, we probably won't have the AC installed (just a window one) until hubby's next day off, which is Thursday. I have every available fan on. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so that should help cool things off. The humid weather really aggravates my arthritis. I had high hopes to get a lot done today, but that just didn't happen. Oh well, thank goodness I'm not a neat freak. I used to be when my daughter was young and she remembers that. Now I have gone the opposite direction!!!!
22/May/12 8:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Spoke to Heidi a little while ago. She said surgery went well. She actually sounded good. I was surprised she sounded that way so soon after surgery. She was home and resting comfortably. I am sure she will be here later or tomorrow.
22/May/12 8:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Teresa, open the disk drive slot on your computer, put your face down close, I am sending you a bit of my AC, sounds like you need it.
22/May/12 9:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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THANKS TAMI, for phoning her for us, and passing on the word. I expected her to be doing well, she just does.

I also hope she has some way to keep the dogs away from her bed. big paws on an incision would not be good. One of them might decide the wound needs licking to make it well too.
22/May/12 9:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am steaming zucchini, second batch finished now. this is only half of what I bought, and I have 4 packages to go into freezer from those, enough for 2 or 3 servings each package. I told ya those were BIG zukes hehehe.
22/May/12 9:08 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks for letting us know, Tami.

Thanks for the AC, MizT. That hit the spot. What do you do with the zucchini - do you make bread? I have only ever used it in a stirfry.

Heidi, nice to hear you are home and resting comfortably. Continued thoughts for a speedy healing.
22/May/12 9:24 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Theresa.. I have watched many many many Hockey Games the boys played, on Saturday Mornings / Afternoons.
Have sat in the car reading a book while they did training on the weeknight.
Also did the drop off 1 boy at his game, and go to the other boy game, leave halfway thru to go and pick up First Boy, and be back to pick up the other.
22/May/12 9:33 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thanks Tami, for getting in touch with Heidi.. I was wondering how she is.
Glad all is well
22/May/12 9:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, you said it. The one thing Heidi complained about was one of the dogs jumping on her leg.
22/May/12 9:48 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone :)
Glad to hear Heidi is doing ok. ♥
Hope everyone is well and happy. :)
22/May/12 9:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello everybody.
Thanks for letting everyone know that I'm doing well, Tami. The throat hurts like fury from the tube they had in it. Otherwise, I'm comfortable. The doctor gave me a 'scrip for pain meds, and I'm not going to fill it. I don't need it. I can stand on the leg already, and walk on it, but I was told to use crutches for a while, so I will. I shook off the anesthesia better than I usually do, so don't feel sleepy.
They gave me the metal plate that was in my leg, and IH was amazed by how big it was. I wonder what he thought was being removed. Something the size of a toothpick?
22/May/12 9:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I made a new friend at the hospital. One of the nurses is a major horse and dog (especially collie) lover. She has 8 horses and 11 dogs right now. To make it surreal, her sister has the same first AND last name as I do. I have her e-mail address and we plan on getting together soon. She lives only 15 to 20 minutes from me.
22/May/12 10:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, I'm gonna grab some custard (very easy on the throat) and head back to bed. I am trying to follow doctor's orders.
22/May/12 10:19 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Glad to hear someone has spoken to Heidi - I was wondering.
In the middle of a 'arty project' here - will be a late birthday present for Hayley if it works out. And if it does I'll tell you what it is and post a picture. Looking good so far.
22/May/12 10:24 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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that's what happens when you type out a post and come back more than 30 minutes later and post it - it's now irrelevant. Glad you're home and doing fine Heidi!!
22/May/12 10:27 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We had a thunderstorm go through around 8:00 PM - I didn't see that in the forecast. No cooler yet though. Hubby is working outside tomorrow and it is supposed to rain. Outside work isn't cancelled for rain. We got the screens in the bathroom windows and I have a fan at the bottom of the stairs to try and drive the warm air upstairs. I will be sleeping downstairs tonight, with my furry friends, some of whom like to lie on me!!!

D has a very close friend who gave birth this morning and the baby died shortly after birth. How sad and how cruel. We don't know yet what the cause of death is.

Welcome home, Heidi.
22/May/12 11:36 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I'm glad the surgery went well. Remember to take it easy.

Theresa, losing a baby at birth would be heartbreaking. When there is so much to look forward to and it is taken away so quickly.
22/May/12 12:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... My sympathy to your D's friend. I know what she's going through. My only child was stillborn. That was 36 years ago and it still hurts like mad.
22/May/12 12:33 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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That is sad news Theresa. Sympathies to your D friend.
22/May/12 12:37 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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((Hugs)) Heidi.. ♥ on your sadness 36 years ago.

PS.. glad you are doing ok after the surgery.
22/May/12 12:38 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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*** new Photo on my page.. the brickwork on the new abode has begun!
22/May/12 12:39 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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WooHoo Rolanda!!!!

Well, it is after 11:00, so I am off to bed. Catch you all tomorrow.
22/May/12 1:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Quick drop in to check on Heidi... already posting!!! Why am I surprised? Don't overdo it though please... That's an incredible story about the nurse, wow! Something else I didn't know about you Heidi, big hugs.

Theresa, I hope the weather has cooled down enough for you to sleep. I find it funny/weird to read about snow in the same place as 99 degrees! How horrible for D's friend. I can only imagine how bad she feels right now.

Cyn, you have to tell us whether you like the result or not! You're not allowed to tease like that...

Gotta go...

22/May/12 1:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OK Suzy - I uploaded a photo of the unfinished 'project'.
It's basically a canvas painted with acrylic paint and the form a flower with cut-out petals from scrapbooking paper.
All glued just waiting for the mod podge sealer to go on.
Nothing fantastic but she will love it - they are her colours. The purple is much more vibrant than the pic shows.
22/May/12 4:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I love it Cyn! You don't give yourself enough credit. I would love to see her face when she opens it!!!

22/May/12 4:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Welcome home, Gail!

Heidi, I hope the surgery went well and you are home and resting quietly. Too bad you couldn't savor the "liquid" part of the stuff you have to drink before anesthesia and and think of it hydrating you.

June, it always astonishes me that Laura has such a taste for lobster. The parade of vintage clothes sounds like a great idea - but also a lot of work for you.

Heidi, please allow yourself enough time to recover! There are no prizes for speed of recovery. I hope the custard helped your throat! If not, send IH out to get Popsicles or Fudgesicles for you.

Theresa, condolences to your D's friend on the loss of d
June, my freshman year of college, the elastic at the top of a half-slip I was wearing gave way. It was right at the change of class time (classes ending at 1:50, next class beginning at 2:00 and there were many tens of students around). You can imagine what it must have been like trying to hold it up with one hand (books in the other) through my skirt. I was outside, so no classroom to duck into. I finally had to "nonchalantly" step right out of it and walk away. As soon as I got inside the building, I rushed into the washroom and waited as long as possible for most people to be in classrooms before heading to my classroom. Thank goodness no one picked it up and followed me to return it!

Wow, Tami! Only 3 more weeks of school! What are your plans for this summer?

Theresa, I hope your hubby can get the window AC unit installed soon! We have had ours on a few times to remove some of the humidity from the house. We have had several days with temperatures above 90* F.

MizT, you certainly had a busy Sunday and got a lot accomplished! What amazing food bargains you got at Aldi's! You are a role model for all of us!

Tami, thank you for the Heidi update! MizT, I also hope none of the dogs aggravates Heidi's incision(s) in any way!

Heidi, thanks for dropping by to let us all know of your progress!

Theresa, condolences to your D's friend. I can't imagine what it must be like.

Heidi, my condolences to you, as well I don't think any amount of "rational thinking" can help explain the situation or ease the pain.

I'm falling asleep at the computer , so it's time to say, "Good Night!" {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for everyone!
22/May/12 4:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Cyn, I believe that present will be treasured by Hayley! It's beautiful! Stand up and take a bow!
22/May/12 5:02 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
I am running late so I will see you all later. Have a good day/night.
22/May/12 9:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Theresa, so sad. Fly free little one, this was not your time ♥
22/May/12 10:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My day: It looks like Dana might have her own place. She is working with a group called RAGE and has applied for several places. Because she is living with us she is low on the list and mostly misses out to abused young women or women who are living rough. She was the only one who signed up for one flat/apartment though and so might get it.

She still hasn't admitted that I was right to correct her driving the other day so hasn't had a lesson since. She is going to have to be the one who gives in this time, for her own, and Natahlia's safety.

Alie is working hard on the school musical. I can't wait to see it. I wish she took the rest of her school work as seriously.

Tahli is having a tough time. We can feel her tummy bubbling just by putting our hands on it. Today she threw up a fountain of formula. It was scary and she was scared. I know because she talked to me about it, that was actually gorgeous! She loves to have us talk to her, and mimics us back as closely as she can. She kind of did a mumumumum thing ages ago, but her first mimic word was probably hello. We poke our tongues out at her and she copies, we wave at her and she copies, we blow a kind of raspberry to mimic her gurgling and she now gurgles with her mouth pursed like she is blowing a raspberry. Today. after she threw up, she was making a sad face while she goo'd gahed and mumbled at me, telling me all about it. Yep, she has us all wrapped around her little finger! With the occasional exception of Alie who was told off for complaining about her today.

Still having trouble thinking about Theresa's D's friend. And I thought about her often today when watching Natahlia being cute. Wish I could wave a magic wand for her...
22/May/12 10:52 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy have you thought that Tahlia might be allergic to the formula Dana is using. My cousin was like that and had to be put on to a soya based formula.
Theresa, what can one say about your D's friend she must be devastated ((HUGS)) going out to her and her family.
Heidi, pleased everything went well with your op. Speedy recovery!
22/May/12 11:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, Tahli has been on the same formula for a month, has only been throwing up for a few days, and had the tummy gurgling problems before she had any formula at all, so I don't think it a problem with the formula. We put Alie on soy based formula hoping to make her feel better when she was a baby and it made no difference. Dana is going to talk to a pharmacist tomorrow and take Tahli to the doctor but I suspect there won't be much they can do for her. I'm kind of cynical about that after watching what Alie went through with nobody able to help.

22/May/12 11:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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My cousin was lactose intolerant so once she went on to the soy based formula she was ok. She has grown up now and has no problem with lactose now.
22/May/12 11:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... Yesterday was relatively pain free. The pain hit..... hard.... during the night. Today is awful, but I was expecting today to be the worst day. Since I had to get up to use the little girl's room, and get a popsicle (I have 7 dozen in stock.... I'm addicted) I figured I'd drop in for a few.
Suzy... this may not mean much, but with bottle calves and lambs, they sometimes have that problem. It's frequently due to too much, or too rich a formula. To get them back to normal, they get 2 feedings without formula, but instead with only water with electrolytes added. They short a time off formula doesn't hurt them. Instead, this acts like re-booting a computer. I have never known it to fail with baby animals.
23/May/12 12:08 AM
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