Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness ... but there is no happiness without action.

That one is for you, Heidi. Good to get it over with on a Friday so you don't have it hanging over your head for the weekend!
25/Aug/12 5:29 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Give your love to others - it might be all they have.
25/Aug/12 5:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks, Theresa. I don't feel good about it, but I did think long and hard before deciding to do it. Robert does have his good points, and was very helpful to me, especially with lifting. At least we parted amicably. He still has to come back to pick up his things, like his steel tool box, week whacker, tool belt, and a few others. And I had given him a large amount of scrap metal which is stored in one section of a barn, and he's been told that is still his to cart away and sell.
25/Aug/12 5:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, I'm off to buy that new bat-wing bush hog. I need to get the pastures clipped BADLY.
25/Aug/12 5:40 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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You must have posted Theresa, while I was reading the last page. Hope you soon solve the problem with your feet.
Heidi, pleased things went well with Robert. That will be one thing less that you have to worry about.
Good news about Arran.
I have had a busy week and I have Laura this weekend so I may not be about much.
Hugs to you all.
25/Aug/12 5:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have bought the 12 ft. bat wing bush hog.... kinda. At least it's paid for. They sold the last one yesterday, and the next shipment comes in in a week. They'll deliver it as soon as it arrives.
25/Aug/12 6:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I have survived the first week of school. I have 5 classes and the biggest one only has 11 students, so far. I am not complaining.

I know I have been a rotten friend recently but I have really not been in the mood for the computer. I seem to have broken my addiction. I have read the posts but don't really remember much. I promise I will try to visit more often. Everyone here is important to me and I miss you all. I just don't miss the computer.
25/Aug/12 7:46 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Heidi - I'm pleased it went amicably with Robert. He must appreciate all the help you've given him over the years.
Tami - nice to see you here. How are things with your parent's move? All done yet?
June - have fun with Laura.
Theresa - I hope you get answers about your feet soon.
Well, another day of putting pictures in order and reducing numbers - about halfway through, should be done by tomorrow night. Then, on Monday, hopefully I will be able to do the album on-line.
25/Aug/12 8:44 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Cyn, would be interested about the on-line album just realised my brother is turning 60 next month and have no idea what to get him...any suggestions would be welcome eek! So looks like a fly in fly out visit to Melbourne.
Tami, just happy to hear you are OK, that is what friends are. Doesn't matter if it days, weeks, months or years we just pick up from where we left off.
Heidi, how many 12 ft. bat wing bush hogs do they sell in a year around your way?
Love and Hugs to you all.
25/Aug/12 10:04 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Cynthia....the album sounds like a successful completion will be had...good for you. I know I made picture albums for my grands and how well recieved they were and the request that came pouring in from my had to do one for each of them. Wish I had had the online help and knew how to use it then. I understand why Broni is looking for ideas...this is a great one.

Opps, Sorry about the manners, but I thought I had posted here earlier...sooooo...Hello one and all...may your day/night be a good one. Peace.
25/Aug/12 10:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, my parents are moved, just have to finish unpacking. They painted and put down new flooring. Carpet in living room and master bed room. Tile in kitchen,hall and dining room. The spare bedroom is getting wood flooring. They bought a new fridge and dishwasher. They are going to look for new window treatments soon.
25/Aug/12 10:56 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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I am still here, just was busy yesterday, and today had to rest up from that. Sister and I finished up in the sewing room, sorted all the OTC and prescription medications. We tossed 4 bags of trash, most from sewing room. Packed several more boxes, made lists. I ordered an over toe door storage shelves thingy, and under bed storage. ending it to Joy's house, not sure how long it will take to arrive.

No more news from Linda, I will e mail her on Monday to see if all is still well.

Tummy is better, not great but better. I have eaten today, that is good.

Time for evening meds and to bed soon. I did manage to read the 2 pages I was behind, good to read what each of you is doing. Just cannot sit here sidedaddle and type hehehe, Need to resolve this computer problem.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till I can get back again.
25/Aug/12 11:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cousin Don just sent me a funny and short dog video you all might enjoy.
25/Aug/12 12:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm running up to the State Fair again tomorrow. There are a few things I want to see, and I need to pick up a couple of tickets for the National Finals Rodeo. They're selling them for half price at the fair.
25/Aug/12 12:31 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks... flying visit..have a good weekend everybody
25/Aug/12 12:43 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Hi All! Just popping in! Still in the 90's here. At least it cools off at night. Think we'll be staying here for a couple more years. The powers that be keep moving the last day of work for Darrell & the security there...who knows?????
Heidi: Sorry to hear about Robert..........guess I need to check in more often.
MizT, Bean, Theresa,TTT, etc: Glad to see you all here. See some of you on 'the other site' Think of you all often. Love & Hugs, late here, tired.
25/Aug/12 1:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne.

Off to bed now. Nighty night.
25/Aug/12 2:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, glad it was amicable!

MizT, I am really looking forward to hearing how your storage solutions work in your new place.

Theresa, hope your feet better soon!

Drawing a blank and I don't want to scroll back in case I report someone and lose my post again, not that this is a long one!

We are at the house Dana is 'sitting', she is cooking us dinner
25/Aug/12 5:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nummy Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry! She did a great job!
25/Aug/12 7:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The dogs woke me up early and can't get back to sleep. I might as well get myself organized and head off to the fair. IH and 2 of his cousins plan to spend the day golfing. Tough life, i know.
25/Aug/12 10:58 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends....
I feel good today and am looking forward to going to my greatneice's 2nd birthday party...last year she had a carnival celebration, with every ride you can imagine...including a ferris wheel. This year its a zoo party with guest coming as their favorite animal...should be fun. These parties mind you are about the kids, but there is also a large parent and grandparent following....we all have a ball. My sister started this way back when, when our kids were little with simple theme parties that have evolved into real
26/Aug/12 1:31 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Mamacita: Glad to hear you are feeling better!
Heidi: I had a couple of sleepless nights lately. Can you catch a nap sometime during the day??
Suzy: Dinner sounded yummy! Good for Dana.
Had more to say, need breakfast,Love & Hugs!! TTFN
26/Aug/12 2:10 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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News has just broken that Neil Armstrong has died. RIP. His is a name everyone around my age will remember. Even though he was a private man and didn't 'do' the celebrity circuit hewill be remembered.
26/Aug/12 6:11 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I also just saw that Neil Armstrong died. They are saying complications from cardiovascular surgery. He was 82. Even the young people know who he is.
26/Aug/12 6:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have a three day weekend. Tropical Storm Isaac is working its way towards the northwest by way of Cuba and the Gulf of Mexico. It is expected to become a hurricane. I don't expect problems but the Florida Keys and Southwest Florida are under hurricane warnings. They have cancelled school as it would not be safe for buses or students walking. The worst is supposed to be Sunday afternoon and should be better by Monday, but we will still get the outer bands of wind and rain. I am so upset to have an extra day off, NOT!
26/Aug/12 6:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't know how many times I've driven by Neil Armstrong's birthplace. It's only a mile or 2 from the farm of my Gypsy Vanner breeder friend in Ohio. I think of him every time I go by. There aren't many celebrities out there who: a) deserve to be celebrities, and b) have no major scandal associated with them. He just accomplished great things.
26/Aug/12 8:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a good time at the fair. I ran into several friends... all in the beef cattle area... and picked up 3 tickets for the North American Championship Rodeo, in the second row near the bull and bucking bronco chutes on Finals night. That'll be on November 10th.
26/Aug/12 8:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, glad you had a good time at the fair. The fair I go to on school field trips is really more of a carnival. It does showcase what the students do, but that does not take up a lot of space.
26/Aug/12 8:41 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
The Bean has burnt the candle at both ends and is feeling a bit depleted..too late getting too bed and awake too early.. thank you Zoe!

Victoria ande I haven't had a night out for a while ande last night we went in to the city to see a show..

Lots of wonderful old songs to sing along to.. sort of numbers that my singing group liked to do.. We are between leaders at the moment and need to find someone else to direct and fine tune our skills, performance etc.. In the meantime my drumming is hitting the spot. Vic is going to come along and give it a try.. that will be good to do it with a friend..

Must away..sun is shining and lots to do..

ps..Mama..take some photo's to share.. sounds like heaps of fun.
26/Aug/12 9:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Chaka will be leaving here on Monday afternoon. There is a family that wants her. At the same time, I'll be getting a new one. Jack is 7 years old, but had been so abused and unsocialized that he's afraid of people and cannot be adopted. He's also submissive with other dogs. He sounds like Timmy. I think he'll do well here.
26/Aug/12 12:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I plan on spending tomorrow moving hay.
26/Aug/12 2:05 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Very quiet on here today. Laura has gone home. She has had a great weekend and she will be here again next weekend as well. Went to a school spring fair today and then to a park so she could ride her new bike. Her father came to dinner and then took her home. Tomorrow night she is in a concert in a local theatre and we will be going to watch.
Heidi, I can not get my head around how people can mistreat animals and children. I am sure the new dog will settle down with you.
26/Aug/12 9:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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For my 70th. Sharon went through all the old photos and put a selection on a disc and then Belinda had them put into an album.
Sharon then sorted all her photos as a friend was going to scrap book them but I think I will just photo them and then put them together into an album. I have recently taken photos of all the old photos that his mother has and it was much easier than scanning and copying. You must get the light right and they come out really well. Good light but not direct sunlight.
Tami, good to hear your parents are settled in. I hope that you were able to reduce their 'clutter' without too much angst.
26/Aug/12 9:20 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, I do hope you soon get your feet problem solved. It does sound like a deep underlying medical problem.
Suzy, hope you enjoyed your day in Wollongong. Sometimes it is just nice playing 'hooky'.
Mamacita, hope you had fun at the birthday party. The party sounded like a lot of fun.
MizT, hoping you get to move soon.
I am tired tonight so hugs to those I have not mentioned.
26/Aug/12 9:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Big weekend. Dana is a teenager but manages to do everything Tahli needs her to do. Unfortunately housework is not something Tahli needs... Dana is house sitting this week and is helping the woman she is 'sitting' for by cleaning some stuff. This woman ran away from home at 13 and never learned how to do 'stuff'. We couldn't even find a tea towel!! I showed Dana how to clean one of the toilets (Alie does it, but never managed to convince Dana to give it a try). After we left Dana cleaned the other toilet - I won't tell you how big a job that was, I'll just remind you that a stomach bug has been going around here. I decided I'd do the same for her so have spent a couple of days sorting, washing clothes, tossing stuff, and generally trying to get Dana's room (the size of a 2 car garage) organised before she gets back. I've saved her a fortune! She won't need to buy any more deodorant for a couple of years at least... and more. If she couldn't find something, she just bought another one! Hopefully, after seeing and dealing with her friend's house, she will be motivated to keep hers organised... She will also not feel as if she needs to stay out of there as much as she possibly can!

Another unfortunately. Since I was doing her stuff, I didn't do my own! And now I am working tomorrow so it won't get done then either... Oh well, I did manage to get Alie's school clothes clean!
26/Aug/12 10:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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RIP Neil Armstrong. I Fing Love Science posted a copy of some alarming posts by people 'first you lost your 7 titles and now this!' 'so young', and other comments that showed they either had no idea who he was or confused him with Lance... you can't unsee that stuff (stole that)

I love that page, but the name is unfortunate.

Love your topp Theresa. There's certainly been a bunch of action here lately!

I love yours too June! I know people like that!

Heidi, telling Robert that the scrap metal was still his was both clever and caring. He is unlikely to want to seek retribution and you show that although he really shouldn't be working for you anymore, you still care about him. I suspect that he needed that - though I also suspect that's not why you did it. I hope Jack feels the love and fits in well!

Tami, I'm so glad you have small classes! With very difficult students that will make it so much easier to handle the room. I think you could probably handle a larger group, but I like smaller ones for the tougher classes..

June, I'm so glad you are getting to see plenty of Laura.

Wollongong was fun but I didn't get one of the things I wanted. I want a hand sweeper so I don't have to pull out the muucav for little accidents. I looked locally but found only one and it had a huge head! I heard one advertised at a store we don't have locally, but is in Wollongong, and so was hoping to get one. Sold out!! So wish I had the one I had in California!! We had Mexican for lunch and it was so much better than the Mexican we had locally a couple of weeks ago. All I have to do is order as sides the things that were included in CA and it would be perfect...
26/Aug/12 10:19 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Yesterday was torture for me ... my feet were aching so bad at one point I almost asked hubby to take me to the hospital. If my feet touched anything, including the bed sheet when I was laying down, they would burn and ache. Today is much better so far. I prefer to wait until I go to the chiropodist on Tuesday because they specialize in diabetic foot care. They gave a presentation at one of the Diabetes Clinic seminars I went to.

Hubby is going to his parents and I am going to do very little AGAIN. The temp is supposed to go to 31C and it's already quite muggy. Then the temps go back down to mid to upper 20's for the rest of the week. Hopefully this will be one of the last HOT days. A girl can dream, can't she.

Off to read and have another coffee outside before the heat of the day sets in. I have some birdfeeders soaking outside to try and get them cleaned up. Poor birdies outside are wondering what the heck is going on. Imagine that, a birdbrain cleaning their feeding stations. I know, I know, I should act my age, not my shoe size.

Hope to be back later ........
26/Aug/12 11:55 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Theresa, you are not a bird brain for cleaning the feeders. Dirty feeders cause big problems for birds as they harbour disease, mould and bacteria which could kill off your visiting birds.
Suzy, Richard found a headline saying that Neil YOUNG had died, then went on in the story to talk about Neil Armstrong.
27/Aug/12 12:54 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Theresa sorry that you are having so much pain from your feet, I hope the chiropodist can give you some help or even an explanation for what is causing it.
27/Aug/12 12:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor Theresa. You don't deserve such torture. It might not have been a bad idea to go to the ER. They might have some way (medical magic?) to ease the pain until you see the specialist in 2 days. It's not a bad idea just to document the pain levels so the chiropodist understands just how severe the pain is. I'm glad it isn't hurting as much today. ((((( HUGS )))))

27/Aug/12 1:25 AM
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