Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Gail, I heard that being p00ped on by a pigeon was good luck. That happened to me once and I took part in a 50-50 draw and didn't win. So much for that theory!
22/Aug/12 9:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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What a subject for a TOPP! Let's try that again.

Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.
David Brent
22/Aug/12 9:58 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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my computer is broken again. I am on Al's, the one in living room, where I do not have a comfy place to sit and type or even ready. Just letting you know where I am, might not be on much till I get problem resolved.

Thinking of you all, missing you already.

22/Aug/12 10:28 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Theresa, bahahaha! Great TOPP :)

MizT...bugger :(
22/Aug/12 10:32 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well. :)
MizT, sorry about your computer - hope it can be fixed soon.
CynB, it's not a house I've ever lived in. Mum and Dad went there when I was expecting my second baby. Because of their work (dog kennels and cattery) they always had to be there for holidays, etc. Won't say there weren't happy memories, but it was difficult sometimes ... ah well, c'est la vie!

22/Aug/12 1:25 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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We spent Monday 'up the country' - I had to leave home at 5am! For a while I was terrified that I'd missed the train, but it worked out ok - whew! The day was one task after another ... packing up stuff for the Salvo's, checking electricity, etc. There were no gaps in the day - my auntie even turned up, just on chance, to take a last look at the place - she was startled to see us there!
Some of the news was good, some was VERY bad, especially about the electricity! (Yes,stuff needs replacing ...) At times we had 6 or 7 people there - it was amazing! The neighbours had gathered the other day to help young rellies carry stuff away - now they were there again to give suggestions and offer more help, and when it was time to leave one even handed out home made bikkies for the trip - how cool was that!
Altogether I spent 16 hours travelling up and back - still exhausted, but we're hoping we won't have to do most of it again! :)
22/Aug/12 2:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, I hope by the time I catch up I read that your showers are fixed! I would hate to not be able to have a nice hot shower...

MizT, I'm glad your security has been improved. It sounds like it's a regular trip made by these 'kids' since the path is well worn. I wish my scales would say I'd lost 30 pounds!

Just heard the message tone on my phone and had to call it to see where I'd left it! I've been asked to work tomorrow, but I'm already working, bugger, why couldn't they ask for the day after!!!

The oak Ridge boys must really be getting up there if they've been playing the fair for 37 years!! There is a chance Alie might be singing Amazing Grace at Carols this year. It depends on whether or not another woman drops out. Glad the epidural was a lulu!!

Theresa, the after school care sounds fantastic! I hope the kids enjoy it, and appreciate the extra work their mother has to do to put them there. I doubt they will though, I'm trying to think if the appropriate word is 'no' or 'few' kids do. Probably no kids, but I should say few in case there are some exceptions out there..

My hubby has trouble with his feet too. I'm going to tell him about the rolling pin.

If Shadow/Snookums goes missing I will know nothing!

Midge, I'm allowed to drop mine off at the gate and even show my face inside the school, I'm just not allowed to teach there. She must expect me to really suck at it. I hope the physio was helful!! I apologise for nearly reporting you as offensive, it happens a lot when I'm trying to scroll on my phone.

Heidi, now definitely is not spur of the moment. And if Robert is repaying all of the favours you have done for him over the years with defiance and name calling he has asked for what he gets... I hope we don't hear about you digging post holes by hand!

Theresa, I am so sorry but I laughed at your bad day. The bird p00p bit just tickled my funny bone. The sore feet is not good though.

Judy, I hope you don't have to do that again! What a trip! I bet you are still mentally and physically exhausted!

Hugs and to everyone...
22/Aug/12 2:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I will not be breaking the bad news to Robert until Friday. He'll be here tomorrow and I'm going to have him pull out an old junker truck he left here a few years ago, behind a barn, and get it ready to take to the junkyard on Friday. I won't be home on Thursday, so I don't want possible retaliation happening to the property or critters if nobody is here. I'll have him take all of his stuff away on Friday after I say good-bye to him.
I may have to dig a hole or 2 myself, but I'll work slowly. I did dig several by hand 2 weeks ago without making the back sore. I think I work as fast as Robert because, though I take a break every half hour, I'm not talking on the phone constantly like he is.
22/Aug/12 2:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed now. I have to get up early to pick up cousin Don's car hauler so we can get rid of Robert's junk heap.
22/Aug/12 2:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everybody! I'm going to try to read & respond as long as I can stay awake tonight.

Heidi, you have obviously thought seriously about Robert's impact on your day-to-day life! When he becomes more of a handicap than a help, you need to act. It seems like the time to act has arrived. You have our support!

Oh, no, Suzy! Not a lost post! Thank goodness you didn't mark Midge's comment as offensive at the same time!

All those who have almost reported someone's comment as offensive, raise their hand! Ah-ha! I thought so! Nearly all of us! And maybe one or two actually did report by accident. We all understand!

Theresa, the mental picture of 2 cat food cans on your night stand is funny, but better than a rolling pin on your night stand!

Heidi, I'm curious: does IH have siblings? If so, are they like him or not? I was thinking his being inept at so many things may have helped him avoid work as he grew up. (Sometimes it's far easier to do something yourself than suffer through someone bumbling their way through and causing more work.)

Heidi, how exciting to be getting the babies so soon! Will they need to be kept in a separate cage for a while?

Oh, Theresa, what a day! It's so funny that you used your hubby's brush. But if he's like mine, you're the one that cleans it anyway. I hope the rest of your day was an improvement!

Theresa! Great recovery from the first post and your 'TOPP'! AND, it's on topic! Well done!

MizT, I'm glad you at least have Al's computer to pop in and let us know you are well! I hope once you move, all of your computer problems will go away!

Judy, what a LONG and busy day you had! How long was the train ride? I hope you at least were able to relax more than would be possible in a car! Bummer about the electricity! How nice, though, that you were able to see your auntie who had come for a look! It sounds like there are some great neighbors willing to help, and even provide home-made bikkies for the return trip!

Suzy, at least Alie allows you near/in the school. Our high school had one teacher-parent night when you followed your child's schedule. So we were in the school once a year for 4 years, and for the graduation ceremony.

Suzy, your comment about how Robert's current behavior is 'repaying' all of Heidi's good-hearted help really put things in perspective!

Thinking of Liz! I hope the vertigo is soon a thing of the past!

Before I sign off for the night, I should let you know that the next week or two look 'crazy/busy' for us. I'll get here when I can, but it may not be on a regular basis.

And now, I leave all of you with an abundance of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Take care of yourselves!
22/Aug/12 3:05 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, sleep well! I hope everything goes as planned! You seem to have thought things through. It's good that he finds out about it when you can be there and monitor his activities! {{HUGS}}
22/Aug/12 3:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, IH has siblings. Two brothers and a sister. I'll never forget one day shortly after we were married. IH's parents had a house on a lake. Each spring they set up the dock and each fall it was taken down and stored in the basement so the ice wouldn't destroy it. That one day was in spring, and IH, his father and youngest brother Paul were putting the dock together. Sister Sue and I sat on the shore and watched. They started work at 8 am, and didn't finish until 5 pm. His sister and I spent the entire time rolling on the ground laughing ourselves sick. It was exactly like watching a 3 Stooges routine!!! They acted like this was a job that had never been done before in the history of mankind. They did every slapstick schtick possible, including constantly smacking each other with boards on the backs of heads every time one turned around. Finally they had it together, and Sue proved that she was a blood relative. They invited her to be the first one to walk out on it and she fell for it. As soon as she got out to the end, the whole thing fell apart into individual boards, floating on the lake! Sue, too, was floating in 8 feet of water. (I was still rolling with laughter.) A neighbor happened to see the wreckage, came over and singlehandedly, in 15 minutes, put the dock up so it was safe, sound and very sturdy.
22/Aug/12 3:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Haha Heidi - obviously a family thing! I can see why you get frustrated! Common sense is sometimes a rare commodity.
22/Aug/12 3:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, whatever happened about the adjoining property you bought? Have you got tenants in it?
22/Aug/12 4:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy, shower was fixed Monday. I was lucky the plumber I use had a spare hour.
On Tuesday morning youngest D thought she had found an 'accident' by Pip at the bottom of the stairs. I didn't think it was as he has been house trained for weeks now. Unfortunately I was right there was a leak coming from the downstair bathroom wetting the carpet in the passage leading to the stairs. Called plumber again and he came that afternoon. When he had screwed the new shower to the wall he had caught a hidden pipe. All fixed now.
One of Em's uni friends is visiting for a couple of days before they go to Reading Music festival for the long weekend (they go tomorrow and come back Monday). The weather forecast is not too good so I will expect lots of muddy, smelly clothes and people to come home.
22/Aug/12 7:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm working tomorrow. I'm working at Alie's high school and she is not impressed! I got a call to work at the other school but had already committed to this one. This one was arranged through the dep of ed. They called me tonight to ask me to work on Friday. I told them I wasn't available as hubby has taken a day off so we can go to Wollongong. When I told him they called he said
'so the day has cost us $x00 before we even leave home'... well, yeah! But this is the third time he's tried to do something like this and I've ended up working. He's worth it!
22/Aug/12 8:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail... That's now IH's office. It keeps him out of the house and has allowed him to do several major studies that he couldn't have done before with his office in the basement of this house (which floods regularly and destroyed a lot of important papers of his). He can now have all of the important visitors he wants, and in comfort. (Neighbor George actually built him a huge, beautiful, oak conference table from recycled local tobacco barn lumber that he collected and planed himself!) He was going to have to build a new office. That would have taken time, and taken up farmland otherwise in use. This little house on the edge of the farm answered every problem.
22/Aug/12 9:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Excellent solution :)
22/Aug/12 11:07 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All...chuckles regarding Gil's family and Theresa's bird poo....sorry, I know it's not right but its funny. Heidi, glad the birds arrived safely and have made you smile...things have been a bit rough for a bit, but between the Oak Ridge Boys and the birds, life remains good for ya.
Suzy...loved your long newsy post, and I'm sorry you lost another...I know that feeling. Have a great day in Allie's school.
MizT...feel better and hope the improving vibes work for your computer too...I can't wait until you move and get settled..nerves may be causing the tummy problems.
Brenda, glad the plumber was able to get the shower fixed. Julie, may your busy week allow you time for some rest...don't wear yourself out by trying to comment...we know you will comment when you can.......Talk about Judy...quite a busy time in your life too...glad things are quietening down a bit now. Be sure you get some rest.Gail, how's the painting going...just about finished I suspect. Hugs and healing vibes to the rest of you...Bean, hope you are feeling better and Broni..glad your work week is more manageable much more I wanted to comment on, but the memory I'll close off for now sending love and sunshine to all...Peace.♥
23/Aug/12 2:13 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Julie, I was wondering how your life could get any more busy than it has been!!!!

Mama, don't forget to let us know how you are too!

I too am chuckling over the Three Stooges. Heidi, does Timmy still like IH's company? Has IH noticed Sere yet? Inquiring minds want to know.
23/Aug/12 2:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Timmy adores IH. He's just afraid to enter IH's bedroom. So he sleeps cuddled up with me.
And no, he has NOT noticed Sere yet.
23/Aug/12 3:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert just arrived and is shoveling the gravel and debris out of his derelict truck. I'm heading over there with the tractor in a few minutes to re-inflate the tires so I can tow it to where it can be loaded onto the car hauler. I still have some serious lubrication issues to deal with on the car hauler so I can fit it on the right tow ball. But we should be able to get that heap out of here on Friday. (the salvage yard/scrap metal place isn't open today.)
23/Aug/12 3:13 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all. is your back feeling now? Glad to hear you had a really nice day with your friends and the birds have arrived.It must be beautiful listening to them all chirping in your sun room.
I liked reading about Gils family episode with the dock.
Bean..hope you are feeling better. always make me laugh.Animals seem to feature in your life almost as much as Heidi's.
Judy..thinking of you!
Brenda..hope the shower IS finally fixed. there any word on when you can move? Bummer about your computer.
Suzy...hope you enjoy your trip to Wollongong even if you miss some work.
Mama..hope your health continues to improve. is the painting going?

23/Aug/12 3:32 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
Check out my page we only get about $200 for an old car, even if it is working.Hope Robert gets something for it even just for scrap metal. But it will be good to get the junk off your place.
23/Aug/12 3:37 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Judy is still hanging in there. One blood level goes up and another falls. Took her outside again in the wheelchair yesterday for some sun,and even that exhausted her. Our sister Carol is coming up from the Gold Coast to see her this week-end.
SIL and Renaes hubby both sick. It is the twin girls 5th birday 27th.
I bought them a fish tank and fish ( with parents approval). The fish are still here but I will let the girls set up the tank themselves before their birthday. Renae will like doing that with them.
Best get moving. As you can see,I am very tired and fall asleep too early. Consequently, I then wake too early.
Hugs to you all.
23/Aug/12 3:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Huge hugs to you, Nola. Yes, I do love animals. I used to volunteer at a cat rescue, but all the cement floors were h3ll on my arthritis. When I spent time there, it would take me 2 days to recover. So I have my own little operation at home where I feed feral cats outside and have a little house and feeding station set up for them. When a new one comes around I try and find out if they have homes, and if they are friendly, I try to find them a home. That home is usually our place. I am such a softie when it comes to animals. All the cats I have were abandoned, or the offspring of an abandoned cat. One of our cats, Daphne, was sitting outside our door in pouring rain, and she was very pregnant. I still have her and two of her kittens. Hubby says I have SUCKER written on my forehead and only cats can read it!
23/Aug/12 5:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, his old truck is going for scrap metal. I have informed IH that he has until December first to get his old tractor working or I will tow it away for scrap metal myself. It's a big, heavy piece of junk that hasn't run in 4 years, at least. He keeps telling me that he has someone working on it, but I have seen or heard nothing.
23/Aug/12 6:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Since i haven't told Robert that he's fired, he insists on working on digging post holes tomorrow when I'm gone. I'm not comfortable with that, but I don't want to risk retaliation when I'm gone so I'll have to cross my fingers and hope he doesn't cause any disasters.
23/Aug/12 6:21 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
Check out my page the moment, I am also feeding feral kittens which I am in two minds about. I hate to see them starve, or survive on the native animals.You are damned if you do or damned if you dont. Wish I could catch them to have them euthanized but they are too clever.There are two,that are so pretty. Creamy white with dark tips on the ears and tail. Also grey and white and 1 ginger that is very small. They don't look like they are from the same litter. The mother occasionally sits on the front mat and she is black and white.

Heidi..with all you have done for Robert,he might not retaliate. Hope so anyway,but he seems like a decent bloke.

23/Aug/12 7:41 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Renae has taken Judy's cat since they lost theirs. The baby has a scratch near her eye and down her leg, which really surprised me. Usually, she is such a timid cat but the baby will pull her tail etc so baby must learn not to hurt her. Josh is enjoying her sleeping on their bed at night.
23/Aug/12 7:48 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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not much to report here.
My house should be locked up tomorrow, windows should be in place today, Outside Doors tomorrow...
Peter is installing the Laundry, Bathroom, Ensuite Cupboards on Saturday.
23/Aug/12 10:13 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Mum gone 6 months today ♥
23/Aug/12 10:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Nola asked if I had heard anything about my apartment. Well, it has survived 2 major rains with no more leaks since Friday, so they were to repaint the repaired wall today.

NOW, the government agency wants more documentation about value of this property. Linda sent requests to tax assessor in 3 counties asking for tax information in my name. AND sent requests to the realtor and the mobile home dealer I had asked to give estimates of value, as Linda requested that I do. It seems the government agency wants that same information that has not been through my hands. Now why did Linda tell me to get the information and send to her if the governing agency would not accept that?? And why did Linda not know how to find out what county this property is located in?? Joy had that and even the tax info pulled up in less than 2 minutes, without the name of the landowner. Oh well, Joy is smarter than the average bear hehehe.

I do have to pay the taxes, but the land is still in the name of the person I am buying it from. I send a yearly check to her for the amount charged. there was some identifying information on the tax notice I received from her last year. Joy found that for me last night. I sent all that info to Linda, had to send by snail mail since I could not scan, but she should have that tomorrow.

So, we are getting closer. Perhaps I can sign the lease by end of the month if no more glitches come about. Cross fingers for me please. I want to BE THERE! Do not want to go through the moving process though.

Mama, you could be right about the worry and aggravation adding to my tummy miseries. I have had history of irritable bowel syndrome. New medications doc put me on last visit was yet another 2 that could cause constipation. It did, and that caused irritation, leading to abdominal pain even when the large intestine is at rest. We will not talk about when it is working I went back to what worked last time this happened, but healing is a slow process. Still no appetite, only thing that sounds good food wise is hot coffee, hot flavored teas and hot soup. All decaffeinated, of course. Last night tummy got OK a while and I actually made and ate a roasted chicken sandwich. Best think I had eaten all week.

I did read, thought of each of you, laughed at poop in the hair and a dock that floated away. Sending get well vibes to hurting backs, feet, difficulty breathing, wishing SUZY could clone herself to be at work and a trip away with hubby at same time.

Sending hugs with extras. till later.
23/Aug/12 10:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... after all you've been through lately, you deserve every bit of paperwork to be over and to move in soon and easily.

I think the gods may be looking out for me. Robert just called to say he won't be here tomorrow after all. No, I don't think he'll retaliate, but I'm not always right. There's always a slight chance he could.
I've got the newest extra-large bird cage put together, and the Plum-headed Parakeets and the lone male Scarlet Chested Parakeet have moved in. The 2 new babies will join them tomorrow. They're compatible species, both non-agressive. I talked to the breeder of the babies and they're expecting me at noon tomorrow. We went over directions while I followed on MapQuest. I was able to put it on satellite and zoom in and see every road, landmark and building. I even got a look at their house. It's a nice one. How did I survive without this technology? I used to get hopelessly lost, that's how.
23/Aug/12 11:05 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Disappointed to find a long post I made yesterday isn't here.. was distracted [x online chat] and didn't check at the time if it had posted.. what is more I had even copied my post.. long gone now tho..
23/Aug/12 11:13 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola my heart literally aches when I read your posts about Judy. It hurts so much watching someone you love suffer so. I feel that I have walked that path too often over the last few years. So many of us have and can truly empathasise on where you are now and the journey you and Judy still have to travel. I wish you strength.

A lot of you know that my best friend had pancreatic cancer.. she was also a Judy. It never ever crossed my mind in our youth that we wouldn't be cackling our heads off together when we were both old and grey.. Its almost a decade now since she rang with the dreadful news that something was wrong and I jumped in my car to be with her. The following 10 months were the most precious of our friendship. My memory leaves a lot to be desired yet I can still hear in my head the last thing she said to me one Friday afternoon. I said that I loved her and looked forward to seeing her on Monday. I knew her time was close.. but not that close. She died on Sunday night.

How to make sense of it all and maintain perspective? Sharing here really helps.. doesn't it. I wish I had known you all and had this wonderful place to retreat to.. to lick my wounds when the going got rough way back then.

Thank you so much everyone for being you.. the humour, the sharing and the caring.. the everday minutiae that is life.. it is the balance we need to traverse the highs and the lows.

23/Aug/12 11:42 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I often read and post little or leave the odd throw away comment. I marvel at Julie's gift of including us all.. so many of you have that capacity.. Sadly I don't seem able to find the time to do that. I think you all know taht I think of you often.. As I am now..

Suzy.. so looking forward to hearing how you day went.. particularly how Alie coped..

Heidi i just loved the '3 Stooges' tale. I had also been wondering about IH & Sere..

Big hug ((Rola))

Have no idea what else was on my mind before I wandered down memory lane.. time to get some work done now I'm starting to recover.
Hmm..must also finish reading..
23/Aug/12 11:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bean, sweetheart.... I don't have a way with words, so ((((( HUGS ))))).
23/Aug/12 12:35 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Dang!!! Lost my post!!!
Heidi, broke it!
23/Aug/12 4:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, that was fast! We don't seem to have that kind of luck with plumbers... I'm glad you do.

Heidi, I'm so jealous of Gil's table! It would be magnificent!

MizT, so hope that was the last of the glitches and you will be moved soon! Then I will be hoping that it is as nice as it seems to be. I've always found that people make or break these places. I wish you good people!!! Sending soothing wishes that your system adjusts itself soon...

Mamacita, I hope your recovery is continuing smoothly. I am so happy you made it back to us!

Nola, continued thoughts, hugs and wishes to you and Judy. I hope you are looking after yourself too. I really want to visit your house to make sure it is really really messy so I know you're not burning the candle at both ends! Well if I visited I'd probably offer to help... you've earned some help... but since I can't I will have to trust that you are looking after you.

Broni, I know how much I hate that!
23/Aug/12 4:59 PM
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