Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happiness has nothing to do with what we have and everything to do with how we think.
19/Aug/12 3:11 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have been reading but have not said much for nearly a week.
Suzy I hope Tahlia is much better now. It is heart wrenching when little one are sick.
Nola, keep thinking of you and Judy. I know how hard it all is. Is Judy HER2 positive and is she on Herceptin? The results for that are generally very positive but that drug can cause heart problems. (Sharon was triple negative so took completely different drugs). I am glad you were able to have a good talk and relieve some of her fears for he future.
19/Aug/12 3:20 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cyn, what a wonderful way to remember your Mum. Rolanda, Happy birthday to Robert and . That new home is getting closer.
Tricia,what a worry when you know 'not nice' people are about. I do hope your move comes soon.
Heidi enjoy your days at the fair. Pleased you got that fire out in time. We were always told not to put a hot mower away.
Broni, thoughts to Teresa and young Arran.
Bean, keep getting rid of that bronchitis. Not fun being sick.
Mamacita, I knew you were OK because I kept seeing that you were available on Skype. So pleased to hear how much better you are now.
Hugs to all I have not mentioned. I did think of you as I read your comments.
19/Aug/12 3:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The hearts were for you Rolanda, not Robert.
19/Aug/12 3:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Sudoku Friends!

Suzy, I hope Tahli is improving!

Theresa, I hope the skunk doesn't come back! Maybe you scared it sufficiently to make it think twice before returning to your yard. I guess the fact that the plastic surgeon is only in your town once a week is a good enough explanation for changing your appointment. I'm so glad the driver of the car managed to avoid the mentally challenged young man! No wonder your heart is pounding! I imagine the grandmother's is also!

Heidi, I hope you enjoy the state fair and the Oak Ridge Boys' concert! Sounds like fun! I hope your back won't be acting up too much to prevent the fun!

Mama, your idea of quality, rather than quantity of time, on the computer is a good one! I've been thinking I need to do the same, but find it hard to actually accomplish.

Brenda, it sounds like you chose a good day for the beach! Do you have spray-on sunscreen available? Maybe your D would find that more to her liking. I recently read that a researcher commented that SPF give a false sense of the amount of protection provided - feels there are still far too many people getting sunburned even when using sunscreen.

Nola, how nice that you were able to get Judy outside for some sun and blue sky! Hopefully she will have more good days than bad! Good for you for having the talk. Ultimately, I think that makes it easier for both of you. I'm glad the RN has become pleasant and talkative. It will make the coming weeks and months easier.

Oh, Bean, I'm so sorry you lost a long post! Hooray for you improving! I hope the bronchitis is soon a thing of the past!

Tricia, we'll keep you and Joy in our thoughts and prayers as the string of firsts approaches. Happy Birthday to Joy whenever her special day is! So sorry to hear that Roger's trailer was broken into! Will it do any good to file a police report?

Gail, I hope the painting is going well!

Please feel free to share the , prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and healing vibes with those who could benefit from them!
19/Aug/12 4:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I see Broni, Suzy and Heidi all snuck in on page 490 while I was typing. So sorry I missed all of you!

Broni, Sounds like a great day for you and Bella!

Suzy, I hope Tahli and everyone in your house will soon be healthy!
19/Aug/12 4:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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'Uncle' Bob is here today. I like to emphasise the uncle bit, even though that's a stretch, after the problems I had with him when I was 19 or 20. Even though he now likes to spend time on Oxford street with his mates, he still says he is bi. Since Dana is the age I was back then I'm playing it safe. He is apparently regularly asked if he has been drinking (he no longer drinks) and I know why. He speaks as if he has either been drinking or is disabled. If you didn't know better you'd think he was unintelligent. He is often hard to understand. I have heard Don trying to have a conversation with him and obviously not understanding a word he says. I try to translate without offending by asking questions etc that tell Don what is being said...

Tahli is doing a lot better after nearly 2 days on antibiotics. She still has her grumpy moments, but is much happier in general. Though she had lots of happy times when we didn't know she was sick! Little bugger!

Julie, our sunscreens can only be sold as 30+ for that reason. If people think the sunscreen is better they will stay out longer. Personally I'd like to know which ones are actually around 50 as I need all the protection I can get!
19/Aug/12 4:26 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy broke the site!
You may remember nearly three months ago someone came in the house and took my Burberry handbag with money etc in it. Today we were talking to our back Neighbour who was on a ladder trimming a tree. He said there is a tartan bag down there in your garden (behind some shrubbery). Sure enough it was my handbag. My purse and money was gone but I did find the gift card for $100 was still in it. 6 Biro's, 2 nail files, my nail scissors, 2 packs of camphor, 2 chemists reading glasses and other bits that were wet and I threw out. The bag is damp and musty but I hope I can eventually clean it up.
19/Aug/12 8:58 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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We have spray on sunblock here Julie. The problem with D is that she burns so easily, the same as her dad, though her legs stay lily white no matter how much sun they get.
Suzy,we don't have that good a social life so no need to be jealous. I know this last week we have managed to go to the beach on both weekends, but it isn't normal for us. on top of that I don't have 'children' at home for whom I have to think about, they can look after themselves as they are all in their 20's.
19/Aug/12 9:16 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Still sorry about the money and the loss of that security feeling June, but can not help lolling about what else was in there! I think we are all guilty of handbag hoarding...I usually have a piece of string and/or elastic in mine, plus occasional pegs, pain killers, secret women's business (as we call it here), bandaids etc etc. Lets face it, our bags are first aid and emergency repair kits all rolled into one!
19/Aug/12 9:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mine has nail clippers (because i hide them there because the family ones are never returned..) about 7 pens, a small notepad, wipes, my keys, my phone, screwed up receipts, a lipstick that I never wear, sometimes a comb but never when I need one!, coins because I always manage to put my wallet away before I get my change, a nail file, I used to have bandaids (the magic ones with pictures on them) but don't at the moment, a referral to the dermatologist, my lotto entry (which has expired)..... you get the picture.
19/Aug/12 10:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Now I've posted nobody will post for hours...
19/Aug/12 10:24 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

'Big haul' grocery day. What fun! NOT.

When I mentioned about dogs and skunks, our neighbour feels that dog excrement and urine keeps skunks away. He has two large dogs and doesn't have skunks come into his yard. We have only had the one skunk come into our back yard since my D's dog passed away, and that was only after the yellow spots in the grass have started to disappear. I feed the cats in another part of the yard in a house with a barrier at the front that cats have no problem jumping over, but apparently skunks don't climb so I don't know if they can comfortably get in. I accept the skunks because their territory is being taken over by man.

A few years ago we tried to get rid of skunks in the neighbourhood. But provincial authorities have placed restrictions. You can move a skunk but only a kilometre from where you found it, or you can KILL IT. It doesn't seem fair to kill skunks because we have taken over their territory, and if you move them only a kilometre, they will find their way back. It's a no-win situation. So I guess skunks we will have as neighbours.

Nola, the smell of skunks is unbelievable and sometimes sticks around for hours. In fact if a skunk is killed on the road, the smell can stick around for days! It's not a smell I can describe, but it is certainly overpowering. In the past when I have come near a skunk, they stomp their little feet to warn you to stay away. Spraying is a last resort if you don't listen to what they are telling you.
19/Aug/12 10:25 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nola, I am so glad that you and Judy were able to talk openly about her situation. That would be a very difficult discussion to start, but I am sure you both feel better for having done so. I am also glad the RN is being fair ... I was afraid she might hold it against you.

My purse includes all that stuff and more! I keep meaning to clean it out, but .....

Hugs to all and I am thinking of all of you! I am also wishing I was at the State Fair with Heidi, but only because I enjoy the rides. I am a big kid at heart.
19/Aug/12 10:30 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Funny thing about handbags...I use hippy style bags, they're huge and usually only have one pocket if you're lucky. Anyway, the one I have been using weighs about a stone with all the important (cr*p) things I carry, so today when hubby and I were going out to the hardware, I decided to change bags. Just grabbed my keys, phone, Ventolin and purse and off we went. First thing hubby asks...'Have you got a pen on you?'! No, but there would have been half dozen in the other bag! lol
19/Aug/12 11:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I, too, have one of those huge hippy style handbags. I keep all of the usual things in there, besides 2 multi-tools (containing hammer, wrench, saws, pliers, screwdrivers with 12 interchangeable bits, knives and various files) a collapsable cup, an emergency supply of pills (which I occasionally forget to restock) and a few empty boxes in case I need to hold something small, like a broken or lost tooth. I can't tell you how many times I've had people ask me ''You don't happen to have a hammer on you, do you?'' or ''You don't have a metal file on you, do you?'' One time I went to a public event with very high security. All bags were inspected, and everybody had to go through a metal detector. There were big signs banning all knives, guns, etc. The inspectors didn't recognize my multi-tools and after we got inside, I mentioned to my friends that they missed 3 knives on me. Fortunately, to the general public I'm a non-threatening person.
19/Aug/12 11:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, gotta get in the shower, then clean out the front seats of my truck. I leave for the fair in 2 hours.
19/Aug/12 11:52 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Gail, you had your phone with you, so couldn't you use the notepad on the phone to write whatever hubby wanted to take note of.
I'm someone else who carries loads of things in my bag, not as much as I used to as I downsized on the bag I carried so that I didn't get asked 'Can you put this in your bag for me' I ended up carrying everyone elses bits and pieces.
20/Aug/12 1:09 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Our typical bad luck has struck again. The weather is hot, everyone wants multiple showers and the shower has broken. Bought the replacement today but will have to wait to have it fitted. Richard had thought he could do it, as the one he decided we should buy was supposed to be compatible with the old one ie. it should have easily fit to the plumbing and electrics. It doesn't!
At least we have the bath which has a shower part on the tap, though with our poor water pressure it isn't as good as the downstairs shower.
20/Aug/12 1:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor Brenda. That's sounds like a pain in the ar$e.

I'm off to the Fair. I won't be back for about 12 hours. I have plenty of aspirin and methadone with me, so I should survive. If not, the epidural is in 16 hours.
20/Aug/12 2:06 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Have an enjoyable day Heidi.
20/Aug/12 3:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, have spent the day with an unhappy tummy, and dealing with the handyman, Terry who came to secure the trailer and also took a non working AC unit out of the window in dome, so he could secure that window. They think it is possible the feral teenagers on street behind us were responsible. He and his son walked down the back of our property, said there is a path, pretty well beaten down, comes out of the wooded part of the back right at the trailer. they could come and go and no one see them at all. there are no other houses back that far on other property behind us. Hopefully all will be secured, he replaced the window in door with plexiglass, it is harder to shatter than glass. put the window back in where AC unit was, and secured that so it will not open.

My bathroom scales were not working, showed I had lost about 30 pounds, boy that would be nice hehehe. I put in a new battery and tried again. I have lost a few bounds this past week. Just no appetite, tummy unhappy, eating maybe 2 meals a day, and low and behold, 3 pounds gone!

I think I will go back to my recliner and hold it down a while. About my speed for today.

I did read and think good thoughts about each of you.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

20/Aug/12 6:20 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The last 2 days have been beautiful weather-wise. We had about 10 minutes of hard rain this afternoon, but that seems to be it.

Sweetie is on my lap. He is drooling on me. He can't purr, but when he's really happy he drools. Lovely!
20/Aug/12 6:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I cannot believe the high for today was 78 degrees. that is October weather! Unheard of here in August, which is one of our hottest months. Overcast all day and we had a 10 minute rain, much like Theresa.
20/Aug/12 7:01 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, I am glad that things have been secured for you. It's scary to think that thieves were in your neighbourhood.

Waiting for my stirfry to finish ... I am so hungry! Celery, green pepper, onion, carrots, green beans and chicken on a bed of whole grain brown rice ... with just a touch of sodium reduced soya sauce.
20/Aug/12 7:21 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Ahhh, I didst eat mightily! I forgot to check my blood sugar before supper. I have another appointment with the Diabetes Clinic this Thursday and hopefully it is my last one for a while. They would like me to be checking my blood sugars 4 times a day for a while, but I have been falling short by at least one a day.

The washing machine just stopped ... back to work for me.
20/Aug/12 7:50 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
Time for a brief post .. leaving in 1/2 hour for podiatry/biomechanical assessment to try and sort out my right foot. I am fed up with not being able to walk.. I just want to get fit again.

A lot less chest pain this morning but still wheezing / short of breath overtime. Hoping I get to do more today than sleep.. which was all I did yesterday..

When I saw the GP the other day he was pretty pleased with all my blood results.. HDL & LDL balance each other out, mostly, apparently my haphazard dietry management indicates good diabetes control.. a very BIG relief.. not being a big alcohol drinker or accustomed to eating sweet things is a big plus. My biggest problem will always be cheese, bread & cream... I cannot remember when I last ate pizza which is a good thing..

OOP's...Must fly.. be back later.. I hope..
Have a good day everybody.
20/Aug/12 9:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda, that is good thinking on your part re the smart phone, but in this case hubby already had a list that he wanted to cross things off that were already purchased. Silly fellow brought the list but not the pen!
20/Aug/12 9:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Had a smile about the handbag items. Gail, like you, I recently decided I was carrying too much - bought a smaller handbag and only put in my wallet, keys, ventolin, mints, a comb, my mobile and occasionally my eReader - can't tell you how many times I have needed a pen, paracetemol, tissues, notebook etc - but at least it's lighter. Suzy - I do that with change and dockets - they all end up rolling around the bottom of my handbag.
June - When someone broke into my parents place, not long before we put Dad in the home, they stole Mum's handbag and Dad's wallet - most was found strewn in a neighbours yard except for the money and atm cards. Even Dad's Gold DVA card was found. All of that was preferable to what might have happened if M or D had discovered them in the house - didn't bear thinking about. Their haul - about $36 - Mum always hid her cash.
20/Aug/12 10:03 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Nola - so pleased that you and Judy has 'the talk'!
Tricia - that's awful about the break-in. Pleased it's all been secured again.
Suzy - I hope Tahli continues to improve.
Broni - hope Teresa'a little grandie Arran is improving too.
Lots to do today - love and hugs to all!
20/Aug/12 10:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I was looking forward to a kid free day tomorrow - Dana is house sitting for a week, then I got called in to work :( Usually cause for celebration, but not this time...

Alie rescued a baby bird from Dimmie's evil jaws last night, she was so upset. We put it in a warm box overnight to get over the stress and this morning it flew away right up into a tree. :)

I am working at Alie's school on Thursday, she is not impressed. She said if I am teaching her class she's going to wag. I told her 'and I will mark you as truant'....hehe... teacher power!

The only time I've been broken into I was home. He took my money to pay my share of the electricity bill off the table. That was a hard blow for a Uni student! We were home and I'd won the battle so the deadlock was not locked - Imagine if it had been!
20/Aug/12 10:19 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, my mother's partner had diabetes and she said testing 4 times a day was just cruel. She just fed him the right foods and tested him at the time of day when he was most likely to be at the wrong level. It worked for him. Doctors hate it though. If 3 times a day is working for you, just don't tell them!

Broni, have you heard anymore? I hope Teresa is having a great time.

Cyn, I went to a smaller bag against my will. I used to have a smaller bag and was still being asked to carry things so my bag always had stuff sticking out the top. I went bigger so I could carry everything comfortably. When mum was in hospital she got someone to buy a replacement bag for me - to her specifications! I laughed and said 'Do you hate my bag that much?' It's the kind of bag I'm not supposed to carry (I'm supposed to have my bag over my neck and shoulder, not just my sholder) and it's too small - and I have to use it until it breaks because mum bought it for me!!

Bean, mum said she reduced her cholesterol to normal just by giving up cheese. She didn't drink either, but she ate a LOT of sweets.

After a miserable few days we are on our second nice day in a row. The miserable few days must have been our winter...
20/Aug/12 10:31 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone, hope you're all well. :)

I haven't been here much lately - so many things going on, and time has been very short. We have coompletely emptied Mum's house! Boy was that an amazing feeling! Next thing on the agenda is going up there (by train) to meet with the St Vinnies and see what they want to take away. Anything left after that will go into a skip to be thrown away. THEN we will get cleaners in and make the place look decent, THEN it will go on the market. Phew! Rob has just collected my ticket for the train trip up there (again!) This will be one very busy, but boring, visit, but on the plus side it will be the last of the kind.
The house will have no electricity (no tv!) and I'll have no car, so it's going to be very dull ... lucky I have a long book to read!

All the best to everyone!
20/Aug/12 12:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from the Fair. I had a wonderful time despite the back screaming at me, and having to take the maximum allowed pain meds. Since it's after 1 am, I'm off to bed.
20/Aug/12 3:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations, Everyone!

June, what a great TOPP! So glad your handbag was found - and all because your neighbor needed to trim a tree. It's kind of a bonus that the gift card was still in it! Hopefully it can be cleaned up and used again. Unfortunately, it brings back the feelings brought on initially by its theft. It certainly would be nice if that feeling of violation and concern for security could be wiped clean.

Suzy, how long will 'Uncle' Bob be staying? It seems like you need to be on 'high alert' while he is there. Do you think his speech is affected by something other than drinking - medications, perhaps? Has he just adopted speaking that way (kind of un-enunciated or lazy)? It's kind of you to provide comments & questions that will help Don understand what he's saying.

Hooray for Tahli beginning to feel better and seeing the results of the antibiotic. I hope everyone else in the house is completely healed! As to sunscreens, is there any way to tell by the ingredients or the order of listed ingredients as to which sunscreens might offer more protection?

Brenda, it's too bad your D gets a sunburn so easily! One D and I do, too. She religiously uses a moisturizer and/or makeup with sunscreen daily. I can't say that I'm that careful, but when I go to water aerobics at the outdoor pool, I apply before I go outside. Since we no longer have back-to-back classes, and I'm in the water (not laying out and sunning), it usually offers enough protection for the 45 minutes of class. Then I go in immediately, shower and go home.

What a great discussion about handbags & contents. A chiropractor years ago told me to 'downsize.' That's hard for a teacher, who always carried multiple colors of pens, markers, highlighters, a pair of scissors and the usual other items in a woman's purse. Even though I've tried to keep handbag sizes small, I now have had to add in the cell phone. I've been told I have the heaviest small handbag that most people have encountered, in spite of carrying no highlighters or markers and only one or two pens. (No lipstick for me, but pretty much everything everyone else mentioned, except for Heidi's multi-tools.) I guess the mints and Tylenol are heavy.

Theresa, good for you for getting the 'big haul' of groceries purchased today. Did you get everything put away? I really detest grocery shopping and have put it off the last couple of days. I'm afraid tomorrow may be the day here.

Brenda, your string of luck (or lack, thereof) MUST end! I hope you can get the shower repaired quickly! What a time to have it broken!

Heidi, I hope you had a lot of fun at the fair! How was the Oak Ridge Boys concert?

MizT, I hope your tummy is feeling better! Good for Terry for choosing to replace the broken glass with plexiglass and removing the non-working air conditioner from the dome. With the window in place and secured, hopefully there will be no problems. Too bad there's no way to block t
20/Aug/12 3:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops! I ran over again. Here's the rest:

Tricia, it's too bad there's no way to block the path! Here's hoping your move to the apartment will be soon and you won't have to worry about so many potential problems where you are currently living!

Theresa and Tricia (and Heidi and Tami), do you think it's possible that we have had our extreme heat for the summer and the rest will be milder?

Theresa, your stir-fry dinner sounds yummy! (I had exploding tilapia tonight. It was frozen in a 'pouch.' I vented it with several slits and followed directions for the microwave. Let's just say I didn't need to do a lot of chewing.)

Bean, I hope you soon knock out the bronchitis and feel better! How did the podiatry/biomechanical assessment of your right foot go? Hopefully you will get some answers that will provide a suggestion for relief! Hooray for the good numbers from your blood tests!

Broni, I'm continuing to think positive, healing thoughts for Teresa's grandson Arran.

Suzy, I hope the teaching assignments go well! For your sake and Alie's, I hope you will not be assigned to one of her classes. It seems that schools around here find a way to trade with another teacher for one class period, rather than having a parent assigned to the same class as their child.

Judy, congratulations on emptying your Mum's house! That's a great accomplishment! I hope all of the final steps, including the selling, go well!

Heidi, I'm glad you enjoyed the fair! Good Night, and I hope you sleep well. I hope you have a HORRIBLE epidural tomorrow!

It's time for me to head to bed. Please feel free to share the positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes and enclosed!
20/Aug/12 3:30 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I second Julie's comment, congrats on finishing Mum's house Judy, such a chore to get there ♥
20/Aug/12 4:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,

Judy, phew! Congratulations. What a relief! Just 2 more hurdles... How are you going to read your book with no electricity? Though I'm sure you thought of that and have a torch/lamp.

Julie, I wear moisturiser with sunscreen on my face every day. It's my hands that I'm slack about. I need to keep refreshing it and it's such a pain I too often don't bother.

I have a 'work' bag. It has paper and pencils for the kids who 'can't do their work because they don't have a book or a pen'... (They try everything on casuals!) and scissors, glue, tape, coffee cup and coffee etc. It weighs a blasted tonne!

If I ever teach Alie, it will be a one off as casuals can end up wherever! At the other high school my last two days have been in Visual Arts! Although I did do VA in my HSC, I did it because I loved the theory (and remember none of it), I was never very talented (or knowledgeable) about the practice...She told me again this afternoon that it would be the worst thing that could ever happen to her! I've told her she had better get over it and suck it up because we have bills to pay. It's very silly. What does she think I'm going to do, welcome her to the room with a big hug and 'here's my Alie-wallie'???

20/Aug/12 6:03 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm back..

Oh Suzy you have given me such a giggle.. she is so asking for you to rock into her class and go 'oh there you are Alie-wallie'...

The foot assessment really didn't tell me anything I didn't know..very frustrating. Did suggest that I need an ultrasound or MIR to determine the degree of soft tissue injury and if it needs surgical repair.
I had a massage appointment this afternoon and finished up with a little reflexology and it felt sooooo good..
20/Aug/12 8:42 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I need to come back and read later. Mitchell's bus came on time, unusual for the first day of school. Dylan will be on a bus this year but I have to drive him today. There are major goof-ups with bus transport. His bus stop is about 2 miles from house. I have complained and I am still waiting to hear. I have included a link if anyone is interested. school/-/1717324/16187472/-/4v8yyk/-/index.html
20/Aug/12 8:45 PM
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