Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I am cooking again today. tomorrow BIL and his housemate are coming for the day. I am making ham, pineapple and brocolli stir fry, with mushrooms and onions. It is smelling good. I will cook the rice tomorrow. Also cleaning out the fridge, it needs it again.

Joy was down last night. big upheaval at work, Joy will be the most experienced person in the group, till she can bring her new boss up to speed. It is very stressful for her just now. she is putting in extra hours. I think it did her good to be away from it and talk about it last night.

PoorTahli, don't you wish babies could talk and tell you when something was wrong?? What a terrible ear infection she must have. I am glad she is getting treatment now.

HI MAMA, good to see you online with us again. How are you doing? Still making progress? Getting stronger? We care about you and what you are doing, you know, so fess up, let us hear about you.

HEIDI, I do hope the dentist appointment went well, with minimal pain for your back.

GAIL, fingers crossed that your flooring comes in ahead of schedule. Just waiting, not knowing if it will be done in time is the pits, isn't it?

JULIE, sorry you lost a page worth of comments. No, I do not blame you for not recreating them so late at night. I think most of us have done something similar when we are sleepy.

BRONI, I also had the mental picture of HEIDI's new birds flying in under their own power, hehehe. Seems several of us were thinking alike.

OK, time to do something even if it is wrong . I really need to go to town, see if I can find a hanging basket to replace one that is broken. I had over-watered it accidentally, the drainage holes stopped up, it was in the drip for rain off the roof. I had it down on deck, not hanging, to keep it out of rain and sun till it could recover. Eddie was going to rehang it for me, (he had come up to take away trash). when he grabbed it by the rim, a large piece of it broke away. Plastic pots hanging in the sun will just deteriorate after too much exposure.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.

18/Aug/12 4:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert finally showed up at 2 pm and got a real tongue lashing about the fire. He really doesn't understand why I am so mad. That's because HE DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT. I'm starting to think that it should be a felony just to be a male.
18/Aug/12 4:33 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just got a call from the plastic surgeon's office about the lumps in my hands. The appointment was scheduled for some time in November and they have moved it to February. So it will be 9 months that I am waiting. Good thing the lumps aren't painful!
18/Aug/12 4:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's a slimy thing for them to do, Theresa. I don't think that they should change an appointment unless they're moving it up because of a cancellation.
18/Aug/12 6:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... the Plum-headed Parakeets have been paid for. Now I'm trying to find a mate for my lonely male Splendid Parakeet.
18/Aug/12 8:52 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Oh Heidi! I can imagine how afraid he was, to come to work after the tongue lashing you gave him..even to get his pay.
Felony to be a Male, cannot stop giggling.
18/Aug/12 10:12 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - as I was reading that Robert hadn't yet showed up, I was thinking the same thing! lol
Suzy - poor little Tahli, what a brave girl but I hope your stern words to her make her let you all know next time, hehe!
Got through the day without too much sadness yesterday. We finished the day by going to a lovely French restaurant nearby for a delightful dinner then we all came back here because my brother had a jump drive with a lot of Dad's old slides on it. Saved them to my pooter and then plugged the drive into the TV and looked at them on the big screen - photos from our childhood, teenage years, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and our own kids when they were little, as well as M & D when they were younger, happy and in control - finished the evening laughing madly at many of them.
18/Aug/12 11:01 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How wonderful Cyn, sounds like a great way to reminisce ♥
18/Aug/12 11:10 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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18/Aug/12 11:22 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Been a mother 26 years today

18/Aug/12 11:22 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I just had a close encounter of the potentially stinky kind. I was going outside in the back yard to put some BBQ utensils in the container we keep in the back yard. As I step onto the step outside the door, so does a skunk. I screamed and he ran, as did I. He didn't spray. I think I startled him so much he didn't have time to spray. My heart is still pounding ... and the utensils are back in the house. I have never seen skunks in our backyard before, our yard is fenced in. Thump, thump, thump ....
18/Aug/12 11:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy birthday, Robert. Oh to be 26 again ...

Cyn, what a great way to spend an evening, reliving old memories. {{{HUGS}}}

18/Aug/12 11:42 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Finished cleaning out Mum's place yesterday, I have handed my keys to the Executor of Mum's Estate.
The Retirement Village will Refurbish and Sell Mum's Unit on our behalf.
18/Aug/12 12:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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He's too scared to show up Heidi!!!
18/Aug/12 12:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, what I wonderful way to spend the day!!!

26... the year I got married and moved half way around the world. Actually a pretty tough year, but for good reasons.

Happy Birthday Robert!!!

Rolanda, horrible job done, I hope you celebrated!

Theresa, that was a close call.... screaming was a very risky thing to do. Glad it worked out.

My male isn't stoopid. Stubborn, yes, but not stoopid.

My step uncle Bob is coming down to visit tomorrow. I feel mean for dreading it...
18/Aug/12 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think you did a smart thing, Theresa. If you had hesitated for a second to think about what to do, the skunk would also have had time to think.... about spraying you. Unfortunately, what brought it in was the aroma of the cat food. Skunks like cat food. He'll be back unless you patrol your fence line and block every gap under it. No matter how small.
18/Aug/12 1:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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'Hellow,' fellow Sudokuaholics! I will try to be more alert tonight as I read and type!

Gail, I will wait until after I have posted this to go back to the previous page to look at the color sample for 'French Bleed.' I hope everything comes together so that things will be as you want them when family arrives!

Suzy, it's amazing that Tahli didn't give you any indication of her ear infections! Poor little one! She must have been miserable and wondering why no one did anything to help.

Heidi, I guess you weren't too surprised about the need for a root canal. The need for an implant is likely a shock, though. I hope your back didn't act up to badly to add insult to injury while at the dentist.

I wonder if the reason Robert was late was because he was afraid to face you after his big mistake yesterday, Heidi. I hope he eventually arrived and with a huge apology! (I'm still reading on page 489, so don't know the outcome.)

I'm going to post this comment before I lose it.
18/Aug/12 2:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, the stir fry sounds yummy! Will they be able to help with anything while they are there? Poor Joy! No wonder she's under a lot of stress! I hope the new boss will be a quick learner and not a 'know-it-all' so that bringing him/her up to speed will not be too much of a chore! I hope you were able to find a new hanging basket for your flowers! (You might as well be able to enjoy them while you're waiting for your apartment.)

Heidi, I hear your frustration! The fact that he 'didn't mean to do it' did not make the fire any less hot or less able to spread to everything in the vicinity. I don't think it's possible to understand the 'reasoning' of a male.

Theresa, how could they move the date further out? Did they give you an explanation? That's awful!

Heidi, it will be a treat when your plum-headed Parakeets arrive! Will you need another cage, or do you still have room? I hope you will be able to find an acceptable mate for your male Splendid Parakeet!

Cyn, what a great way to finish the day - a good dinner, then sharing pictures and memories and laughter! {{{HUGS}}}

Rolanda, congratulations on being a mother for 26 years! Happy Birthday to Robert!

Theresa, what a close call! (Of course, the skunk probably went home and said the same thing.) Some good advice from Heidi! Who knew skunks liked cat food?

Rolanda, congratulations on finishing the clean-up of your Mum's place! What a sense of accomplishment! I'm glad the Retirement Village can take over refurbishing and selling for you!

Just past midnight, and I'm going to head to bed in a few. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and healing vibes for everyone! Take as much as you need and feel free to share!
18/Aug/12 3:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, The only thing I feel like eating is your stir fry now!
18/Aug/12 5:43 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Dang, now I have to go back and find the stir fry recipe!
18/Aug/12 7:30 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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OK saved Zusy from breaking the site, where are you all???
18/Aug/12 9:27 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Hubby is working today and tomorrow he goes to see his mum and dad ... I am not going with him this time.

Heidi, the catfood is in another part of the yard in a 'house' that hubby built for them. The fenced in part of the yard is where the kids play and it's about 60 feet from the catfood area. The fenced in part is also where the dog used to be when she would go outside during the day. I'm wondering if perhaps the smell of dog has gone by now and the skunks know that????

Julie, my doctor told me that it would be a long wait for this plastic surgeon. He only comes to our town one day a week. Like I said, it doesn't hurt, so I guess I'll just wait (like I have a choice).

Rolanda, it must be a great relief to have that chore done! Thinking of you .... I have been there and done that.
18/Aug/12 10:16 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I just saw a young man almost get hit by a car!!! He was with a woman I presume to be his grandmother, he was probably about 14 or 15, but mentally challenged. She told him not to cross the street and to wait for her ... he didn't listen and didn't look for traffic. The driver of the car leaned on the horn and managed to avoid him. The poor grandmother was screaming at him to watch out. Yikes, my heart is still pounding.
19/Aug/12 12:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've never met a skunk yet that's afraid of anything (except Great Horned Owls). The presence of dog smell wouldn't discourage them in the slightest. They know that they have an extremely powerful defense, which makes them bold, and gives them a swagger.
19/Aug/12 2:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Needed to change avatars. I'm gonna have a quiet day today, and I'm going to the State Fair tomorrow with friends. We go every year and attend the free Oak Ridge Boys concert. They have new songs every year, as well as their old favorites, to keep it fun.
19/Aug/12 2:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm having to get a new cage for the Plum Headed Parakeets. They need a lot of space to fly, and they're bigger than my other birds. Their new cage is arriving on Wednesday, so they can make do overnight in a smaller (but not too small) cage. I plan on putting the Splendid Parakeets in with them. They're very congenial species. I have not located an adult female yet, but I have found 2 just-weaned babies that can keep him company. They're only a 4 hour drive from here.
19/Aug/12 2:17 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Boy...lots going on here...skunks, careless storing of equipment causing near diaster,people almost getting hit by cars...enough to keep folks upset, but thankfully nothing untowards happened due to these occurances, and for that I give thanks.
Rolanda, wishes to the birthday boy and to Jerry, Stella's busy hubby.
Quiet day here. I've been getting lots of reading done since I haven't been on the computer much other than to read and keep up with you folks...think I need to do a bit more staying away and I won't mind if I can post when I want and say hello to will be trying quality time instead of quanity and see how that goes..Peace all.
19/Aug/12 4:40 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Spent the day at the seaside again, St Osyth in Essex. Today has been the hottest day of the year so far it reached 35 c.
Youngest D, doesn't like the feel of sunscreen but today she did use it. Factor 50 and she still burned. Richard too used sunscreen and burned a little too on his legs, which don't normally get to see the sun. I'm fortunate that I tan easily, but still used sunscreen, I feel tired with lazing about in the sun.
19/Aug/12 8:20 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Wish Robert a happy. Irthday from us Rolanda.
And the same to Jerry, Stella.
19/Aug/12 8:33 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi to you all.
It has been a lovely distraction to read about all that is happening in your lives.
Suzy..I hope Tahlia is on the mend now.As a new Mum,I used to think also 'If only they could tell us'.
Rolanda & Cyn...sending hugs and kiss's.
Heidi...the new birds look stunning.Glad to hear you put the fire out without a huge disaster occurring.
Theresa..a skunk ah! Do they just spray or would they bite if trodden on?
Bummer about the appointment set back.
Hello Mama..enjoy your quality time.Great that you are now getting around quite well, even if it is with oxygen.
MizT...a little break from packing will give you breathing space but you probably feel like you would rather have it over and done with.
Gail..great progress.Hope the floor arrives in time for you to finish before the gathering.If not,too bad, but it would be nice.

Judy is hanging in there.She got very scared when they said her heart could fail at any time which gave her a huge shock.She looks so pale and tired. One day she is seems a bit better,the next,not good again.Yesterday,I took her in the wheelchair outside for some sun and she was glad to see the beautiful blue sky.Its the little things in life that you appreciate when you dont have them. I had to laugh.She wanted some cream and because she is diabetic they gave her custard.So we went down stairs to the cafe where she wanted lemon meringue pie and custard tart with cream. Both servings were huge. We knew that she would only take a bite from each and she would be satisfied.
We have had a talk finally,her main concern is how I am and her animals.This has been a relief to her.I think she WILL get over this hurdle,the Drs seem to tell you the worst case scenario in preparation for what may come.
All now OK with us both.
The RN at work has backed right down,even being pleasant and talkative,so I just accepted this as her way of expressing her apology.
Take care.Love to you all.

19/Aug/12 9:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like you and Judy have cleared the air, Nola. That's good. It must be a relief for her to be able to talk openly to you about the future.
Glad to hear that that RN is behaving like a nice person, now. That means that there is probably a decent person underneath who needed to get hit with a 2x4 to wake up.
19/Aug/12 9:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The next 3 days are going to be busy for me. Tomorrow is the State Fair, the next day is the epidural and the following day the new Plum-headed Parakeets arrive. I'm excited about all three. I need that epidural something fierce. At night, when I try to roll over in bed, I scream from the pain. Then a bunch of dogs jump on top of me to try to find out why I screamed. It doesn't help.
19/Aug/12 9:40 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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internet connection failed and lost a long post before I had a chance to even think about saving it.. it is bad enough when you lose it trying to send but it is so not fair if you are swtill in composition mode..

In a word I am improving.. a little.. but am a long way from being well. Bronchitis sucks big time..

Will try to get back later.
19/Aug/12 9:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JULIE, I have not yet gone to town to look for a hanging basket for my Christmas Cactus. This is one of three hanging baskets I overwinter inside, they are house plants that get a vacation outside every summer. so I plan to take those 2 baskets of cactus and one of a plant called a spider plant or helicopter plant, it has long stems come up with offspring at the ends. Makes a nice hanging basket with this grass like center and the weeping runners with 'babies'. I have a 6 foot long south facing window in living room and in bedroom, lots of sun for them to over winter. Here I hang them from hooks into the ceiling. apartment ceiling is suspended ceiling, so I found hooks that snap onto the grid for hanging plants. I just hope they are strong enough. could not tell online how much weight they would hold, but I can always replace some of the potting soil with perlite to lessen the weight. I NEEDS my plants. The hooks are very inexpensive and available locally, at Lowes (big box DIY home improvement store) the shopping center near Joy's house.

Cyn, what a perfect way to end an anniversary of your Mom's death, remembering the good times through photos. I am so glad you got to do this with your family. We have a string of 'firsts' coming up here. Joy's birthday, the first without her dad, then his birthday, and a month later, the anniversary of his death, all in the next 7 or 8 weeks.

OH NO, another t storm, this is number 3 for the day! forst one I was awakened at 6 am with a severe t storm notice, when it was over 45 minuets away. got the second notice when it hit chilton county, at 6:45, so gave up and got up from bed. I dosed through the storm, it was not as severe as they forecast, no high winds here. then #2 just after Roger and Ed left. I took another nap as that one left our area, it was just a garden variety storm, not severe. NOW, #3 for the day, too much!!

OH, roger found today that someone had broken into his travel trailer. He went to check it before he left, the glass in the door was broken out, the screen cut, and it was left unlocked. There were a few items missing inside. I had thought this last week I heard noises middle of the night out back, but noise bounces around here so much I could not tell where it came from. I looked out the door more than once but could not see anything. The door to trailer faces away from my house, trailer is now blocked from neighbors' view by their new storage building, kind of dark in that corner. Makes me a tad uneasy being here alone. BOY I need to move!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT and congrats to Rolanda on being a mother for 26 years!

Theresa, how lucky you did not get skunked! Hope the skunk does not go and invite his friends to come dine with the cats. Perhaps you can find a humane trap, and then transport him elsewhere? Although I would not want to be the one to have to move him!!

HEIDI, the splendid parakeet you showed graphi
19/Aug/12 10:33 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well, forgot to save, and ran out of room, not a clue what is missing. T storm is here, so forgive me if I close down for a while. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
19/Aug/12 10:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What was the comment to me? The Splendid parakeet is the one on this avatar. Because the smilie and avatar downloading is broken, I can't add a Plummie.
19/Aug/12 11:06 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning, love and hugs to you all xoxo

Nola, so pleased Judy was able to share her feelings with you. Thinking of you both often.
19/Aug/12 11:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Had a wonderful morning, took Bella for a walk in the sunshine, not as much wind today. Then we rambled around in the garden soaking up the the sunshine, sat and contemplated.
Clouds have come in this afternoon and the temp has dropped quickly but still have a smile on my face
Have not heard from Teresa and her daughter has not been posting on FB for a couple of days. D was supposed to. be spending overnighters with Arran so I hope all is OK.
Nola must have been a relief to get it all out in the open for you both.
Heidi, I have always known it as a 4 b 2, perhaps us 'down unders' are upside down too?
19/Aug/12 2:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, did I say how horrible I thoughit it was that your appointment had been changed. It may not be painful, but if it wasn't uncomfortable at least you wouldn't have bothered making an appointment!

You might be right about the dog smell. They are obviously in your area and if you haven't had a problem with them before now it makes sense. Just because they aren't afraid of them, doesn't mean they won't avoid them!

Nola, sometimes I think we were a little better off when doctors didn't tell us absolutely everything. Worrying makes it harder to concentrate on getting well! I'm glad you were able to help judy relax about some things at least.

what a relief that the RN is behaving herself. Perhaps she really felt bad when she found out what she had blown off. We can only hope!

Brenda, I'm jealous of your social life! What a great day!

Mamacita, I'll take whatever you can give us and I'll take it with gratitude and pleasure.

Heidi, hope your epidural really sucks.

MzT, I can't imagine you without plants, I hope the new hangers work.
19/Aug/12 2:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have 18 somewhat noisy dogs here, and skunks come right up to the fence nightly. They just don't stroll into the middle of the pack. But I really don't think they give a d*** about the presence of dogs. They're arrogant little buggers.
19/Aug/12 2:40 PM
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