Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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oops forgot to delete 'the Red Hair bit'.. Uncle has Red Hair :)
25/Oct/12 2:11 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Sorry, not a good first post..

Welcome to Page 534
25/Oct/12 2:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Just a quick drop in as I left work early (off last period so head teacher said I could go home) and am home picking up something Alie forgot and needs this afternoon...

Bug hugs to Nola and Midge and gentle hugs for Megan and Ian... sending thoughts that Ian is one of the ones the cold therapy works well for...

Nola, it's funny you said sorry for your negative posts! I've been thinking how positive you sound with so much on your plate! Please come here as much as you want/need and say whatever you want/need to say... and don't worry about sounding negative!!

MizT, bummer about your night at your sisters. That would have been fun. Next week maybe? Getting the merchandise ready sounds like fun, not really work at all!

Heidi, I hope he got his own supper!
25/Oct/12 2:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Daily anecdote:

I started today with year 7 sport - cricket! The closest I have come to playing cricket was watching a few of my brothers' games when they were young..

I amazed myself - couldn't bat for peanuts, but I was catching really well.

For the rest of the day I had a year 7 class that has the same teacher all the time. Very rare here but they are a class with undiagnosed difficulties that result in low literacy and numeracy skills.

The first lesson some went off for reading and the rest of us went outside to play soccer squares (which I'm told is actually called Order). They were using a wall for rebounds, though I kept telling them not to. About half way through the lesson one of the kids booted the ball at the wall with all his strength - straight into my face! Knocked my glasses right off! Ouch!!! He was horrified and I toughed it out. I was on next period (same kids) and had a lunch time duty, then on again so I didn't get to look at it until now. One cheek is a tiny bit swollen, otherwise it looks fine.. but ouch! He kept apologising and I kept saying I was fine and the others kept telling me how horrible my face looked...
25/Oct/12 2:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry Suzy, but had to lol at that last sentence! Hope you really are ok :( {hugs}

Everything crossed for you Ian ♥
25/Oct/12 3:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It's okay Gail, that's why I told you, I thought it was funny too. I really am okay. My face is already less swollen than it was when I posted earlier so it was more swollen when they were saying it so maybe it did look horrible! And maybe I could now put my glasses back on without it hurting.
25/Oct/12 5:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Doing a quick read!

{{{HUGS}}}, positive thoughts and prayers for Nola and Judy, Megan and family, Midge's friend's family and now baby Ian and his family!

Gail, I'll take a chance on your singing.

Heidi, good for you for moving 2 loads of hay! You obviously needed the rest! (And IH needs to learn to tell time and make his own dinner.)

Nola, your posts certainly don't seem negative to me! They're just factual. But it wouldn't matter, because we care about you and your family and all that is going on in your life! We would worry if we didn't see your posts for a few days.

MizT, it's fun learning about what is going on now that you're in your new 'digs!' It's exciting to find out about the new things you're doing and the way you're getting involved with others there.

Rolanda, it's interesting reading about the treatment for Ian. It seems he was a good size, and that may be helpful. There may be many ups and downs for a while, but sending positive thoughts that there will be far more ups and he will soon stabilize!
25/Oct/12 5:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, what a day you had! Did you at least get a chance to put some ice on your face/eye? Did your glasses get bent? No wonder the head teacher said you could go home since the last period was an off period for you! I hope you are truly OK! Take care of yourself!

It keeps getting later here, so I need to take myself to bed. Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healthy vibes and for everyone!
25/Oct/12 5:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I must be okay, hubby came home and checked out my face straight away. He said, yep, that's where it hit (indicating with hands) and laughed his head off!

Julie, which time zone are you in. I know you've said before but I forget and I wonder how much sleep you are getting!

The boy who hit me offered to get ice but I was feeling okay and I knew it would stress him out watching me hold it to my face so I said no thank you.

Alie told me that a teacher at her school got a student suspended when she was accidentally hit by a scrunched up piece of paper intended for someone else. Apparently she even went to emergency!! For a scrunched up piece of paper!
25/Oct/12 6:04 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Rolanda - my thoughts go to Ian and his parents and grandparents. I hope this treatment does the trick and he survives with no ill-effects.
Suzy - ouch! That other teacher sounds like a miserable prima donna!
25/Oct/12 6:49 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My feet, shins and legs have been almost better today. My sister told me to change shoes - I was still wearing my Naots that I had on the day it happened. She said to wear another pair with good support but even the slight differences in support would cause me to use slightly different muscles. It worked. Just as well because this house was empty of food, I had to go grocery shopping!
25/Oct/12 6:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I'm glad you are feeling better...

25/Oct/12 10:28 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Rolanda fingers crossed for the new baby and family.
Suzy, hope you don't end up with a black eye! It sounds as if that boy was really sorry for the accident.
Nola my thoughts are with you and Judy, even if I don't say anything I am thinking of people all the time.
MizT, you seem to have found a new life since you moved which is fantastic.
I started this post early this morning and got side tracked so now have finished it, having forgotten everything I wanted to say.
Thoughts and well wishes for everyone of my friends on here (that means all of you)
26/Oct/12 12:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... maybe that accident was a good thing. Those kids will listen to you better when you tell them not to do something now. I'm also glad that you handled it like a mature adult instead of a prima donna. That also teaches the kids about mature behavior. BRAVA!!!!!
26/Oct/12 2:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm gonna ditto Julie:
{{{HUGS}}}, positive thoughts and prayers for Nola and Judy, Megan and family, Midge's friend's family and now baby Ian and his family!

It doesn't sound good for baby Ian. I'm really concerned about brain damage if he does pull through. The lack of oxygen before and after birth is very scary.
26/Oct/12 2:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I never got around to moving any hay yesterday, so I'm off to move some now. At least the 2 loads of my hay. I think I'll intentionally ignore IH's hay, since he needs to learn a lesson. A month ago he busted my 16 ft trailer and STILL hasn't bothered to get it repaired. I've needed it several times already and haven't been able to use it. I keep yelling at IH to get it fixed, and he hasn't done it yet. So I'm gonna do his work at the speed he uses for me. He can't be bothered to fix my things that he breaks, I can't be bothered to do anything for him.
26/Oct/12 4:10 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Afternoon All,
Waiting for the man to come clean out my duct work and trying to have all of the laundry finished first...someone said it's not swearing when the machines are doing the work and that's good because I find it hard typing backwards...LOL.
Nola, glad the post cheered you and want to add my voice in echoing the expressed thoughts... Being able to share good and troubling news and challenges we experiences and knowing we'll get good help, advice or loving support is what sets this site apart from other sites...and those who have been on the receiving end know just how helpful and important that is...
Suzy...Sorry you got hit in the face, that's no fun...but your self description of being ' a sore and sorry old fart' was priceless! For those who didn't see that on THO missed a fun way of saying what was shared here in less detail...FB doesn't get to here as much as we do....yea!!!♥.
CYN, Glad to hear things are improving for you too.
Continue to get as much rest for awhile as possible though.
Rolanda, I know some couples who had babies go through similar procedures that you described for birth trauma and the babies did very well with little evidence of of their difficulties lasting as the children grew...hopefully that will also be Ian's experience...sending loving thoughts and prayers in that direction.
To those not mentioned by name...the drill and the thrill is the same..take care of yourselves as well as you take care of others...Each and everyone of you is an important link in this chain. Peace♥
26/Oct/12 4:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got all my hay moved and in the barn. I thought I only had 14 rolls left to move, but it turned out that I had 23 rolls left. Every one fit in, with room for -0- rolls more!!! IH's six rolls (in a field owned by someone else) are still there, and will be until he moves them himself, or until a month after he fixes my trailer.
26/Oct/12 8:23 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Rolanda, what wonderful new therapy for baby Ian. He has a much better chance of surviving with a good outcome than before such therapy. Be thankful such is available for him. Prayers for the family and for the doctors caring for him winging thier way down under.
26/Oct/12 9:36 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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such an exciting day today.. Pick Up Keys Day!

Today is also my husband's Birthday
26/Oct/12 10:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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What an amazing birthday present Rolanda! Happy Birthday to Mr Rolanda!!
26/Oct/12 11:08 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Rolanda, I ws told by older more experienced nurses that we should watch our red headed Moms more carefully, they responded differently than others. I do wonder if this holds true with infants??

SUZY, what an accident tohappen. You are a teacher through and through, thinking of your student and how he would react more than thinking of yourself. I hope the face is truely OK. You should be more careful with face trauma than the average Joe (or Sheila hehehe)

I am like Heidi, I think it was, about the singing. I no longer sing, I make a joyful noise hehehe.

CynB, your sister was right, just a bit of difference in shoe changes muscles that you use. I am glad you changed shoes, and hope you are much better for it.

Brenda, yes, I started a new life, and I ws ready for it too. Sooo nice to sit here at computer as Mary, the cleaner does a fast fly lady through my housecleaning. and it is not swearing when someone else is doing it!! Whole house clean at one time, yeah, I remember when I could clean house in a morning couple of hours. Things do change as we get older.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, I am fading fast. My nap today was not enough, I will be going to sleep early tonight I do hope.
26/Oct/12 12:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Here's one for you Heidi...

I thought of you because of what you have been up to lately. I (think I) know that you are on the tractor and so this couldn't happen to you, but it made me think of you...

26/Oct/12 12:53 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, what about people with the red head gene? I had red hair until I was 8 or 9 (wish I knew what I'd done with the photo as I want to show the kids). It changed all on it's own.
26/Oct/12 12:54 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Suzy I wonder also what happened. I had blonde hair then red hair until about 18/19 then it turned brown - now I seem to have that funny stuff that looks like cotton threads through it. Gotta get the dye out!! My dad had black hair with a ginger beard so guess it came from his side. Dialysis not going so well - still very painful - I spend half the night walking the floor during drains - hope it gets better soon. Hope you all have a lovely weekend and take care.
26/Oct/12 2:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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My youngest is a ranga!
26/Oct/12 2:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby went to the eye doc today. There is a tear on his retina. He was lasered a bit today and has to go back in a week to see if it worked..

Alie's newest friend (not a boyfriend, though it could happen, he is a bit older so I'm not too keen) is a ranga. He is an amazing guitarist too!
26/Oct/12 5:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Fellow Sudokuaholics! We have bought our airline tickets to visit D, SIL and 3 grandies at Christmas time. They will be here for a week (to get best prices) at Thanksgiving (4th Thursday of November). Other D and SIL will be here for Thanksgiving day. I better get my butt in gear and get the house cleaned & straightened, so I may be making fewer appearances here.

Suzy, you are most thoughtful and considerate to think of the students before taking care of yourself. Hopefully you will not get a black eye and there will be no residual effects. I am in shock about the teacher's reaction to being hit by a scrunched up piece of paper! Heidi's right about her being a prima donna! I imagine if the students had any respect for her prior to the 'accident,' they didn't have much left after seeing her behavior.

Rolanda, continued prayers for little Ian & his family. His treatment is somewhat similar to that received by a friend's twin grandies, who weren't expected to live. They have passed their first birthday and are hitting milestones only slightly later than full-term babies. I wish the same for him!

CynB, I'm so glad your shins and feet are feeling better! Your sister's idea to change shoes was a good one! I doubt that I would have thought of that.

Brenda, continued prayers for Megan and her family! I hope she has the strength and energy to continue making memories for her little one!

Heidi, you really did harvest a lot of hay! I'm glad all of yours fit in the barn! What a shame that there is no more room. It would be nice to think that IH might actually learn something from this!

Rolanda, what a birthday present for Peter - the keys to the new house! Before too much longer you will be counting hours, instead of days. Happy Birthday, Peter!

Midge, I'm sorry to hear that dialysis is still painful! Hopefully it's just a matter of getting used to it, and you will soon be able to tolerate it better. You must be exhausted since it's so difficult to sleep! Thinking of you and praying for things to get better!

It's time for me to head to bed. Please feel free to share an abundance of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes and !
26/Oct/12 5:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Midge - sorry about the Dialysis being so painful. Hope it improves for you soon.
Rolanda - Happy Birthday to Peter. Hope you're off getting the keys as I type.
Tricia - glad you've got a house cleaner.
26/Oct/12 5:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Midge thinking of you and sending soothing thoughts! I hope it gets better too!
26/Oct/12 5:34 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My Mum would have been 90 today,(coincidently it would have been CP's Mum's 80th birthday).
So Karin and I went to one of her favourite coffee shops for coffee and cake - unfortunately we did not indulge in gooey rich chocolates treats lashed with cream like Mum would have had. But the thought was there.
Tonight my brother, sister and I and our spouses are having dinner for her birthday and will raise a glass or two of wine in her memory.
26/Oct/12 5:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Look what happens when you post then don't go back to see if anything else popped up!

Julie, nooo!!! Not another thing to keep you away! Borrow MizT's lady!! (If only...)

Cyn, big hugs!! Enjoy your dinner and I hope your evening is filled with memories of the good times and laughter.

By the way, there were only 2 minutes between my 2 posts and 2 of you managed to sneak in!
26/Oct/12 6:54 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy Birthday, Mr. Rolanda.

26/Oct/12 8:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, you've inspired me! I can't crochet too much at one time but I've worked out if I do one square a day during summer, I'll have all the squares I need by winter! I'm on target so far...

HUGS to Midge, Nola and Judy, Mr Brenda, Brenda and Megan, Rolanda and Ian, MizT for her aching hips, Theresa for her aching feet, Cyn for her almost better feet, and Julie for her lack of sleep. Gail and Mr Gail too because although she doesn't say anything Gail is dealing with chronic health problems in the family too.
26/Oct/12 8:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Daily anecdote. Well I got a week of a nice tidy house after Dana left. Alie is in the middle of moving into the big room Dana was in. The plan was that hubby would help her move the heavy stuff tomorrow - which he can't do now. Alie is doing it herself! Except it's only moving to the back of the house. I'm trying to rearrange my craft room to fit a cupboard in there that is in the back room at the moment. Anyone with a craft room knows that is not as easy as it sounds!

Bottom line - my house looks like a bomb hit it again!
26/Oct/12 8:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry to hear how painful the dialysis is, Midge. Pain sucks. I hope it gets better MUCH sooner than hoped for.
27/Oct/12 2:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... does hubby's eye feel or function any better after the laser?

I was talking to my young friend Maxine last night. Her abusive boyfriend is OK with me visiting, which surprised her. She said that he's under the impression that I'm gonna teach her how to cook and clean. I fell off my chair laughing. Me, teach someone to clean? I could give slobs lessons on being slobs! My outlook is that it won't make any difference to the world in 100 years, 50 years, 10 years, or even 1 year from now, so it isn't important. Kindness and caring are the only important things. Stuff isn't important, so why waste your time doing things that don't matter?
27/Oct/12 2:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not feeling good today. Tummy is queasy..... and may have a food escape soon.
27/Oct/12 4:29 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, all 120 squares have been crocheted and the ends sewn in. I am on the 4th row of crocheting the squares together (12 rowss of 10 squares each). I will be done well in time.

Also, I believe Julie is an hour behind me in timezones. If that helps, Suzy.
27/Oct/12 5:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow!!! You're really moving on that project, Theresa!!!! Congrats!
27/Oct/12 5:45 AM
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