Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's time to head to the Land of Nod. Please enjoy these {{{{{ H U G d }}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers! I hope to see you tomorrow. Drive safely, Heidi!
30/Oct/12 5:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hoping to hear from Mamacita soon...
30/Oct/12 7:59 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Stella is OK, she has just been on FB
30/Oct/12 9:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

High winds here last night, and rain. I just did a visual outside and so far everything seems OK.

Ran into Shadow's mom during my tour outside ... Shadow was here again. She told me she has an appointment this week or next (can't remember) and two of her toes will be removed. I think I mentioned before she is a very bad diabetic and has foot ulcers. She has been on antibiotics for over a year!!!

Need to call hubby's sister and see how she and FIL are doing. They live several hundred feet from the St. Lawrence River near Cornwall and on the news last night they were expecting a lot of flooding in that area. Mother Nature is really pi$$ed off at the world, isn't she?

Heidi, we'll all be thinking of you until you get safely back home. Bad weather and an abusive relationship to contend with ....... yikes.
30/Oct/12 11:14 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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A woman in Toronto was killed by flying debris from Sandy's high winds. Canada's first death from the storm .... please let it be the only one. This storm has caused enough death and destruction already. Stay safe everyone within its path. {{{HUGS}}}
30/Oct/12 11:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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31/Oct/12 12:28 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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When people see a cat's litter box, they always say, 'Oh, have you got a cat?' Just once I want to say, 'No, it's for company!'
31/Oct/12 2:42 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Greetings friends, I have read but just cannot get my head around replies today. Just not all together today.

I have a Halloween party this afternoon, and I also need to go get milk. Might have to do with out milk till tomorrow, just blah today. I worked on my 'costume' last night. I bought a witches hat, purple and black, big flower on it, thought that suited me. I decorated a broom with black ribbon and purple berries, added some Halloween decorations I printed from computer. I printed and cut out a upper face mask, hope I can tape it to my glasses and it stays for a bit. Black pants and shirt that says HAPPY HALLOWEEN, and a black polar tec cape if it is cold, that does it! Not many come in costumes, but when I found the hat, I just had to have it. OH, hair will be worn down long and stringy hehehe.

Daughter was sending me texts this morning fore I was out of bed. I was happy to hear from her, but not very talkative at that hour hehe. they lost power at home, some damage to grandson's play equipment in the yard, but so far that is all for them. Winds had been up to 90 mph overnight, there was a lot of coastal flooding. SIL's office which is inland has power, has heat and refrigerators and a gas grill, the roads are clear today, they can drive over to charge all the electronics, shower and put away some of her food. they have it easy compared to many.

Granddaughter and baby in PA are OK, GD worked last night (in the lab at hospital), found only minor flooding of roads going home. Good to know family is safe and will be OK.

Daughter said grandson took his battery tea light with him this morning when he had to go potty, put it on counter, as if this is a normal thing now. His having that small light gives him some control of the situation, he can take his light with him. He seems to remember the power outage from last year, and grasps the concept this time, so that is easier for them.

Nothing here but colder than usual weather. It was a bit windy yesterday, even that seems to be gone today.

We picked up our alert buttons yesterday. I know firemen were here at least once, someone 'testing' their button?? Or perhaps a real emergency? Hard to tell, but have not heard the firemen today.

I chose to get mine as a bracelet. One of the maintenance men was on hand to put the pendant onto bracelets or shorten the cord on necklaces, arthritic fingers do not do that well.

Thoughts and prayers for all affected in this storm. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
31/Oct/12 5:34 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning folks..
Have absolutely no idea where I am up to in my reading.. seem to have been MIA and AWOL for such a long time.. Feel like I haven't stopped to draw breath since preparing to go to Sydney..

Also NOT surprised to find the post I was writng not here.. fell asleep with my nose in the netbook last night.. seems to becoming a habit..
31/Oct/12 6:54 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Theresa..very sorry about the passing of Meagan at such a young age. May she rest peacefully.

The loss of life and property in the US is devastating for those involved. Tragic.

Thinking of you all and hoping you are happy and safe.
31/Oct/12 8:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Not here, with a year 10 class reading Macbeth, as a graphic novel...

Got my flashing Halloween earrings on!
31/Oct/12 9:09 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - reading Macbeth with flashing light earrings seems somewhat appropriate for Halloween!
Tricia - I'm relieved that your grandson found his way through the storm with the comfort of his little light!
Now that Sandy is over - it's time to assess the deaths and the damages. There must have been thousands and thousands of people who woke up this morning to damaged/flooded homes or loss of loved ones. My heart goes out to them.
31/Oct/12 10:20 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Amen Cyn :(
31/Oct/12 12:53 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! Posting without reading...missed a lot of pages, don't know if I can catch up.
Heidi: Safe travels!!
Sorry to hear about Megan passing away. I was keeping her in my prayers.
Mamacita: Very eloquently said about her passing and being in the arms of God.
Heard from several friends up & down the east coast (in Sandy's path). They are safe, some damage, some power outages. Was scary watching that on CNN.
Weather here is NOT typical fall weather. We are usually shoveling snow by now. Been in the 70's during the day, 40's at night. Nice enough to open the windows for a bit. I tend to get a bit of cabin fever this time of year.
That's all from me for now. Take care all, LOVE, HUGS, HEALING VIBES with EXTRAS!!
31/Oct/12 2:22 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Theresa: LOVE the comment about the litter box!! TEE HEE!!
31/Oct/12 2:22 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Has Mama checked in since the big storm?? I can't remember seeing her here or on FB. Everyone else seems to have checked in.
I was interested in what deltz had to say on medium page - must have close to her.
31/Oct/12 4:35 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Have my bowl of Halloween sweets ready for the little ones tonight. Some years we get so many, we run out - but that's usually later when we get the teens at the door. The shops were full of staff dressed up in Halloween costumes.
Loved a rather large staff member of Kmart dressed as a pink/purple fairy! Good on her!!
Happy Halloween to those who celebrate
31/Oct/12 4:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just realized that my last post last night started the page. So sorry I didn't have a quote for you!

Theresa, did you hear from your Sis-in-Law? I hope all is well with her and your FIL! Sending positive thoughts & prayers!

Has anyone heard yet from Mama? Prayers and {{{HUGS}}} for her and her family!

MizT, your Halloween costume sounds fantastic! Have fun! I'm glad your D, SIL and grandson are OK! Your grandson seems resourceful and I'm glad he remembers getting through last year's storm and power loss and knows he can do it again! Also good to know that your GD and her little one are OK. The alert button on a bracelet is a good idea!

It's nice to see you here, Bean! You have been a very busy lady!

Nola, I hope all is well and keeping Judy and you in our thoughts and prayers!

Suzy, a graphic novel of MacBeth? Tell us more! But you will probably be somewhere else tomorrow. The flashing Halloween earrings are a great touch!

Happy Halloween to all of you down under! Sweets have been purchased here, but not put in bowl until tomorrow, or hubby would be helping himself. (Well, I might try one or two as well.) We'll need to come straight home from my cello lesson to meet the younger trick-or-treaters. I should probably have everything set up before we go.

Sending boatloads of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and healing vibes for everyone! Good Night!
31/Oct/12 6:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Halloween!
31/Oct/12 6:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Theresa, sending thoughts and wishes that your family are not badly affected, it's bad enough when we don't know the people affected, it would be triply bad if it's someone we know.
I hope Shadow's mum recovers well from her surgery. That's a tough one.
Great TOPP Julie, though I suspect you didn't plan it that way...
Thinking of the people in the Caribbean including MizT's new charges in Haiti as well as those in America and Canada who have been affected.
Cyn, enjoy your trick or treaters. We don't get many out here - too far out of town. Got some treats just in case though. The main trick or treaters down here are teenagers. I was talking to a year 10 class about it today (15 and 16 year olds) and told them that in the US it would be extremely uncool for them to go trick or treating, that most kids stop by the time they're 12. Didn't deter them from their plans though, which isn't such a bad thing...
Julie, I didn't get to read much of Macbeth to see how Shakespearean it is...
Had a really bad class today - playing ball in class, going into the prep room, which is a big no no for students and another student deleted part of a power point while I was retrieving them. Oh, and someone kept turning the projector off as soon as I walked away from it. I never caught them! They are going to be spending their recess tomorrow doing the work they were supposed to do today.
31/Oct/12 8:08 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Morning my friends, hope you are all well.
Zusy broke it.
01/Nov/12 8:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, I read that you and Joy had visited Al's graveside on TOS, just want you to know I am thinking of you and sending hugs xoxo
01/Nov/12 8:49 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone!

Seems that the ghosts and goblins got to the site today. I hope everyone is well! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes and for everyone and those you love! Take care! Happy Halloween!
01/Nov/12 4:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thinking of Heidi, sending 'safe drive' vibes :)
01/Nov/12 5:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
I really did break it didn't I?

Heidi and Mamacita and Theresa missing..all of them in or on the fringes of storm areas.

I worked again today, though I shouldn't tell you about it since the last time I did I broke the site! It was a much better day. I was in support, this time with the autistic kids. Very smart kids and very high functioning, in fact I probably wouldn't have picked them as autistic in this setting. Perhaps it would be different if they were mainstreamed.
01/Nov/12 7:41 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Here I is ......

Getting a few things done yesterday ... getting ready for Halloween ... lost track of time.

I imagine Mama is still without power. I had read on the news for Ottawa that they were sending hydro workers down to Connecticut to help out. After the high wind and rain, Sandy fizzled out and is now just a low pressure system. We are expecting rain for a few more days, but that's it. No loss of power here ... we were lucky! FIL and SIL who live along the St. Lawrence River are both fine and no damage sustained.

Quiet here without Heidi. Suzy, during the winds I was thinking of you ... you had said one time you hate high winds. We heard a lot of things 'moving' around outside overnight, and when I got up the next day I found out that none of it had been ours. I thought maybe we had lost our garbage containers. Hubby had done a good job of cleaning up outside. But the howling of the winds was almost spooky just before Halloween!
01/Nov/12 10:23 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Pleased you sustained no damage Theresa.
Well Richard and I are down to one car between us, though we do have three cars on the drive. The little red car we leased 2yrs ago went back today. I cannot believe it is two years, how did the time go so quickly. I'm sure Richard will be looking for something to replace it. I just hope it is something small and economical, not his normal big engined large car. I have enjoyed not having to fill a car with fuel every week and finding decent sized parking spots in town/supermarket. Don't get me wrong I love our big volvo but something small and nippy is handy too.
01/Nov/12 10:56 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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It looks like I was the one to break the site today, no one posting since 10:56pm (site time)
02/Nov/12 4:59 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Checking in, not a good day here. yesterday was first Physical Therapy appointment, today I can hardly walk. AND I have medication caused tummy troubles. I am going back to bed, third time today. Just wanted ya to know I am alive and kicking, I will recover, but not fit company today.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
02/Nov/12 5:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Feel better soon, MizT.

I got my flu shot today. It is a coolish and very damp day. Right now it is about 6C, and there's talk of the 'S' word for tomorrow. No ...... not yet!!!!
02/Nov/12 9:07 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes, feel better soon, Tricia!
Theresa - glad you and yours suffered no damage from Sandy.
SA is so quiet without Heidi. Hope all is going well with her visit to the new mother.
Lachlan is 14 today - my, how time flies! I'm so proud of that boy, he's lovely and friendly and polite, even though he's a teenager. He takes most of his teenage angst out on his father, who gives as good as he gets - then 5 minutes later it's all over and they're best friends again. He's having a bowling party tonight with his best mate and his girlfriend, who have never met - this could be interesting. We're not having our family dinner until Sunday because his Dad is working night shift tonight and tomorrow night. Lach has chosen a Chinese restaurant - I haven't eaten Chinese in years!
02/Nov/12 9:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
MizT, sorry the physical therapy was so hard on you. Maybe it will get better with time? I hope so!

Theresa, so glad to hear you are okay and just busy! You remembered it exactly right - I do hate high winds. We get 100+ kph winds almost every year...(60mph I think) and some years they do a lot of damage.

Happy Birthday Lachlan! My birthday wish for him is that he is rewarded for his good character with good things in his future...

Well I had better get some ffuts done, the cold excuse only stretches so far...
02/Nov/12 11:59 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Still morning here and very blowy day.
Haven't been around much and this last week was a doozy!
Resigned from my job on Thursday Woo Hoo! Gave them two weeks notice(it was sending me crazy and I got a far better offer)
As you know did another flying visit to Melb on Friday and managed to catch up with Dag for a much needed hug (Thank you Gail and Scott for a wonderful evening)Could still kick you up the butt Puppy Dag in a loving way.
Went to the GP (Bike race) on Phillip Island and had the best time ever, was a record crowd every day and 53,000 on the last day. Was just a sea of bikes and no one wore their colours, not one fight did I see all weekend.
Mad rush with traffic to catch my plane on Monday, just made it. Returned to an email from my boss saying I could finish up at the end of this week. Bit stressful the last few days but they all wished me luck.
So am off on a new adventure, I am happy. Will earn more money and not have to charge out every minute of my time.
Love and Hugs my friends.
02/Nov/12 12:45 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Broni, good to see you here. Good luck with the new job. Hope you get some free time to spend on doing things you want to do.
How is your friends (sorry have forgotten her name) baby grandson doing. I haven't seen anything mentioned for a while.
02/Nov/12 1:27 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good news Broni about the new job. Hope it's less stressful! Sounds it.
Glad you had a good time at the GP and seeing Gail and Scott.
02/Nov/12 1:28 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Thank you for all the 'fell better' wishes, I think they worked. After sleeping most of the day, guess what? It is time for bed and I am not sleepy. At least pain is less, and tummy is better. Tummy just has me believing I am hungry when I know I am not. See?? I told you I would survive.

Broni, congrats on the new job. wishing it will be everything you hope for and more. I think today's post is the longest post from you in MONTHS.

I wish I had asked Heidi to phone me while she was on her trip. I could have sent messages to the group for her. I do miss her like most of you do.

Wanting to hear from Mama, too. Sending her good warm vibes, hope her power is back on soonest, as I assume that is why we have not heard from her. Stay warm, stay safe Mamaceita.

Suzy, I also hope next PT will be easier for me. I should have come home right after, but there were some things I needed to do with Joy while she was off work. I usually have a bad day the day after a busy one away, just not usually THIS bad.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

02/Nov/12 2:48 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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So we do not have any way of contacting Mama? are mobiles out as well?
MizT, glad you are feeling better, do you have Heidi's phone number so you can call her?
Yes you are right MizT, not been posting since I had a minor breakdown with the old job, they cut down my hours but still did not work out for me. Got this offer which caused some problems with my old job, they wished me well and realised I had to do what was best for me.
02/Nov/12 5:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Another quiet day on SA!

I hope Heidi's travels are safe and enjoyable!

I hope all is well with Mamacita! Hopefully she will soon have power, heat, and everything that brings comfort!

Suzy, hooray for the occasional good day at work!

Theresa, I'm glad to hear that you didn't lose power and that your hubby did a good job of taking care of loose items outside! Also glad your SIL and FIL didn't have major problems from Sandy!

Brenda, are you glad to see a car gone? Good luck if there's to be a replacement!

MizT, so sorry to hear the first PT and errands run after made for a difficult day today. And then the meds had to cause a tummy upset. Sure hope you'll soon be feeling better!

Theresa, thanks for mentioning your flu shot. I need to get mine, too!

CynB, congrats and Happy Birthday to young Lachlan on his 14th birthday! Chinese sounds good for a birthday dinner!

Woo Hoo, good to see you here, Broni! Good news about the change in jobs, also! I hope the new one is all it promises to be and allows you to have a life as well!

Gotta run! Sending lots of , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healthy vibes and prayers for all!
02/Nov/12 6:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just found out from TOS that Mamacita is fine, but the storm has knocked out her computer, phone and TV.
02/Nov/12 8:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just found out from TOS that Mamacita is fine, but the storm has knocked out her computer, phone and TV. Hopefully it won't be long and we'll be seeing her around again..
02/Nov/12 8:37 PM
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