Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings from Illinois, where are temperature is hovering just above the freezing mark right now.

Darn, I just missed Broni (my last night)! Broni, how soon does your new job start? I hope it's as good as it sounds!

MizT, I'm so glad your second time up today was much better than the first! I hadn't heard about the disagreement over non-union electrical workers in NJ! How utterly ridiculous! It's not as if they plan to stay there and keep union workers from NJ from having a job!

Suzy, as awful as it sounds, I suspect many people would have had the same attitude as your grandparents back then! Watching old television shows and movies and seeing old magazines kind of confirms that women were viewed as second-class citizens whose lives should be devoted to taking care of 'their man, their house and their children.' Women weren't expected to think or question the way they were treated. I'm not saying it was right, just common. It must have been very difficult for your Mum to have no support from her parents.

Heidi, as expensive as vehicles are, it's surprising (in a way) that IH doesn't maintain his truck. I think it's cheaper in the long run to maintain than letting things get ruined and needing to replace.

MizT, I'm glad you were able to take advantage of the nice day and use it to drive back to Montevallo. It was nice that you could meet Eddie for lunch. Hooray for your new Christmas tree (when it arrives)!

Since several of you have asked what I've been doing, here's a brief look at our schedule. November has started like October ended - very busy! Last week in addition to the usual, there was a board of directors meeting for our wood club called with 1.5 days notice to us. Since we're non-voting members and also on the education committee, we needed to attend. (One of the major reasons for the meeting was to consider suggestions from the education committee. Hubby and I were very frustrated by some of the reactions, but we're both uncomfortable speaking up about it, so came away with a bad taste in our mouths.) It was a 3-hour meeting!

Our grand-puppy (now 6 months old) was spayed last Thursday. We spent the day with her Friday, as she was still feeling the effects. The vet wants her to wear an Elizabethan collar for 7 to 10 days. It seems to throw off her balance. We felt so bad for her because she doesn't understand what is happening and why and just seems so sad and almost depressed. We will need to spend the day with her this coming Thursday also, as our D's schedule would require her to be in the crate too long and the vet said she can't go to puppy day care until after she has gone back for her after-surgery check-up.

When I can fit it into the schedule, I am still trying to practice the cello about 2 hours a day. I made it to 8 consecutive days (until puppy-sitting day), even with water aerobics, but since the weather cooled off about a week ago, I haven't been able to squeeze in time to get to the indoor pool.

04/Nov/12 4:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Darn! I can't believe that's the TOPP. I really need to start watching the numbers!

Here are 2 quotes for tonight:

Before you go to sleep tonight, remember that the last thought you have in your mind can last up to four hours in your subconscious mind. Make your thoughts positive - a mantra, an affirmation, a prayer - and you can be changing your bad thoughts as you sleep! ~ the Paddington Clinic

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love, and then we return home. ~ an Australian Aboriginal Proverb
04/Nov/12 4:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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The first sentence in my first comment should say: Greetings from Illinois, where OUR (not are) temperature is hovering just above the freezing mark right now.

DOUBLE DRAT: I lost the end of my first post, which I had saved but forgot to check before looking for a quote!
04/Nov/12 4:44 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'll try to recap the missing portion of the comment.

Tomorrow (Sunday) we will go to a recital by the only high school senior studying with my cello teacher. After that, we'll grab a quick bite to eat before I go to my Musicianship/theory class and hubby takes a wooden bowl to a man who donated quite a bit of wood (that his FIL had not had a chance to make into bowls) to our wood-turning club.

Monday night I have been asked to be in a focus group addressing the needs of adult music students at the school where I take my lessons. Tuesday afternoon hubby and I have acupuncture. Tuesday night I have Cello Performance Class. Wednesday afternoon is my cello lesson. (For reference, travel time to the music school is about 1 hour each way, so 2 hours of travel time on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, plus 1/2 hour each way to the acupuncturist. To get to D's apartment requires 1.5 to 2 hours in the car or 1 hour on the train each way. Luckily, I tend to snooze a bit during the travel times.)

(I hope no one regrets asking what I've been up to! )
04/Nov/12 5:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wow Julie, I would find a schedule like that incredibly stressful - and that's without the exhaustion on top of it!

We've been lucky with our animals - none of them have had to wear a collar after 'the' op. I'm guessing it probably stresses them out a lot, poor babies...

2 hours a day is a lot of practicing. I hope you are finding it relaxing and not a burden. With your schedule it could go either way!

It seems very like your family that although the wood was donated to the club it was your hubby who is delivering a thank you bowl!

The travel time would be a major problem for me, I don't enjoy driving that much!

You are so so so busy. It means a lot to me that you fit us in!
04/Nov/12 10:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, do you get a separate electricity bill now or is it included in your rent?

I love your free lunch! Eddie is a good friend!

We have to go back to our old huge tree this year (though we'll probably leave the bottom 2 layers off to keep them safe from Tahli) Last year we went for a smaller real tree and Alie complained that it wasn't the same. This tree is from 1995 so shouldn't have too many years left in it.

My grandparents could have helped mum (they were relatively well off for the time) they chose not to. Some of the stories from my mother's childhood are horrifying, even in the context of the time...
04/Nov/12 10:25 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All,
A bright, sunny and cold day has dawned here and I'm ready for church if my D gets here to take me. She has been doing so much running up and helping me that if she doesn't feel up to it this a.m., I will not be upset...but she knows I want to go and will do her best I'm sure. She's a good daughter and tries to keep me happy....
Julie, I thought your post with all that you were able to share was a beautiful topp, I also liked the two quotes, especially the second one ( Aboriginal Proverb ). Suzy is quite right, with a schedule like yours, its a treat to have you fit us in...helps us to realize that we hold an important place in your heart...and that's a great thing.
Trica, glad things are looking up for you and the weather seems to be returning to near normal all around us...not sure how long that will last with climate change continuing, regardless of what some of our politicals would have us believe. The new tree sounds very nice...I'm not sure of how much decorating I'll do for the holiday just yet, some but not much as I feel right now.
Jazz needs another outing to be comfortable so I'll cut this off for now and hope to return later...there were things I wanted to comment on. Be good to yourselves as well as others in your life...Peace, Love and Soul!♥
05/Nov/12 1:14 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Suzy, rent covers electricity for lights and heat, water, and trash removal. I just take my trash to the 'trash room' on our floor, several 49 gallon plastic bins there for us to use. One bill. I pay for cable TV, home phone, and internet connection, bundled, so one more bill. Cuts down on how many bills I receive a month!

Speaking of bills, I need to take down a rent check today. It is due first of month, but not expected till the day after your social security check arrives. That day varies for people, mine is on the third of the month.

It is a dull cloudy misty day here. humidity is very high, hard to be comfy. Outside is 59, inside is 76, and I have had NO heat on in a couple of days. It would not be comfy to open windows with the 90% humidity.

Joy is at airport, waiting for her delayed flight to Texas, her business trip. I found out, she is 'on the clock', her travel time is paid!

Julie, that is a very busy schedule you have. I am glad you can relax and rest during travel time, seems the only slack time in your schedule. I am sorry you were not comfortable enough to speak up about the things the education committee was suggesting. It is hard to get that bad taste out of your mouth isn't it?? And No, not the first regret that you let us know what you are doing, I enjoyed reading it. You should do a report on Julies busy schedule more often!!

OH, I have the tree home with me, I must have written about it badly for Suzy to think I had to wait for it. It is in my closet, waiting for the day I decorate. Mama, not a lot of decorating here, just my tree and perhaps a thing or two sitting around, some poinsettias added to the flower arrangement, things like that. Not enough room for a lot hehehe, but I must have my tree and it must go up early and stay up late to keep me cheery.

I have a few things to catch up on today, things seem to pile up if you spend 2 days in bed!

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
05/Nov/12 3:47 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am back home. I am on the note book and I find it slow to use so just a quick up date. We enjoyed the cruise but we had a gastric bug go through the ship and many people put in isolation and some services closed down. I had the bug for a short time but was able to go ashore at all the stops.
We got home to find Ken's Mum in hospital with Bronchial pneumonia. Things do not look too good and she would like it to be all over. She was very happy to see Ken back home.
The cat gave me a very noisy welcome . I felt I was being told off for leaving her to be fed by our neighbours. Actually she is very lucky she did not get put to sleep before we left. She is just skin and bones but eats very well and does not seem to be in pain.
I might go back to bed for awhile. Hopefully my new computer will come today!
05/Nov/12 5:20 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
Welcome home June. Glad you were still able to enjoy the cruise and hope you are better. Sorry about Kens Mum.
I was pleased to hear that all our SA friends were safe during Sandy.
Broni...hope you really enjoy the new job and nice to hear you had a good time in Vic.
Too many pages to catch up on so I can't comment much.
It is nice to catch up with you all though.
05/Nov/12 5:43 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Pleased you are back June, sorry you had a tummy bug. Hope Ken's mum rallies now he is home. Thoughts are with you.
Julie you make me feel tired with everything you do. I wish I could do as much as you do, but I know I am lazy.
Richard and I are away on holiday tomorrow morning until Thursday. We are heading to Breda in the Netherlands. Weather forecast isn't very good but it is a change of scenery. On the way back we will stop at a large supermarket in Calais and stock up on wine etc for Xmas.
05/Nov/12 6:46 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have played a few games and am enjoying the relaxation. Work has been busy as always and I have 1 more afternoon shift before I start the 1 day a week, new job on Wed.
Son hit a kangaroo while going to work in his new car. Lots of damage,and as his only other means of transport is his motorbike,he has borrowed Gregs ute. If he hits a kangaroo on the bike,it could be fatal. Greg will use his bike to get to work but traveling in daylight and in a more populated area,his chances are less of hitting one. There are fewer around here than there once was. Son has 40klms to travel thru farmland and bush so we see lots of road kill.

Judy is not the best. Headaches make her ill and now she has blurred vision.Just when she was starting to drive again too.She didn't tell me for a few days as she didn't want me to worry! Such a sweetie.

Sonny the pup is growing. I find my shoes,scraps of paper and the odd sock in his bed. It is a joy to watch the foster 2 yr old,laugh and laugh when he licks her. The twins just want to carry him around and there has been the usual dropping of him as he squirms to get away. He is fairly gentle with them and not biting them as much as he does me.
I have a neighbor that comes to visit Sonny every few days. She jokes that she comes to visit him and not me as she enjoys the huge welcome he gives her.
Hope my next visit here is soon. Take care all!

05/Nov/12 7:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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back, June. I'm sorry a gastric bug went through the ship, putting a damper on everything. And I'm sorry to hear about Ken's mum. But I'm glad that you're safe and sound.

I've been sleeping a lot to make up for all the hours of driving. I just got up to give IH a tractor driving lesson. It's amazing how inept he is with equipment.
05/Nov/12 8:27 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Welcome home June, as everyone has said, sorry about the bug but glad to got to do all the land trips.
I am pleased Ken made it home in time for his mother. If she chooses to leave this life, may her journey be swift and without pain. Hugs to you both xoxo
05/Nov/12 8:41 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola and Judy

05/Nov/12 8:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
June, sorry to hear about Ken's mum. I hope she is being well looked after and is comfortable.

05/Nov/12 9:29 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Harold's kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person.
'Yes,' said the policeman. 'The detectives want very badly to capture him'. Harold asked,'Why didn't you keep him when you took his picture?'

05/Nov/12 9:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Feel better soon, June. Thinking of Ken's mum.
05/Nov/12 9:40 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Waaa! Just lost a long post moving my computer to a cooler spot! Let's see what I can remember...

June, I'm glad you had a relatively mild bout of the bug and were able to go ashore at all the stops. I hope you are feeling a little better now, those things tend to leave you feeling very tired even when they're gone. It is fantastic that your cat was so happy to see you! It is impossible to explain to people who have never loved an animal that they are like our children.. I agree with you about notebooks being slow, but they are soooo convenient!

MizT, I suspected as much about your bills and was quite impressed by your environmentally conscious decision to only use heating and cooling when you absolutely have to! I didn't want to praise you before I was sure... wouldn't want you to get a big head!

I'm going to post now before I lose it again!
05/Nov/12 9:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, I hope you got to go to church. It is wonderful hearing about the things your children do for you, they are a chip off the old block I think.

Nola, I hope you have a great day on Wednesday! It is wonderful being able to earn money doing something we enjoy - I hope that turns out to be true for you! I'm glad your son wasn't injured when he hit the kangaroo. I don't know whether to hope they can fix his car or not - it's such a shame to have a new car damaged like that. We only have about a km of 'danger' area on our way home but hubby drove Alie's friend home about a week ago and had to swerve around 2 on his way home. It was a bit of a shock to him being a city boy his whole life!

{{{{{{{{{Nola and Judy}}}}}}}}}} Thoughtfulness seems to run in your family!

Brenda, have a fantastic time in the Netherlands! I would love to join you!! One day...

Theresa, hahahaha

Gail, what have you been up to woman? Recovering from October??
05/Nov/12 9:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Persackly Suzy, very little of a whole lot of nothing :)
05/Nov/12 10:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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These are the seniors from 'that' school that I teach at. The one with the monster classes. It's kind of nice to see that most of them tend to turn out okay...

That's their captains dance from last year. It's a school tradition. At the end of year 12 assembly they show the dance done by the outgoing captains and then the dance by the incoming captains. It's a lot of fun! Don't expect professional dancers. Only the SRC wear jackets. (Student Representative Council)
05/Nov/12 10:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just the way it should be after a month like that Gail! Actually a lot longer than a month, there was all the time before that doing the painting etc.
05/Nov/12 10:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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By the way the kids won a radio competition with the first video - I'm trying to work out how they will pick which 2 of all of them get to go to the concert!
05/Nov/12 10:03 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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In fact, we have just about stopped doing anything except for daily maintenance of krowesuoh. We have done a lot of replanting in the veg beds as they had been very neglected over the last season. The inside of the house is very easy to keep clean, now that we have rationalised our belongings, and the floor is a dream! A quick sucky thing or sweepy thing, then a flick around with a damp mop...DONE! Love it so much, and it really does make the house look all classy like!
We are planning a lot of work in the garden over the summer, lots of planting, rearranging beds, burning off when we can and general keeping it tidy. We still need our bloke to come back and finish the retaining walls, they are done just need a few tweeks plus backfilling, till then we can't do any planting along the new wall lines. Hubby also wants to have under the house made suitable as a workshop, it will suffice until we have a shed built at the end of the house. Man needs shed!
Inside, the only rooms that still need painting are the laundry, pantry, storeroom and out bedroom suite, but they can wait till I am in that mood again! Laundry will be easy enough, we would like to replace the shelves in the pantry so I probably wont paint that till we remove the current shelves, the storeroom can wait till under the house is done as a lot of stuff that is in there will go under, then when it is cleaned out it will be much easier to paint.
We have sort of chosen the colours for our bedroom and I may very well do that before this year is out, but again, that may wait till next hurry now!

We have absolutely no social plans for November, and in early December we will be going home to Adelaide to catch up with everyone there, plus I will be attending my ex-half-step-brother's (don't ask, too hard to explain!) wedding. Poor fella, he spent half of October in hospital after emergency surgery for a perforated ulcer in the bowel! Was a little touch and go there for a while, wasn't too sure how he was going to be for the 9th Dec :(
05/Nov/12 10:14 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Greetings folks:
Love the long newsy post Gail...glad you and hubby are taking it easy for have really earned a long rest.
Suzy, I had so much to say to you, but basically it comes down to 'I love your way of embracing each of shows such a wonderfully personal touch that is hard to explain, yet it feels so good' Thanks.BTW, yes, I did get to church and I'm glad to be able to share my kids efforts and proud of how thoughtful and decent adults they are.
Theresa, sounds like your'hooves' are better and I 'm ' happy for that. June...welcome home and thoughts and prayers are being sent for Ken's Mom....glad you made it back in time that your MIL was able to rejoice in his return. May God keep watch over all of you.
Looking forward to hearing how the new job is going for Broni and is it me or is CynB MIA?
Nora, isn't it nice to be able to do something you want instead of always working? Glad you had a chance to relax a bit. Hope Brenda and Richard have a great time away from home....I think of you Suzy ,when I hear of the places many folks travel to so easily and they sound so grand. I had never thought I'd get to any of the many locations I've shared vicariously as folks here went...but then I remember that everything is relative, and the many places I've gone are as out of reach for many as those spoken about...You seem to feel as I do day maybe we'll both get to enjoy a bit of what we think we've missed only to find we didn't really miss
June, I've been doing lots of reading while you were away, but have just started reading 'The Dark Monk'. a follow up of ' A Hangman's Daughter,' and its just as good as the first one so said you might find it and if so, I'd love to hear your take on it after reading....I really like this author's work.
Well I'm off for now, take care all...I care. Peace.
05/Nov/12 12:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello all
June - pleased to see you back, sorry about your MIL's downturn in health and the gastric bug - exactly what I am suffering from right now. Feel darn awful and stupidly went to Lachie's birthday dinner last night which only made the whole thing worse. Glad your cat survived - it is a worry to leave pets home.
Nola - {{{thinking of you and Judy}}}. Sorry about your son's car. Those roos can be a problem. We have lots around here, I have these plastic things attached to my grille which are supposed to warn them that danger is about. Do they work? Don't know! Haven't hit one yet but that may just be luck.
So much more I wanted to say but I have run out of energy - so I'll take myself off to the couch to rest and fell sorry for how yukky I feel. Ciao for now.
05/Nov/12 1:29 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm baaaack!

I have just been through a whole stack of clothes to make sure I had enough for my upcoming 2 week teaching block. 12 days actually. The weather has changed so drastically the clothes I have been wearing are no longer suitable. Unfortunately, most of my summer tops have to be denori!!! What a pain! Wish I could go shopping for some wash and wear ones...

Mamacita, I'm glad you got to go to church - and see your daughter in the process...

Gail, that is still a lot of stuff you want to do.. I'm glad you don't have any deadlines so can take your time. Our daily maintenance is back to manageable proportions now. I can't believe the difference! It's amazing the difference one and a little bit people can make... She hasn't worked it out at her place yet, but it is a little better each time I go there.

I'm thinking of heading over town to look at books. I have some credit at a second hand book shop and think I will see if they have the books you are reading Mamacita. I have a book, so really shouldn't look for more...

05/Nov/12 1:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have my new computer. I just have to find where everything is. Some programs (Family Tree) have to be reloaded. I had the sudoku as my home page but cannot find the link to do that now.
Mamacita, I read the 'Dark Monk' when it was released in June/July and I enjoyed it,as I did his first book. I believe his next book will be released in December.It was your comment about his first book 'The Hangman's Daughter' that started me reading his books.
Suzy, I hope the teaching for the next couple of weeks goes well and helps build up the fund towards the Christmas shopping.
I seem to have lost my spell check at the top of the page. That is a bummer until I find it again.
05/Nov/12 3:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belinda took the afternoon off and we all visited Ken's Mum in hospital. She has improved, started eating a little bit and they are aiming at improving her enough to go to rehab and then home again. She would like to quietly just fade away but as she told Belinda, she has to take whatever happens. All her Christmas presents are bought and wrapped thanks to her daughter.

We had some devastating news today as one of our friends who was on the cruise had a sudden heart attack and died last night. Same age as us but lost his wife 3/4 months ago after a long battle with cancer. He was also booked to go on the trip to Turkey and Greese that we are doing next year.
05/Nov/12 3:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So sorry to hear about your friend, June. At least it was sudden and he didn't suffer.

Off to bed now. G'night all.
05/Nov/12 3:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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05/Nov/12 5:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Sorry I monopolized the top of the page.

Suzy, your comments are so thoughtful and kind. Fortunately for me, hubby is very understanding and knows how long I have wanted to learn to play the cello, and also realizes my difficulty staying awake in the car! He was actually the the first to suggest we go to girl's recital today. It showed our support and was only about 10 miles from the music school and about the same (but in the opposite direction) to the man's house. After the recital, we grabbed a quick burger at a McDonald's on the way to dropping me off at the school. While I was in class, he delivered the bowl. Though it wasn't made from one of the pieces of wood donated, it was made of wood from an ash tree. Ash happened to be the name of his FIL. Fortunately, his wife (daughter of Ash) was there when the bowl was delivered. They were very appreciative.

Suzy, is there some kind of enclosure (once called a play pen or a play yard about 1 meter square) for babies? When our Ds were little, a friend had one. The child hated to be in it, but it worked great to set up the Christmas tree inside it. The little one could easily see the tree, but not touch the decorations or lights.

Suzy, your Mum must have really had it hard. In spite of her parents, she obviously did an outstanding job of raising you! It's hard to try to imagine your grandparents' motivation. Do you think they were trying to teach her a lesson of some kind? It seems as if they were cold and heartless, though. I'm sure your Mum knew how much she was appreciated by you and your family!

MizT, it's good that there is a bit of flexibility built in to you rent due date! It would be stressful if the first of the month was an inflexible due date! How nice to have cable, phone and internet bundled, so only one check a month to pay for that. I was also confused about your new Christmas tree. It makes sense that you wouldn't want to put it up and decorate just yet!

I hope Joy is now safely in Texas and has a good business trip!

Welcome back, June and Ken! How awful that one of those viruses tried to interrupt your trip! At least you were able to go on the shore excursions! Hopefully you enjoyed the cruise in spite of the bug! I hope you are now fully recovered! I'm glad you were able to get home when you did, though it must be frightening to find Ken's Mum in the hospital! I suspect she was very relieved to have you both back at home. Sending prayers that she is comfortable and well taken care of at the hospital!

Brenda, I hope you and Richard enjoy the change of scenery and I hope you find some good wines and gifts to bring back for the holidays. And you needn't be impressed by my schedule. I'm very lazy about krowesuoh and gninaelc, which is why we need to do so much when company is coming. I'd much rather practice and go to water aerobics class.

Nola, I hope you find the one-day-a-week job to be enjoyable (and, therefore, relaxing)! How awful that your s
05/Nov/12 5:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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05/Nov/12 5:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Seems like we have less space for each post, as I've run over again.

Nola, how awful that your son hit a kangaroo while in his new car! While we don't have kangaroos to worry about, there are a lot of deer in our area. They aren't particularly massive, but, as with kangaroos, can do a LOT of damage to a car. The good new is that your son is all right!

Judy is so thoughtful, trying to keep you from worrying about her and her headaches and blurred vision. Sending gentle {{{HUGS}}} for both of you and hoping she can find some better days to enjoy!

It sounds like Sonny the puppy has made a place for himself in your family! How big will he get? It's so wonderful that he is gentle with the little ones. How precious that his 'kisses' elicit giggles from the 2-year-old!

Heidi, I'm glad you're catching up on your sleep! You must be really tired to consider letting IH use your tractor! I hope all goes well!

Suzy, so sorry you lost a long and interesting comment! That is SO frustrating! Seems you did a good job of recreating, though!

Gail, I'm so glad you have been resting and relaxing a bit to recover from all the krow you have done in the past couple of months! You deserve a break! It sounds like you have a LOT of outside krow planned for the summer! I hope all goes as planned! It will hopefully be more enjoyable without having to meet a deadline! So sorry to hear about your ex-half-step-brother's medical issues! I hope he is well on the road to recovery!

Mamacita, how wonderful that your D was able to get you to church! You can be duly proud of your children! You write so encouragingly of them and of all of us; it is truly a gift that you share with us in each post! Thank you! I enjoy hearing about the books you and others are reading, something I enjoy, but don't find much time for these days.

CynB, it's great to see you! SO sorry that you have also been dealing with a gastric bug! It can be so exhausting trying to get the better of it! I'm glad you are trying to take it easy, but am sorry celebrating Lachie's birthday didn't go well with the bug.

Suzy, what a good plan to assess your wardrobe ahead of time for your 12-day block of subbing! How unfortunate that your summer-weight tops require gninori! Perhaps your next paycheck should be used in part for some easy care tops!

Hooray for your new computer, June! I'm sure you'll quickly familiarize yourself with all of its features! I'm glad Ken's Mum is doing better!

June, how awful for your friend who passed away after returning from the cruise! May he R.I.P. It seems it happened quickly, which can be a blessing! What a shock for his family!

Sending lots of {{{{{ H U G S }}}}}, healing vibes, positive thoughts and prayers for everyone!
05/Nov/12 5:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
Check out my page
{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, June!
05/Nov/12 5:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I hope your tractor made it through unscathed!

Julie, how did the recital go? Did the student do her best or did nerves get the better of her? I hope she was not too nervous and was able to enjoy herself! Sorry about your lunch! We've had too many of those when we've been travelling and didn't want to spend too much time eating... Was the type of wood used a coincidence or chosen deliberately? It sounds more like a plan than chance to me!

June and Ken, more hugs

Nola and Judy, hugs for you too

Hugs to everyone! Everyone needs hugs!!
05/Nov/12 7:10 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well my first day at my new job....worked longer and feel great at the end of the day! Think I will sleep well tonight.
Forgot to mention that Gail's place looks even better than it does in her pics, Scott and Gail have done a brilliant job and should be as proud as punch.
Mama, the thing I missed about not travelling more is actually meeting all you wonderful people in person.
Cyn, thinking of you as I wend my way down to boganholme hehe!
June, welcome home. Glad the cat survived. Send my love to Ken and hope his mum is without pain and peaceful. Sad news about your friend. Posted a video of our meet on FB Nov 09 had Lizzie in it and also found a heap of photo's of Sharon and Laura, let me know if you want copies?
Nola, had to go back and read your post. Bitter sweet but a puppy always brings a smile to my face.
Julie, glad to hear what you are doing and thank for the update on others.
Zusy, hope the work is good and the money is better.
Heidi, take care of that back.
Love and Hugs my friends.

05/Nov/12 7:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It is so sticky here that I have swelled up - can't get my rings off. I think it might be time to get the winter dust off the fans and get them going...

Broni, I'm so glad your first day was good - to work a long day and come home feeling good is a great thing! I was wondering so I'm glad you came to tell us even though you are tired!!!

The photos of Gail's place are fabulous so I am having trouble imagining it looking even better!
05/Nov/12 8:14 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - do you wend your way past where I live? Call in for a cuppa if you do - but maybe not at the moment, don't want anyone to feel as cr@p as I do at the moment.
05/Nov/12 8:17 PM
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